compute.treatment.episodes: Compute Treatment Episodes.

View source: R/adherer.R

compute.treatment.episodesR Documentation

Compute Treatment Episodes.


For a given event (prescribing or dispensing) database, compute the treatment episodes for each patient in various scenarious.


  ID.colname = NA, = NA,
  event.duration.colname = NA,
  event.daily.dose.colname = NA,
  medication.class.colname = NA,
  carryover.within.obs.window = TRUE,
  carry.only.for.same.medication = TRUE,
  consider.dosage.change = TRUE, = TRUE, = FALSE, = 90, = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "percent")[1], = FALSE,
  followup.window.start = 0,
  followup.window.start.unit = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],
  followup.window.duration = 365 * 2,
  followup.window.duration.unit = c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],
  event.interval.colname = "event.interval",
  gap.days.colname = "gap.days", = FALSE,
  date.format = "%m/%d/%Y",
  parallel.backend = c("none", "multicore", "snow", "snow(SOCK)", "snow(MPI)",
  parallel.threads = "auto",
  suppress.warnings = FALSE,
  suppress.special.argument.checks = FALSE, = FALSE,



A data.frame containing the events used to compute the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters); the CMA constructors call this parameter data.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the unique patient ID, or NA if not defined.

A string, the name of the column in data containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the date.format parameter), or NA if not defined.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the event duration (in days), or NA if not defined.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the prescribed daily dose, or NA if not defined.


A string, the name of the column in data containing the classes/types/groups of medication, or NA if not defined.


Logical, if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window, or NA if not defined.


Logical, if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of the same type, or NA if not defined.


Logical, if TRUE the carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage, or NA if not defined.

Logical, should a change in medication automatically start a new treatment episode?

Logical, should a change in dosage automatically start a new treatment episode?

The number of units given by representing the maximum duration of permissible gaps between treatment episodes (can also be a percent, see for details).

can be either "days", "weeks", "months", "years" or "percent", and represents the time units that refers to; if percent, then is interpreted as a percent (can be greater than 100%) of the duration of the current prescription.

a logical value specifying of the should be append at the end of an episode with a gap larger than the; FALSE (the default) mean no addition, while TRUE mean that the full is added.


If a Date object it is the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a string it is the name of the column in data containing the start date of the follow-up window; if a number it is the number of time units defined in the followup.window.start.unit parameter after the begin of the participant's first event; or NA if not defined.


can be either "days", "weeks", "months" or "years", and represents the time units that followup.window.start refers to (when a number), or NA if not defined.


a number representing the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in followup.window.duration.unit, or NA if not defined.


can be either "days", "weeks", "months" or "years", and represents the time units that followup.window.duration refers to, or NA if not defined.


A string, the name of a newly-created column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing "event.interval" column in


A string, the name of a newly-created column storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in

A Logical, if TRUE then the mapping between events and episodes is returned as the attribute, which is a data.table giving, for each episode, the events that belong to it (an event is given by its row number in the data). Please note that the episodes returned are quite "generic" (e.g., they include all the events in the FUW), because which events will be actually used in the computation of a CMA_per_episode depend on which simple CMA is used (see also CMA_per_episode), and should be used with care (we recommend using the mappings given by CMA_per_episode instead).


A string giving the format of the dates used in the data and the other parameters; see the format parameters of the as.Date function for details (NB, this concerns only the dates given as strings and not as Date objects).


Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded execution, "multicore" (using mclapply in package parallel) for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform), or "snow", "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex setups – please see the documentation of package snow for details; the last two require packages Rmpi and nws, respectively, not automatically installed with AdhereR).


Can be "auto" (for parallel.backend == "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by options("cores"), while for parallel.backend == "snow", defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for parallel.backend == "snow" (see the documentation of package snow for details).


Logical, if TRUE don't show any warnings.


Logical parameter for internal use; if FALSE (default) check if the important columns in the data have some of the reserved names, if TRUE this check is not performed.

Logical, if TRUE return a data.table object, otherwise a data.frame.


extra arguments.


This should in general not be called directly by the user, but is provided as a basis for the extension to new CMAs.

For the last treatment episode, the gap is considered only when longer than the maximum permissible gap. Please note the following:

  • episode starts at first medication event for a particular medication,

  • episode ends on the day when the last supply of that medication finished or if a period longer than the permissible gap preceded the next medication event, or at the end of the FUW,

  • end episode gap days represents either the number of days after the end of the treatment episode (if medication changed, or if a period longer than the permissible gap preceded the next medication event) or at the end of (and within) the episode, i.e. the number of days after the last supply finished (if no other medication event followed until the end of the FUW),

  • the duration of the episode is the interval between the episode start and episode end (and may include the gap days at the end, in the latter condition described above),

  • the number of gap days after the end of the episode can be computed as all values larger than the permissible gap and 0 otherwise,

  • if medication change starts new episode, then previous episode ends when the last supply is finished (irrespective of the length of gap compared to a maximum permissible gap); any days before the date of the new medication supply are considered a gap; this maintains consistency with gaps between episodes (whether they are constructed based on the maximum permissible gap rule or the medication change rule).


A data.frame or data.table with the following columns (or NULL if no treatment episodes could be computed):

  • patid the patient ID.

  • episode.ID the episode unique ID (increasing sequentially).

  • episode.start the episode start date.

  • the corresponding gap days of the last event in this episode.

  • episode.duration the episode duration in days.

  • episode.end the episode end date.

If is TRUE, then this also has an attribute that gives the mapping between episodes and events as a data.table with the following columns:

  • patid the patient ID.

  • episode.ID the episode unique ID (increasing sequentially).

  • the event given by its row number in the data.

AdhereR documentation built on July 5, 2022, 5:08 p.m.