Man pages for AdhereR
Adherence to Medications

CMA0CMA0 constructor.
CMA1CMA1 and CMA3 constructors.
CMA2CMA2 and CMA4 constructors.
CMA5CMA5 constructor.
CMA6CMA6 constructor.
CMA7CMA7 constructor.
CMA8CMA8 constructor.
CMA9CMA9 constructor.
CMA_per_episodeCMA_per_episode constructor.
CMA_polypharmacyCMA constructor for polypharmacy.
CMA_sliding_windowCMA_sliding_window constructor.
compute_event_durationsComputation of event durations. Days and Event (prescribing or dispensing) Intervals.
compute.treatment.episodesCompute Treatment Episodes.
cover_special_periodsCover special periods.
durcomp.dispensingExample dispensing events for 16 patients.
durcomp.hospitalisationExample special periods for 10 patients.
durcomp.prescribingExample prescription events for 16 patients.
getCMAAccess the actual CMA estimate from a CMA object.
getEventInfoAccess the event info from a CMA object.
get.event.plotting.areaGet the actual plotting area.
getInnerEventInfoAccess the inner event info from a complex CMA object.
get.legend.plotting.areaGet the legend plotting area.
getMGsAccess the medication groups of a CMA object.
get.plotted.eventsGet info about the plotted events.
get.plotted.partial.cmasGet info about the plotted partial CMAs.
last.plot.get.infoAccess last adherence plot info. from event to plot coordinates.
med.eventsExample medication events records for 100 patients. of medication events with ATC codes.
med.groupsExample of medication groups.
plot.CMA0Plot CMA0 objects.
plot.CMA1Plot CMA0-derived objects.
plot.CMA_per_episodePlot CMA_per_episode and CMA_sliding_window objects.
plot_interactive_cmaInteractive exploration and CMA computation.
print.CMA0Print CMA0 (and derived) objects.
prune_event_durationsPrune event durations.
subsetCMARestrict a CMA object to a subset of patients.
time_to_initiationComputation of initiation times.
AdhereR documentation built on July 5, 2022, 5:08 p.m.