
Defines functions BayesFor2GMM

Documented in BayesFor2GMM

BayesFor2GMM <- function(Data, Means, SDs, Weights, IsLogDistribution = Means*0, Ind1 = c(1:floor(length(Means)/2)),
                         Ind2 = c((floor(length(Means)/2)+1):length(Means)), PlotIt = 0, CorrectBorders = 0){
  # die Berechnung der Posteriors wobei das gegeben GMM als zwei Gruppen Ind1 und Ind2 aufgefasst werden.
  # Data(1:N)            vector of data,  may contain NaN, where lay the kernels?
  # Means(1:C),SDs(1:C),Weights(1:C) parameters of the Gaussians 
  #                      assume for now Means is sorted;
  # IsLogDistribution(1:C) oder 0, gibt an ob die jeweilige Verteilung eine Lognormalverteilung ist,(default ==0*(1:C))
  # Ind1, Ind2            indices from (1:C) such that [Means(Ind1),SDs(Ind1) ,Weights(Ind1) ]is one mixture, [Means(Ind2),SDs(Ind2) ,Weights(Ind2) ] the second mixture
  #                       default Ind1= 1:C/2, Ind2= C/2+1:C;
  # PlotIt              ==1 Verteilungen und Posteriors werden gezeichnet (default ==0);
  # CorrectBorders      ==1 Daten an den Grenzen werden den Randverteilungen zugeordnet
  #                    (default ==0) d.h. ganz gewoehnlicher Bayes mit allen seinen Problemen
  # Posteriors(1:N,1:C)          Vektor der Posteriors      korrespondierend zu Data
  # NormalizationFactor(1:N)     Nenner des Bayes Theorems  korrespondierend zu Data
  # sort Means and equal SDs,Weights,...
  # Author: reimplemented from Matlab, ALU 
  # 1. Editor: MT 2014
  AnzMixtures <- length(Means)
  Kernels <- unique(Data) 
  AnzKernels <- length(Kernels)
  ##Unique liefer keine Sortierten Indizies:
  #MT: Wird in matlab zwar berechnet, aber nie benutzt
  # z <- order(Means) # returns a permutation which rearranges its first argument into descending order, 
  # Means <- Means[z]
  # SDs <- SDs[z]
  # Weights <- Weights[z]
  # IsLogDistribution <- IsLogDistribution[z]
  # ind <- c()
  # for(i in Ind1){
  #   ind <- c(ind,grep(i, z))
  # }
  # Ind1 <- sort(ind)
  # ind <- c()
  # for(i in Ind2){
  # 	ind <- c(ind,grep(i, z))
  # }
  # Ind2 <- sort(ind)
  PDataGivenClass <- matrix(0,AnzKernels,AnzMixtures)
  for( i in 1:AnzMixtures){
    if(IsLogDistribution[i] ==1){ # Log Normal
      PDataGivenClass[,i] <- dlnorm(Kernels,Means[i],SDs[i])
      PDataGivenClass[,i] <- dnorm(Kernels,Means[i],SDs[i])
  NormalizationFactor <- PDataGivenClass %*% Weights # Gewichtete Summe der Priors
  Pmax <- max(NormalizationFactor)
  ZeroIndv <- which(NormalizationFactor==0, arr.ind = TRUE)
  ZeroInd <- ZeroIndv[,2]
  if(length(ZeroInd > 0)){
    NormalizationFactor[ZeroInd]  <- 10^(-7)
  Xones <- Kernels * 0 + 1
  PClassGivenData <- matrix(0,AnzKernels,2)
  #MT: If-Abfrage Erg?nzung:
    PClassGivenData[,1] <- PDataGivenClass[,Ind1] %*% Weights[Ind1]
    PClassGivenData[,1] <- PDataGivenClass[,Ind1] * Weights[Ind1]  
    PClassGivenData[,2] <- PDataGivenClass[,Ind2] %*% Weights[Ind2]
    PClassGivenData[,2] <- PDataGivenClass[,Ind2] * Weights[Ind2]
  PClassGivenData <- PClassGivenData / (NormalizationFactor %*% matrix(1,1,2))
  Posteriors <- PClassGivenData
  if(CorrectBorders == 1 & (sum(IsLogDistribution) == 0)){ # randkorrekturen anbringen
    # Daten kleiner kleinstem Modus werden diesem zugeschlagen
    KleinsterModus <- min(Means)
    SmallModInd <- which.min(Means)
    LowerInd <- which(Kernels < KleinsterModus)
    PClassGivenData[LowerInd,1] <- 1
    PClassGivenData[LowerInd,2] <- 0
    # Daten groesser groesstem Modus werden diesem zugeschlagen
    GroessterModus <- max(Means)
    BigModInd <- which.max(Means)
    HigherInd <- which(Kernels > GroessterModus)
    PClassGivenData[HigherInd,1] <- 0
    PClassGivenData[HigherInd,2] <- 1
  if (PlotIt == 1){
    if (!requireNamespace('ggplot2', quietly = TRUE)) {
        'ggplot2 package is needed for plotting. Please install the package which is defined in "Suggests".') 
    } else {
      def.par <-
        par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting...
      print( 'BayesFor2GMM(): Plot is in development')
      gPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
      for (i in 1:AnzMixtures){
        df = data.frame(x = Kernels, y=PDataGivenClass[,i]*Weights[i]/Pmax)
        gPlot = gPlot + ggplot2::geom_line(data = df, ggplot2::aes_string(x="x",y="y"), color="blue")
      df = data.frame(x = Kernels, y=Posteriors[,1])
      gPlot = gPlot + ggplot2::geom_line(data = df, ggplot2::aes_string(x="x",y="y"), color="green")
      df = data.frame(x = Kernels, y=Posteriors[,2])
      gPlot = gPlot + ggplot2::geom_line(data = df, ggplot2::aes_string(x="x",y="y"), color="red")
      # hold on; plot(Kernels,PDataGivenClass(:,i)*Weights(i)/Pmax,'b-');hold off;
      # end;% i = 1:AnzMixtures
      # hold on; plot(Kernels,Posteriors(:,1),'g-');hold off;
      # hold on; plot(Kernels,Posteriors(:,2),'r-');hold off;
      # xlabel('Data');ylabel('ro/gn=Bayes Entscheidung, bl= GMM');
      # title(['Bayes fuer zwei GMM , Ind1 = ' num2str(Ind1')]);
      # end; % if PlotIt ==1;
  # jetzt zurueck auf Daten
  UNsortInd <- match(Data, Kernels) # Data == Kernels[UNsortInd]
  Posteriors <- PClassGivenData[UNsortInd,]
  NormalizationFactor <- NormalizationFactor[UNsortInd]
  res <- list(Posteriors = Posteriors, NormalizationFactor = NormalizationFactor)

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AdaptGauss documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:12 a.m.