
Defines functions plot_interactive_cma print.CMA_sliding_window subsetCMA.CMA_sliding_window getInnerEventInfo.CMA_sliding_window getEventInfo.CMA_sliding_window getCMA.CMA_sliding_window getEventsToSlidingWindowsMapping getMGs.CMA_sliding_window CMA_sliding_window plot.CMA_per_episode print.CMA_per_episode subsetCMA.CMA_per_episode getInnerEventInfo.CMA_per_episode getEventInfo.CMA_per_episode getCMA.CMA_per_episode getEventsToEpisodesMapping getMGs.CMA_per_episode CMA_per_episode plot.CMA9 print.CMA9 CMA9 plot.CMA8 print.CMA8 CMA8 plot.CMA7 print.CMA7 CMA7 plot.CMA6 print.CMA6 CMA6 plot.CMA5 print.CMA5 CMA5 plot.CMA4 print.CMA4 CMA4 plot.CMA3 print.CMA3 CMA3 plot.CMA2 print.CMA2 CMA2 plot.CMA1 print.CMA1 CMA1 .plot.CMA1plus .cma.skeleton compute.treatment.episodes compute.event.int.gaps .compute.function .difftime.Dates.as.days .add.time.interval.to.date subsetCMA.CMA0 subsetCMA getInnerEventInfo getEventInfo.CMA0 getEventInfo getCMA.CMA0 getCMA getMGs.CMA0 getMGs plot.CMA0 print.CMA0 CMA0 .apply.medication.groups .report.ewms .record.ewms .is.recording.ewms .get.ewms .clear.ewms

Documented in CMA0 CMA1 CMA2 CMA3 CMA4 CMA5 CMA6 CMA7 CMA8 CMA9 CMA_per_episode CMA_sliding_window compute.event.int.gaps compute.treatment.episodes getCMA getEventInfo getEventsToEpisodesMapping getEventsToSlidingWindowsMapping getInnerEventInfo getMGs plot.CMA0 plot.CMA1 plot.CMA2 plot.CMA3 plot.CMA4 plot.CMA5 plot.CMA6 plot.CMA7 plot.CMA8 plot.CMA9 plot.CMA_per_episode plot_interactive_cma print.CMA0 print.CMA1 print.CMA2 print.CMA3 print.CMA4 print.CMA5 print.CMA6 print.CMA7 print.CMA8 print.CMA9 print.CMA_per_episode print.CMA_sliding_window subsetCMA

#    AdhereR: an R package for computing various estimates of medication adherence.
#    Copyright (C) 2015-2018  Dan Dediu & Alexandra Dima
#    Copyright (C) 2018-2019  Dan Dediu, Alexandra Dima & Samuel Allemann
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import stats
#' @import data.table
#' @import utils
#' @import methods

# Declare some variables as global to avoid NOTEs during package building:
                  ".OBS.END.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE.PRECOMPUTED",
                  "PERDAY", "CATEGORY",
                  "episode.ID", "episode.duration", "end.episode.gap.days",
                  "cma.class.name", "events.in.episode"));

# Reserved column names that cannot be used:
.special.colnames <- c("..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER..", ".CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE", ".DATE.as.Date", ".EVENT.INTERVAL",
                       ".START.BEFORE.END.WITHIN.OBS.WND", ".TDIFF1", ".TDIFF2", ".WND.DURATION", ".WND.ID",
                       ".WND.START.DATE", "CMA", "CMA.to.apply", "end.episode.gap.days", "episode.duration",
                       "episode.end", "episode.ID", "episode.start", "events.in.episode", "window.end", "window.ID",

## Package private info ####
# Store various info relevant to the package (such as info about the last plot or the last error).
# As this is inside a package and we must avoid locking, we need to use an environment (see, e.g. https://www.r-bloggers.com/package-wide-variablescache-in-r-packages/)
.adherer.env <- new.env();

# Info about the last plot (initially, none):
assign(".last.cma.plot.info", NULL, envir=.adherer.env);

# Info about errors, warnings and messages (initially, none):
assign(".ewms", NULL, envir=.adherer.env);
assign(".record.ewms", FALSE, envir=.adherer.env); # initially, do not record the errors, warnings and message, but just display them

# Clear the info about errors, warnings and messages:
.clear.ewms <- function() { assign(".ewms", NULL, envir=.adherer.env); }

# Get the info about errors, warnings and messages (basically, a data.frame contaning all the important info, one thing per row):
.get.ewms <- function() { return (get(".ewms", envir=.adherer.env)); }

# Are we recording the errors, warnings and messages?
.is.recording.ewms <- function() { return (!is.null(.record.ewms <- get(".record.ewms", envir=.adherer.env)) && .record.ewms); }

# Start/stop recording the errors, warnings and messages:
.record.ewms <- function(record=TRUE) { .clear.ewms(); assign(".record.ewms", record, envir=.adherer.env); }

# Reporting an error, warning or message:
.report.ewms <- function(text, # the text
                        type=c("error", "warning", "message")[1], # the type
                        fnc.name=NA, pkg.name=NA, # which function and package generated it
                        generate.exception=TRUE, # should we throw an actual error or watning using R's exceptions mechanism?
                        error.as.warning=TRUE # when reporting an error, should it stop() the whole process or be thrown as a warning() so the processes continues?
  # Make sure text is really a text:
  text <- as.character(text);
  if( length(text) > 1 ) text <- paste0("[ ", paste0("'", as.character(text), "'", collapse="; "), " ]");

  # Add this new ewms info:
  if( .is.recording.ewms() )
                 data.frame("text"=text, "type"=type, "function"=fnc.name, "package"=pkg.name, "exception.was.thrown"=generate.exception)),

  # Throw an exception (if the case):
  if( generate.exception )
    if( type == "error" )
      if( !error.as.warning )
      } else
    } else if( type == "warning" )
    } else
      print(paste0("Info: ",text,
                   if(!is.na(fnc.name)) paste0(" [from function ",fnc.name,
                                               if(!is.na(pkg.name)) paste0(", package ",pkg.name),

#' Example medication events records for 100 patients.
#' An artificial dataset containing medication events (one per row) for 100
#' patients (1080 events in total). This is the dataset format appropriate for
#' medication adherence analyses performed with the R package AdhereR.
#' Medication events represent individual records of prescribing or dispensing
#' a specific medication for a patient at a given date. Dosage and medication
#' type is optional (only needed if calculation of adherence or persistence
#' takes into account changes in dosage and type of medication).
#' @format A data frame with 1080 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{PATIENT_ID}{\emph{integer} here; patient unique identifier. Can also
#'   be \emph{string}}.
#'   \item{DATE}{\emph{character};the medication event date, by default in the
#'   mm/dd/yyyy format. It may represent a prescribing or dispensing date.}
#'   \item{PERDAY}{\emph{integer}; the daily dosage prescribed for the
#'   medication supplied at this medication event (i.e. how many doses should
#'   be taken daily according to the prescription). This column is optional,
#'   as it is not considered in all functions but may be relevant for specific
#'   research or clinical contexts. All values should be > 0.}
#'   \item{CATEGORY}{\emph{character}; the medication type, here two placeholder
#'   labels, 'medA' and 'medB'. This is a researcher-defined classification
#'   depending on study aims (e.g., based on therapeutic use, mechanism of
#'   action, chemical molecule, or pharmaceutical formulation). This column is
#'   optional, as it is not considered in all functions but may be relevant for
#'   specific research or clinical contexts.}
#'   \item{DURATION}{\emph{integer}; the medication event duration in days (i.e.
#'   how many days the mediation supplied would last if used as prescribed);
#'   may be available in the extraction or computed based on quantity supplied
#'   (the number of doses prescribed or dispensed on that occasion) and daily
#'   dosage. All values should be > 0.}
#' }

# Check, parse and evaluate the medication groups:
# The idea is to transform each group into a function and let R do the heavy lifting:
# Returns a list with two components:
#  - defs (contains the group names and definitions) and
#  - obs (logical matrix saying for each observation (row) if it belongs to a group (column))
# or NULL if error occurred:
.apply.medication.groups <- function(medication.groups, # the medication groups
                                     data, # the data on which to apply them
  if( is.null(medication.groups) || length(medication.groups) == 0 )
    # by definition, there's nothing wrong with NULL
    return (list("groups"=NULL,

  # Basic checks:
  if( is.null(data) || !inherits(data, "data.frame") || nrow(data) == 0 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The data must be a non-emtpy data.frame (or derived) object!\n", "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  data <- as.data.frame(data); # make sure we convert it to a data.frame

  if( !(is.character(medication.groups) || is.factor(medication.groups)) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The medication groups must be a vector of characters!\n", "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  if( length(medication.groups) == 1 && (medication.groups %in% names(data)) )
    # It is a column in the data: transform it into the corresponding explicit definitions:
    mg.vals <- unique(data[,medication.groups]); mg.vals <- mg.vals[!is.na(mg.vals)]; # the unique non-NA values
    if( is.null(mg.vals) || length(mg.vals) == 0 )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The column '",medication.groups,"' in the data must contain at least one non-missing value!\n", "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    mg.vals <- sort(mg.vals); # makes it easier to view if ordered
    medication.groups.defs <- paste0('(',medication.groups,' == "',mg.vals,'")'); names(medication.groups.defs) <- mg.vals;
    medication.groups <- medication.groups.defs;

  if( length(names(medication.groups)) != length(medication.groups) || any(duplicated(names(medication.groups))) || ("" %in% names(medication.groups)) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The medication groups must be a named list with unique and non-empty names!\n", "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # The safe environment for evaluating the medication groups (no parent) containing only the needed variables and functions (as per https://stackoverflow.com/a/18391779):
  safe_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv());
  # ... add the safe functions:
  for( .f in c(getGroupMembers("Math"),
               "(", "[", "!") )
    safe_env[[.f]] <- get(.f, "package:base");
  # ... and variables:
  assign(".data", data, envir=safe_env); # the data
  assign(".res", matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=length(medication.groups)), envir=safe_env); # matrix of results from evaluating the medication classes
  assign(".evald", rep(FALSE, length(medication.groups)), envir=safe_env); # records which the medication groups were already evaluated (to speed up things)
  assign(".errs", NULL, envir=safe_env); # possible errors encountered during the evaluation
  # The safe eval function (use evalq to avoid searching in the current environment): evalq(expr, env = safe_env);

  # Check, transform, parse and add the group definitions as functions to the .mg_safe_env_original environment to be later used in the safe evaluation environment:
  mg <- data.frame("name"=names(medication.groups),
                   "uid"=make.names(names(medication.groups), unique=TRUE, allow_=TRUE),
                   "fnc_name"=NA); # convert the names to valid identifiers
  mg$fnc_name <- paste0(".mg_fnc_", mg$uid);
  for( i in 1:nrow(mg) )
    # Cache the definition:
    s <- mg$def[i];
    if( is.na(s) || is.null(s) || s == "" )
      # Empty definition!
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Error parsing the medication class definition '",mg$name[i],"': this definition is empty!\n"), "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);

    # Search for medication group references of the form {name} :
    ss <- gregexpr("\\{[^(\\})]+\\}",s); #gregexpr("\\{[[:alpha:]]+\\}",s);
    if( ss[[1]][1] != (-1) )
      # There's at least one group reference: replace it by the corresponding function call:
      ss_calls <- regmatches(s, ss)[[1]];
      ss_calls_replaced <- vapply(ss_calls, function(x)
        if( length(ii <- which(mg$name == substr(x, 2, nchar(x)-1))) != 1 )
          if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Error parsing the medication class definition '",mg$name[i],"': there is a call to the undefined medication class '",substr(x, 2, nchar(x)-1),"'!\n"), "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
          return (NA);
        } else
          return (paste0("safe_env$",mg$fnc_name[ii],"()"));
      }, character(1));
      if( anyNA(ss_calls_replaced) )
        # Error parsing medication class definitions (the message should be already generated):
        return (NULL);
      regmatches(s, ss)[[1]] <- ss_calls_replaced;

    # Make it into a function definition:
    s_fnc <- paste0("function()
                      if( !safe_env$.evald[",i,"] )
                        # not already evaluated:
                        tmp <- try(with(safe_env$.data, ",s,"), silent=TRUE);
                        if( inherits(tmp, 'try-error') )
                          # fail gracefully and informatively:
                          safe_env$.errs <- rbind(safe_env$.errs,
                                                  data.frame('fnc'='",mg$fnc_name[i],"', 'error'=as.character(tmp)));
                          stop('Error in ",mg$fnc_name[i],"');
                        # sanity checks:
                        if( is.null(tmp) || !is.logical(tmp) || length(tmp) != nrow(safe_env$.data) )
                          # fail gracefully and informatively:
                          safe_env$.errs <- rbind(safe_env$.errs,
                                                  data.frame('fnc'='",mg$fnc_name[i],"', 'error'='Error: evaluation did not produce logical results'));
                          stop('Error in ",mg$fnc_name[i],"');
                        safe_env$.res[,",i,"] <- tmp; safe_env$.evald[",i,"] <- TRUE;
                      } # else, it should have already been evaluated!
                      # return the value
                      return (safe_env$.res[,",i,"]);

    # Parse it:
    s_parsed <- NULL;
    try(s_parsed <- parse(text=s_fnc), silent=TRUE);
    if( is.null(s_parsed) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Error parsing the medication class definition '",mg$name[i],"'!\n"), "error", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);

    # Add the function:
    safe_env[[mg$fnc_name[i]]] <- eval(s_parsed);

  # Evaluate the medication groups on the data:
  for( i in 1:nrow(mg) )
    # Call the corresponding function:
    res <- NULL;
    try(res <- eval(parse(text=paste0(mg$fnc_name[i],"()")), envir=safe_env), silent=TRUE); # the errors will be anyway recorded in the .errs variable in safe_env
    if( is.null(res) || inherits(res, 'try-error') || !safe_env$.evald[i] )
      # Evaluation error:
      if( !is.null(safe_env$.errs) )
        err_msgs <- unique(safe_env$.errs);
        err_msgs$error <- vapply(err_msgs$error, function(s) trimws(strsplit(s,":",fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]), character(1));
        err_msgs$fnc <- vapply(err_msgs$fnc, function(s) mg$name[ mg$fnc_name == s ], character(1));
        ss <- gregexpr(".mg_fnc_",err_msgs$error); regmatches(err_msgs$error, ss) <- "";
        if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Error(s) during the evaluation of medication class(es): ",paste0("'",err_msgs$error," (for ",err_msgs$fnc,")'",colapse=", "),"!\n"), "warning", ".apply.medication.groups", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);

  # Retrieve the results and compute __ALL_OTHERS__:
  groups_info <- cbind(rbind(mg[,c("name", "def")], c("__ALL_OTHERS__", "*all observations not included in the defined groups*")),
                       "evaluated"=c(safe_env$.evald, TRUE)); rownames(groups_info) <- NULL;
  obs_in_groups <- cbind(safe_env$.res, rowSums(!is.na(safe_env$.res) & safe_env$.res) == 0); colnames(obs_in_groups) <- c(mg$name, "__ALL_OTHERS__");

  # ... and return them:
  return (list("defs"=groups_info[,c("name", "def")], "obs"=obs_in_groups));

#' CMA0 constructor.
#' Constructs a basic CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) object.
#' In most cases this should not be done directly by the user,
#' but it is used internally by the other CMAs.
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the medication events
#' (prescribing or dispensing) used to compute the CMA. Must contain, at a
#' minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date and duration, and might also
#' contain the daily dosage and medication type (the actual column names are
#' defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter), or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days), or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the classes/types/groups of medication, or \code{NA}
#' if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carryover.within.obs.window \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} consider
#' the carry-over within the observation window, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param carryover.into.obs.window \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} consider the
#' carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window, or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} the
#' carry-over applies only across medications of the same type, or \code{NA}
#' if not defined.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} the carry-over
#' is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units
#' after the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as
#' actual dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in
#' the \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters
#' of the \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns
#' only the dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA0} with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event (prescribing or dispensing) data, as
#'  given by the \code{data} parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing
#'  the unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carryover.within.obs.window} whether to consider the carry-over
#'  within the observation window, as given by the
#'  \code{carryover.within.obs.window} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carryover.into.obs.window} whether to consider the carry-over
#'  from before the starting date of the observation window, as given by the
#'  \code{carryover.into.obs.window} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary}
#'  parameter.
#' }
#' @examples
#' cma0 <- CMA0(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              followup.window.start=0,
#'              followup.window.start.unit="days",
#'              followup.window.duration=2*365,
#'              followup.window.duration.unit="days",
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start.unit="days",
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              observation.window.duration.unit="days",
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y",
#'              summary="Base CMA");
#' @export
CMA0 <- function(data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                 # Important columns in the data
                 ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                 event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                 event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                 event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                 medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                 # Groups of medication classes:
                 medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                 flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                 # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                 carryover.within.obs.window=NA, # if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window (NA = undefined)
                 carryover.into.obs.window=NA, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window (NA = undefined)
                 carry.only.for.same.medication=NA, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                 consider.dosage.change=NA, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                 # The follow-up window:
                 followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                 followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                 followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                 followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                 followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                 # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                 observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                 observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                 observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                 observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                 # Date format:
                 date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                 # Comments and metadata:
                 summary="Base CMA object",
                 # Misc:
                 suppress.special.argument.checks=FALSE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                 arguments.that.should.not.be.defined=NULL, # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # Preconditions:
  if( !is.null(data) )
    # data's class and dimensions:
    if( inherits(data, "matrix") || inherits(data, "tbl") || inherits(data, "data.table") ) data <- as.data.frame(data); # convert various things to data.frame
    if( !inherits(data, "data.frame") )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The 'data' for a CMA must be of type 'data.frame'!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( nrow(data) < 1 )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The 'data' for a CMA must have at least one row!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    # the column names must exist in data:
    if( !is.na(ID.colname) && !(ID.colname %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Column ID.colname='",ID.colname,"' must appear in the 'data'!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(event.date.colname) && !(event.date.colname %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Column event.date.colname='",event.date.colname,"' must appear in the 'data'!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(event.duration.colname) && !(event.duration.colname %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Column event.duration.colname='",event.duration.colname,"' must appear in the 'data'!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) && !(event.daily.dose.colname %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Column event.daily.dose.colname='",event.daily.dose.colname,"' must appear in the 'data'!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(medication.class.colname) && !(medication.class.colname %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Column medication.class.colname='",medication.class.colname,"' must appear in the 'data'!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    # carry-over conditions:
    if( !is.na(carryover.within.obs.window) && !is.logical(carryover.within.obs.window) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Parameter 'carryover.within.obs.window' must be logical!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(carryover.into.obs.window) && !is.logical(carryover.into.obs.window) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Parameter 'carryover.into.obs.window' must be logical!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) && !is.logical(carry.only.for.same.medication) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Parameter 'carry.only.for.same.medication' must be logical!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(consider.dosage.change) && !is.logical(consider.dosage.change) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Parameter 'consider.dosage.change' must be logical!\n"), "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    if( (!is.na(carryover.within.obs.window) && !is.na(carryover.into.obs.window) && !is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication)) &&
          (!carryover.within.obs.window && !carryover.into.obs.window && carry.only.for.same.medication) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Cannot carry over only for same medication when no carry over at all is considered!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    # the follow-up window:
    if( !is.na(followup.window.start) && !inherits(followup.window.start,"Date") && !is.numeric(followup.window.start) && !(followup.window.start %in% names(data)) )
      # See if it can be forced to a valid Date:
      if( !is.na(followup.window.start) && (is.character(followup.window.start) || is.factor(followup.window.start)) && !is.na(followup.window.start <- as.Date(followup.window.start, format=date.format, optional=TRUE)) )
        # Ok, it was apparently successfully converted to Date: nothing else to do...
      } else
        if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window start must be either a number, a Date, or a valid column name in 'data'!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
        return (NULL);
    if( !inherits(followup.window.start,"Date") && !is.na(followup.window.start.unit) && !(followup.window.start.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window start unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(followup.window.duration) && is.numeric(followup.window.duration) && followup.window.duration < 0 )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window duration must be a positive number of time units after the first event!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    } else if( !is.na(followup.window.duration) && !is.numeric(followup.window.duration) && !(followup.window.duration %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window duration must be either a positive number or a valid column name in 'data'!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(followup.window.duration.unit) && !(followup.window.duration.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window duration unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    # the observation window:
    if( !is.na(observation.window.start) && is.numeric(observation.window.start) && observation.window.start < 0 )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window start must be a positive number of time units after the first event!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    } else if( !is.na(observation.window.start) && !inherits(observation.window.start,"Date") && !is.numeric(observation.window.start) && !(observation.window.start %in% names(data)) )
      # See if it can be forced to a valid Date:
      if( !is.na(observation.window.start) && (is.character(observation.window.start) || is.factor(observation.window.start)) && !is.na(observation.window.start <- as.Date(observation.window.start, format=date.format, optional=TRUE)) )
        # Ok, it was apparently successfully converted to Date: nothing else to do...
      } else
        if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window start must be either a positive number, a Date, or a valid column name in 'data'!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
        return (NULL);
    if( !inherits(observation.window.start,"Date") && !is.na(observation.window.start.unit) && !(observation.window.start.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window start unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(observation.window.duration) && is.numeric(observation.window.duration) && observation.window.duration < 0 )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window duration must be a positive number of time units after the first event!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    } else if( !is.na(observation.window.duration) && !is.numeric(observation.window.duration) && !(observation.window.duration %in% names(data)) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window duration must be either a positive number or a valid column name in 'data'!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);
    if( !is.na(observation.window.duration.unit) && !(observation.window.duration.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window duration unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA0", "AdhereR")
      return (NULL);

    # Arguments that should not have been passed:
    if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
      # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
      args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
      args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
      if( any(args.mathing) )
        for( i in which(args.mathing) )
          .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA0", "AdhereR");
  } else
    return (NULL);

  # Parse, check and evaluate the medication groups (if any):
  if( !is.null(medication.groups) )
    if( is.null(mg <- .apply.medication.groups(medication.groups=medication.groups, data=data, suppress.warnings=suppress.warnings)) )
      return (NULL);
  } else
    mg <- NULL;


#' Print CMA0 (and derived) objects.
#' Prints and summarizes a basic CMA0, or derived, object.
#' Can produce output for the console (text), R Markdown or LaTeX,
#' showing various types of information.
#' @param x A \emph{\code{CMA0}} or derived object, representing the CMA to
#' print.
#' @param inline \emph{Logical}, should print inside a line of text or as a
#' separate, extended object?
#' @param format A \emph{string}, the type of output: plain text ("text";
#' default), LaTeX ("latex") or R Markdown ("markdown").
#' @param print.params \emph{Logical}, should print the parameters?
#' @param print.data \emph{Logical}, should print a summary of the data?
#' @param exclude.params A vector of \emph{strings}, the names of the object
#' fields to exclude from printing (usually, internal information irrelevant to
#' the end-user).
#' @param skip.header \emph{Logical}, should the header be printed?
#' @param cma.type A \emph{string}, used to override the reported object's class.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @examples
#' cma0 <- CMA0(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              followup.window.start=0,
#'              followup.window.start.unit="days",
#'              followup.window.duration=2*365,
#'              followup.window.duration.unit="days",
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start.unit="days",
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              observation.window.duration.unit="days",
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y",
#'              summary="Base CMA");
#' cma0;
#' print(cma0, format="markdown");
#' cma1 <- CMA1(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' cma1;
#' @export
print.CMA0 <- function(x,                                                  # the CMA0 (or derived) object
                       ...,                                                # required for S3 consistency
                       inline=FALSE,                                       # print inside a line of text or as a separate, extended object?
                       format=c("text", "latex", "markdown"),              # the format to print to
                       print.params=TRUE,                                  # show the parameters?
                       print.data=TRUE,                                    # show the summary of the data?
                       exclude.params=c("event.info", "real.obs.windows"), # if so, should I not print some?
                       skip.header=FALSE,                                  # should I print the generic header?
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA0") ) return (invisible(NULL));

  if( format[1] == "text" )
    # Output text:
    if( !inline )
      # Extended print:
      if( !skip.header ) cat(paste0(cma.type,":\n"));
      if( print.params )
        params <- names(cma); params <- params[!(params %in% c("data",exclude.params))]; # exlude the 'data' (and any other requested) params from printing
        if( length(params) > 0 )
          if( "summary" %in% params )
            cat(paste0("  \"",cma$summary,"\"\n"));
            params <- params[!(params %in% "summary")];
          cat("  [\n");
          for( p in params )
            if( p == "CMA" )
              cat(paste0("    ",p," = CMA results for ",nrow(cma[[p]])," patients\n"));
            } else if( p == "medication.groups" )
              if( !is.null(cma[[p]]) )
                cat(paste0("    ", p, " = ", nrow(cma[[p]]$defs), " [", ifelse(nrow(cma[[p]]$defs)<4, paste0("'",cma[[p]]$defs$name,"'", collapse=", "), paste0(paste0("'",cma[[p]]$defs$name[1:4],"'", collapse=", ")," ...")), "]\n"));
              } else
                cat(paste0("    ", p, " = <NONE>\n"));
            } else if( !is.null(cma[[p]]) && length(cma[[p]]) > 0 && !is.na(cma[[p]]) )
              cat(paste0("    ",p," = ",cma[[p]],"\n"));
          cat("  ]\n");
        if( print.data && !is.null(cma$data) )
          # Data summary:
          cat(paste0("  DATA: ",nrow(cma$data)," (rows) x ",ncol(cma$data)," (columns)"," [",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients]",".\n"));
    } else
      # Inline print:
      cat(paste0(cma$summary,ifelse(print.data && !is.null(cma$data),paste0(" (on ",nrow(cma$data)," rows x ",ncol(cma$data)," columns",", ",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients",")"),"")));
  } else if( format[1] == "latex" )
    # Output LaTeX: no difference between inline and not inline:
    cat(paste0("\\textbf{",cma$summary,"} (",cma.type,"):",
               ifelse(print.data && !is.null(cma$data),paste0(" (on ",nrow(cma$data)," rows x ",ncol(cma$data)," columns",", ",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients",")"),"")));
  } else if( format[1] == "markdown" )
    # Output Markdown: no difference between inline and not inline:
    cat(paste0("**",cma$summary,"** (",cma.type,"):",
               ifelse(print.data && !is.null(cma$data),paste0(" (on ",nrow(cma$data)," rows x ",ncol(cma$data)," columns",", ",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients",")"),"")));
  } else
    .report.ewms("Unknown format for printing!\n", "error", "print.CMA0", "AdhereR");
    return (invisible(NULL));

#' Plot CMA0 objects.
#' Plots the events (prescribing or dispensing) data encapsulated in a basic
#' CMA0 object.
#' The x-axis represents time (either in days since the earliest date or as
#' actual dates), with consecutive events represented as ascending on the y-axis.
#' Each event is represented as a segment with style \code{lty.event} and line
#' width \code{lwd.event} starting with a \code{pch.start.event} and ending with
#' a \code{pch.end.event} character, coloured with a unique color as given by
#' \code{col.cats}, extending from its start date until its end date.
#' Consecutive events are thus represented on consecutive levels of the y-axis
#' and are connected by a "continuation" line with \code{col.continuation}
#' colour, \code{lty.continuation} style and \code{lwd.continuation} width;
#' these continuation lines are purely visual guides helping to perceive the
#' sequence of events, and carry no information about the availability of
#' medication in this interval.
#' When several patients are displayed on the same plot, they are organized
#' vertically, and alternating bands (white and gray) help distinguish
#' consecutive patients.
#' Implicitly, all patients contained in the \code{cma} object will be plotted,
#' but the \code{patients.to.plot} parameter allows the selection of a subset
#' of patients.
#' @param x A \emph{\code{CMA0}} or derived object, representing the CMA to
#' plot
#' @param patients.to.plot A vector of \emph{strings} containing the list of
#' patient IDs to plot (a subset of those in the \code{cma} object), or
#' \code{NULL} for all
#' @param duration A \emph{number}, the total duration (in days) of the whole
#' period to plot; in \code{NA} it is automatically determined from the event
#' data such that the whole dataset fits.
#' @param align.all.patients \emph{Logical}, should all patients be aligned
#' (i.e., the actual dates are discarded and all plots are relative to the
#' earliest date)?
#' @param align.first.event.at.zero \emph{Logical}, should the first event be
#' placed at the origin of the time axis (at 0)?
#' @param show.period A \emph{string}, if "dates" show the actual dates at the
#' regular grid intervals, while for "days" (the default) shows the days since
#' the beginning; if \code{align.all.patients == TRUE}, \code{show.period} is
#' taken as "days".
#' @param period.in.days The \emph{number} of days at which the regular grid is
#' drawn (or 0 for no grid).
#' @param show.legend \emph{Logical}, should the legend be drawn?
#' @param legend.x The position of the legend on the x axis; can be "left",
#' "right" (default), or a \emph{numeric} value.
#' @param legend.y The position of the legend on the y axis; can be "bottom"
#' (default), "top", or a \emph{numeric} value.
#' @param legend.bkg.opacity A \emph{number} between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the
#' opacity of the legend background.
#' @param cex,cex.axis,cex.lab,legend.cex,legend.cex.title \emph{numeric} values
#' specifying the cex of the various types of text.
#' @param xlab Named vector of x-axis labels to show for the two types of periods
#' ("days" and "dates"), or a single value for both, or \code{NULL} for nothing.
#' @param ylab Named vector of y-axis labels to show without and with CMA estimates,
#' or a single value for both, or \code{NULL} for nonthing.
#' @param title Named vector of titles to show for and without alignment, or a
#' single value for both, or \code{NULL} for nonthing.
#' @param col.cats A \emph{color} or a \emph{function} that specifies the single
#' colour or the colour palette used to plot the different medication; by
#' default \code{rainbow}, but we recommend, whenever possible, a
#' colorblind-friendly palette such as \code{viridis} or \code{colorblind_pal}.
#' @param unspecified.category.label A \emph{string} giving the name of the
#' unspecified (generic) medication category.
#' @param medication.groups.to.plot the names of the medication groups to plot or
#' \code{NULL} (the default) for all.
#' @param medication.groups.separator.show a \emph{boolean}, if \code{TRUE} (the
#' default) visually mark the medication groups the belong to the same patient,
#' using horizontal lines and alternating vertical lines.
#' @param medication.groups.separator.lty,medication.groups.separator.lwd,medication.groups.separator.color
#' graphical parameters (line type, line width and colour describing the visual
#' marking og medication groups as beloning to the same patient.
#' @param medication.groups.allother.label a \emph{string} giving the label to
#' use for the implicit \code{__ALL_OTHERS__} medication group (defaults to "*").
#' @param lty.event,lwd.event,pch.start.event,pch.end.event The style of the
#' event (line style, width, and start and end symbols).
#' @param plot.events.vertically.displaced Should consecutive events be plotted
#' on separate rows (i.e., separated vertically, the default) or on the same row?
#' @param print.dose \emph{Logical}, should the daily dose be printed as text?
#' @param cex.dose \emph{Numeric}, if daily dose is printed, what text size
#' to use?
#' @param print.dose.outline.col If \emph{\code{NA}}, don't print dose text with
#' outline, otherwise a color name/code for the outline.
#' @param print.dose.centered \emph{Logical}, print the daily dose centered on
#' the segment or slightly below it?
#' @param plot.dose \emph{Logical}, should the daily dose be indicated through
#' segment width?
#' @param lwd.event.max.dose \emph{Numeric}, the segment width corresponding to
#' the maximum daily dose (must be >= lwd.event but not too big either).
#' @param plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE},
#' the line width of the even is scaled relative to all medication classes (i.e.,
#' relative to the global minimum and maximum doses), otherwise it is scale
#' relative only to its medication class.
#' @param col.continuation,lty.continuation,lwd.continuation The style of the
#' "continuation" lines connecting consecutive events (colour, line style and
#' width).
#' @param col.na The colour used for missing event data.
#' @param highlight.followup.window \emph{Logical}, should the follow-up window
#' be plotted?
#' @param followup.window.col The follow-up window's colour.
#' @param highlight.observation.window \emph{Logical}, should the observation
#' window be plotted?
#' @param observation.window.col,observation.window.density,observation.window.angle,observation.window.opacity
#' Attributes of the observation window (colour, shading density, angle and
#' opacity).
#' @param alternating.bands.cols The colors of the alternating vertical bands
#' distinguishing the patients; can be \code{NULL} = don't draw the bandes;
#' or a vector of colors.
#' @param bw.plot \emph{Logical}, should the plot use grayscale only (i.e., the
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{gray.colors}} function)?
#' @param rotate.text \emph{Numeric}, the angle by which certain text elements
#' (e.g., axis labels) should be rotated.
#' @param force.draw.text \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, always draw text even
#' if too big or too small
#' @param min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz,min.plot.size.in.characters.vert
#' \emph{Numeric}, the minimum size of the plotting surface in characters;
#' horizontally (min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz) refers to the the whole
#' duration of the events to plot; vertically (min.plot.size.in.characters.vert)
#' refers to a single event. If the plotting is too small, possible solutions
#' might be: if within \code{RStudio}, try to enlarge the "Plots" panel, or
#' (also valid outside \code{RStudio} but not if using \code{RStudio server}
#' start a new plotting device (e.g., using \code{X11()}, \code{quartz()}
#' or \code{windows()}, depending on OS) or (works always) save to an image
#' (e.g., \code{jpeg(...); ...; dev.off()}) and display it in a viewer.
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}: show or hide the warnings?
#' @param max.patients.to.plot \emph{Numeric}, the maximum patients to attempt
#' to plot.
#' @param export.formats a \emph{string} giving the formats to export the figure
#' to (by default \code{NULL}, meaning no exporting); can be any combination of
#' "svg" (just an \code{SVG} file), "html" (\code{SVG} + \code{HTML} + \code{CSS}
#' + \code{JavaScript}, all embedded within one \code{HTML} document), "jpg",
#' "png", "webp", "ps" or "pdf".
#' @param export.formats.fileprefix a \emph{string} giving the file name prefix
#' for the exported formats (defaults to "AdhereR-plot").
#' @param export.formats.height,export.formats.width \emph{numbers} giving the
#' desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane
#' values if \code{NA}).
#' @param export.formats.save.svg.placeholder a \emph{logical}, if TRUE, save an
#' image placeholder of type given by \code{export.formats.svg.placeholder.type}
#'for the \code{SVG} image.
#' @param export.formats.svg.placeholder.type a \emph{string}, giving the type of
#' placeholder for the \code{SVG} image to save; can be "jpg",
#' "png" (the default) or "webp".
#' @param export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE},
#' embed the placeholder image in the HTML document (if any) using \code{base64}
#' encoding, otherwise (the default) leave it as an external image file (works
#' only when an \code{HTML} document is exported and only for \code{JPEG} or
#' \code{PNG} images.
#' @param export.formats.html.template,export.formats.html.javascript,export.formats.html.css
#' \emph{character strings} or \code{NULL} (the default) giving the path to the
#' \code{HTML}, \code{JavaScript} and \code{CSS} templates, respectively, to be
#' used when generating the HTML+CSS semi-interactive plots; when \code{NULL},
#' the default ones included with the package will be used. If you decide to define
#' new templates please use the default ones for inspiration and note that future
#' version are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible!
#' @param export.formats.directory a \emph{string}; if exporting, which directory
#' to export to; if \code{NA} (the default), creates the files in a temporary
#' directory.
#' @param generate.R.plot a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE} (the default),
#' generate the standard (base \code{R}) plot for plotting within \code{R}.
#' @param do.not.draw.plot a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE} (\emph{not} the default),
#' does not draw the plot itself, but only the legend (if \code{show.legend} is
#' \code{TRUE}) at coordinates (0,0) irrespective of the given legend coordinates.
#' This is intended to allow (together with the \code{get.legend.plotting.area()}
#' function) the separate plotting of the legend.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @examples
#' cma0 <- CMA0(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              followup.window.start=0,
#'              followup.window.start.unit="days",
#'              followup.window.duration=2*365,
#'              followup.window.duration.unit="days",
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start.unit="days",
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              observation.window.duration.unit="days",
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y",
#'              summary="Base CMA");
#' plot(cma0, patients.to.plot=c("1","2"));
#' @export
plot.CMA0 <- function(x,                                     # the CMA0 (or derived) object
                      ...,                                   # required for S3 consistency
                      patients.to.plot=NULL,                 # list of patient IDs to plot or NULL for all
                      duration=NA,                           # duration to plot in days (if missing, determined from the data)
                      align.all.patients=FALSE, align.first.event.at.zero=FALSE, # should all patients be aligned? and, if so, place the first event as the horizontal 0?
                      show.period=c("dates","days")[2],      # draw vertical bars at regular interval as dates or days?
                      period.in.days=90,                     # the interval (in days) at which to draw veritcal lines
                      show.legend=TRUE, legend.x="right", legend.y="bottom", legend.bkg.opacity=0.5, legend.cex=0.75, legend.cex.title=1.0, # legend params and position
                      cex=1.0, cex.axis=0.75, cex.lab=1.0,   # various graphical params
                      xlab=c("dates"="Date", "days"="Days"), # Vector of x labels to show for the two types of periods, or a single value for both, or NULL for nothing
                      ylab=c("withoutCMA"="patient", "withCMA"="patient (& CMA)"), # Vector of y labels to show without and with CMA estimates, or a single value for both, or NULL ofr nonthing
                      title=c("aligned"="Event patterns (all patients aligned)", "notaligned"="Event patterns"), # Vector of titles to show for and without alignment, or a single value for both, or NULL for nonthing
                      col.cats=rainbow,                      # single color or a function mapping the categories to colors
                      unspecified.category.label="drug",     # the label of the unspecified category of medication
                      medication.groups.to.plot=NULL,        # the names of the medication groups to plot (by default, all)
                      medication.groups.separator.show=TRUE, medication.groups.separator.lty="solid", medication.groups.separator.lwd=2, medication.groups.separator.color="blue", # group medication events by patient?
                      medication.groups.allother.label="*",  # the label to use for the __ALL_OTHERS__ medication class (defaults to *)
                      lty.event="solid", lwd.event=2, pch.start.event=15, pch.end.event=16, # event style
                      plot.events.vertically.displaced=TRUE, # display the events on different lines (vertical displacement) or not (defaults to TRUE)?
                      print.dose=FALSE, cex.dose=0.75, print.dose.outline.col="white", print.dose.centered=FALSE, # print daily dose
                      plot.dose=FALSE, lwd.event.max.dose=8, plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes=FALSE, # draw daily dose as line width
                      col.continuation="black", lty.continuation="dotted", lwd.continuation=1, # style of the contuniation lines connecting consecutive events
                      col.na="lightgray",                    # color for missing data
                      highlight.followup.window=TRUE, followup.window.col="green",
                      highlight.observation.window=TRUE, observation.window.col="yellow", observation.window.density=35, observation.window.angle=-30, observation.window.opacity=0.3,
                      alternating.bands.cols=c("white", "gray95"), # the colors of the alternating vertical bands across patients (NULL=don't draw any; can be >= 1 color)
                      rotate.text=-60,                       # some text (e.g., axis labels) may be rotated by this much degrees
                      force.draw.text=FALSE,                 # if true, always draw text even if too big or too small
                      bw.plot=FALSE,                         # if TRUE, override all user-given colors and replace them with a scheme suitable for grayscale plotting
                      min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz=0, min.plot.size.in.characters.vert=0, # the minimum plot size (in characters: horizontally, for the whole duration, vertically, per event)
                      suppress.warnings=FALSE,               # suppress warnings?
                      max.patients.to.plot=100,              # maximum number of patients to plot
                      export.formats=NULL,                   # the formats to export the figure to (by default, none); can be any subset of "svg" (just SVG file), "html" (SVG + HTML + CSS + JavaScript all embedded within the HTML document), "jpg", "png", "webp", "ps" and "pdf"
                      export.formats.fileprefix="AdhereR-plot", # the file name prefix for the exported formats
                      export.formats.height=NA, export.formats.width=NA, # desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane values)
                      export.formats.svg.placeholder.type=c("jpg", "png", "webp")[2],
                      export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed=FALSE, # save a placeholder for the SVG image?
                      export.formats.html.template=NULL, export.formats.html.javascript=NULL, export.formats.html.css=NULL, # HTML, JavaScript and CSS templates for exporting HTML+SVG
                      export.formats.directory=NA,           # if exporting, which directory to export to (if not give, creates files in the temporary directory)
                      generate.R.plot=TRUE,                  # generate standard (base R) plot for plotting within R?
                      do.not.draw.plot=FALSE                 # if TRUE, don't draw the actual plot, but only the legend (if required)
             show.cma=FALSE, # for CMA0, there's no CMA to show by definition
             show.event.intervals=FALSE, # not for CMA0
             print.CMA=FALSE, # for CMA0, there's no CMA to show by definition
             plot.CMA=FALSE, # for CMA0, there's no CMA to show by definition
             plot.partial.CMAs.as=NULL, # for CMA0, there's no "partial" CMAs by definition

#' Access the medication groups of a CMA object.
#' Retrieve the medication groups and the observations they refer to (if any).
#' @param x a CMA object.
#' @return a \emph{list} with two members:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{defs} A \code{data.frame} containing the names and definitions of
#'  the medication classes; please note that there is an extra class
#'  \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} containing all the observations not selected by any of
#'  the explicitly given medication classes.
#'  \item \code{obs} A \code{logical matrix} where the columns are the medication
#'  classes (the last being \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__}), and the rows the observations in
#'  the x's data; element \eqn{(i,j)} is \code{TRUE} iff observation \eqn{j} was
#'  selected by medication class \eqn{i}.
#' }
#' @export
getMGs <- function(x) UseMethod("getMGs")
#' @export
getMGs.CMA0 <- function(x)
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA0") || is.null(cma$medication.groups) ) return (NULL);
  return (cma$medication.groups);

#' Access the actual CMA estimate from a CMA object.
#' Retrieve the actual CMA estimate(s) encapsulated in a simple, per episode,
#' or sliding window CMA object.
#' @param x a CMA object.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} and there are
#' medication groups defined, then the return value is flattened to a single
#' \code{data.frame} with an extra column containing the medication group (its
#' name is given by \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return a \emph{data.frame} containing the CMA estimate(s).
#' @examples
#' cma1 <- CMA1(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' getCMA(cma1);
#' \dontrun{
#' cmaE <- CMA_per_episode(CMA="CMA1",
#'                         data=med.events,
#'                         ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'                         event.date.colname="DATE",
#'                         event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'                         event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'                         medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'                         carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'                         consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'                         followup.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.duration=365,
#'                         date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'                        );
#' getCMA(cmaE);}
#' @export
getCMA <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID") UseMethod("getCMA")
#' @export
getCMA.CMA0 <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA0") || !("CMA" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$CMA) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$CMA, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$CMA);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$CMA);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$CMA), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$CMA[[i]])){rep(names(cma$CMA)[i], nrow(cma$CMA[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' Access the event info from a CMA object.
#' Retrieve the event info encapsulated in a simple, per episode,
#' or sliding window CMA object.
#' @param x a CMA object.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} and there are
#' medication groups defined, then the return value is flattened to a single
#' \code{data.frame} with an extra column containing the medication group (its
#' name is given by \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return a \emph{data.frame} containing the CMA estimate(s).
#' @examples
#' cma1 <- CMA1(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' getEventInfo(cma1);
#' @export
getEventInfo <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID") UseMethod("getEventInfo")
#' @export
getEventInfo.CMA0 <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA0") || !("event.info" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$event.info) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$event.info, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$event.info);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$event.info);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$event.info), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$event.info[[i]])){rep(names(cma$event.info)[i], nrow(cma$event.info[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' Access the inner event info from a complex CMA object.
#' Retrieve the event info encapsulated in a complex (i.e., per episode
#' or sliding window) CMA object.
#' @param x a CMA object.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} and there are
#' medication groups defined, then the return value is flattened to a single
#' \code{data.frame} with an extra column containing the medication group (its
#' name is given by \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return a \emph{data.frame} containing the CMA estimate(s).
#' @export
getInnerEventInfo <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID") UseMethod("getInnerEventInfo")

#' Restrict a CMA object to a subset of patients.
#' Restrict a CMA object to a subset of patients.
#' @param cma a CMA object.
#' @param patients a list of patient IDs to keep.
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @return a CMA object containing only the information for the given patients.
#' @examples
#' cma1 <- CMA1(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' getCMA(cma1);
#' cma1a <- subsetCMA(cma1, patients=c(1:3,7));
#' cma1a; getCMA(cma1a);
#' @export
subsetCMA <- function(cma, patients, suppress.warnings) UseMethod("subsetCMA")
#' @export
subsetCMA.CMA0 <- function(cma, patients, suppress.warnings=FALSE)
  if( inherits(patients, "factor") ) patients <- as.character(patients);
  all.patients <- unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]);
  patients.to.keep <- intersect(patients, all.patients);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) == length(all.patients) )
    # Keep all patients:
    return (cma);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) == 0 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("No patients to subset on!\n", "error", "subsetCMA.CMA0", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) < length(patients) && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Some patients in the subsetting set are not in the CMA itself and are ignored!\n", "warning", "subsetCMA.CMA0", "AdhereR");

  ret.val <- cma;
  ret.val$data <- ret.val$data[ ret.val$data[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ];
  if( !is.null(ret.val$event.info) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$event.info, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$event.info <- ret.val$event.info[ ret.val$event.info[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if( nrow(ret.val$event.info) == 0 ) ret.val$event.info <- NULL;
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$event.info) && length(ret.val$event.info) > 0 )
      ret.val$event.info <- lapply(ret.val$event.info, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  if( ("CMA" %in% names(ret.val)) && !is.null(ret.val$CMA) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$CMA, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$CMA <- ret.val$CMA[ ret.val$CMA[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ];
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$CMA) && length(ret.val$CMA) > 0 )
      ret.val$CMA <- lapply(ret.val$CMA, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  return (ret.val);

# Auxiliary function: add time units to date:
.add.time.interval.to.date <- function( start.date, # a Date object
                                        time.interval=0, # the number of "units" to add to the start.date (must be numeric and is rounded)
                                        unit="days", # can be "days", "weeks", "months", "years"
  # Checks
  if( !inherits(start.date,"Date") )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Parameter start.date of .add.time.interval.to.date() must be a Date() object.\n", "error", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR");
    return (NA);
  if( !is.numeric(time.interval) )
    if( inherits(time.interval, "difftime") ) # check if a difftime and, if so, attempt conversion to number of units
      # Time difference:
      if( units(time.interval) == as.character(unit) )
        time.interval <- as.numeric(time.interval);
      } else
        # Try to convert it:
        time.interval <- as.numeric(time.interval, unit="days");
        time.interval <- switch( as.character(unit),
                                 "days"  = time.interval,
                                 "weeks" = time.interval/7,
                                 "months" = {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Converting to months assuming a 30-days month!", "warning", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR"); time.interval/30;},
                                 "years"  = {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Converting to years assuming a 365-days year!", "warning", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR"); time.interval/365;},
                                 {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown unit '",unit,"' to '.add.time.interval.to.date'.\n"), "error", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR"); return(NA);} # default
    } else
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Parameter start.date of .add.time.interval.to.date() must be a number.\n", "error", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR");
      return (NA);

  # time.interval <- round(time.interval);
  # return (switch( as.character(unit),
  #                 "days"  = (start.date + time.interval),
  #                 "weeks" = (start.date + time.interval*7),
  #                 "months" = {tmp <- (start.date + months(time.interval));
  #                             i <- which(is.na(tmp));
  #                             if( length(i) > 0 ) tmp[i] <- start.date[i] + lubridate::days(1) + months(time.interval);
  #                             tmp;},
  #                 "years"  = {tmp <- (start.date + lubridate::years(time.interval));
  #                             i <- which(is.na(tmp));
  #                             if( length(i) > 0 ) tmp[i] <- start.date[i] + lubridate::days(1) + lubridate::years(time.interval);
  #                             tmp;},
  #                 {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown unit '",unit,"' to '.add.time.interval.to.date'.\n"), "error", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR"); NA;} # default
  # ));

  # Faster but assumes that the internal representation of "Date" object is in number of days since the begining of time (probably stably true):
  return (switch( as.character(unit),
                            "days"  = structure(unclass(start.date) + round(time.interval), class="Date"),
                            "weeks" = structure(unclass(start.date) + round(time.interval*7), class="Date"),
                            "months" = lubridate::add_with_rollback(start.date,
                                                                    roll_to_first=TRUE), # take care of cases such as 2001/01/29 + 1 month
                            "years"  = lubridate::add_with_rollback(start.date,
                                                                    roll_to_first=TRUE), # take care of cases such as 2000/02/29 + 1 year
                            {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown unit '",unit,"' to '.add.time.interval.to.date'.\n"), "error", ".add.time.interval.to.date", "AdhereR"); NA;} # default

# Auxiliary function: subtract two dates to obtain the number of days in between:
# WARNING! Faster than difftime() but makes the assumption that the internal representation of Date objects is the number of days since a given beginning of time
# (true as of R 3.4 and probably conserved in future versions)
.difftime.Dates.as.days <- function( start.dates, end.dates, suppress.warnings=FALSE )
  # Checks
  if( !inherits(start.dates,"Date") || !inherits(end.dates,"Date") )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("start.dates and end.dates to '.difftime.Dates.as.days' must be a Date() objects.\n", "error", ".difftime.Dates.as.days", "AdhereR");
    return (NA);
  return (unclass(start.dates) - unclass(end.dates)); # the difference between the raw internal representations of Date objects is in days

# Auxiliary function: call a given function sequentially or in parallel:
.compute.function <- function(fnc, # the function to compute
                              fnc.ret.vals=1, # how many distinct values (as elements in a list) does fnc return (really useful for binding results from multi-cpu processing)?
                              # Parallel processing:
                              parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                              parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                              # The parameters with which to call the function:
                              # - NULL indicates that they are not used at all; the values, including defaults, must be fed by the caller
                              # - all consistency checks have been already been done in the caller (except for the parallel procssing params: these are checked here)
                              data=NULL, # this is a per-event *data.table* already keyed by patient ID and event date!
                              ID.colname=NULL, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID
                              event.date.colname=NULL, # the start date of the event in the date.format format
                              event.duration.colname=NULL, # the event duration in days
                              event.daily.dose.colname=NULL, # the prescribed daily dose
                              medication.class.colname=NULL, # the classes/types/groups of medication
                              event.interval.colname=NULL, # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                              gap.days.colname=NULL, # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                              carryover.within.obs.window=NULL, # if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window
                              carryover.into.obs.window=NULL, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window
                              carry.only.for.same.medication=NULL, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type
                              consider.dosage.change=NULL, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage
                              followup.window.start=NULL, # if a number, date earliest event per participant + number of units, otherwise a date.format date or variable date
                              followup.window.start.unit=NULL, # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                              followup.window.duration=NULL, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below
                              followup.window.duration.unit=NULL, # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                              observation.window.start=NULL, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start, otherwise a date.format date or variable date
                              observation.window.start.unit=NULL, # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                              observation.window.duration=NULL, # the duration of the observation window in time units
                              observation.window.duration.unit=NULL, # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                              date.format=NULL, # the format of the dates used in this function
  # Quick decision for sequential processing:
  if( parallel.backend == "none" || (is.numeric(parallel.threads) && parallel.threads == 1) )
    # Single threaded: simply call the function with the given data:
    return (fnc(data=data,

  # Could be Multicore:
  if( parallel.backend == "multicore" )
    if( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )
      # Can't do multicore on Windows!
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Parallel processing backend \"multicore\" is not currently supported on Windows: will use SNOW instead.\n"), "warning", ".compute.function", "AdhereR");
      parallel.backend <- "snow"; # try to do SNOW...
    } else
      # Okay, seems we're on some sort of *NIX, so can do multicore!

      # Pre-process parallel.threads:
      if( parallel.threads == "auto" )
        parallel.threads <- getOption("mc.cores", 2L);
      } else if( is.na(parallel.threads) || !is.numeric(parallel.threads) || (parallel.threads < 1) || (parallel.threads %% 1 != 0) )
        if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Number of parallel processing threads \"",parallel.threads,"\" must be either \"auto\" or a positive integer; forcing \"auto\".\n"), "warning", ".compute.function", "AdhereR");
        parallel.threads <- getOption("mc.cores", 2L);

      # Pre-split the participants into a number of chunks equal to the number of threads to reduce paying the overheads multiple times
      # and call the function for each thread in parallel:
      patids <- unique(data[,get(ID.colname)]); # data is a data.table, so careful with column selection!
      if( length(patids) < 1 ) return (NULL);
      tmp <- parallel::mclapply( lapply(parallel::splitIndices(length(patids), min(parallel.threads, length(patids))), function(i) patids[i]), # simulate snow::clusterSplit() to split patients by thread
                                 function(IDs) fnc(data=data[list(IDs),], # call the function sequentially for the patients in the current chunk
                                 mc.cores=parallel.threads, # as many cores as threads
                                 mc.preschedule=FALSE # don't preschedule as we know that we have relatively few jobs to do

      # Combine the results (there may be multiple returned data.frames intermingled!)
      if( fnc.ret.vals == 1 )
        # Easy: just one!
        ret.val <- data.table::rbindlist(tmp);
      } else
        # Combine them in turn:
        ret.val <- lapply(1:fnc.ret.vals, function(i)
          x <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) x[[i]]));
        if( length(tmp) > 0 ) names(ret.val) <- names(tmp[[1]]);
      return (ret.val);

  # Could be SNOW:
  cluster.type <- switch(parallel.backend,
                         "snow"=, "snow(SOCK)"="SOCK", # socket cluster
                         "snow(MPI)"="MPI",            # MPI cluster (required Rmpi)
                         "snow(NWS)"="NWS",            # NWS cluster (requires nws)
                         NA                            # unknown type of cluster
  if( is.na(cluster.type) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown parallel processing backend \"",parallel.backend,"\": will force sequential (\"none\").\n"), "warning", ".compute.function", "AdhereR");
    # Force single threaded: simply call the function with the given data:
    return (fnc(data=data,

  patids <- unique(data[,get(ID.colname)]); # data is a data.table, so careful with column selection!
  if( length(patids) < 1 ) return (NULL);

  # Pre-process parallel.threads:
  if( length(parallel.threads) == 1 )
    if( parallel.threads == "auto" )
      parallel.threads <- 2L;
    } else if( is.na(parallel.threads) || (is.numeric(parallel.threads) && ((parallel.threads < 1) || (parallel.threads %% 1 != 0))) )
      if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Number of parallel processing threads \"",parallel.threads,"\", if numeric, must be either a positive integer; forcing \"auto\".\n"), "warning", ".compute.function", "AdhereR");
      parallel.threads <- 2L;
    if( is.numeric(parallel.threads) ) parallel.threads <- min(parallel.threads, length(patids)); # make sure we're not starting more threads than patients

  # Attempt to create the SNOW cluster:
  cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.threads, # process only "auto", otherwise trust makeCluster() to interpret the parameters
                                   type = cluster.type);
  if( is.null(cluster) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Failed to create the cluster \"",parallel.backend,"\" with parallel.threads \"",parallel.threads,"\": will force sequential (\"none\").\n"), "warning", ".compute.function", "AdhereR");
    # Force single threaded: simply call the function with the given data:
    return (fnc(data=data,

  # Pre-split the participants into a number of chunks equal to the number of created cluster nodes to reduce paying the overheads multiple times
  # and call the function for each cluster in parallel:
  tmp <- parallel::parLapply(cluster,
                             parallel::clusterSplit(cluster, patids),
                             function(IDs) fnc(data=data[list(IDs),], # call the function sequentially for the patients in the current chunk

  parallel::stopCluster(cluster); # stop the cluster

  # Combine the results (there may be multiple return data.frames intermingled!)
  if( fnc.ret.vals == 1 )
    # Easy: just one!
    ret.val <- data.table::rbindlist(tmp);
  } else
    # Combine them in turn:
    ret.val <- lapply(1:fnc.ret.vals, function(i)
      x <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) x[[i]]));
    if( length(tmp) > 0 ) names(ret.val) <- names(tmp[[1]]);
  return (ret.val);

#' Gap Days and Event (prescribing or dispensing) Intervals.
#' For a given event (prescribing or dispensing) database, compute the gap days
#' and event intervals in various scenarious.
#' This should in general not be called directly by the user, but is provided as
#' a basis for the extension to new CMAs.
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to
#' compute the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event
#' date and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication
#' type (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters);
#' the \code{CMA} constructors call this parameter \code{data}.
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the classes/types/groups of medication, or \code{NA}
#' if not defined.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param carryover.within.obs.window \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} consider
#' the carry-over within the observation window, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param carryover.into.obs.window \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} consider the
#' carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window, or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type, or \code{NA}
#' if not defined.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} the carry-over
#' is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param keep.window.start.end.dates \emph{Logical}, should the computed start
#' and end dates of the windows be kept?
#' @param keep.event.interval.for.all.events \emph{Logical}, should the computed
#' event intervals be kept for all events, or \code{NA}'ed for those outside the
#' OW?
#' @param remove.events.outside.followup.window \emph{Logical}, should the
#' events that fall outside the follo-wup window be removed from the results?
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param return.data.table \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} return a
#' \code{data.table} object, otherwise a \code{data.frame}.
#' @param ... extra arguments.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} or \code{data.table} extending the
#' \code{event.info} parameter with:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{event.interval} Or any other name given in
#'  \code{event.interval.colname}, containing the number of days between the
#'  start of the current event and the start of the next one.
#'  \item \code{gap.days} Or any other name given in \code{gap.days.colname},
#'  containing the number of days when medication was not available for the
#'  current event (i.e., the "gap days").
#'  \item \code{.FU.START.DATE,.FU.END.DATE} if kept, the actual start and end
#'  dates of the follow-up window (after adjustments due to the various
#'  parameters).
#'  \item \code{.OBS.START.DATE,.OBS.END.DATE} if kept, the actual start and end
#'  dates of the observation window (after adjustments due to the various
#'  parameters).
#'  \item \code{.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW} if kept, \code{TRUE} if the
#'  current event starts before the start of the observation window.
#'  \item \code{.TDIFF1,.TDIFF2} if kept, various auxiliary time differences
#'  (in days).
#'  \item \code{.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW} if kept, \code{TRUE} if the
#'  current event starts after the end of the observation window.
#'  \item \code{.CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE} if kept, the carry-over (if any) from
#'  the previous events.
#'  \item \code{.EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW} if kept, \code{TRUE} if the current
#'  event is within the follow-up window.
#' }
#' @export
compute.event.int.gaps <- function(data, # this is a per-event data.frame with columns:
                                   ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID
                                   event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format
                                   event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days
                                   event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose
                                   medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication
                                   # The description of the output (added) columns:
                                   event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                                   gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                                   # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                                   carryover.within.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window
                                   carryover.into.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window
                                   carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type
                                   consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage
                                   # The follow-up window:
                                   followup.window.start=0, # if a number, date earliest event per participant + number of units, otherwise a date.format date or variable date
                                   followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                                   followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below
                                   followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                                   # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                                   observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start, otherwise a date.format date or variable date
                                   observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                                   observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units
                                   observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                                   # Date format:
                                   date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function
                                   # Keep the follow-up and observation window start and end dates?
                                   remove.events.outside.followup.window=TRUE, # remove events outside the follow-up window?
                                   keep.event.interval.for.all.events=FALSE, # keep the event.interval estimates for all events
                                   # Parallel processing:
                                   parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                                   parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                                   # Misc:
                                   suppress.special.argument.checks=FALSE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                   return.data.table=FALSE,  # should the result be converted to data.frame (default) or returned as a data.table (keyed by patient ID and event date)?
                                   ... # other stuff
  # preconditions concerning column names:
  if( is.null(data) || !inherits(data,"data.frame") || nrow(data) < 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Event data must be a non-empty data frame!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  data.names <- names(data); # cache names(data) as it is used a lot
  if( is.null(ID.colname) || is.na(ID.colname) ||                                           # avoid empty stuff
      !(is.character(ID.colname) ||                                                         # it must be a character...
        (is.factor(ID.colname) && is.character(ID.colname <- as.character(ID.colname)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
      length(ID.colname) != 1 ||                                                            # make sure it's a single value
      !(ID.colname %in% data.names)                                                         # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The patient ID column \"",ID.colname,"\" cannot be empty, must be a single value, and must be present in the event data!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.null(event.date.colname) || is.na(event.date.colname) ||                                                   # avoid empty stuff
      !(is.character(event.date.colname) ||                                                                         # it must be a character...
        (is.factor(event.date.colname) && is.character(event.date.colname <- as.character(event.date.colname)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
      length(event.date.colname) != 1 ||                                                                            # make sure it's a single value
      !(event.date.colname %in% data.names)                                                                         # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The event date column \"",event.date.colname,"\" cannot be empty, must be a single value, and must be present in the event data!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.null(event.duration.colname) || is.na(event.duration.colname) ||                                                       # avoid empty stuff
      !(is.character(event.duration.colname) ||                                                                                 # it must be a character...
        (is.factor(event.duration.colname) && is.character(event.duration.colname <- as.character(event.duration.colname)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
      length(event.duration.colname) != 1 ||                                                                                    # make sure it's a single value
      !(event.duration.colname %in% data.names)                                                                                 # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The event duration column \"",event.duration.colname,"\" cannot be empty, must be a single value, and must be present in the event data!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( (!is.null(event.daily.dose.colname) && !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname)) &&                                                      # if actually given:
      (!(is.character(event.daily.dose.colname) ||                                                                                     # it must be a character...
         (is.factor(event.daily.dose.colname) && is.character(event.daily.dose.colname <- as.character(event.daily.dose.colname)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
       length(event.daily.dose.colname) != 1 ||                                                                                        # make sure it's a single value
       !(event.daily.dose.colname %in% data.names))                                                                                    # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("If given, the event daily dose column \"",event.daily.dose.colname,"\" must be a single value and must be present in the event data!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( (!is.null(medication.class.colname) && !is.na(medication.class.colname)) &&                                                      # if actually given:
      (!(is.character(medication.class.colname) ||                                                                                     # it must be a character...
         (is.factor(medication.class.colname) && is.character(medication.class.colname <- as.character(medication.class.colname)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
       length(medication.class.colname) != 1 ||                                                                                        # make sure it's a single value
       !(medication.class.colname %in% data.names))                                                                                    # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("If given, the event type column \"",medication.class.colname,"\" must be a single value and must be present in the event data!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);

  # preconditions concerning carry-over:
  if( !is.logical(carryover.within.obs.window)    || is.na(carryover.within.obs.window)    || length(carryover.within.obs.window) != 1    ||
      !is.logical(carryover.into.obs.window)      || is.na(carryover.into.obs.window)      || length(carryover.into.obs.window) != 1      ||
      !is.logical(carry.only.for.same.medication) || is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) || length(carry.only.for.same.medication) != 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Carry over arguments must be single value logicals!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( !carryover.within.obs.window && !carryover.into.obs.window && carry.only.for.same.medication )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Cannot carry over only for same medication when no carry over at all is considered!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);

  # preconditions concerning dosage change:
  if( !is.logical(consider.dosage.change) || is.na(consider.dosage.change) || length(consider.dosage.change) != 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Consider dosage change must be single value logical!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);

  # preconditions concerning follow-up window (as all violations result in the same error, aggregate them in a single if):
  if( (is.null(followup.window.start) || is.na(followup.window.start) || length(followup.window.start) != 1) ||                   # cannot be missing or have more than one values
      (!inherits(followup.window.start,"Date") && !is.numeric(followup.window.start) &&                                           # not a Date or number:
          (!(is.character(followup.window.start) ||                                                                               # it must be a character...
             (is.factor(followup.window.start) && is.character(followup.window.start <- as.character(followup.window.start)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
           !(followup.window.start %in% data.names))) )                                                                           # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window start must be a single value, either a number, a Date object, or a string giving a column name in the data!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.null(followup.window.start.unit) ||
      (is.na(followup.window.start.unit) && !(is.factor(followup.window.start) || is.character(followup.window.start))) ||
      length(followup.window.start.unit) != 1 ||
      ((is.factor(followup.window.start.unit) || is.character(followup.window.start.unit)) && !(followup.window.start.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years"))) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window start unit must be a single value, one of \"days\", \"weeks\", \"months\" or \"years\"!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.numeric(followup.window.duration) && (followup.window.duration <= 0 || length(followup.window.duration) != 1) ||               # cannot be missing or have more than one values
      (!is.numeric(followup.window.duration) &&
       (!(is.character(followup.window.duration) ||                                                                                     # it must be a character...
          (is.factor(followup.window.duration) && is.character(followup.window.duration <- as.character(followup.window.duration)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
        !(followup.window.duration %in% data.names))))                                                                                  # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window duration must be a single value, either a positive number, or a string giving a column name in the data!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.null(followup.window.duration.unit) || is.na(followup.window.duration.unit) ||
      length(followup.window.duration.unit) != 1 ||
      !(followup.window.duration.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The follow-up window duration unit must be a single value, one of \"days\", \"weeks\", \"months\" or \"years\"!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);

  # preconditions concerning observation window (as all violations result in the same error, aggregate them in a single if):
  if( (is.null(observation.window.start) || is.na(observation.window.start) || length(observation.window.start) != 1) ||                   # cannot be missing or have more than one values
      (is.numeric(observation.window.start) && (observation.window.start < 0)) ||                                                          # if a number, must be a single positive one
      (!inherits(observation.window.start,"Date") && !is.numeric(observation.window.start) &&                                              # not a Date or number:
          (!(is.character(observation.window.start) ||                                                                                     # it must be a character...
             (is.factor(observation.window.start) && is.character(observation.window.start <- as.character(observation.window.start)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
           !(observation.window.start %in% data.names))) )                                                                                 # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window start must be a single value, either a positive number, a Date object, or a string giving a column name in the data!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.null(observation.window.start.unit) ||
      (is.na(observation.window.start.unit) && !(is.factor(observation.window.start) || is.character(observation.window.start))) ||
      length(observation.window.start.unit) != 1 ||
      ((is.factor(observation.window.start.unit) || is.character(observation.window.start.unit)) && !(observation.window.start.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years"))) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window start unit must be a single value, one of \"days\", \"weeks\", \"months\" or \"years\"!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.numeric(observation.window.duration) && (observation.window.duration <= 0 || length(observation.window.duration) != 1) ||               # cannot be missing or have more than one values
      (!is.numeric(observation.window.duration) &&
       (!(is.character(observation.window.duration) ||                                                                                           # it must be a character...
          (is.factor(observation.window.duration) && is.character(observation.window.duration <- as.character(observation.window.duration)))) || # ...or a factor (forced to character)
        !(observation.window.duration %in% data.names))))                                                                                        # make sure it's a valid column name
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window duration must be a single value, either a positive number, or a string giving a column name in the data!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.null(observation.window.duration.unit) || is.na(observation.window.duration.unit) ||
      length(observation.window.duration.unit) != 1 ||
      !(observation.window.duration.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The observation window duration unit must be a single value, one of \"days\", \"weeks\", \"months\" or \"years\"!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);

  # Check the patient IDs:
  if( anyNA(data[,ID.colname]) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The patient unique identifiers in the \"",ID.colname,"\" column must not contain NAs; the first occurs on row ",min(which(is.na(data[,ID.colname]))),"!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Check the date format (and save the conversion to Date() for later use):
  if( is.na(date.format) || is.null(date.format) || length(date.format) != 1 || !is.character(date.format) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The date format must be a single string!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( anyNA(Date.converted.to.DATE <- as.Date(data[,event.date.colname],format=date.format)) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Not all entries in the event date \"",event.date.colname,"\" column are valid dates or conform to the date format \"",date.format,"\"; first issue occurs on row ",min(which(is.na(Date.converted.to.DATE))),"!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Check the duration:
  tmp <- data[,event.duration.colname]; # caching for speed
  if( !is.numeric(tmp) || any(is.na(tmp) | tmp <= 0) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The event durations in the \"",event.duration.colname,"\" column must be non-missing strictly positive numbers!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Check the event daily dose:
  if( !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) && !is.null(event.daily.dose.colname) &&             # if actually given:
      (!is.numeric(tmp <- data[,event.daily.dose.colname]) || any(is.na(tmp) | tmp <= 0)) ) # must be a non-missing strictly positive number (and cache it for speed)
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("If given, the event daily dose in the \"",event.daily.dose.colname,"\" column must be a non-missing strictly positive numbers!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Check the newly created columns:
  if( is.na(event.interval.colname) || is.null(event.interval.colname) || !is.character(event.interval.colname) || (event.interval.colname %in% data.names) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The column name where the event interval will be stored \"",event.interval.colname,"\" cannot be missing nor already present in the event data!\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( is.na(gap.days.colname) || is.null(gap.days.colname) || !is.character(gap.days.colname) || (gap.days.colname %in% data.names) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The column name where the gap days will be stored \"",gap.days.colname,"\" cannot be mising nor already present in the event data.\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Make a data.table copy of data so we can alter it without altering the original input data:
  ret.val <- data.table(data);

  event.date2.colname <- ".DATE.as.Date"; # name of column caching the event dates
  ret.val[,c(event.interval.colname,            # output column event.interval.colname
             gap.days.colname,                  # output column gap.days.colname
             ".DATE.as.Date",                   # cache column .DATE.as.Date
             ".FU.START.DATE",                  # cache FUW start date
             ".FU.END.DATE",                    # cache FUW end date
             ".OBS.START.DATE",                 # cache OW start date
             ".OBS.END.DATE",                   # cache OW end date
             ".OBS.WITHIN.FU",                  # cache if the OW falls within the FUW
             ".EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW", # cache if the event starts before the OW begins
             ".EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW",  # cache if the event starts after the OW ends
             ".EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW",         # cache if the event is within the FUW
             ".TDIFF1",                         # cache time difference betwen the event duration and (OW start - event start)
             ".TDIFF2",                         # cache time difference betwen the next event start date and the current event start date
             ".CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE"          # cache if there is carry over from before the current event
            ) :=
            list(NA_real_,    # event.interval.colname: initially NA (numeric)
                 NA_real_,    # gap.days.colname: initially NA (numeric)
                 Date.converted.to.DATE, # .DATE.as.Date: convert event.date.colname from formatted string to Date (speeding calendar computations)
                 as.Date(NA), # .FU.START.DATE: initially NA (of type Date)
                 as.Date(NA), # .FU.END.DATE: initially NA (of type Date)
                 as.Date(NA), # .OBS.START.DATE: initially NA (of type Date)
                 as.Date(NA), # .OBS.END.DATE: initially NA (of type Date)
                 NA,          # .OBS.WITHIN.FU: initially NA (logical)
                 NA,          # .EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW: initially NA (logical)
                 NA,          # .EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW: initially NA (logical)
                 NA,          # .EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW: initially NA (logical)
                 NA_real_,    # .TDIFF1: initially NA (numeric)
                 NA_real_,    # .TDIFF2: initially NA (numeric)
                 NA_real_     # .CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE: initially NA (numeric)

  # Cache types of followup.window.start and observation.window.start (1 = numeric, 2 = column with Dates, 3 = column with units, 4 = a Date), as well as durations:
  followup.window.start.type <- ifelse(is.numeric(followup.window.start),
                                       1, # a number in the appropriate units
                                       ifelse(followup.window.start %in% data.names,
                                                     2,  # column of Date objects
                                                     3), # column of numbers in the appropriate units
                                              4)); # a Date object
  followup.window.duration.is.number <- is.numeric(followup.window.duration)
  observation.window.start.type <- ifelse(is.numeric(observation.window.start),
                                          1, # a number in the appropriate units
                                          ifelse(observation.window.start %in% data.names,
                                                        2,  # column of Date objects
                                                        3), # column of numbers in the appropriate units
                                                 4)); # a Date object
  observation.window.duration.is.number <- is.numeric(observation.window.duration)

  setkeyv(ret.val, c(ID.colname, ".DATE.as.Date")); # key (and sorting) by patient ID and event date

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: For a given patient, compute the gaps and return the required columns:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      # Number of events:
      n.events <- nrow(data4ID);

      # Force the selection, evaluation of promises and caching of the needed columns:
      # ... which columns to select (with their indices):
      columns.to.cache <- c(event.date2.colname, event.duration.colname); event.date2.colname.index <- 1; event.duration.colname.index <- 2;
      curr.index <- 3;
      if( !is.na(medication.class.colname) ){ columns.to.cache <- c(columns.to.cache, medication.class.colname); medication.class.colname.index <- curr.index; curr.index <- curr.index + 1;}
      if( !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) ){ columns.to.cache <- c(columns.to.cache, event.daily.dose.colname); event.daily.dose.colname.index <- curr.index; curr.index <- curr.index + 1;}
      if( followup.window.start.type %in% c(2,3) ){ columns.to.cache <- c(columns.to.cache, followup.window.start); followup.window.start.index <- curr.index; curr.index <- curr.index + 1;}
      if( !followup.window.duration.is.number ){ columns.to.cache <- c(columns.to.cache, followup.window.duration); followup.window.duration.index <- curr.index; curr.index <- curr.index + 1;}
      if( observation.window.start.type %in% c(2,3) ){ columns.to.cache <- c(columns.to.cache, observation.window.start); observation.window.start.index <- curr.index; curr.index <- curr.index + 1;}
      if( !observation.window.duration.is.number ){ columns.to.cache <- c(columns.to.cache, observation.window.duration); observation.window.duration.index <- curr.index; curr.index <- curr.index + 1;}
      # ... select these columns:
      data4ID.selected.columns <- data4ID[, columns.to.cache, with=FALSE]; # alternative to: data4ID[,..columns.to.cache]
      # ... cache the columns based on their indices:
      event.date2.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[event.date2.colname.index]]; event.duration.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[event.duration.colname.index]];
      if( !is.na(medication.class.colname) ) medication.class.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[medication.class.colname.index]];
      if( !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) ) event.daily.dose.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[event.daily.dose.colname.index]];
      if( followup.window.start.type %in% c(2,3) ) followup.window.start.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[followup.window.start.index]];
      if( !followup.window.duration.is.number ) followup.window.duration.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[followup.window.duration.index]];
      if( observation.window.start.type %in% c(2,3) ) observation.window.start.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[observation.window.start.index]];
      if( !observation.window.duration.is.number ) observation.window.duration.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[observation.window.duration.index]];

      # Cache also follow-up window start and end dates:
      # start dates
      .FU.START.DATE <- switch(followup.window.start.type,
                               .add.time.interval.to.date(event.date2.column[1], followup.window.start, followup.window.start.unit, suppress.warnings),                 # 1
                               followup.window.start.column[1],                                                                                                         # 2
                               .add.time.interval.to.date(event.date2.column[1], followup.window.start.column[1], followup.window.start.unit, suppress.warnings),       # 3
                               followup.window.start);                                                                                                                  # 4
      if( is.na(.FU.START.DATE) )
        # Return a valid but empty object:
        return (list(".FU.START.DATE"=as.Date(NA),
      # end dates
      .FU.END.DATE <- .add.time.interval.to.date(.FU.START.DATE,
                                                 ifelse(followup.window.duration.is.number, followup.window.duration, followup.window.duration.column[1]),
      if( is.na(.FU.END.DATE) )
        # Return a valid but empty object:
        return (list(".FU.START.DATE"=.FU.START.DATE,
      # Is the event within the FU window?
      .EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW <- (event.date2.column >= .FU.START.DATE) & (event.date2.column <= .FU.END.DATE);

      # Cache also observation window start and end dates:
      # start dates
      .OBS.START.DATE <- switch(observation.window.start.type,
                                .add.time.interval.to.date(.FU.START.DATE, observation.window.start, observation.window.start.unit, suppress.warnings),                 # 1
                                observation.window.start.column[1],                                                                                                     # 2
                                .add.time.interval.to.date(.FU.START.DATE, observation.window.start.column[1], observation.window.start.unit, suppress.warnings),       # 3
                                observation.window.start);                                                                                                              # 4
      if( is.na(.OBS.START.DATE) )
        # Return a valid but empty object:
        return (list(".FU.START.DATE"=.FU.START.DATE,
      # end dates
      .OBS.END.DATE <- .add.time.interval.to.date(.OBS.START.DATE,
                                                  ifelse(observation.window.duration.is.number, observation.window.duration, observation.window.duration.column[1]),
      if( is.na(.OBS.END.DATE) )
        # Return a valid but empty object:
        return (list(".FU.START.DATE"=.FU.START.DATE,

      # For each event, starts before/after the observation window start date?
      .EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW <- (event.date2.column < .OBS.START.DATE);
      .EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW  <- (event.date2.column > .OBS.END.DATE);

      # Cache some time differences:
      # event.duration.colname - (.OBS.START.DATE - event.date2.colname):
      .TDIFF1 <- (event.duration.column - .difftime.Dates.as.days(.OBS.START.DATE, event.date2.column));
      # event.date2.colname[current+1] - event.date2.colname[current]:
      if( n.events > 1 )
        .TDIFF2 <- c(.difftime.Dates.as.days(event.date2.column[-1], event.date2.column[-n.events]),NA_real_);
      } else
        .TDIFF2 <- NA_real_;

      # Make sure the observation window is included in the follow-up window:
        # Return a valid but empty object:
        return (list(".FU.START.DATE"=.FU.START.DATE,
      } else
        .OBS.WITHIN.FU <- TRUE;

      .CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE <- .EVENT.INTERVAL <- .GAP.DAYS <- rep(NA_real_,n.events); # initialize to NA
      # Select only those events within the FUW and OW (depending on carryover into OW):
      if( !carryover.into.obs.window )
        s <- which(.EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW & !.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW & !.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW); # select all events for this patient within the observation window
      } else
        s <- which(.EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW & !.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW); # select all events for patient ID within the follow-up window
      slen <- length(s); # cache it up
      if( slen == 1 ) # only one event in the observation window
        # Computations happen within the observation window
        .EVENT.INTERVAL[s] <- .difftime.Dates.as.days(.OBS.END.DATE, event.date2.column[s]); # for last event, the interval ends at the end of OW
        .CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE[s] <- 0.0; # no carry-over into this unique event
        .GAP.DAYS[s] <- max(0.0, (.EVENT.INTERVAL[s] - event.duration.column[s])); # the actual gap cannot be negative
      } else if( slen > 1 ) # at least one event in the observation window
        # Computations happen within the observation window
        if( carryover.within.obs.window )
          # do carry over within the observation window:

          # was there a change in medication?
          if( !is.na(medication.class.colname) )
            medication.changed <- c((medication.class.column[s[-slen]] != medication.class.column[s[-1]]), FALSE);
          } else
            medication.changed <- rep(FALSE,slen);
          # was there a change in dosage?
          if( !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) )
            dosage.change.ratio <- c((event.daily.dose.column[s[-slen]] / event.daily.dose.column[s[-1]]), 1.0);
          } else
            dosage.change.ratio <- rep(1.0,slen);
          # event intervals:
          .EVENT.INTERVAL[s]       <- .TDIFF2[s]; # save the time difference between next and current event start dates, but
          .EVENT.INTERVAL[s[slen]] <- .difftime.Dates.as.days(.OBS.END.DATE, event.date2.column[s[slen]]); # for last event, the interval ends at the end of OW
          # event.interval - event.duration:
          .event.interval.minus.duration <- (.EVENT.INTERVAL[s] - event.duration.column[s]);
          # cache various medication and dosage change conditions:
          cond1 <- (carry.only.for.same.medication & medication.changed);
          cond2 <- ((carry.only.for.same.medication & consider.dosage.change & !medication.changed) | (!carry.only.for.same.medication & consider.dosage.change));

          carry.over <- 0; # Initially, no carry-over into the first event
          # for each event:
          for( i in seq_along(s) ) # this for loop is not a performance bottleneck!
            si <- s[i]; # caching s[i] as it's used a lot

            # Save the carry-over into the event:
            .CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE[si] <- carry.over;

            # Computing the gap between events:
            gap <- (.event.interval.minus.duration[i] - carry.over); # subtract the event duration and carry-over from event interval
            if( gap < 0.0 ) # the actual gap cannot be negative
              .GAP.DAYS[si] <- 0.0; carry.over <- (-gap);
            } else
              .GAP.DAYS[si] <- gap; carry.over <- 0.0;

            if( cond1[i] )
              # Do not carry over across medication changes:
              carry.over <- 0;
            } else if( cond2[i] )
              # Apply the dosage change ratio:
              carry.over <- carry.over * dosage.change.ratio[i]; # adjust the carry-over relative to dosage change
        } else
          # do not consider carry over within the observation window:

          # event intervals:
          .EVENT.INTERVAL[s]       <- .TDIFF2[s]; # save the time difference between next and current event start dates, but
          .EVENT.INTERVAL[s[slen]] <- .difftime.Dates.as.days(.OBS.END.DATE, event.date2.column[s[slen]]); # for last event, the interval ends at the end of OW
          # event.interval - event.duration:
          .event.interval.minus.duration <- (.EVENT.INTERVAL[s] - event.duration.column[s]);
          # no carry over in this case:
          .CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE[s] <- 0.0;

          # for each event:
          for( i in seq_along(s) ) # this for loop is not a performance bottleneck!
            si <- s[i]; # caching s[i] as it's used a lot

            # Computing the gap between events:
            gap <- .event.interval.minus.duration[i]; # the event duration
            if( gap < 0.0 ) # the actual gap cannot be negative
              .GAP.DAYS[si] <- 0.0;
            } else
              .GAP.DAYS[si] <- gap;

      # Return the computed columns:
      return (list(".FU.START.DATE"=.FU.START.DATE,

    # Don't attempt to proces an empty dataset:
    if( is.null(data) || nrow(data) == 0 ) return (NULL);

    data[, c(".FU.START.DATE", ".FU.END.DATE",
             ".OBS.START.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE",
             ".TDIFF1", ".TDIFF2",
             event.interval.colname, gap.days.colname,
             ".CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE") :=
           .process.patient(.SD), # for each patient, compute the various columns and assign them back into the data.table
           by=ID.colname # group by patients
    return (data);

  # Compute the workhorse function:
  ret.val <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function,

  if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) < 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Computing event intervals and gap days failed!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( any(!ret.val$.OBS.WITHIN.FU) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("The observation window is not within the follow-up window for participant(s) ",paste0(unique(ret.val[!ret.val$.OBS.WITHIN.FU,get(ID.colname)]),collapse=", ")," !\n"), "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Make sure events outside the observation window are NA'ed:
  if( !keep.event.interval.for.all.events ) ret.val[ .OBS.WITHIN.FU & (.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW | .EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW), c(event.interval.colname) := NA_real_ ];

  # Remove the events that fall outside the follow-up window:
  if( remove.events.outside.followup.window ) ret.val <- ret.val[ which(.OBS.WITHIN.FU & .EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW), ];
  # If the results are empty return NULL:
  if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) < 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("No observations fall within the follow-up and observation windows!\n", "error", "compute.event.int.gaps", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Final clean-up: delete temporary columns:
  if( !keep.window.start.end.dates )
               ".EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW") := NULL];

  # If the results are empty return NULL:
  if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) < 1 ) return (NULL);

  if( !return.data.table )
    return (as.data.frame(ret.val));
  } else
    if( ".DATE.as.Date" %in% names(ret.val) )
      setkeyv(ret.val, c(ID.colname, ".DATE.as.Date")); # make sure it is keyed by patient ID and event date
    } else
      setkeyv(ret.val, c(ID.colname)); # make sure it is keyed by patient ID (as event date was removed)
    return (ret.val);

#' Compute Treatment Episodes.
#' For a given event (prescribing or dispensing) database, compute the treatment
#' episodes for each patient in various scenarious.
#' This should in general not be called directly by the user, but is provided as
#' a basis for the extension to new CMAs.
#' For the last treatment episode, the gap is considered only when longer than
#' the maximum permissible gap.
#' Please note the following:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item episode starts at first medication event for a particular medication,
#'  \item episode ends on the day when the last supply of that medication
#'  finished or if a period longer than the permissible gap preceded the next
#'  medication event, or at the end of the FUW,
#'  \item end episode gap days represents either the number of days after the
#'  end of the treatment episode (if medication changed, or if a period longer
#'  than the permissible gap preceded the next medication event) or at the
#'  end of (and within) the episode, i.e. the number of days after the last
#'  supply finished (if no other medication event followed until the end of the
#'  FUW),
#'  \item the duration of the episode is the interval between the episode start
#'  and episode end (and may include the gap days at the end, in the latter
#'  condition described above),
#'  \item the number of gap days after the end of the episode can be computed
#'  as all values larger than the permissible gap and 0 otherwise,
#'  \item if medication change starts new episode, then previous episode ends
#'  when the last supply is finished (irrespective of the length of gap compared
#'  to a maximum permissible gap); any days before the date of the new
#'  medication supply are considered a gap; this maintains consistency with gaps
#'  between episodes (whether they are constructed based on the maximum
#'  permissible gap rule or the medication change rule).
#' }
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to
#' compute the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event
#' date and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication
#' type (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters);
#' the \code{CMA} constructors call this parameter \code{data}.
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter), or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days), or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the classes/types/groups of medication, or \code{NA}
#' if not defined.
#' @param carryover.within.obs.window \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} consider
#' the carry-over within the observation window, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type, or \code{NA} if
#' not defined.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} the carry-over
#' is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode \emph{Logical}, should
#' a change in medication automatically start a new treatment episode?
#' @param dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode \emph{Logical}, should
#' a change in dosage automatically start a new treatment episode?
#' @param maximum.permissible.gap The \emph{number} of units given by
#' \code{maximum.permissible.gap.unit} representing the maximum duration of
#' permissible gaps between treatment episodes (can also be a percent, see
#' \code{maximum.permissible.gap.unit} for details).
#' @param maximum.permissible.gap.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"}, \emph{"years"} or \emph{"percent"}, and
#' represents the time units that \code{maximum.permissible.gap} refers to;
#' if \emph{percent}, then  \code{maximum.permissible.gap} is interpreted as a
#' percent (can be greater than 100\%) of the duration of the current
#' prescription.
#' @param maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode a \emph{logical} value
#' specifying of the \code{maximum.permissible.gap} should be append at the
#' end of an episode with a gap larger than the \code{maximum.permissible.gap};
#' \code{FALSE} (the default) mean no addition, while \code{TRUE} mean that the
#' full \code{maximum.permissible.gap} is added.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object it is the actual
#' start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the name of the
#' column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up window; if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"}, \emph{"weeks"},
#' \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time units that
#' \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param followup.window.duration a \emph{number} representing the duration of
#' the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param return.mapping.events.episodes A \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} then
#' the mapping between events and episodes is returned as the attribute
#' \code{mapping.episodes.to.events}, which is a \code{data.table} giving, for
#' each episode, the events that belong to it (an event is given by its row
#' number in the \code{data}). Please note that the episodes returned are quite
#' "generic" (e.g., they include all the events in the FUW), because which events
#' will be actually used in the computation of a \code{CMA_per_episode} depend on
#' which simple CMA is used (see also \code{CMA_per_episode}), and should be used
#' with care (we recommend using the mappings given by \code{CMA_per_episode}
#' instead).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param return.data.table \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} return a
#' \code{data.table} object, otherwise a \code{data.frame}.
#' @param ... extra arguments.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} or \code{data.table} with the following columns
#' (or \code{NULL} if no
#' treatment episodes could be computed):
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{patid} the patient ID.
#'  \item \code{episode.ID} the episode unique ID (increasing sequentially).
#'  \item \code{episode.start} the episode start date.
#'  \item \code{end.episode.gap.days} the corresponding gap days of the last event in this episode.
#'  \item \code{episode.duration} the episode duration in days.
#'  \item \code{episode.end} the episode end date.
#' }
#' If \code{mapping.episodes.to.events} is \code{TRUE}, then this also has an
#' \emph{attribute} \code{mapping.episodes.to.events} that gives the mapping between
#' episodes and events as a \code{data.table} with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{patid} the patient ID.
#'  \item \code{episode.ID} the episode unique ID (increasing sequentially).
#'  \item \code{event.index.in.data} the event given by its row number in the \code{data}.
#' }
#' @export
compute.treatment.episodes <- function( data, # this is a per-event data.frame with columns:
                                        ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID
                                        event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format
                                        event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days
                                        event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose
                                        medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication
                                        # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                                        carryover.within.obs.window=TRUE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window
                                        carry.only.for.same.medication=TRUE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type
                                        consider.dosage.change=TRUE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage
                                        # Treatment episodes:
                                        medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode=TRUE, # does a change in medication automatically start a new treatment episode?
                                        dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode=FALSE, # does a change in dosage automatically start a new treatment episode?
                                        maximum.permissible.gap=90, # if a number, is the duration in units of max. permissible gaps between treatment episodes
                                        maximum.permissible.gap.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "percent")[1], # time units; can be "days", "weeks" (fixed at 7 days), "months" (fixed at 30 days), "years" (fixed at 365 days), or "percent", in which case maximum.permissible.gap is interpreted as a percent (can be > 100%) of the duration of the current prescription
                                        maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode=FALSE, # should the maximum permissible gap be appended at the end of an episode with a gap larger than the maximum permissible gap? FALSE = no addition (the default), TRUE = the full maximum permissible gap is added
                                        # The follow-up window:
                                        followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, otherwise a date.format date
                                        followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                                        followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below
                                        followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)
                                        # The description of the output (added) columns:
                                        event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                                        gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                                        # Return also the mapping between episodes and events?
                                        return.mapping.events.episodes=FALSE, # return the mapping?
                                        # Date format:
                                        date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function
                                        # Parallel processing:
                                        parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                                        parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                                        # Misc:
                                        suppress.special.argument.checks=FALSE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                        ... # other stuff
  # Consistency checks:
  if( is.null(CMA0(data=data,
                   ...)) ) # delegate default checks to CMA0!
    return (NULL);
  # Episode-specific stuff:
  if( is.na(medication.class.colname) && medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("When 'medication.class.colname' is NA, 'medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode' must be FALSE!\n", "error", "compute.treatment.episodes", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) && dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("When 'event.daily.dose.colname' is NA, 'dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode' must be FALSE!\n", "error", "compute.treatment.episodes", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Convert maximum permissible gap units into days or proportion:
  maximum.permissible.gap.as.percent <- FALSE; # is the maximum permissible gap a percent of the current duration?
  maximum.permissible.gap <- switch(maximum.permissible.gap.unit,
                                    "days" = maximum.permissible.gap,
                                    "weeks" = maximum.permissible.gap * 7,
                                    "months" = maximum.permissible.gap * 30,
                                    "years" = maximum.permissible.gap * 365,
                                    "percent" = {maximum.permissible.gap.as.percent <- TRUE; maximum.permissible.gap / 100;}, # transform it into a proportion for faster computation
                                    {if(!suppress.warnings) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown maximum.permissible.gap.unit '",maximum.permissible.gap.unit,"': assuming you meant 'days'."), "warning", "compute.treatment.episodes", "AdhereR");  maximum.permissible.gap;} # otherwise force it to "days"
  if( maximum.permissible.gap < 0 ) maximum.permissible.gap <- 0; # make sure this is positive

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      # Cache things up:
      n.events                <- nrow(data4ID);
      last.event              <- max(which(data4ID$.EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW), na.rm=TRUE); # the last event in the follow-up window
      event.duration.column   <- data4ID[,get(event.duration.colname)];
      gap.days.column         <- data4ID[,get(gap.days.colname)];
      if( !is.na(medication.class.colname) ) medication.class.column <- data4ID[,get(medication.class.colname)];
      event.id.column         <- data4ID$.EVENT.UNIQUE.ID;
      MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP     <- switch(as.numeric(maximum.permissible.gap.as.percent)+1,
                                        rep(maximum.permissible.gap,n.events), # FALSE: maximum.permissible.gap is fixed in days
                                        maximum.permissible.gap * event.duration.column); # TRUE: maximum.permissible.gap is a percent of the duration

      # Select those gaps bigger than the maximum.permissible.gap:
      s <- (gap.days.column > MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP);
      if( medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode && n.events > 1 )
        # If medication change triggers a new episode and there is more than one event, consider these changes as well:
        s <- (s | c(medication.class.column[1:(n.events-1)] != medication.class.column[2:n.events], TRUE));
      if( dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode && n.events > 1 )
        # If dosage change triggers a new episode and there is more than one event, consider these changes as well:
        s <- (s | c(event.daily.dose.colname[1:(n.events-1)] != event.daily.dose.colname[2:n.events], TRUE));
      s <- which(s); s.len <- length(s);

      if( n.events == 1 || s.len == 0 || (s.len==1 && s==n.events) )
        # One single treatment episode starting with the first event within the follow-up window and the end of the follow-up window:
        episode.starting.index <- 1;
        treatment.episodes <- data.table("episode.ID"=as.numeric(1),
                                         "events.in.episode"=paste0(event.id.column[ episode.starting.index : last.event ], collapse=",")); # the events contained in each episode
        if( maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode )
          # Should we add the maximum permissible gap?
          gap.correction <- MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[last.event];
        } else
          # Don't add the maximum permissible gap to the episode:
          gap.correction <- 0.0;
        n.episodes <- nrow(treatment.episodes);
        treatment.episodes[, episode.duration := as.numeric(data4ID$.FU.END.DATE[1] - episode.start[n.episodes]) -
          ifelse(end.episode.gap.days[n.episodes] < MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[last.event], # duration of the last event of the last episode
                 end.episode.gap.days[n.episodes] + gap.correction)]; # the last episode duration is the end date of the follow-up window minus the start date of the last episode, minus the gap after the last episode plus (if requested) the maximum permissible gap, only if the gap is longer than the maximum permissible gap
        treatment.episodes[, episode.end := (episode.start + episode.duration)];
      } else
        # Define the treatment episodes:
        if( s[s.len] != n.events )
          # The last event with gap > maximum permissible is not the last event for this patient:
          episode.starting.index <- c(1,    # the 1st event in the follow-up window
                                      s+1); # the next event
          treatment.episodes <- data.table("episode.ID"=as.numeric(1:(s.len+1)),
                                           "end.episode.gap.days"=c(gap.days.column[s],              # the corresponding gap.days of the last event in this episode
                                                                    gap.days.column[last.event]),    # the corresponding gap.days of the last event in this follow-up window
                                                                        function(i) paste0(event.id.column[ episode.starting.index[i]:(episode.starting.index[i+1]-1) ], collapse=","),
                                                                 paste0(event.id.column[ episode.starting.index[length(episode.starting.index)]:last.event ], collapse=","))); # the events contained in each episode
          if( maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode )
            # Should we add the maximum permissible gap?
            episode.gap.smaller.than.max <- c(gap.days.column[s] <= MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[s],
                                              gap.days.column[last.event] <= MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[last.event]); # gap days less than the maximum permissible gap
            gap.correction <- MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[c(s, last.event)];
        } else
          # The last event with gap > maximum permissible is the last event for this patient:
          episode.starting.index <- c(1,            # the 1st event in the follow-up window
                                      s[-s.len]+1); # the next event
          treatment.episodes <- data.table("episode.ID"=as.numeric(1:s.len),
                                           "end.episode.gap.days"=gap.days.column[s], # the corresponding gap.days of the last event in this follow-up window
                                                                        function(i) paste0(event.id.column[ episode.starting.index[i]:(episode.starting.index[i+1]-1) ], collapse=","),
                                                                 paste0(event.id.column[ episode.starting.index[length(episode.starting.index)]:s[s.len] ], collapse=","))); # the events contained in each episode
          if( maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode )
            # Should we add the maximum permissible gap?
            episode.gap.smaller.than.max <- c(gap.days.column[s] <= MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[s]); # gap days less than the maximum permissible gap
            gap.correction <- MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[s];
        n.episodes <- nrow(treatment.episodes);
        if( maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode )
          # Should we add the maximum permissible gap?
          treatment.episodes[, episode.duration := c(as.numeric(episode.start[2:n.episodes] - episode.start[1:(n.episodes-1)]) - # start date of next episode minus start date of current episode
                                                              end.episode.gap.days[1:(n.episodes-1)] - gap.correction[1:(n.episodes-1)]), # minus the start date of the current episode, minus the gap after the current episode plus a proportion of the maximum permissible gap only if the gap is larger than the maximum permissible gap (i.e., not for changes of medication or dosage)
                                                     as.numeric(data4ID$.FU.END.DATE[1] - episode.start[n.episodes]) -
                                                       ifelse(episode.gap.smaller.than.max[n.episodes], # duration of the last event of the last episode
                                                              end.episode.gap.days[n.episodes] - gap.correction[n.episodes]))]; # the last episode duration is the end date of the follow-up window minus the start date of the last episode minus the gap after the last episode plus a proportion of the maximum permissible gap only if the gap is longer than the maximum permissible gap
        } else
          # Don't add the maximum permissible gap to the episode:
          treatment.episodes[, episode.duration := c(as.numeric(episode.start[2:n.episodes] - episode.start[1:(n.episodes-1)]) - end.episode.gap.days[1:(n.episodes-1)], # the episode duration is the start date of the next episode minus the start date of the current episode minus the gap after the current episode
                                                     as.numeric(data4ID$.FU.END.DATE[1] - episode.start[n.episodes]) -
                                                       ifelse(end.episode.gap.days[n.episodes] < MAX.PERMISSIBLE.GAP[last.event], # duration of the last event of the last episode
                                                              end.episode.gap.days[n.episodes]))]; # the last episode duration is the episode duration is the end date of the follow-up window minus the start date of the last episode minus the gap after the last episode only if the gap is longer than the maximum permissible gap
        treatment.episodes[, episode.end := (episode.start + episode.duration)];
      return (treatment.episodes);

    # Add the unique event ID (in fact, its row number in the original data
    data$.EVENT.UNIQUE.ID <- 1:nrow(data);

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (NULL);

    episodes <- event.info[!is.na(get(event.interval.colname)) & !is.na(get(gap.days.colname)), # only for those events that have non-NA interval and gap estimates
    setnames(episodes, 1, ID.colname);
    return (episodes);

  # Convert to data.table, cache event date as Date objects, and key by patient ID and event date
  data.copy <- data.table(data);
  data.copy[, .DATE.as.Date := as.Date(get(event.date.colname),format=date.format)]; # .DATE.as.Date: convert event.date.colname from formatted string to Date
  setkeyv(data.copy, c(ID.colname, ".DATE.as.Date")); # key (and sorting) by patient ID and event date

  # Compute the workhorse function:
  tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function,
  if( is.null(tmp) ) return (NULL);
  tmp[,end.episode.gap.days := as.integer(end.episode.gap.days)]; # force end.episode.gap.days to be integer to make for pretty printing...
  mapping.events.episodes <- tmp[,c(ID.colname, "episode.ID", "events.in.episode"), with=FALSE]; tmp[,events.in.episode := NULL];
  if( !return.data.table ) tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp);
  if( return.mapping.events.episodes )
    mapping.events.episodes <- mapping.events.episodes[, (function(df){if(is.null(df) || nrow(df) == 0){return (NULL)} else {strsplit(df$events.in.episode,",",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]}})(.SD), by=c(ID.colname, "episode.ID")];
    names(mapping.events.episodes)[ncol(mapping.events.episodes)] <- "event.index.in.data";
    attr(tmp, "mapping.episodes.to.events") <- mapping.events.episodes;
  return (tmp);

# Shared code between multiple CMAs
.cma.skeleton <- function(data=NULL,
  # Convert to data.table, cache event date as Date objects keeping only the necessary columns, check for column name conflicts, and key by patient ID and event date:
  # columns to keep:
  columns.to.keep <- c();
  if( !is.null(ID.colname) && !is.na(ID.colname) && length(ID.colname) == 1 && ID.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, ID.colname);
  if( !is.null(event.date.colname) && !is.na(event.date.colname) && length(event.date.colname) == 1 && event.date.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, event.date.colname);
  if( !is.null(event.duration.colname) && !is.na(event.duration.colname) && length(event.duration.colname) == 1  && event.duration.colname %in% names(data)) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, event.duration.colname);
  if( !is.null(event.daily.dose.colname) && !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) && length(event.daily.dose.colname) == 1 && event.daily.dose.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, event.daily.dose.colname);
  if( !is.null(medication.class.colname) && !is.na(medication.class.colname) && length(medication.class.colname) == 1 && medication.class.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, medication.class.colname);
  if( !is.null(mg <- getMGs(ret.val)) && !is.null(medication.groups.colname) && !is.na(medication.groups.colname) && length(medication.groups.colname) == 1  && medication.groups.colname %in% names(data)) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, medication.groups.colname);
  if( !is.null(followup.window.start) && !is.na(followup.window.start) && length(followup.window.start) == 1 && (is.character(followup.window.start) || (is.factor(followup.window.start) && is.character(followup.window.start <- as.character(followup.window.start)))) && followup.window.start %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, followup.window.start);
  if( !is.null(followup.window.duration) && !is.na(followup.window.duration) && length(followup.window.duration) == 1 && (is.character(followup.window.duration) || (is.factor(followup.window.duration) && is.character(followup.window.duration <- as.character(followup.window.duration)))) && followup.window.duration %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, followup.window.duration);
  if( !is.null(observation.window.start) && !is.na(observation.window.start) && length(observation.window.start) == 1 && (is.character(observation.window.start) || (is.factor(observation.window.start) && is.character(observation.window.start <- as.character(observation.window.start)))) && observation.window.start %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, observation.window.start);
  if( !is.null(observation.window.duration) && !is.na(observation.window.duration) && length(observation.window.duration) == 1 && (is.character(observation.window.duration) || (is.factor(observation.window.duration) && is.character(observation.window.duration <- as.character(observation.window.duration)))) && observation.window.duration %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, observation.window.duration);
  # special column names that should not be used:
  if( !suppress.special.argument.checks )
    ..special.colnames <- c(.special.colnames, event.interval.colname, gap.days.colname); # don't forget event.interval.colname and gap.days.colname!
    if( any(s <- ..special.colnames %in% columns.to.keep) )
      .report.ewms(paste0("Column name(s) ",paste0("'",..special.colnames[s],"'",collapse=", "),"' are reserved: please don't use them in your input data!\n"), "error", cma.class.name, "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
  # copy only the relevant bits of the data:
  data.copy <- data.table(data)[, columns.to.keep, with=FALSE];
  data.copy[, .DATE.as.Date := as.Date(get(event.date.colname),format=date.format)]; # .DATE.as.Date: convert event.date.colname from formatted string to Date
  data.copy$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. <- 1:nrow(data.copy); # preserve the original order of the rows (needed for medication groups)
  setkeyv(data.copy, c(ID.colname, ".DATE.as.Date")); # key (and sorting) by patient ID and event date

  # Are there medication groups?
  if( is.null(mg) )
    # Nope: do a single estimation on the whole dataset:

    # Compute the workhorse function:
    tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function, fnc.ret.vals=2,
    if( is.null(tmp) || is.null(tmp$CMA) || !inherits(tmp$CMA,"data.frame") || is.null(tmp$event.info) ) return (NULL);

    # Convert to data.frame and return:
    if( force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients )
      # Make sure patients with failed CMA estimations get an NA estimate!
      patids <- unique(data.copy[,get(ID.colname)]);
      if( length(patids) > nrow(tmp$CMA) )
        setnames(tmp$CMA, 1, ".ID"); tmp$CMA <- merge(data.table(".ID"=patids, key=".ID"), tmp$CMA, all.x=TRUE);
    setnames(tmp$CMA, c(ID.colname,"CMA")); ret.val[["CMA"]] <- as.data.frame(tmp$CMA);
    ret.val[["event.info"]] <- as.data.frame(tmp$event.info);
    class(ret.val) <- c(cma.class.name, class(ret.val));
    return (ret.val);

  } else
    # Yes

    # Make sure the group's observations reflect the potentially new order of the observations in the data:
    mb.obs <- mg$obs[data.copy$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.., ];

    # Focus only on the non-trivial ones:
    mg.to.eval <- (colSums(!is.na(mb.obs) & mb.obs) > 0);
    if( sum(mg.to.eval) == 0 )
      # None selects not even one observation!
      .report.ewms(paste0("None of the medication classes (included __ALL_OTHERS__) selects any observation!\n"), "warning", cma.class.name, "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    mb.obs <- mb.obs[,mg.to.eval]; # keep only the non-trivial ones

    # How is the FUW to be estimated?
    if( !followup.window.start.per.medication.group )
      # The FUW and OW are estimated once per patient (i.e., all medication groups share the same FUW and OW):
      # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
      event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data.copy),
                                           parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
      if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

      # Add the FUW and OW start dates to the data:
      data.copy <- merge(data.copy, unique(event.info[,c(ID.colname, ".FU.START.DATE", ".OBS.START.DATE")]), by=ID.colname, all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE);
      names(data.copy)[ names(data.copy) == ".FU.START.DATE" ]  <- ".FU.START.DATE.PER.PATIENT.ACROSS.MGS";
      names(data.copy)[ names(data.copy) == ".OBS.START.DATE" ] <- ".OBS.START.DATE.PER.PATIENT.ACROSS.MGS";

      # Adjust the corresponding params:
      actual.followup.window.start         <- ".FU.START.DATE.PER.PATIENT.ACROSS.MGS";
      actual.followup.window.start.unit    <- NA;
      actual.observation.window.start      <- ".OBS.START.DATE.PER.PATIENT.ACROSS.MGS";
      actual.observation.window.start.unit <- NA;
    } else
      # The FUW and OW are estimated separately for each medication group -- nothing to do...
      actual.followup.window.start         <- followup.window.start;
      actual.followup.window.start.unit    <- followup.window.start.unit;
      actual.observation.window.start      <- observation.window.start;
      actual.observation.window.start.unit <- observation.window.start.unit;

    # Check if there are medication classes that refer to the same observations (they would result in the same estimates):
    mb.obs.dupl <- duplicated(mb.obs, MARGIN=2);

    # Estimate each separately:
    tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(mg$defs), function(i)
      # Check if these are to be evaluated:
      if( !mg.to.eval[i] )
        return (list("CMA"=NULL, "event.info"=NULL));

      # Translate into the index of the classes to be evaluated:
      ii <- sum(mg.to.eval[1:i]);

      # Cache the selected observations:
      mg.sel.obs <- mb.obs[,ii];

      # Check if this is a duplicated medication class:
      if( mb.obs.dupl[ii] )
        # Find which one is the original:
        for( j in 1:(ii-1) ) # ii=1 never should be TRUE
          if( identical(mb.obs[,j], mg.sel.obs) )
            # This is the original: return it and stop
            return (c("identical.to"=j));

      # Compute the workhorse function:
      tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function, fnc.ret.vals=2,
                               data=data.copy[mg.sel.obs,], # apply it on the subset of observations covered by this medication class
      if( is.null(tmp) || (!is.null(tmp$CMA) && !inherits(tmp$CMA,"data.frame")) || is.null(tmp$event.info) ) return (NULL);

      if( !is.null(tmp$CMA) )
        # Convert to data.frame and return:
        if( force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients )
          # Make sure patients with failed CMA estimations get an NA estimate!
          patids <- unique(data.copy[,get(ID.colname)]);
          if( length(patids) > nrow(tmp$CMA) )
            setnames(tmp$CMA, 1, ".ID"); tmp$CMA <- merge(data.table(".ID"=patids, key=".ID"), tmp$CMA, all.x=TRUE);

        setnames(tmp$CMA, c(ID.colname,"CMA")); tmp$CMA <- as.data.frame(tmp$CMA);
      if( !is.null(tmp$event.info) )
        tmp$event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$event.info);
      return (tmp);


    # Set the names:
    names(tmp) <- mg$defs$name;

    # Solve the duplicates:
    for( i in seq_along(tmp) )
      if( is.numeric(tmp[[i]]) && length(tmp[[i]]) == 1 && names(tmp[[i]]) == "identical.to" ) tmp[[i]] <- tmp[[ tmp[[i]] ]];

    # Rearrange these and return:
    ret.val[["CMA"]]        <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$CMA);
    ret.val[["event.info"]] <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$event.info);
    if( flatten.medication.groups && !is.na(medication.groups.colname) )
      # Flatten the CMA:
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["CMA"]]);
      if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
        ret.val[["CMA"]] <- NULL;
      } else
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["CMA"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["CMA"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["CMA"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["CMA"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
        names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
        ret.val[["CMA"]] <- tmp;

      # ... and the event.info:
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["event.info"]]);
      if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
        ret.val[["event.info"]] <- NULL;
      } else
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["event.info"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["event.info"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["event.info"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["event.info"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
        names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
        ret.val[["event.info"]] <- tmp;
    class(ret.val) <- c(cma.class.name, class(ret.val));
    return (ret.val);


# Plot CMAs greater or equal to 1 (smart enough to know what to do with specific info)
.plot.CMA1plus <- function(cma,                                   # the CMA1 (or derived) object
                           patients.to.plot=NULL,                 # list of patient IDs to plot or NULL for all
                           duration=NA,                           # duration to plot in days (if missing, determined from the data)
                           align.all.patients=FALSE, align.first.event.at.zero=FALSE, # should all patients be aligned? and, if so, place the first event as the horizintal 0?
                           show.period=c("dates","days")[2],      # draw vertical bars at regular interval as dates or days?
                           period.in.days=90,                     # the interval (in days) at which to draw veritcal lines
                           show.legend=TRUE, legend.x="right", legend.y="bottom", legend.bkg.opacity=0.5, legend.cex=0.75, legend.cex.title=1.0, # legend params and position
                           cex=1.0, cex.axis=0.75, cex.lab=1.0,   # various graphical params
                           show.cma=TRUE,                         # show the CMA type
                           xlab=c("dates"="Date", "days"="Days"), # Vector of x labels to show for the two types of periods, or a single value for both, or NULL for nothing
                           ylab=c("withoutCMA"="patient", "withCMA"="patient (& CMA)"), # Vector of y labels to show without and with CMA estimates, or a single value for both, or NULL ofr nonthing
                           title=c("aligned"="Event patterns (all patients aligned)", "notaligned"="Event patterns"), # Vector of titles to show for and without alignment, or a single value for both, or NULL for nothing
                           col.cats=rainbow,                      # single color or a function mapping the categories to colors
                           unspecified.category.label="drug",     # the label of the unspecified category of medication
                           medication.groups.to.plot=NULL,        # the names of the medication groups to plot (by default, all)
                           medication.groups.separator.show=TRUE, medication.groups.separator.lty="solid", medication.groups.separator.lwd=2, medication.groups.separator.color="blue", # group medication events by patient?
                           medication.groups.allother.label="*",  # the label to use for the __ALL_OTHERS__ medication class (defaults to *)
                           lty.event="solid", lwd.event=2, pch.start.event=15, pch.end.event=16, # event style
                           show.event.intervals=TRUE,             # show the actual prescription intervals
                           plot.events.vertically.displaced=TRUE, # display the events on different lines (vertical displacement) or not (defaults to TRUE)?
                           col.na="lightgray",                    # color for missing data
                           print.CMA=TRUE, CMA.cex=0.50,          # print CMA next to the participant's ID?
                           plot.CMA=TRUE,                   # plot the CMA next to the participant ID?
                           CMA.plot.ratio=0.10,             # the proportion of the total horizontal plot to be taken by the CMA plot
                           CMA.plot.col="lightgreen", CMA.plot.border="darkgreen", CMA.plot.bkg="aquamarine", CMA.plot.text=CMA.plot.border, # attributes of the CMA plot
                           highlight.followup.window=TRUE, followup.window.col="green",
                           highlight.observation.window=TRUE, observation.window.col="yellow", observation.window.density=35, observation.window.angle=-30, observation.window.opacity=0.3,
                           show.real.obs.window.start=TRUE, real.obs.window.density=35, real.obs.window.angle=30, # for some CMAs, the real observation window starts at a different date
                           print.dose=FALSE, cex.dose=0.75, print.dose.outline.col="white", print.dose.centered=FALSE, # print daily dose
                           plot.dose=FALSE, lwd.event.max.dose=8, plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes=FALSE, # draw daily dose as line width
                           alternating.bands.cols=c("white", "gray95"), # the colors of the alternating vertical bands across patients (NULL=don't draw any; can be >= 1 color)
                           bw.plot=FALSE,                         # if TRUE, override all user-given colors and replace them with a scheme suitable for grayscale plotting
                           rotate.text=-60,                       # some text (e.g., axis labels) may be rotated by this much degrees
                           force.draw.text=FALSE,                 # if true, always draw text even if too big or too small
                           min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz=0, min.plot.size.in.characters.vert=0, # the minimum plot size (in characters: horizontally, for the whole duration, vertically, per event)
                           suppress.warnings=FALSE,               # suppress warnings?
                           max.patients.to.plot=100,              # maximum number of patients to plot
                           export.formats=NULL,                   # the formats to export the figure to (by default, none); can be any subset of "svg" (just SVG file), "html" (SVG + HTML + CSS + JavaScript all embedded within the HTML document), "jpg", "png", "webp", "ps" and "pdf"
                           export.formats.fileprefix="AdhereR-plot", # the file name prefix for the exported formats
                           export.formats.height=NA, export.formats.width=NA, # desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane values)
                           export.formats.svg.placeholder.type=c("jpg", "png", "webp")[2],
                           export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed=FALSE, # save a placeholder for the SVG image?
                           export.formats.html.template=NULL, export.formats.html.javascript=NULL, export.formats.html.css=NULL, # HTML, JavaScript and CSS templates for exporting HTML+SVG
                           export.formats.directory=NA,           # if exporting, which directory to export to (if not give, creates files in the temporary directory)
                           generate.R.plot=TRUE,                  # generate standard (base R) plot for plotting within R?
                           do.not.draw.plot=FALSE,                # if TRUE, don't draw the actual plot, but only the legend (if required)
             plot.partial.CMAs.as=FALSE, # CMA1+ do not have partial CMAs

#' CMA1 and CMA3 constructors.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 1 or type 3 object.
#' \code{CMA1} considers the total number of days with medication supplied in
#' all medication events in the observation window, excluding the last event.
#' \code{CMA3} is identical to \code{CMA1} except that it is capped at 100\%.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days supply excluding last) / (first to last event)}
#' Thus, the durations of all events are added up, possibly resulting in an CMA
#' estimate (much) bigger than 1.0 (100\%).
#' \code{\link{CMA2}} and \code{CMA1} differ in the inclusion or not of the last
#' event.
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA1} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window, as
#'  given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined and
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{FALSE}, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name),
#' but if \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{FALSE} then they are
#' \code{data.frame}s with an extra column giving the medication group (the
#' column's name is given by \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @seealso CMAs 1 to 8 are described in:
#' Vollmer, W. M., Xu, M., Feldstein, A., Smith, D., Waterbury, A., & Rand, C.
#' (2012). Comparison of pharmacy-based measures of medication adherence.
#' \emph{BMC Health Services Research}, \strong{12}, 155.
#' \doi{10.1186/1472-6963-12-155}.
#' @examples
#' cma1 <- CMA1(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' cma3 <- CMA3(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' @export
CMA1 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CMA estimates?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "consider.dosage.change"=FALSE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the observation window excluding the last event; durations of all events added up and divided by number of days from first to last event, possibly resulting in a value >1.0";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA1", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some serious error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      # Force the selection, evaluation of promises and caching of the needed columns:
      # ... which columns to select (with their indices):
      columns.to.cache <- c(".EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW", ".EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW", ".DATE.as.Date", event.duration.colname);
      # ... select these columns:
      data4ID.selected.columns <- data4ID[, columns.to.cache, with=FALSE]; # alternative to: data4ID[,..columns.to.cache];
      # ... cache the columns based on their indices:
      .EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW <- data4ID.selected.columns[[1]];
      .EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW <- data4ID.selected.columns[[2]];
      .DATE.as.Date <- data4ID.selected.columns[[3]];
      event.duration.column <- data4ID.selected.columns[[4]];

      # which data to consider:
      s.len <- length(s); s1 <- s[1]; ss.len <- s[s.len];

      if( s.len < 2 || (.date.diff <- .difftime.Dates.as.days(.DATE.as.Date[ss.len], .DATE.as.Date[s1])) == 0 )
        # For less than two events or when the first and the last events are on the same day, CMA1 does not make sense
        return (list("CMA"=NA_real_,
      } else
        # Otherwise, the sum of durations of the events excluding the last divided by the number of days between the first and the last event
        return (list("CMA"=as.numeric(sum(event.duration.column[s[-s.len]],na.rm=TRUE) / .date.diff),

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    CMA <- event.info[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname];
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- (event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. %in% CMA$included.events.original.row.order); # store if the event was used to compute the CMA or not
    return (list("CMA"=unique(CMA[,1:2]), "event.info"=event.info));

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,

                           event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # not relevant
                           medication.class.colname=NA, # not relevant
                           carryover.within.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window
                           carryover.into.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window
                           carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type
                           consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage



  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA1 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' Plot CMA0-derived objects.
#' Plots the event data and estimated CMA encapsulated in objects derived from
#' \code{CMA0}.
#' Please note that this function plots objects inheriting from \code{CMA0} but
#' not objects of type \code{CMA0} itself (these are plotted by
#' \code{\link{plot.CMA0}}).
#' The x-axis represents time (either in days since the earliest date or as
#' actual dates), with consecutive events represented as ascending on the y-axis.
#' Each event is represented as a segment with style \code{lty.event} and line
#' width \code{lwd.event} starting with a \code{pch.start.event} and ending with
#' a \code{pch.end.event} character, coloured with a unique color as given by
#' \code{col.cats}, extending from its start date until its end date.
#' Superimposed on these are shown the event intervals and gap days as estimated
#' by the particular CMA method, more precisely plotting the start and end of
#' the available events as solid filled-in rectangles, and the event gaps as
#' shaded rectangles.
#' The follow-up and the observation windows are plotted as an empty rectangle
#' and as shaded rectangle, respectively (for some CMAs the observation window
#' might be adjusted in which case the adjustment may also be plotted using a
#'  different shading).
#' The CMA estimates can be visually represented as well in the left side of the
#' figure using bars (sometimes the estimates can go above 100\%, in which case
#' the maximum possible bar filling is adjusted to reflect this).
#' When several patients are displayed on the same plot, they are organized
#' vertically, and alternating bands (white and gray) help distinguish
#' consecutive patients.
#' Implicitely, all patients contained in the \code{cma} object will be plotted,
#' but the \code{patients.to.plot} parameter allows the selection of a subset of
#' patients.
#' Finally, the y-axis shows the patient ID and possibly the CMA estimate as
#' well.
#' @param x A \emph{\code{CMA0}} or derived object, representing the CMA to
#' plot
#' @param patients.to.plot A vector of \emph{strings} containing the list of
#' patient IDs to plot (a subset of those in the \code{cma} object), or
#' \code{NULL} for all
#' @param duration A \emph{number}, the total duration (in days) of the whole
#' period to plot; in \code{NA} it is automatically determined from the event
#' data such that the whole dataset fits.
#' @param align.all.patients \emph{Logical}, should all patients be aligned
#' (i.e., the actual dates are discarded and all plots are relative to the
#' earliest date)?
#' @param align.first.event.at.zero \emph{Logical}, should the first event be
#' placed at the origin of the time axis (at 0)?
#' @param show.period A \emph{string}, if "dates" show the actual dates at the
#' regular grid intervals, while for "days" (the default) shows the days since
#' the beginning; if \code{align.all.patients == TRUE}, \code{show.period} is
#' taken as "days".
#' @param period.in.days The \emph{number} of days at which the regular grid is
#' drawn (or 0 for no grid).
#' @param show.legend \emph{Logical}, should the legend be drawn?
#' @param legend.x The position of the legend on the x axis; can be "left",
#' "right" (default), or a \emph{numeric} value.
#' @param legend.y The position of the legend on the y axis; can be "bottom"
#' (default), "top", or a \emph{numeric} value.
#' @param legend.bkg.opacity A \emph{number} between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the
#' opacity of the legend background.
#' @param cex,cex.axis,cex.lab,legend.cex,legend.cex.title,CMA.cex \emph{numeric}
#' values specifying the \code{cex} of the various types of text.
#' @param show.cma \emph{Logical}, should the CMA type be shown in the title?
#' @param col.cats A \emph{color} or a \emph{function} that specifies the single
#' colour or the colour palette used to plot the different medication; by
#' default \code{rainbow}, but we recommend, whenever possible, a
#' colorblind-friendly palette such as \code{viridis} or \code{colorblind_pal}.
#' @param unspecified.category.label A \emph{string} giving the name of the
#' unspecified (generic) medication category.
#' @param medication.groups.to.plot the names of the medication groups to plot or
#' \code{NULL} (the default) for all.
#' @param medication.groups.separator.show a \emph{boolean}, if \code{TRUE} (the
#' default) visually mark the medication groups the belong to the same patient,
#' using horizontal lines and alternating vertical lines.
#' @param medication.groups.separator.lty,medication.groups.separator.lwd,medication.groups.separator.color
#' graphical parameters (line type, line width and colour describing the visual
#' marking og medication groups as beloning to the same patient.
#' @param medication.groups.allother.label a \emph{string} giving the label to
#' use for the implicit \code{__ALL_OTHERS__} medication group (defaults to "*").
#' @param lty.event,lwd.event,pch.start.event,pch.end.event The style of the
#' event (line style, width, and start and end symbols).
#' @param show.event.intervals \emph{Logical}, should the actual event intervals
#' be shown?
#' @param col.na The colour used for missing event data.
#' @param bw.plot \emph{Logical}, should the plot use grayscale only (i.e., the
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{gray.colors}} function)?
#' @param rotate.text \emph{Numeric}, the angle by which certain text elements
#' (e.g., axis labels) should be rotated.
#' @param force.draw.text \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, always draw text even
#' if too big or too small
#' @param print.CMA \emph{Logical}, should the CMA values be printed?
#' @param plot.CMA \emph{Logical}, should the CMA values be represented
#' graphically?
#' @param CMA.plot.ratio A \emph{number}, the proportion of the total horizontal
#' plot space to be allocated to the CMA plot.
#' @param CMA.plot.col,CMA.plot.border,CMA.plot.bkg,CMA.plot.text \emph{Strings}
#' giving the colours of the various components of the CMA plot.
#' @param highlight.followup.window \emph{Logical}, should the follow-up window
#' be plotted?
#' @param followup.window.col The follow-up window's colour.
#' @param highlight.observation.window \emph{Logical}, should the observation
#' window be plotted?
#' @param observation.window.col,observation.window.density,observation.window.angle,observation.window.opacity
#' Attributes of the observation window (colour, shading density, angle and
#' opacity).
#' @param show.real.obs.window.start,real.obs.window.density,real.obs.window.angle For some CMAs, the observation window might
#' be adjusted, in which case should it be plotted and with that attributes?
#' @param print.dose \emph{Logical}, should the daily dose be printed as text?
#' @param cex.dose \emph{Numeric}, if daily dose is printed, what text size
#' to use?
#' @param print.dose.outline.col If \emph{\code{NA}}, don't print dose text with
#' outline, otherwise a color name/code for the outline.
#' @param print.dose.centered \emph{Logical}, print the daily dose centered on
#' the segment or slightly below it?
#' @param plot.dose \emph{Logical}, should the daily dose be indicated through
#' segment width?
#' @param lwd.event.max.dose \emph{Numeric}, the segment width corresponding to
#' the maximum daily dose (must be >= lwd.event but not too big either).
#' @param plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE},
#' the line width of the even is scaled relative to all medication classes (i.e.,
#' relative to the global minimum and maximum doses), otherwise it is scale
#' relative only to its medication class.
#' @param alternating.bands.cols The colors of the alternating vertical bands
#' distinguishing the patients; can be \code{NULL} = don't draw the bandes;
#' or a vector of colors.
#' @param min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz,min.plot.size.in.characters.vert
#' \emph{Numeric}, the minimum size of the plotting surface in characters;
#' horizontally (min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz) refers to the the whole
#' duration of the events to plot; vertically (min.plot.size.in.characters.vert)
#' refers to a single event. If the plotting is too small, possible solutions
#' might be: if within \code{RStudio}, try to enlarge the "Plots" panel, or
#' (also valid outside \code{RStudio} but not if using \code{RStudio server}
#' start a new plotting device (e.g., using \code{X11()}, \code{quartz()}
#' or \code{windows()}, depending on OS) or (works always) save to an image
#' (e.g., \code{jpeg(...); ...; dev.off()}) and display it in a viewer.
#' @param max.patients.to.plot \emph{Numeric}, the maximum patients to attempt
#' to plot.
#' @param export.formats a \emph{string} giving the formats to export the figure
#' to (by default \code{NULL}, meaning no exporting); can be any combination of
#' "svg" (just an \code{SVG} file), "html" (\code{SVG} + \code{HTML} + \code{CSS}
#' + \code{JavaScript}, all embedded within one \code{HTML} document), "jpg",
#' "png", "webp", "ps" or "pdf".
#' @param export.formats.fileprefix a \emph{string} giving the file name prefix
#' for the exported formats (defaults to "AdhereR-plot").
#' @param export.formats.height,export.formats.width \emph{numbers} giving the
#' desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane
#' values if \code{NA}).
#' @param export.formats.save.svg.placeholder a \emph{logical}, if TRUE, save an
#' image placeholder of type given by \code{export.formats.svg.placeholder.type}
#'for the \code{SVG} image.
#' @param export.formats.svg.placeholder.type a \emph{string}, giving the type of
#' placeholder for the \code{SVG} image to save; can be "jpg",
#' "png" (the default) or "webp".
#' @param export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE},
#' embed the placeholder image in the HTML document (if any) using \code{base64}
#' encoding, otherwise (the default) leave it as an external image file (works
#' only when an \code{HTML} document is exported and only for \code{JPEG} or
#' \code{PNG} images.
#' @param export.formats.html.template,export.formats.html.javascript,export.formats.html.css
#' \emph{character strings} or \code{NULL} (the default) giving the path to the
#' \code{HTML}, \code{JavaScript} and \code{CSS} templates, respectively, to be
#' used when generating the HTML+CSS semi-interactive plots; when \code{NULL},
#' the default ones included with the package will be used. If you decide to define
#' new templates please use the default ones for inspiration and note that future
#' version are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible!
#' @param export.formats.directory a \emph{string}; if exporting, which directory
#' to export to; if \code{NA} (the default), creates the files in a temporary
#' directory.
#' @param generate.R.plot a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE} (the default),
#' generate the standard (base \code{R}) plot for plotting within \code{R}.
#' @param do.not.draw.plot a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE} (\emph{not} the default),
#' does not draw the plot itself, but only the legend (if \code{show.legend} is
#' \code{TRUE}) at coordinates (0,0) irrespective of the given legend coordinates.
#' This is intended to allow (together with the \code{get.legend.plotting.area()}
#' function) the separate plotting of the legend.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @examples
#' cma1 <- CMA1(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' plot(cma1, patients.to.plot=c("1","2"));
#' @export
plot.CMA1 <- function(x,                                     # the CMA1 (or derived) object
                      ...,                                   # required for S3 consistency
                      patients.to.plot=NULL,                 # list of patient IDs to plot or NULL for all
                      duration=NA,                           # duration to plot in days (if missing, determined from the data)
                      align.all.patients=FALSE, align.first.event.at.zero=FALSE, # should all patients be aligned? and, if so, place the first event as the horizintal 0?
                      show.period=c("dates","days")[2],      # draw vertical bars at regular interval as dates or days?
                      period.in.days=90,                     # the interval (in days) at which to draw veritcal lines
                      show.legend=TRUE, legend.x="right", legend.y="bottom", legend.bkg.opacity=0.5, legend.cex=0.75, legend.cex.title=1.0, # legend params and position
                      cex=1.0, cex.axis=0.75, cex.lab=1.0,   # various graphical params
                      show.cma=TRUE,                         # show the CMA type
                      col.cats=rainbow,                      # single color or a function mapping the categories to colors
                      unspecified.category.label="drug",     # the label of the unspecified category of medication
                      medication.groups.to.plot=NULL,        # the names of the medication groups to plot (by default, all)
                      medication.groups.separator.show=TRUE, medication.groups.separator.lty="solid", medication.groups.separator.lwd=2, medication.groups.separator.color="blue", # group medication events by patient?
                      medication.groups.allother.label="*",  # the label to use for the __ALL_OTHERS__ medication class (defaults to *)
                      lty.event="solid", lwd.event=2, pch.start.event=15, pch.end.event=16, # event style
                      show.event.intervals=TRUE,             # show the actual rpescription intervals
                      col.na="lightgray",                    # color for mising data
                      #col.continuation="black", lty.continuation="dotted", lwd.continuation=1, # style of the contuniation lines connecting consecutive events
                      print.CMA=TRUE, CMA.cex=0.50,           # print CMA next to the participant's ID?
                      plot.CMA=TRUE,                   # plot the CMA next to the participant ID?
                      CMA.plot.ratio=0.10,             # the proportion of the total horizontal plot to be taken by the CMA plot
                      CMA.plot.col="lightgreen", CMA.plot.border="darkgreen", CMA.plot.bkg="aquamarine", CMA.plot.text=CMA.plot.border, # attributes of the CMA plot
                      highlight.followup.window=TRUE, followup.window.col="green",
                      highlight.observation.window=TRUE, observation.window.col="yellow", observation.window.density=35, observation.window.angle=-30, observation.window.opacity=0.3,
                      show.real.obs.window.start=TRUE, real.obs.window.density=35, real.obs.window.angle=30, # for some CMAs, the real observation window starts at a different date
                      print.dose=FALSE, cex.dose=0.75, print.dose.outline.col="white", print.dose.centered=FALSE, # print daily dose
                      plot.dose=FALSE, lwd.event.max.dose=8, plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes=FALSE, # draw daily dose as line width
                      alternating.bands.cols=c("white", "gray95"), # the colors of the alternating vertical bands across patients (NULL=don't draw any; can be >= 1 color)
                      bw.plot=FALSE,                         # if TRUE, override all user-given colors and replace them with a scheme suitable for grayscale plotting
                      rotate.text=-60,                       # some text (e.g., axis labels) may be rotated by this much degrees
                      force.draw.text=FALSE,                 # if true, always draw text even if too big or too small
                      min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz=0, min.plot.size.in.characters.vert=0, # the minimum plot size (in characters: horizontally, for the whole duration, vertically, per event)
                      max.patients.to.plot=100,              # maximum number of patients to plot
                      export.formats=NULL,                   # the formats to export the figure to (by default, none); can be any subset of "svg" (just SVG file), "html" (SVG + HTML + CSS + JavaScript all embedded within the HTML document), "jpg", "png", "webp", "ps" and "pdf"
                      export.formats.fileprefix="AdhereR-plot", # the file name prefix for the exported formats
                      export.formats.height=NA, export.formats.width=NA, # desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane values)
                      export.formats.svg.placeholder.type=c("jpg", "png", "webp")[2],
                      export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed=FALSE, # save a placeholder for the SVG image?
                      export.formats.directory=NA,           # if exporting, which directory to export to (if not give, creates files in the temporary directory)
                      export.formats.html.template=NULL, export.formats.html.javascript=NULL, export.formats.html.css=NULL, # HTML, JavaScript and CSS templates for exporting HTML+SVG
                      generate.R.plot=TRUE,                  # generate standard (base R) plot for plotting within R?
                      do.not.draw.plot=FALSE                 # if TRUE, don't draw the actual plot, but only the legend (if required)

#' CMA2 and CMA4 constructors.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 2 or type 4 object.
#' \code{CMA2} considers the total number of days with medication supplied in
#' all medication events in the observation window, including the last event.
#' \code{CMA4} is identical to \code{CMA2} except that it is capped at 100\%.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days supply including last event) / (first to last event)}
#' Thus, the durations of all events are added up, possibly resulting in an CMA
#' estimate (much) bigger than 1.0 (100\%)
#' \code{CMA2} and \code{\link{CMA1}} differ in the inclusion or not of the last
#' event.
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA2} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window, as
#'  given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso CMAs 1 to 8 are defined in:
#' Vollmer, W. M., Xu, M., Feldstein, A., Smith, D., Waterbury, A., & Rand, C.
#' (2012). Comparison of pharmacy-based measures of medication adherence.
#' \emph{BMC Health Services Research}, \strong{12}, 155.
#' \doi{10.1186/1472-6963-12-155}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cma2 <- CMA2(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' cma4 <- CMA4(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );}
#' @export
CMA2 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "consider.dosage.change"=FALSE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the observation window including the last event; durations of all events added up and divided by number of days from first event to end of observation window, possibly resulting in a value >1.0";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA2", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      sel.data4ID <- data4ID[ !.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW & !.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW, ]; # select the events within the observation window only
      n.events <- nrow(sel.data4ID); # cache number of events
      if( n.events < 1 || sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[1] > sel.data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[1] )
        # For less than one event or when the first event is on the last day of the observation window, CMA2 does not make sense
        return (list("CMA"=NA_real_,
      } else
        # Otherwise, the sum of durations of the events divided by the number of days between the first event and the end of the observation window
        return (list("CMA"=as.numeric(sum(sel.data4ID[, get(event.duration.colname)],na.rm=TRUE) /
                                 (as.numeric(difftime(sel.data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[1], sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[1], units="days")))),

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    CMA <- event.info[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname];
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- (event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. %in% CMA$included.events.original.row.order); # store if the event was used to compute the CMA or not
    return (list("CMA"=unique(CMA[,1:2]), "event.info"=event.info));

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,

                           event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # not relevant
                           medication.class.colname=NA, # not relevant
                           carryover.within.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over within the observation window
                           carryover.into.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window
                           carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type
                           consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage



  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA2 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA2 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' @rdname CMA1
#' @export
CMA3 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "consider.dosage.change"=FALSE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the observation window including the last event; durations of all events added up and divided by number of days from first to last event, then capped at 1.0";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA3", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA1 object:
  ret.val <- CMA1(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream

  # Cap the CMA at 1.0:
  if( !is.null(ret.val$CMA) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$CMA, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$CMA$CMA <- pmin(1, ret.val$CMA$CMA);
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$CMA) && length(ret.val$CMA) > 0 )
      for( i in 1:length(ret.val$CMA) ) if( !is.null(ret.val$CMA[[i]]) ) ret.val$CMA[[i]]$CMA <- pmin(1, ret.val$CMA[[i]]$CMA);

  # Convert to data.frame and return:
  class(ret.val) <- c("CMA3", class(ret.val));
  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA3 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA3 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' @rdname CMA2
#' @export
CMA4 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "consider.dosage.change"=FALSE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the observation window including the last event; durations of all events added up and divided by number of days from first event to end of observation window, then capped at 1.0";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA4", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA2 object:
  ret.val <- CMA2(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream

  # Cap the CMA at 1.0:
  if( !is.null(ret.val$CMA) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$CMA, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$CMA$CMA <- pmin(1, ret.val$CMA$CMA);
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$CMA) && length(ret.val$CMA) > 0 )
      for( i in 1:length(ret.val$CMA) ) if( !is.null(ret.val$CMA[[i]]) ) ret.val$CMA[[i]]$CMA <- pmin(1, ret.val$CMA[[i]]$CMA);

  # Convert to data.frame and return:
  class(ret.val) <- c("CMA4", class(ret.val));
  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA4 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA4 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' CMA5 constructor.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 5 object.
#' \code{CMA5} assumes that, within the observation window, the medication is
#' used as prescribed and new medication is "banked" until needed (oversupply
#' from previous events is used first, followed new medication supply).
#' It computes days of theoretical use by extracting the total number of gap
#' days from the total time interval between the first and the last event,
#' accounting for carry over for all medication events within the observation
#' window.
#' Thus, it accounts for timing within the observation window, and excludes the
#' remaining supply at the start of the last event within the observation window.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days of theoretical use) / (first to last event)}
#' Observations:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item the \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter controls the
#'  transmission of carry-over across medication changes, producing a "standard"
#'  \code{CMA5} (default value is FALSE), and an "alternative" \code{CMA5b},
#'  respectively;
#'  \item the \code{consider.dosage.change} parameter controls if dosage changes
#'  are taken into account, i.e. if set as TRUE and a new medication event has a
#'  different daily dosage recommendation, carry-over is recomputed assuming
#'  medication use according to the new prescribed dosage (default value is FALSE).
#' }
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the medication events used
#' to compute the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the
#' event date and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and
#' medication type (the actual column names are defined in the following four
#' parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider not
#' covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA5} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window, as
#'  given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso CMAs 1 to 8 are defined in:
#' Vollmer, W. M., Xu, M., Feldstein, A., Smith, D., Waterbury, A., & Rand, C.
#' (2012). Comparison of pharmacy-based measures of medication adherence.
#' \emph{BMC Health Services Research}, \strong{12}, 155.
#' \doi{10.1186/1472-6963-12-155}.
#' @examples
#' cma5 <- CMA5(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'              consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' @export
CMA5 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                  medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                  carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                  consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "carryover.into.obs.window"=FALSE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available from first to last event; total number of gap days extracted from this time interval, then divided by the time interval, accounting for carry-over within observation window and excluding remaining supply";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA5", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      sel.data4ID <- data4ID[ !.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW & !.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW, ]; # select the events within the observation window only
      n.events <- nrow(sel.data4ID); # cache number of events
      if( n.events < 2 || sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[1] == sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[n.events] )
        # For less than two events or when the first and the last events are on the same day, CMA5 does not make sense
        return (list("CMA"=NA_real_,
      } else
        # Otherwise, the sum of durations of the events excluding the last divided by the number of days between the first and the last event
        return (list("CMA"=1 - as.numeric(sum(sel.data4ID[-n.events, get(gap.days.colname)],na.rm=TRUE) /
                                     (as.numeric(difftime(sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[n.events], sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[1], units="days")))),

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    CMA <- event.info[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname];
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- (event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. %in% CMA$included.events.original.row.order); # store if the event was used to compute the CMA or not
    return (list("CMA"=unique(CMA[,1:2]), "event.info"=event.info));

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,

                           carryover.into.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window



  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA5 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA5 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' CMA6 constructor.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 6 object.
#' \code{CMA6} assumes that, within the observation window, the medication is
#' used as prescribed and new medication is "banked" until needed (oversupply
#' from previous events is used first, followed new medication supply).
#' It computes days of theoretical use by extracting the total number of gap
#' days from the total time interval between the first event and the end of the
#' observation window, accounting for carry over for all medication events
#' within the observation window.
#' Thus, it accounts for timing within the observation window, and excludes the
#' remaining supply at the end of the observation window.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days of theoretical use) / (first event to end of
#' observation window)}
#' Observations:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item the \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter controls the
#'  transmission of carry-over across medication changes, producing a
#'  "standard" \code{CMA6} (default value is FALSE), and an "alternative"
#'  \code{CMA6b}, respectively;
#'  \item the \code{consider.dosage.change} parameter controls if dosage changes
#'  are taken into account, i.e. if set as TRUE and a new medication event has
#'  a different daily dosage recommendation, carry-over is recomputed assuming
#'  medication use according to the new prescribed dosage (default value is FALSE).
#' }
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA6} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window, as
#'  given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso CMAs 1 to 8 are defined in:
#' Vollmer, W. M., Xu, M., Feldstein, A., Smith, D., Waterbury, A., & Rand, C.
#' (2012). Comparison of pharmacy-based measures of medication adherence.
#' \emph{BMC Health Services Research}, \strong{12}, 155.
#' \doi{10.1186/1472-6963-12-155}.
#' @examples
#' cma6 <- CMA6(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'              consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' @export
CMA6 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                  medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                  carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                  consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "carryover.into.obs.window"=FALSE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available from the first event to the end of the observation window; total number of gap days extracted from this time interval, then divided by the time interval, accounting for carry-over within observation window and excluding remaining supply";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA6", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      sel.data4ID <- data4ID[ !.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW & !.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW, ]; # select the events within the observation window only
      n.events <- nrow(sel.data4ID); # cache number of events
      if( n.events < 1 || sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[1] > sel.data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[1] )
        # For less than one event or when the first event is on the last day of the observation window, CMA6 does not make sense
        return (list("CMA"=NA_real_,
      } else
        # Otherwise, 1 - (total gap days divided by the number of days between the first event and the end of the observation window)
        return (list("CMA"=1 - as.numeric(sum(sel.data4ID[, get(gap.days.colname)],na.rm=TRUE) /
                                     (as.numeric(sel.data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[1] - sel.data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[1]))),

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    CMA <- event.info[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname];
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- (event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. %in% CMA$included.events.original.row.order); # store if the event was used to compute the CMA or not
    return (list("CMA"=unique(CMA[,1:2]), "event.info"=event.info));

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,

                           carryover.into.obs.window=FALSE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window



  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA6 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA6 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' CMA7 constructor.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 7 object.
#' \code{CMA7} assumes that, within and before the observation window, the
#' medication is used as prescribed and new medication is "banked" until needed
#' (oversupply from previous events is used first, followed new medication
#' supply).
#' It computes days of theoretical use by extracting the total number of gap
#' days from the total time interval between the start and the end of the
#' observation window, accounting for carry over for all medication events
#' within and before the observation window. All medication events in the
#' follow up window before observation window are considered for carry-over
#' calculation.
#' Thus, it accounts for timing within and before the observation window, and
#' excludes the remaining supply at the end of the observation window.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days of theoretical use) / (start to end of observation
#'  window)}
#' Observations:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item the \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter controls the
#'  transmission of carry-over across medication changes, producing a "standard"
#'  \code{CMA7} (default value is FALSE), and an "alternative" \code{CMA7b},
#'  respectively;
#'  \item the \code{consider.dosage.change} parameter controls if dosage
#'  changes are taken into account, i.e. if set as TRUE and a new medication
#'  event has a different daily dosage recommendation, carry-over is recomputed
#'  assuming medication use according to the new prescribed dosage (default
#'  value is FALSE).
#' }
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider not
#' covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA7} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso CMAs 1 to 8 are defined in:
#' Vollmer, W. M., Xu, M., Feldstein, A., Smith, D., Waterbury, A., & Rand, C.
#' (2012). Comparison of pharmacy-based measures of medication adherence.
#' \emph{BMC Health Services Research}, \strong{12}, 155.
#' \doi{10.1186/1472-6963-12-155}.
#' @examples
#' cma7 <- CMA7(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'              consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' @export
CMA7 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                  medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                  carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                  consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "carryover.into.obs.window"=TRUE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the whole observation window; total number of gap days extracted from this time interval, then divided by the time interval, accounting for carry-over both before and within observation window and excluding remaining supply";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA7", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      # Select the events within the observation window:
      # Cache used things:
      n.events <- nrow(data4ID); s1 <- s[1]; slen <- length(s); slast <- s[slen];
      gap.days.column <- data4ID[, get(gap.days.colname)];

      # For less than one event or when the first event is on the last day of the observation window,
      if( slen < 1 || (data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[s1] > data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[s1]) )
        if ( sum(data4ID$.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW)==0 )
          # If there are no prior events, CMA7 does not make sense:
          return (list("CMA"=NA_real_,
        } else
          # Select the events that start before the observation window begins but continue within the observation window:
          event.start.before.continue.in <- max(which(data4ID$.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW));
          if( data4ID$gap.days[event.start.before.continue.in] <= as.numeric(data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[n.events] - data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[n.events]) )
            # Otherwise, CMA7 is the gap of the last event entering the observation window minus any days between the end of observation window and date of next event or end of follow-up window, divided by the observation window:
            return (list("CMA"=1.0 - as.numeric(gap.days.column[event.start.before.continue.in] /
                                                  (as.numeric(data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[event.start.before.continue.in] - data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[event.start.before.continue.in]))),
          } else
            # If there is no event before that enters into the observation window, CMA7 is 0:
            return (list("CMA"=0.0,
      } else
        # for all other situations compute the gap days for the last event in the observation window
        event.after.obs.window <- which(data4ID$.EVENT.STARTS.AFTER.OBS.WINDOW); # the events after the observation window
        gap.days.obswin.last.event <- gap.days.column[slast];

        # Compute the gap days within the observation window but before the first event:
        if( s1 == 1 )
          gap.days.obswin.before.first.event <- as.numeric(difftime(data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[s1], data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[s1], units="days")); # if it is the first event, there are gap days from start of observation window to first event
        } else
          gap.days.obswin.before.first.event <- min(gap.days.column[s1-1], as.numeric(difftime(data4ID$.DATE.as.Date[s1], data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[s1], units="days")));

        # Return 1 - (total gap days in observation window divided by the number of days between the start and the end of the observation window)
        if( slen == 1  )
          # if there is only one event, there are no "gap.days" to consider
          return (list("CMA"=1 - as.numeric((gap.days.obswin.last.event + gap.days.obswin.before.first.event) /
                                              (as.numeric(difftime(data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[s1], data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[s1], units="days")))),
        } else
          # if there are more events, gap days are the ones from before, the ones for the last event, and the ones in between
          return (list("CMA"=1 - as.numeric((sum(gap.days.column[s[-slen]],na.rm=TRUE) + gap.days.obswin.last.event + gap.days.obswin.before.first.event) /
                                              (as.numeric(difftime(data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[s1], data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[s1], units="days")))),

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    CMA <- event.info[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname];
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- (event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. %in% CMA$included.events.original.row.order); # store if the event was used to compute the CMA or not
    return (list("CMA"=unique(CMA[,1:2]), "event.info"=event.info));

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,

                           carryover.into.obs.window=TRUE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window



  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA7 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA7 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' CMA8 constructor.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 8 object.
#' \code{CMA8} is similar to CMA6 in that it assumes that, within the
#' observation window, the medication is used as prescribed and new medication
#' is "banked" until needed (oversupply from previous events is used first,
#' followed new medication supply). Unlike \code{CMA6} it accounts for
#' carry-over from before the window - but in a different way from \code{CMA7}:
#' by adding a time lag at the start of the observation window equal to the
#' duration of carry-over from before. It is designed for situations when an
#' event with a hypothesized causal effect on adherence happens at the start of
#' the observation window (e.g. enrolment in an intervention study); in this
#' case, it may be that the existing supply is not part of the relationship
#' under study (e.g. it delays the actual start of the study for that
#' participant) and needs to be excluded by shortening the time interval
#' examined. The end of the observation window remains the same.
#' Thus, \code{CMA8} computes days of theoretical use by extracting the total
#' number of gap days from the total time interval between the lagged start and
#' the end of the observation window, accounting for carry over for all
#' medication events within the observation window. All medication events in the
#' follow up window before observation window are considered for carry-over
#' calculation.
#' Thus, as \code{CMA7}, it accounts for timing within the observation window,
#' as well as before (different adjustment than \code{CMA7}), and excludes the
#' remaining supply at the end of the observation window.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days of theoretical use) / (lagged start to end of
#' observation window)}
#' Observations:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item the \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter controls the
#'  transmission of carry-over across medication changes, producing a "standard"
#'  \code{CMA8} (default value is FALSE), and an "alternative" \code{CMA8b},
#'  respectively;
#'  \item the \code{consider.dosage.change} parameter controls if dosage changes
#'  are taken into account, i.e. if set as TRUE and a new medication event has
#'  a different daily dosage recommendation, carry-over is recomputed assuming
#'  medication use according to the new prescribed dosage (default value is
#'  FALSE).
#' }
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA8} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window, as
#'  given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso CMAs 1 to 8 are defined in:
#' Vollmer, W. M., Xu, M., Feldstein, A., Smith, D., Waterbury, A., & Rand, C.
#' (2012). Comparison of pharmacy-based measures of medication adherence.
#' \emph{BMC Health Services Research}, \strong{12}, 155.
#' \doi{10.1186/1472-6963-12-155}.
#' @examples
#' cma8 <- CMA8(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'              consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' @export
CMA8 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                  medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                  carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                  consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date plus number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "carryover.into.obs.window"=TRUE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the whole observation window, with lagged start until previous supply is finished; total number of gap days extracted from this time interval, then divided by the time interval, accounting for carry-over within lagged observation window and excluding remaining supply";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA8", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the new OW start date:
    .new.OW.start <- function(data4ID)
      # Select the events that start before the observation window but end within it:
      s <- which(data4ID$.START.BEFORE.END.WITHIN.OBS.WND);
      if( length(s) > 0 ) return (max(data4ID$.END.EVENT.DATE[s])) else return (data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[1]); # new (or old) OW start date

    # Call the compute.event.int.gaps() function and use the results:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    # Add auxiliary columns to the event.info data.table:
    event.info[, .END.EVENT.DATE := (.DATE.as.Date + get(event.duration.colname) + .CARRY.OVER.FROM.BEFORE) ]; # compute the end date of the events
    event.info[, .START.BEFORE.END.WITHIN.OBS.WND := (.EVENT.STARTS.BEFORE.OBS.WINDOW & (.END.EVENT.DATE > .OBS.START.DATE)) ]; # events that start before the OW but end within it

    # Update the FU start, OW start and OW duration (make sure there is no naming conflict!):
    event.info[, .FU.START.DATE.UPDATED := .FU.START.DATE ]; # FU start date as Date object
    event.info[, .OBS.START.DATE.UPDATED := .new.OW.start(.SD), by=ID.colname ]; # OW start date as Date object
    event.info[, .OBS.DURATION.UPDATED := as.numeric(.OBS.END.DATE - .OBS.START.DATE.UPDATED) ]; # OW duration as number

    # Calling CMA7:
    include.columns <- which(!(names(event.info) %in% c(event.interval.colname, gap.days.colname))); # make sure we don't send these two columns as they'll produce an error in CMA7
    CMA <- CMA7(data=as.data.frame(event.info[, include.columns, with=FALSE]),
                observation.window.duration.unit="days", # fix it to days
                parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
                suppress.warnings=suppress.warnings, # suppress warnings from CMA7
                force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=FALSE # may enforce this afterwards...
    # Recover the rows in data: CMA$event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. -> event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. -> data:
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- NA; event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA[ CMA$event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. ] <- CMA$event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA;
    return (list("CMA"=CMA$CMA, "event.info"=event.info)); # make sure to return the non-adjusted event.info prior to computing CMA7!

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,

                           carryover.into.obs.window=TRUE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window



  # Save the real observation window as well:
  if( !is.null(ret.val$event.info) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$event.info, "data.frame") )
      ret.val[["real.obs.windows"]] <- unique(data.frame( ret.val$event.info[, ID.colname],
      setnames(ret.val$real.obs.windows, 1, ID.colname);
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$event.info) && length(ret.val$event.info) > 0 )
      ret.val[["real.obs.windows"]] <- lapply(ret.val$event.info, function(x)
          if( is.null(x) ) return (NULL);
          tmp <- unique(data.frame( x[, ID.colname],
          setnames(tmp, 1, ID.colname);
          return (tmp);
      names(ret.val[["real.obs.windows"]]) <- names(ret.val$event.info);
    } else
      ret.val[["real.obs.windows"]] <- NULL;
  } else
    ret.val[["real.obs.windows"]] <- NULL;

  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA8 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA8 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' CMA9 constructor.
#' Constructs a CMA (continuous multiple-interval measures of medication
#' availability/gaps) type 9 object.
#' \code{CMA9} is similar to \code{CMA7} and \code{CMA8} in that it accounts for
#' carry-over within and before the observation window assuming that new
#' medication is "banked" until needed (oversupply from previous events is used
#' first, followed new medication supply). Yet, unlike these previous CMAs, it
#' does not assume the medication is used as prescribed; in longitudinal studies
#' with multiple CMA measures, this assumption may introduce additional
#' variation in CMA estimates depending on when the observation window starts
#' in relation to the previous medication event. A shorter time distance from
#' the previous event (and longer to the first event in the observation window)
#' results in higher values even if the number of gap days is the same, and it
#' may also be that the patient has had a similar use pattern for that time
#' interval, rather than perfect adherence followed by no medication use.
#' \code{CMA9} applies a different adjustment: it computes a ratio of days
#' supply over each interval between two prescriptions and considers this
#' applies for each day of that interval, up to 100\% (moving oversupply to the
#' next event interval). All medication events in the follow up window before
#' observation window are considered for carry-over calculation. The last
#' interval ends at the end of the follow-up window.
#' Thus, it accounts for timing within  the observation window, as well as
#' before (but differently from \code{CMA7} and \code{CMA8}), and excludes the
#' remaining supply at the end of the observation window, if any.
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{(number of days in the observation window, each weighted by the ratio
#' of days supply applicable to their event interval) / (start to end of
#' observation window)}
#' Observations:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item the \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter controls the
#'  transmission of carry-over across medication changes, producing a "standard"
#'  \code{CMA7} (default value is FALSE), and an "alternative" \code{CMA7b},
#'  respectively;
#'  \item the \code{consider.dosage.change} parameter controls if dosage changes
#'  are taken into account, i.e. if set as TRUE and a new medication event has a
#'  different daily dosage recommendation, carry-over is recomputed assuming
#'  medication use according to the new prescribed dosage (default value is
#'  FALSE).
#' }
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider not
#' covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param arguments.that.should.not.be.defined a \emph{list} of argument names
#' and pre-defined valuesfor which a warning should be thrown if passed to the
#' function.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA9} (derived from \code{CMA0})
#' with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column).
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @examples
#' cma9 <- CMA9(data=med.events,
#'              ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'              event.date.colname="DATE",
#'              event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'              event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'              medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'              carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'              consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'              followup.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.start=30,
#'              observation.window.duration=365,
#'              date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'             );
#' @export
CMA9 <- function( data=NULL, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                  # Important columns in the data
                  ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                  event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                  event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                  event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                  medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                  # Groups of medication classes:
                  medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                  flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                  # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                  carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                  consider.dosage.change=FALSE, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                  # The follow-up window:
                  followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                  followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                  followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                  # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                  observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                  observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                  # Date format:
                  date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                  # Comments and metadata:
                  # The description of the output (added) columns:
                  event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                  gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                  # Dealing with failed estimates:
                  force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                  # Parallel processing:
                  parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                  parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                  # Misc:
                  suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                                         "carryover.into.obs.window"=TRUE), # the list of argument names and values for which a warning should be thrown if passed to the function
  # The summary:
  if( is.na(summary) ) summary <- "The ratio of days with medication available in the observation window; the supply of each event is evenly spread until the next event (ratio days supply up to 1), then oversupply carried over to the next event; the each day in the observation window is weighted by its ratio of days supply, and the sum divided by the duration of the observation window";

  # Arguments that should not have been passed:
  if( !suppress.warnings && !is.null(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) )
    # Get the actual list of arguments (including in the ...); the first is the function's own name:
    args.list <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE));
    args.mathing <- (names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined) %in% names(args.list)[-1]);
    if( any(args.mathing) )
      for( i in which(args.mathing) )
        .report.ewms(paste0("Please note that '",args.list[[1]],"' overrides argument '",names(arguments.that.should.not.be.defined)[i],"' with value '",arguments.that.should.not.be.defined[i],"'!\n"), "warning", "CMA9", "AdhereR");

  # Create the CMA0 object:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data=data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL); # some error upstream
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      n.events <- nrow(data4ID); # cache number of events
      # Caching;
      .obs.start.actual <- data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE.ACTUAL[1]; .obs.end.actual <- data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE.ACTUAL[1];
      # Select the events within the observation window:
      s <- which(data4ID$.DATE.as.Date <= .obs.end.actual);
      if( length(s) == 0 )
        return (list("CMA"=NA_real_,
      } else
        # Compute the ratios of CMA within the FUW:
        .CMA.PER.INTERVAL <- (1 - data4ID[,get(gap.days.colname)] / data4ID[,get(event.interval.colname)]);
        event.start <- data4ID$.DATE.as.Date; event.end <- (event.start + data4ID[,get(event.interval.colname)]);
        int.start <- pmax(event.start, .obs.start.actual); int.end <- pmin(event.end, .obs.end.actual);
        .EVENT.INTERVAL.IN.OBS.WIN <- pmax(0, as.numeric(int.end - int.start));
        # Weight the days by the ratio:
        return (list("CMA"=sum(.CMA.PER.INTERVAL * .EVENT.INTERVAL.IN.OBS.WIN, na.rm=TRUE) /
                       as.numeric(.obs.end.actual - .obs.start.actual),

    # ATTENTION: this is done for an observation window that is identical to the follow-up window to accommodate events that overshoot the observation window!
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         observation.window.start=0, # force follow-up window start at 0!
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    # Also compute the actual observation window start and end:
    #patinfo.cols <- which(names(event.info) %in% c(ID.colname, event.date.colname, event.duration.colname, event.daily.dose.colname, medication.class.colname));
    #tmp <- as.data.frame(data); tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp[,ID.colname]),patinfo.cols]; # the reduced dataset for comuting the actual OW:
    tmp <- as.data.frame(data); tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp[,ID.colname]),names(data)]; # the reduced dataset for comuting the actual OW:
    actual.obs.win <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=tmp,
                                             parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(actual.obs.win) ) return (list("CMA"=NA, "event.info"=NULL));

    # Add the actual OW dates to event.info:
    actual.obs.win <- actual.obs.win[,c(ID.colname,".OBS.START.DATE",".OBS.END.DATE"),with=FALSE]
    setkeyv(actual.obs.win, ID.colname);
    event.info <- merge(event.info, actual.obs.win, all.x=TRUE); setnames(event.info, ncol(event.info)-c(1,0), c(".OBS.START.DATE.ACTUAL", ".OBS.END.DATE.ACTUAL"));

    CMA <- event.info[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname];

    # Make sure the information reflects the real observation window:
    event.info <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data),
                                         carryover.into.obs.window=TRUE, # if TRUE consider the carry-over from before the starting date of the observation window
                                         parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA <- (event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. %in% CMA$included.events.original.row.order); # store if the event was used to compute the CMA or not

    return (list("CMA"=unique(CMA[,1:2]), "event.info"=event.info));

  ret.val <- .cma.skeleton(data=data,




  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA9 <- function(...) print.CMA0(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA1
#' @export
plot.CMA9 <- function(...) .plot.CMA1plus(...)

#' CMA_per_episode constructor.
#' Applies a given CMA to each treatment episode and constructs a
#' CMA_per_episode object.
#' \code{CMA_per_episode} first identifies the treatment episodes for the whole
#' follo-up window (using the \code{\link{compute.treatment.episodes}} function),
#' and then computes the given "simple" CMA for each treatment episode that
#' intersects with the observation window. NB: the CMA is computed for the
#' period of the episode that is part of the observations window; thus, if an
#' episode starts earlier or ends later than the observation window, CMA will
#' be computed for a section of that episode.
#' Thus, as opposed to the "simple" CMAs 1 to 9, it returns a set of CMAs, with
#' possibly more than one element.
#' It is highly similar to \code{\link{CMA_sliding_window}} which computes a CMA
#' for a set of sliding windows.
#' @param CMA.to.apply A \emph{string} giving the name of the CMA function (1 to
#' 9) that will be computed for each treatment episode.
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events (prescribing or
#' dispensing) used to compute the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient
#' unique ID, the event date and duration, and might also contain the daily
#' dosage and medication type (the actual column names are defined in the
#' following four parameters).
#' @param treat.epi A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the treatment episodes.
#' Must contain the patient ID (as given in \code{ID.colname}), the episode unique ID
#' (increasing sequentially, \code{episode.ID}), the episode start date
#' (\code{episode.start}), the episode duration in days (\code{episode.duration}),
#' and the episode end date (\code{episode.end}).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type; valid only for
#' CMAs 5 to 9, in which case it is coupled (i.e., the same value is used for
#' computing the treatment episodes and the CMA on each treatment episode).
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage; valid only for CMAs 5 to 9, in
#' which case it is coupled (i.e., the same value is used for computing the
#' treatment episodes and the CMA on each treatment episode).
#' @param medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode \emph{Logical}, should a
#' change in medication automatically start a new treatment episode?
#' @param dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode \emph{Logical}, should a
#' change in dosage automatically start a new treatment episode?
#' @param maximum.permissible.gap The \emph{number} of units given by
#' \code{maximum.permissible.gap.unit} representing the maximum duration of
#' permissible gaps between treatment episodes (can also be a percent, see
#' \code{maximum.permissible.gap.unit} for details).
#' @param maximum.permissible.gap.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"}, \emph{"years"} or \emph{"percent"}, and
#' represents the time units that \code{maximum.permissible.gap} refers to;
#' if \emph{percent}, then  \code{maximum.permissible.gap} is interpreted as a
#' percent (can be greater than 100\%) of the duration of the current
#' prescription.
#' @param maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode a \emph{logical} value
#' specifying of the \code{maximum.permissible.gap} should be append at the
#' end of an episode with a gap larger than the \code{maximum.permissible.gap};
#' \code{FALSE} (the default) mean no addition, while \code{TRUE} mean that the
#' full \code{maximum.permissible.gap} is added.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider
#' not covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param return.inner.event.info \emph{Logical} specifying if the function
#' should also return the event.info for all the individual events in each
#' sliding window; by default it is \code{FALSE} as this information is useful
#' only in very specific cases (e.g., plotting the event intervals) and adds a
#' small but non-negligible computational overhead.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param return.mapping.events.episodes A \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} then
#' the mapping between events and episodes is returned as an extra component
#' \code{mapping.episodes.to.events}, which is a \code{data.table} giving, for
#' each episode, the events that belong to it (an event is given by its row
#' number in the \code{data}). Please note that the episodes returned are
#' specific to the particular simple CMA used, and should preferentially used
#' over those returned by \code{compute.treatment.episodes()}. This component
#' can also be accessed using the \code{getEventsToEpisodesMapping()} function.
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA_per_episode} with the
#' following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window, as
#'  given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{computed.CMA} the class name of the computed CMA.
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column) and treatment
#'  episode, with columns:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item \code{ID.colname} the patient ID as given by the \code{ID.colname}
#'      parameter.
#'      \item \code{episode.ID} the unique treatment episode ID (within
#'      patients).
#'      \item \code{episode.start} the treatment episode's start date (as a
#'      \code{Date} object).
#'      \item \code{end.episode.gap.days} the corresponding gap days of the last
#'      event in this episode.
#'      \item \code{episode.duration} the treatment episode's duration in days.
#'      \item \code{episode.end} the treatment episode's end date (as a
#'      \code{Date} object).
#'      \item \code{CMA} the treatment episode's estimated CMA.
#'    }
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso \code{\link{CMA_sliding_window}} is very similar, computing a
#' "simple" CMA for each of a set of same-size sliding windows.
#' The "simple" CMAs that can be computed comprise \code{\link{CMA1}},
#' \code{\link{CMA2}}, \code{\link{CMA3}}, \code{\link{CMA4}},
#' \code{\link{CMA5}}, \code{\link{CMA6}}, \code{\link{CMA7}},
#' \code{\link{CMA8}}, \code{\link{CMA9}}, as well as user-defined classes
#' derived from \code{\link{CMA0}} that have a \code{CMA} component giving the
#' estimated CMA per patient as a \code{data.frame}.
#' If \code{return.mapping.events.episodes} is \code{TRUE}, then this also has a
#' component \code{mapping.episodes.to.events} that gives the mapping between
#' episodes and events as a \code{data.table} with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{patid} the patient ID.
#'  \item \code{episode.ID} the episode unique ID (increasing sequentially).
#'  \item \code{event.index.in.data} the event given by its row number in the \code{data}.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmaE <- CMA_per_episode(CMA="CMA1",
#'                         data=med.events,
#'                         ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'                         event.date.colname="DATE",
#'                         event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'                         event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'                         medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'                         carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'                         consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'                         followup.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.duration=365,
#'                         date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'                        );}
#' @export
CMA_per_episode <- function( CMA.to.apply,  # the name of the CMA function (e.g., "CMA1") to be used
                             data, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                             treat.epi=NULL, # the treatment episodes, if available
                             # Important columns in the data
                             ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                             event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                             event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                             event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                             medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                             # Groups of medication classes:
                             medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                             flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                             # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                             carry.only.for.same.medication=NA, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = use the CMA's values)
                             consider.dosage.change=NA, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = use the CMA's values)
                             # Treatment episodes:
                             medication.change.means.new.treatment.episode=TRUE, # does a change in medication automatically start a new treatment episode?
                             dosage.change.means.new.treatment.episode=FALSE, # does a change in dosage automatically start a new treatment episode?
                             maximum.permissible.gap=180, # if a number, is the duration in units of max. permissible gaps between treatment episodes
                             maximum.permissible.gap.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years", "percent")[1], # time units; can be "days", "weeks" (fixed at 7 days), "months" (fixed at 30 days), "years" (fixed at 365 days), or "percent", in which case maximum.permissible.gap is interpreted as a percent (can be > 100%) of the duration of the current prescription
                             maximum.permissible.gap.append.to.episode=FALSE, # should the maximum permissible gap be appended at the end of an episode with a gap larger than the maximum permissible gap? FALSE = no addition (the default), TRUE = the full maximum permissible gap is added
                             # The follow-up window:
                             followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                             followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                             followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                             followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                             followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],# the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                             # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                             observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                             observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                             observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                             observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                             return.inner.event.info=FALSE, # should we return the event.info for all the individual events in each sliding window?
                             # Date format:
                             date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                             # Comments and metadata:
                             summary="CMA per treatment episode",
                             # The description of the output (added) columns:
                             event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                             gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                             # Dealing with failed estimates:
                             force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                             # Return also the mapping between episodes and events?
                             return.mapping.events.episodes=FALSE, # if TRUE, return the mapping
                             # Parallel processing:
                             parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                             parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                             # Misc:
                             suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                             # extra parameters to be sent to the CMA function:
  # Get the CMA function corresponding to the name:
  if( !(is.character(CMA.to.apply) || is.factor(CMA.to.apply)) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("'CMA.to.apply' must be a string contining the name of the simple CMA to apply!\n)"), "error", "CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  CMA.FNC <- switch(as.character(CMA.to.apply), # if factor, force it to string
                    "CMA1" = CMA1,
                    "CMA2" = CMA2,
                    "CMA3" = CMA3,
                    "CMA4" = CMA4,
                    "CMA5" = CMA5,
                    "CMA6" = CMA6,
                    "CMA7" = CMA7,
                    "CMA8" = CMA8,
                    "CMA9" = CMA9,
                    {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown 'CMA.to.apply' '",CMA.to.apply,"': defaulting to CMA0!\n)"), "warning", "CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR"); CMA0;}); # by default, fall back to CMA0

  # Default argument values and overrides:
  def.vals <- formals(CMA.FNC);
  if( CMA.to.apply %in% c("CMA1", "CMA2", "CMA3", "CMA4") )
    carryover.into.obs.window <- carryover.within.obs.window <- FALSE;
    if( !is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) && carry.only.for.same.medication && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("'carry.only.for.same.medication' cannot be defined for CMAs 1-4!\n", "warning", "CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");
    carry.only.for.same.medication <- FALSE;
    if( !is.na(consider.dosage.change) && consider.dosage.change && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("'consider.dosage.change' cannot be defined for CMAs 1-4!\n", "warning", "CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");
    consider.dosage.change <- FALSE;
  } else if( CMA.to.apply %in% c("CMA5", "CMA6") )
    carryover.into.obs.window <- FALSE;
    carryover.within.obs.window <- TRUE;
    if( is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) ) carry.only.for.same.medication <- def.vals[["carry.only.for.same.medication"]]; # use the default value from CMA
    if( is.na(consider.dosage.change) ) consider.dosage.change <- def.vals[["consider.dosage.change"]]; # use the default value from CMA
  } else if( CMA.to.apply %in% c("CMA7", "CMA8", "CMA9") )
    carryover.into.obs.window <- carryover.within.obs.window <- TRUE;
    if( is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) ) carry.only.for.same.medication <- def.vals[["carry.only.for.same.medication"]]; # use the default value from CMA
    if( is.na(consider.dosage.change) ) consider.dosage.change <- def.vals[["consider.dosage.change"]]; # use the default value from CMA
  } else
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("I know how to do CMA per episodes only for CMAs 1 to 9!\n", "error", "CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  ## Force data to data.table
  #if( !inherits(data,"data.table") ) data <- as.data.table(data);

  # Create the return value skeleton and check consistency:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL);
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  ## retain only necessary columns of data
  #data <- data[,c(ID.colname,
  #                event.date.colname,
  #                event.duration.colname,
  #                event.daily.dose.colname,
  #                medication.class.colname),
  #             with=FALSE];

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    mapping.episodes.to.events <- NULL; # the mapping events <-> episodes, if any

      # Compute the treatment episodes:
      treat.epi <- compute.treatment.episodes(data=data,
                                              return.mapping.events.episodes=TRUE, # map the events to episodes anyways
                                              parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
      if("mapping.episodes.to.events" %in% names(attributes(treat.epi))) mapping.episodes.to.events <- attr(treat.epi, "mapping.episodes.to.events"); # store the mapping events <-> episodes
    } else

      # various checks

      # Convert treat.epi to data.table, cache event date as Date objects, and key by patient ID and event date
      treat.epi <- as.data.table(treat.epi);
      treat.epi[, `:=` (episode.start = as.Date(episode.start,format=date.format),
                        episode.end = as.Date(episode.end,format=date.format)
                        )]; # .DATE.as.Date: convert event.date.colname from formatted string to Date
      setkeyv(treat.epi, c(ID.colname, "episode.ID")); # key (and sorting) by patient and episode ID

    if( is.null(treat.epi) || nrow(treat.epi) == 0 ) return (NULL);

    # Compute the real observation windows (might differ per patient) only once per patient (speed things up & the observation window is the same for all events within a patient):
    tmp <- as.data.frame(data); tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp[,ID.colname]),]; # the reduced dataset for computing the actual OW:
    event.info2 <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=tmp,
                                          parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info2) ) return (NULL);

    # Merge the observation window start and end dates back into the treatment episodes:
    treat.epi <- merge(treat.epi, event.info2[,c(ID.colname, ".OBS.START.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE"),with=FALSE],
                       by = c(ID.colname));
    setnames(treat.epi, ncol(treat.epi)-c(1,0), c(".OBS.START.DATE.PRECOMPUTED", ".OBS.END.DATE.PRECOMPUTED"));
    # Get the intersection between the episode and the observation window:
                := list(max(episode.start, .OBS.START.DATE.PRECOMPUTED),
                        min(episode.end,   .OBS.END.DATE.PRECOMPUTED)),
    treat.epi <- treat.epi[ .INTERSECT.EPISODE.OBS.WIN.START < .INTERSECT.EPISODE.OBS.WIN.END, ]; # keep only the episodes which fall within the OW
    treat.epi[, c("episode.duration",
                := list(as.numeric(episode.end - episode.start),

    # Merge the data and the treatment episodes info:
    data.epi <- merge(treat.epi, data, allow.cartesian=TRUE);
    setkeyv(data.epi, c(".PATIENT.EPISODE.ID", ".DATE.as.Date"));

    # compute end.episode.gap.days, if treat.epi are supplied
    if(!"end.episode.gap.days" %in% colnames(treat.epi))
      data.epi2 <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=as.data.frame(data.epi),
                                          parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!

      episode.gap.days <- data.epi2[which(.EVENT.WITHIN.FU.WINDOW), c(ID.colname, "episode.ID", gap.days.colname), by = c(ID.colname, "episode.ID"), with = FALSE]; # gap days during the follow-up window
      end.episode.gap.days <- episode.gap.days[,last(get(gap.days.colname)), by = c(ID.colname, "episode.ID")]; # gap days during the last event
      setnames(end.episode.gap.days, old = "V1", new = "end.episode.gap.days")

      treat.epi <- merge(treat.epi, end.episode.gap.days, all.x = TRUE, by = c(ID.colname, "episode.ID")); # merge end.episode.gap.days back to data.epi
      treat.epi[, episode.duration := as.numeric(.INTERSECT.EPISODE.OBS.WIN.END-.INTERSECT.EPISODE.OBS.WIN.START)];

    # Compute the required CMA on this new combined database:
    if(length(dot.args <- list(...)) > 0 && "arguments.that.should.not.be.defined" %in% names(dot.args)) # check if arguments.that.should.not.be.defined is passed in the ... argument
      # Avoid passing again arguments.that.should.not.be.defined to the CMA function:
      cma <- CMA.FNC(data=as.data.frame(data.epi),
                     parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
                     suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # we know we're using special arguments, so don't do an extra check
    } else
      # Temporarily avoid warnings linked to rewriting some CMA arguments by passing it arguments.that.should.not.be.defined=NULL:
      cma <- CMA.FNC(data=as.data.frame(data.epi),
                     parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
                     suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # we know we're using special arguments, so don't do an extra check

    # adjust episode start- and end dates
    treat.epi[, `:=` (episode.start = .INTERSECT.EPISODE.OBS.WIN.START,
                      episode.end = .INTERSECT.EPISODE.OBS.WIN.END)]

    # Add back the patient and episode IDs:
    tmp <- as.data.table(merge(cma$CMA, treat.epi)[,c(ID.colname, "episode.ID", "episode.start", "end.episode.gap.days", "episode.duration", "episode.end", "CMA")]);
    setkeyv(tmp, c(ID.colname,"episode.ID"));

    # The return value:
    ret.val <- list("CMA"=as.data.frame(tmp),
                    "event.info"=as.data.frame(event.info2)[,c(ID.colname, ".FU.START.DATE", ".FU.END.DATE", ".OBS.START.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE")]);
    if( return.inner.event.info )
      ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- as.data.frame(event.info2);
    if( return.mapping.events.episodes )
      events.actually.used <- cma$data$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER..[ cma$event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER..[ cma$event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA ] ]; # translate back to the original data row numbers of the used events
      mapping.episodes.to.events <- mapping.episodes.to.events[ mapping.episodes.to.events$event.index.in.data %in% events.actually.used, ]; # keep only those events that are used in the episodes

      ret.val[["mapping.episodes.to.events"]] <- merge(mapping.episodes.to.events, tmp[,c(ID.colname, "episode.ID"), with=FALSE], by=c(ID.colname, "episode.ID"), all.x=FALSE, all.y=TRUE);
    return (ret.val);

  # Convert to data.table, cache event date as Date objects, and key by patient ID and event date
  # columns to keep:
  columns.to.keep <- c();
  if( !is.null(ID.colname) && !is.na(ID.colname) && length(ID.colname) == 1 && ID.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, ID.colname);
  if( !is.null(event.date.colname) && !is.na(event.date.colname) && length(event.date.colname) == 1 && event.date.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, event.date.colname);
  if( !is.null(event.duration.colname) && !is.na(event.duration.colname) && length(event.duration.colname) == 1  && event.duration.colname %in% names(data)) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, event.duration.colname);
  if( !is.null(event.daily.dose.colname) && !is.na(event.daily.dose.colname) && length(event.daily.dose.colname) == 1 && event.daily.dose.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, event.daily.dose.colname);
  if( !is.null(medication.class.colname) && !is.na(medication.class.colname) && length(medication.class.colname) == 1 && medication.class.colname %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, medication.class.colname);
  if( !is.null(mg <- getMGs(ret.val)) && !is.null(medication.groups.colname) && !is.na(medication.groups.colname) && length(medication.groups.colname) == 1  && medication.groups.colname %in% names(data)) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, medication.groups.colname);
  if( !is.null(followup.window.start) && !is.na(followup.window.start) && length(followup.window.start) == 1 && (is.character(followup.window.start) || (is.factor(followup.window.start) && is.character(followup.window.start <- as.character(followup.window.start)))) && followup.window.start %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, followup.window.start);
  if( !is.null(followup.window.duration) && !is.na(followup.window.duration) && length(followup.window.duration) == 1 && (is.character(followup.window.duration) || (is.factor(followup.window.duration) && is.character(followup.window.duration <- as.character(followup.window.duration)))) && followup.window.duration %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, followup.window.duration);
  if( !is.null(observation.window.start) && !is.na(observation.window.start) && length(observation.window.start) == 1 && (is.character(observation.window.start) || (is.factor(observation.window.start) && is.character(observation.window.start <- as.character(observation.window.start)))) && observation.window.start %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, observation.window.start);
  if( !is.null(observation.window.duration) && !is.na(observation.window.duration) && length(observation.window.duration) == 1 && (is.character(observation.window.duration) || (is.factor(observation.window.duration) && is.character(observation.window.duration <- as.character(observation.window.duration)))) && observation.window.duration %in% names(data) ) columns.to.keep <- c(columns.to.keep, observation.window.duration);
  # special column names that should not be used:
  if( !suppress.special.argument.checks )
    ..special.colnames <- c(.special.colnames, event.interval.colname, gap.days.colname); # don't forget event.interval.colname and gap.days.colname!
    if( any(s <- ..special.colnames %in% columns.to.keep) )
      .report.ewms(paste0("Column name(s) ",paste0("'",..special.colnames[s],"'",collapse=", "),"' are reserved: please don't use them in your input data!\n"), "error", cma.class.name, "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
  # copy only the relevant bits of the data:
  data.copy <- data.table(data)[, columns.to.keep, with=FALSE];
  data.copy[, .DATE.as.Date := as.Date(get(event.date.colname),format=date.format)]; # .DATE.as.Date: convert event.date.colname from formatted string to Date
  data.copy$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. <- 1:nrow(data.copy); # preserve the original order of the rows (needed for medication groups)
  setkeyv(data.copy, c(ID.colname, ".DATE.as.Date")); # key (and sorting) by patient ID and event date

  # Are there medication groups?
  if( is.null(mg <- getMGs(ret.val)) )
    # Nope: do a single estimation on the whole dataset:

    # Compute the workhorse function:
    tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function, fnc.ret.vals=2,
    if( is.null(tmp) || is.null(tmp$CMA) || !inherits(tmp$CMA,"data.frame") || is.null(tmp$event.info) ) return (NULL);

    # Construct the return object:
    class(ret.val) <- "CMA_per_episode";
    ret.val$event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$event.info);
    ret.val$computed.CMA <- CMA.to.apply;
    ret.val$summary <- summary;
    ret.val$CMA <- as.data.frame(tmp$CMA);
    setnames(ret.val$CMA, 1, ID.colname);
    if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) ) ret.val$inner.event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$inner.event.info);
    if( return.mapping.events.episodes && !is.null(tmp$mapping.episodes.to.events) ) ret.val$mapping.episodes.to.events <- as.data.frame(tmp$mapping.episodes.to.events);

    return (ret.val);

  } else
    # Yes

    # Make sure the group's observations reflect the potentially new order of the observations in the data:
    mb.obs <- mg$obs[data.copy$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.., ];

    # Focus only on the non-trivial ones:
    mg.to.eval <- (colSums(!is.na(mb.obs) & mb.obs) > 0);
    if( sum(mg.to.eval) == 0 )
      # None selects not even one observation!
      .report.ewms(paste0("None of the medication classes (included __ALL_OTHERS__) selects any observation!\n"), "warning", "CMA1", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    mb.obs <- mb.obs[,mg.to.eval]; # keep only the non-trivial ones

    # Check if there are medication classes that refer to the same observations (they would result in the same estimates):
    mb.obs.dupl <- duplicated(mb.obs, MARGIN=2);

    # Estimate each separately:
    tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(mg$defs), function(i)
      # Check if these are to be evaluated:
      if( !mg.to.eval[i] )
        return (list("CMA"=NULL, "event.info"=NULL));

      # Translate into the index of the classes to be evaluated:
      ii <- sum(mg.to.eval[1:i]);

      # Cache the selected observations:
      mg.sel.obs <- mb.obs[,ii];

      # Check if this is a duplicated medication class:
      if( mb.obs.dupl[ii] )
        # Find which one is the original:
        for( j in 1:(ii-1) ) # ii=1 never should be TRUE
          if( identical(mb.obs[,j], mg.sel.obs) )
            # This is the original: return it and stop
            return (c("identical.to"=j));

      # Compute the workhorse function:
      tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function, fnc.ret.vals=2,
                               data=data.copy[mg.sel.obs,], # apply it on the subset of observations covered by this medication class
      if( is.null(tmp) || is.null(tmp$CMA) || !inherits(tmp$CMA,"data.frame") || is.null(tmp$event.info) ) return (NULL);

      # Convert to data.frame and return:
      tmp$CMA <- as.data.frame(tmp$CMA); setnames(tmp$CMA, 1, ID.colname);
      tmp$event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$event.info);
      if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) ) tmp$inner.event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$inner.event.info);
      return (tmp);


    # Set the names:
    names(tmp) <- mg$defs$name;

    # Solve the duplicates:
    for( i in seq_along(tmp) )
      if( is.numeric(tmp[[i]]) && length(tmp[[i]]) == 1 && names(tmp[[i]]) == "identical.to" ) tmp[[i]] <- tmp[[ tmp[[i]] ]];

    # Rearrange these and return:
    ret.val[["CMA"]]        <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$CMA);
    ret.val[["event.info"]] <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$event.info);
    if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) ) ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$inner.event.info);
    ret.val$computed.CMA <- CMA.to.apply;
    if( flatten.medication.groups && !is.na(medication.groups.colname) )
      # Flatten the CMA:
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["CMA"]]);
      if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
        ret.val[["CMA"]] <- NULL;
      } else
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["CMA"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["CMA"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["CMA"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["CMA"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
        names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
        ret.val[["CMA"]] <- tmp;

      # ... and the event.info:
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["event.info"]]);
      if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
        ret.val[["event.info"]] <- NULL;
      } else
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["event.info"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["event.info"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["event.info"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["event.info"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
        names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
        ret.val[["event.info"]] <- tmp;

      # ... and the inner.event.info:
      if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]]) )
        tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["inner.event.info"]]);
        if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
          ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- NULL;
        } else
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
          names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
          ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- tmp;
    class(ret.val) <- "CMA_per_episode";
    ret.val$summary <- summary;
    return (ret.val);


#' @export
getMGs.CMA_per_episode <- function(x)
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_per_episode") || is.null(cma$medication.groups) ) return (NULL);
  return (cma$medication.groups);

#' getEventsToEpisodesMapping
#' This function returns the event-to-episode mapping, if this information exists.
#' There are cases where it is interesting to know which events belong to which
#' episodes and which events have been actually used in computing the simple CMA
#' for each episode.
#' This information can be returned by \code{compute.treatment.episodes()} and
#' \code{CMA_per_episode()} if the parameter \code{return.mapping.events.episodes}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param x Either a \code{data.frame} as returned by \code{compute.treatment.episodes()}
#' or an \code{CMA_per_episode object}.
#' @return The mapping between events and episodes, if it exists either as the
#' attribute \code{mapping.episodes.to.events} of the \code{data.frame} or as the
#' \code{mapping.episodes.to.events} component of the \code{CMA_per_episode object}
#' object, or \code{NULL} otherwise.
#' @export
getEventsToEpisodesMapping <- function(x)
  if( is.null(x) )
    return (NULL);
  } else if( inherits(x, "CMA_per_episode") && ("mapping.episodes.to.events" %in% names(x)) && !is.null(x$mapping.episodes.to.events) && inherits(x$mapping.episodes.to.events, "data.frame") )
    return (x$mapping.episodes.to.events);
  } else if( inherits(x, "data.frame") && ("mapping.episodes.to.events" %in% names(attributes(x))) && !is.null(attr(x,"mapping.episodes.to.events")) && inherits(attr(x,"mapping.episodes.to.events"), "data.frame") )
    return (attr(x,"mapping.episodes.to.events"));
  } else
    return (NULL);

#' @export
getCMA.CMA_per_episode <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_per_episode") || !("CMA" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$CMA) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$CMA, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$CMA);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$CMA);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$CMA), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$CMA[[i]])){rep(names(cma$CMA)[i], nrow(cma$CMA[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' @export
getEventInfo.CMA_per_episode <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_per_episode") || !("event.info" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$event.info) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$event.info, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$event.info);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$event.info);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$event.info), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$event.info[[i]])){rep(names(cma$event.info)[i], nrow(cma$event.info[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' @export
getInnerEventInfo.CMA_per_episode <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_per_episode") || !("inner.event.info" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$inner.event.info) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$inner.event.info, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$inner.event.info);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$inner.event.info);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$inner.event.info), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$inner.event.info[[i]])){rep(names(cma$inner.event.info)[i], nrow(cma$inner.event.info[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' @export
subsetCMA.CMA_per_episode <- function(cma, patients, suppress.warnings=FALSE)
  if( inherits(patients, "factor") ) patients <- as.character(patients);
  all.patients <- unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]);
  patients.to.keep <- intersect(patients, all.patients);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) == length(all.patients) )
    # Keep all patients:
    return (cma);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) == 0 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("No patients to subset on!\n", "error", "subsetCMA.CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) < length(patients) && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Some patients in the subsetting set are not in the CMA itself and are ignored!\n", "warning", "subsetCMA.CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");

  ret.val <- cma;
  ret.val$data <- ret.val$data[ ret.val$data[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ];
  if( !is.null(ret.val$event.info) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$event.info, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$event.info <- ret.val$event.info[ ret.val$event.info[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if( nrow(ret.val$event.info) == 0 ) ret.val$event.info <- NULL;
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$event.info) && length(ret.val$event.info) > 0 )
      ret.val$event.info <- lapply(ret.val$event.info, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  if( !is.null(ret.val$inner.event.info) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$inner.event.info, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$inner.event.info <- ret.val$inner.event.info[ ret.val$inner.event.info[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if( nrow(ret.val$inner.event.info) == 0 ) ret.val$inner.event.info <- NULL;
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$inner.event.info) && length(ret.val$inner.event.info) > 0 )
      ret.val$inner.event.info <- lapply(ret.val$inner.event.info, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  if( ("CMA" %in% names(ret.val)) && !is.null(ret.val$CMA) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$CMA, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$CMA <- ret.val$CMA[ ret.val$CMA[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ];
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$CMA) && length(ret.val$CMA) > 0 )
      ret.val$CMA <- lapply(ret.val$CMA, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA_per_episode <- function(x,                                     # the CMA_per_episode (or derived) object
                                  ...,                                   # required for S3 consistency
                                  inline=FALSE,                          # print inside a line of text or as a separate, extended object?
                                  format=c("text", "latex", "markdown"), # the format to print to
                                  print.params=TRUE,                     # show the parameters?
                                  print.data=TRUE,                       # show the summary of the data?
                                  exclude.params=c("event.info", "inner.event.info", "mapping.episodes.to.events"), # if so, should I not print some?
                                  skip.header=FALSE,                     # should I print the generic header?
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) ) return (invisible(NULL));

  if( format[1] == "text" )
    # Output text:
    if( !inline )
      # Extended print:
      if( !skip.header ) cat(paste0(cma.type,":\n"));
      if( print.params )
        params <- names(cma); params <- params[!(params %in% c("data",exclude.params))]; # exlude the 'data' (and any other requested) params from printing
        if( length(params) > 0 )
          if( "summary" %in% params )
            cat(paste0("  \"",cma$summary,"\"\n"));
            params <- params[!(params %in% "summary")];
          cat("  [\n");
          for( p in params )
            if( p == "CMA" )
              cat(paste0("    ",p," = CMA results for ",nrow(cma[[p]])," patients\n"));
            } else if( p == "medication.groups" )
              if( !is.null(cma[[p]]) )
                cat(paste0("    ", p, " = ", nrow(cma[[p]]$defs), " [", ifelse(nrow(cma[[p]]$defs)<4, paste0("'",cma[[p]]$defs$name,"'", collapse=", "), paste0(paste0("'",cma[[p]]$defs$name[1:4],"'", collapse=", ")," ...")), "]\n"));
              } else
                cat(paste0("    ", p, " = <NONE>\n"));
            } else if( !is.null(cma[[p]]) && length(cma[[p]]) > 0 && !is.na(cma[[p]]) )
              cat(paste0("    ",p," = ",cma[[p]],"\n"));
          cat("  ]\n");
        if( print.data && !is.null(cma$data) )
          # Data summary:
          cat(paste0("  DATA: ",nrow(cma$data)," (rows) x ",ncol(cma$data)," (columns)"," [",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients]",".\n"));
    } else
      # Inline print:
      cat(paste0(cma$summary,ifelse(print.data && !is.null(cma$data),paste0(" (on ",nrow(cma$data)," rows x ",ncol(cma$data)," columns",", ",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients",")"),"")));
  } else if( format[1] == "latex" )
    # Output LaTeX: no difference between inline and not inline:
    cat(paste0("\\textbf{",cma$summary,"} (",cma.type,"):",
               ifelse(print.data && !is.null(cma$data),paste0(" (on ",nrow(cma$data)," rows x ",ncol(cma$data)," columns",", ",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients",")"),"")));
  } else if( format[1] == "markdown" )
    # Output Markdown: no difference between inline and not inline:
    cat(paste0("**",cma$summary,"** (",cma.type,"):",
               ifelse(print.data && !is.null(cma$data),paste0(" (on ",nrow(cma$data)," rows x ",ncol(cma$data)," columns",", ",length(unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]))," patients",")"),"")));
  } else
    .report.ewms("Unknown format for printing!\n", "error", "print.CMA_per_episode", "AdhereR");
    return (invisible(NULL));

#' Plot CMA_per_episode and CMA_sliding_window objects.
#' Plots the event data and the estimated CMA per treatment episode and sliding
#' window, respectively.
#' The x-axis represents time (either in days since the earliest date or as
#' actual dates), with consecutive events represented as ascending on the y-axis.
#' Each event is represented as a segment with style \code{lty.event} and line
#' width \code{lwd.event} starting with a \code{pch.start.event} and ending with
#' a \code{pch.end.event} character, coloured with a unique color as given by
#' \code{col.cats}, extending from its start date until its end date.
#' Consecutive events are thus represented on consecutive levels of the y-axis
#' and are connected by a "continuation" line with \code{col.continuation}
#' colour, \code{lty.continuation} style and \code{lwd.continuation} width;
#' these continuation lines are purely visual guides helping to perceive the
#' sequence of events, and carry no information about the avilability of
#' medicine in this interval.
#' Above these, the treatment episodes or the sliding windows are represented in
#' a stacked manner from the earlieast (left, bottom of the stack) to the latest
#' (right, top of the stack), each showing the CMA as percent fill (capped at
#' 100\% even if CMA values may be higher) and also as text.
#' The follow-up and the observation windows are plotted as empty an rectangle
#' and as shaded rectangle, respectively (for some CMAs the observation window
#' might be adjusted in which case the adjustment may also be plotted using a
#' different shading).
#' The kernel density ("smoothed histogram") of the CMA estimates across
#' treatment episodes/sliding windows (if more than 2) can be visually
#' represented as well in the left side of the figure (NB, their horizontal
#' scales may be different across patients).
#' When several patients are displayed on the same plot, they are organized
#' vertically, and alternating bands (white and gray) help distinguish
#' consecutive patients.
#' Implicitely, all patients contained in the \code{cma} object will be plotted,
#' but the \code{patients.to.plot} parameter allows the selection of a subset
#' of patients.
#' Finally, the y-axis shows the patient ID and possibly the CMA estimate as
#' well.
#' Any not explicitely defined arguments are passed to the simple CMA estimation
#' and plotting function; therefore, for more info about possible estimation
#' parameters plese see the help for the appropriate simple CMA, and for possible
#' aesthetic tweaks, please see the help for their plotting.
#' @param x A \emph{\code{CMA0}} or derived object, representing the CMA to
#' plot
#' @param patients.to.plot A vector of \emph{strings} containing the list of
#' patient IDs to plot (a subset of those in the \code{cma} object), or
#' \code{NULL} for all
#' @param duration A \emph{number}, the total duration (in days) of the whole
#' period to plot; in \code{NA} it is automatically determined from the event
#' data such that the whole dataset fits.
#' @param align.all.patients \emph{Logical}, should all patients be aligned
#' (i.e., the actual dates are discarded and all plots are relative to the
#' earliest date)?
#' @param align.first.event.at.zero \emph{Logical}, should the first event be
#' placed at the origin of the time axis (at 0)?
#' @param show.period A \emph{string}, if "dates" show the actual dates at the
#' regular grid intervals, while for "days" (the default) shows the days since
#' the beginning; if \code{align.all.patients == TRUE}, \code{show.period} is
#' taken as "days".
#' @param period.in.days The \emph{number} of days at which the regular grid is
#' drawn (or 0 for no grid).
#' @param show.legend \emph{Logical}, should the legend be drawn?
#' @param legend.x The position of the legend on the x axis; can be "left",
#' "right" (default), or a \emph{numeric} value.
#' @param legend.y The position of the legend on the y axis; can be "bottom"
#' (default), "top", or a \emph{numeric} value.
#' @param legend.bkg.opacity A \emph{number} between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the
#' opacity of the legend background.
#' @param legend.cex,legend.cex.title The legend and legend title font sizes.
#' @param cex,cex.axis,cex.lab \emph{numeric} values specifying the cex of the
#' various types of text.
#' @param show.cma \emph{Logical}, should the CMA type be shown in the title?
#' @param xlab Named vector of x-axis labels to show for the two types of periods
#' ("days" and "dates"), or a single value for both, or \code{NULL} for nothing.
#' @param ylab Named vector of y-axis labels to show without and with CMA estimates,
#' or a single value for both, or \code{NULL} for nonthing.
#' @param title Named vector of titles to show for and without alignment, or a
#' single value for both, or \code{NULL} for nonthing.
#' @param col.cats A \emph{color} or a \emph{function} that specifies the single
#' colour or the colour palette used to plot the different medication; by
#' default \code{rainbow}, but we recommend, whenever possible, a
#' colorblind-friendly palette such as \code{viridis} or \code{colorblind_pal}.
#' @param unspecified.category.label A \emph{string} giving the name of the
#' unspecified (generic) medication category.
#' @param medication.groups.to.plot the names of the medication groups to plot or
#' \code{NULL} (the default) for all.
#' @param medication.groups.separator.show a \emph{boolean}, if \code{TRUE} (the
#' default) visually mark the medication groups the belong to the same patient,
#' using horizontal lines and alternating vertical lines.
#' @param medication.groups.separator.lty,medication.groups.separator.lwd,medication.groups.separator.color
#' graphical parameters (line type, line width and colour describing the visual
#' marking og medication groups as beloning to the same patient.
#' @param medication.groups.allother.label a \emph{string} giving the label to
#' use for the implicit \code{__ALL_OTHERS__} medication group (defaults to "*").
#' @param lty.event,lwd.event,pch.start.event,pch.end.event The style of the
#' event (line style, width, and start and end symbols).
#' @param show.event.intervals \emph{Logical}, should the actual event intervals
#' be shown? As per-episode and sliding windows might have overlapping intervals,
#' it is better not to show them by default (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param show.overlapping.event.intervals specifies how to plot the event
#' intervals that appear in multiple sliding windows or episodes. We can plot
#' how thye look in the \emph{first} sliding window or episode (the default),
#' how they appear in the \emph{last}, pick the one that minimizes the gap
#' (\emph{min gap}) or maximizes it (\emph{max gap}), or compute their
#' \emph{average} across all sliding windows or episodes containing them.
#' @param plot.events.vertically.displaced Should consecutive events be plotted
#' on separate rows (i.e., separated vertically, the default) or on the same row?
#' @param print.dose,cex.dose,print.dose.outline.col,print.dose.centered Print daily
#' dose as a number and, if so, how (color, size, position...).
#' @param plot.dose,lwd.event.max.dose,plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes
#' Show dose through the width of the event lines and, if so, what the maximum
#' width should be, and should this maximum be by medication class or overall.
#' @param col.na The colour used for missing event data.
#' @param col.continuation,lty.continuation,lwd.continuation The color, style
#' and width of the contuniation lines connecting consecutive events.
#' @param alternating.bands.cols The colors of the alternating vertical bands
#' distinguishing the patients; can be \code{NULL} = don't draw the bandes;
#' or a vector of colors.
#' @param print.episode.or.sliding.window \emph{Logical}, should we show which
#' events belong to which episode or sliding window? To work, the CMA must have
#' been constructed with \code{return.mapping.events.episodes} or
#' \code{return.mapping.events.sliding.window} set to \code{TRUE}, respectively.
#' @param bw.plot \emph{Logical}, should the plot use grayscale only (i.e., the
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{gray.colors}} function)?
#' @param rotate.text \emph{Numeric}, the angle by which certain text elements
#' (e.g., axis labels) should be rotated.
#' @param force.draw.text \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, always draw text even
#' if too big or too small
#' @param print.CMA \emph{Logical}, should the CMA values be printed?
#' @param CMA.cex ... and, if printed, what cex (\emph{numeric}) to use?
#' @param plot.CMA \emph{Logical}, should the distribution of the CMA values
#' across episodes/sliding windows be plotted? If \code{TRUE} (the default), the
#' distribution is shown on the left-hand side of the plot, otherwise it is not.
#' @param plot.CMA.as.histogram \emph{Logical}, should the CMA plot be a
#' histogram or a (truncated) density plot? Please note that it is TRUE by
#' deafult for CMA_per_episode and FALSE for CMA_sliding_window, because
#' usually there are more sliding windows than episodes. Also, the density
#' estimate cannot be estimated for less than three different values.
#' @param plot.partial.CMAs.as Should the partial CMAs be plotted? Possible values
#' are "stacked", "overlapping" or "timeseries", or \code{NULL} for no partial
#' CMA plots. Please note that \code{plot.CMA} and \code{plot.partial.CMAs.as}
#' are independent of each other.
#' @param plot.partial.CMAs.as.stacked.col.bars,plot.partial.CMAs.as.stacked.col.border,plot.partial.CMAs.as.stacked.col.text
#' If plotting the partial CMAs as stacked bars, define their graphical attributes.
#' @param plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.vspace,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.start.from.zero,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.col.dot,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.col.interval,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.col.text,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.interval.type,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.lwd.interval,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.alpha.interval,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.show.0perc,plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.show.100perc
#' If plotting the partial CMAs as imeseries, these are their graphical attributes.
#' @param plot.partial.CMAs.as.overlapping.alternate,plot.partial.CMAs.as.overlapping.col.interval,plot.partial.CMAs.as.overlapping.col.text
#' If plotting the partial CMAs as overlapping segments, these are their
#' graphical attributes.
#' @param CMA.plot.ratio A \emph{number}, the proportion of the total horizontal
#' plot space to be allocated to the CMA plot.
#' @param CMA.plot.col,CMA.plot.border,CMA.plot.bkg,CMA.plot.text \emph{Strings}
#' giving the colours of the various components of the CMA plot.
#' @param highlight.followup.window \emph{Logical}, should the follow-up window
#' be plotted?
#' @param followup.window.col The follow-up window colour.
#' @param highlight.observation.window \emph{Logical}, should the observation
#' window be plotted?
#' @param observation.window.col,observation.window.opacity
#' Attributes of the observation window (colour, transparency).
#' @param min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz,min.plot.size.in.characters.vert
#' \emph{Numeric}, the minimum size of the plotting surface in characters;
#' horizontally (min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz) refers to the the whole
#' duration of the events to plot; vertically (min.plot.size.in.characters.vert)
#' refers to a single event. If the plotting is too small, possible solutions
#' might be: if within \code{RStudio}, try to enlarge the "Plots" panel, or
#' (also valid outside \code{RStudio} but not if using \code{RStudio server}
#' start a new plotting device (e.g., using \code{X11()}, \code{quartz()}
#' or \code{windows()}, depending on OS) or (works always) save to an image
#' (e.g., \code{jpeg(...); ...; dev.off()}) and display it in a viewer.
#' @param max.patients.to.plot \emph{Numeric}, the maximum patients to attempt
#' to plot.
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param export.formats a \emph{string} giving the formats to export the figure
#' to (by default \code{NULL}, meaning no exporting); can be any combination of
#' "svg" (just an \code{SVG} file), "html" (\code{SVG} + \code{HTML} + \code{CSS}
#' + \code{JavaScript}, all embedded within one \code{HTML} document), "jpg",
#' "png", "webp", "ps" or "pdf".
#' @param export.formats.fileprefix a \emph{string} giving the file name prefix
#' for the exported formats (defaults to "AdhereR-plot").
#' @param export.formats.height,export.formats.width \emph{numbers} giving the
#' desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane
#' values if \code{NA}).
#' @param export.formats.save.svg.placeholder a \emph{logical}, if TRUE, save an
#' image placeholder of type given by \code{export.formats.svg.placeholder.type}
#'for the \code{SVG} image.
#' @param export.formats.svg.placeholder.type a \emph{string}, giving the type of
#' placeholder for the \code{SVG} image to save; can be "jpg",
#' "png" (the default) or "webp".
#' @param export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE},
#' embed the placeholder image in the HTML document (if any) using \code{base64}
#' encoding, otherwise (the default) leave it as an external image file (works
#' only when an \code{HTML} document is exported and only for \code{JPEG} or
#' \code{PNG} images.
#' @param export.formats.html.template,export.formats.html.javascript,export.formats.html.css
#' \emph{character strings} or \code{NULL} (the default) giving the path to the
#' \code{HTML}, \code{JavaScript} and \code{CSS} templates, respectively, to be
#' used when generating the HTML+CSS semi-interactive plots; when \code{NULL},
#' the default ones included with the package will be used. If you decide to define
#' new templates please use the default ones for inspiration and note that future
#' version are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible!
#' @param export.formats.directory a \emph{string}; if exporting, which directory
#' to export to; if \code{NA} (the default), creates the files in a temporary
#' directory.
#' @param generate.R.plot a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE} (the default),
#' generate the standard (base \code{R}) plot for plotting within \code{R}.
#' @param do.not.draw.plot a \emph{logical}, if \code{TRUE} (\emph{not} the default),
#' does not draw the plot itself, but only the legend (if \code{show.legend} is
#' \code{TRUE}) at coordinates (0,0) irrespective of the given legend coordinates.
#' This is intended to allow (together with the \code{get.legend.plotting.area()}
#' function) the separate plotting of the legend.
#' @param ... other parameters (to be passed to the estimation and plotting of
#' the simple CMA)
#' @seealso See the simple CMA estimation \code{\link[AdhereR]{CMA1}}
#' to \code{\link[AdhereR]{CMA9}} and plotting \code{\link[AdhereR]{plot.CMA1}}
#' functions for extra parameters.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmaW <- CMA_sliding_window(CMA=CMA1,
#'                         data=med.events,
#'                         ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'                         event.date.colname="DATE",
#'                         event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'                         event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'                         medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'                         carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'                         consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'                         followup.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.duration=365,
#'                         sliding.window.start=0,
#'                         sliding.window.start.unit="days",
#'                         sliding.window.duration=90,
#'                         sliding.window.duration.unit="days",
#'                         sliding.window.step.duration=7,
#'                         sliding.window.step.unit="days",
#'                         sliding.window.no.steps=NA,
#'                         date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'                        );
#' plot(cmaW, patients.to.plot=c("1","2"));
#' cmaE <- CMA_per_episode(CMA=CMA1,
#'                         data=med.events,
#'                         ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'                         event.date.colname="DATE",
#'                         event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'                         event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'                         medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'                         carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'                         consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'                         followup.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.start=0,
#'                         observation.window.duration=365,
#'                         date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'                        );
#' plot(cmaE, patients.to.plot=c("1","2"));}
#' @export
plot.CMA_per_episode <- function(x,                                     # the CMA_per_episode or CMA_sliding_window (or derived) object
                                 patients.to.plot=NULL,                 # list of patient IDs to plot or NULL for all
                                 duration=NA,                           # duration and end period to plot in days (if missing, determined from the data)
                                 align.all.patients=FALSE, align.first.event.at.zero=FALSE, # should all patients be aligned? and, if so, place the first event as the horizintal 0?
                                 show.period=c("dates","days")[2],      # draw vertical bars at regular interval as dates or days?
                                 period.in.days=90,                     # the interval (in days) at which to draw veritcal lines
                                 show.legend=TRUE, legend.x="right", legend.y="bottom", legend.bkg.opacity=0.5, legend.cex=0.75, legend.cex.title=1.0, # legend params and position
                                 cex=1.0, cex.axis=0.75, cex.lab=1.0,   # various graphical params
                                 show.cma=TRUE,                         # show the CMA type
                                 xlab=c("dates"="Date", "days"="Days"), # Vector of x labels to show for the two types of periods, or a single value for both, or NULL for nothing
                                 ylab=c("withoutCMA"="patient", "withCMA"="patient (& CMA)"), # Vector of y labels to show without and with CMA estimates, or a single value for both, or NULL ofr nonthing
                                 title=c("aligned"="Event patterns (all patients aligned)", "notaligned"="Event patterns"), # Vector of titles to show for and without alignment, or a single value for both, or NULL for nonthing
                                 col.cats=rainbow,                      # single color or a function mapping the categories to colors
                                 unspecified.category.label="drug",     # the label of the unspecified category of medication
                                 medication.groups.to.plot=NULL,        # the names of the medication groups to plot (by default, all)
                                 medication.groups.separator.show=TRUE, medication.groups.separator.lty="solid", medication.groups.separator.lwd=2, medication.groups.separator.color="blue", # group medication events by patient?
                                 medication.groups.allother.label="*",  # the label to use for the __ALL_OTHERS__ medication class (defaults to *)
                                 lty.event="solid", lwd.event=2, pch.start.event=15, pch.end.event=16, # event style
                                 show.event.intervals=FALSE,            # per-episode and sliding windows might have overlapping intervals, so better not to show them by default
                                 show.overlapping.event.intervals=c("first", "last", "min gap", "max gap", "average")[1], # how to plot overlapping event intervals (relevant for sliding windows and per episode)
                                 plot.events.vertically.displaced=TRUE, # display the events on different lines (vertical displacement) or not (defaults to TRUE)?
                                 print.dose=FALSE, cex.dose=0.75, print.dose.outline.col="white", print.dose.centered=FALSE, # print daily dose
                                 plot.dose=FALSE, lwd.event.max.dose=8, plot.dose.lwd.across.medication.classes=FALSE, # draw daily dose as line width
                                 col.na="lightgray",                    # color for mising data
                                 col.continuation="black", lty.continuation="dotted", lwd.continuation=1, # style of the contuniation lines connecting consecutive events
                                 print.CMA=TRUE, CMA.cex=0.50,    # print CMA next to the participant's ID?
                                 plot.CMA=TRUE,                   # plot the CMA next to the participant ID?
                                 plot.CMA.as.histogram=TRUE,      # plot CMA as a histogram or as a density plot?
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as=c("stacked", "overlapping", "timeseries")[1], # how to plot the "partial" (i.e., intervals/episodes) CMAs (NULL for none)?
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.stacked.col.bars="gray90", plot.partial.CMAs.as.stacked.col.border="gray30", plot.partial.CMAs.as.stacked.col.text="black",
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.vspace=7, # how much vertical space to reserve for the timeseries plot (in character lines)
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.start.from.zero=TRUE, #show the vertical axis start at 0 or at the minimum actual value (if positive)?
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.col.dot="darkblue", plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.col.interval="gray70", plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.col.text="firebrick", # setting any of these to NA results in them not being plotted
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.interval.type=c("none", "segments", "arrows", "lines", "rectangles")[2], # how to show the covered intervals
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.lwd.interval=1, # line width for some types of intervals
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.alpha.interval=0.25, # the transparency of the intervales (when drawn as rectangles)
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.show.0perc=TRUE, plot.partial.CMAs.as.timeseries.show.100perc=FALSE, #show the 0% and 100% lines?
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.overlapping.alternate=TRUE, # should successive intervals be plotted low/high?
                                 plot.partial.CMAs.as.overlapping.col.interval="gray70", plot.partial.CMAs.as.overlapping.col.text="firebrick", # setting any of these to NA results in them not being plotted
                                 CMA.plot.ratio=0.10,             # the proportion of the total horizontal plot to be taken by the CMA plot
                                 CMA.plot.col="lightgreen", CMA.plot.border="darkgreen", CMA.plot.bkg="aquamarine", CMA.plot.text=CMA.plot.border, # attributes of the CMA plot
                                 highlight.followup.window=TRUE, followup.window.col="green",
                                 highlight.observation.window=TRUE, observation.window.col="yellow", observation.window.opacity=0.3,
                                 print.episode.or.sliding.window=FALSE, # should we print the episode or sliding window to which an event belongs?
                                 alternating.bands.cols=c("white", "gray95"), # the colors of the alternating vertical bands across patients (NULL=don't draw any; can be >= 1 color)
                                 bw.plot=FALSE,                   # if TRUE, override all user-given colors and replace them with a scheme suitable for grayscale plotting
                                 rotate.text=-60,                 # some text (e.g., axis labels) may be rotated by this much degrees
                                 force.draw.text=FALSE,           # if true, always draw text even if too big or too small
                                 min.plot.size.in.characters.horiz=0, min.plot.size.in.characters.vert=0, # the minimum plot size (in characters: horizontally, for the whole duration, vertically, per event (and, if shown, per episode/sliding window))
                                 max.patients.to.plot=100,        # maximum number of patients to plot
                                 export.formats=NULL,                   # the formats to export the figure to (by default, none); can be any subset of "svg" (just SVG file), "html" (SVG + HTML + CSS + JavaScript all embedded within the HTML document), "jpg", "png", "webp", "ps" and "pdf"
                                 export.formats.fileprefix="AdhereR-plot", # the file name prefix for the exported formats
                                 export.formats.height=NA, export.formats.width=NA, # desired dimensions (in pixels) for the exported figure (defaults to sane values)
                                 export.formats.svg.placeholder.type=c("jpg", "png", "webp")[2],
                                 export.formats.svg.placeholder.embed=FALSE, # save a placeholder for the SVG image?
                                 export.formats.html.template=NULL, export.formats.html.javascript=NULL, export.formats.html.css=NULL, # HTML, JavaScript and CSS templates for exporting HTML+SVG
                                 export.formats.directory=NA,           # if exporting, which directory to export to (if not give, creates files in the temporary directory)
                                 generate.R.plot=TRUE,                  # generate standard (base R) plot for plotting within R?
                                 do.not.draw.plot=FALSE,                # if TRUE, don't draw the actual plot, but only the legend (if required)
                                 suppress.warnings=FALSE,         # suppress warnings?
  #if( show.event.intervals )
  #  if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("show.event.intervals=TRUE is not yet implemented in plotting sliding windows and per episodes!\n", "message", "plot", "AdhereR");
  #  show.event.intervals <- FALSE;


#' CMA_sliding_window constructor.
#' Applies a given CMA to each sliding window and constructs a
#' CMA_sliding_window object.
#' \code{CMA_sliding_window} first computes a set of fixed-size (possibly partly
#' overlapping) sliding windows,
#' each sliding to the right by a fixed timelag,
#' and then, for each of them, it computes the given "simple" CMA.
#' Thus, as opposed to the "simple" CMAs 1 to 9, it returns a set of CMAs, with
#' possibly more than one element.
#' It is highly similar to \code{\link{CMA_per_episode}} which computes a CMA
#' for a set of treatment episodes.
#' @param CMA.to.apply A \emph{string} giving the name of the CMA function (1 to
#' 9) that will be computed for each treatment episode.
#' @param data A \emph{\code{data.frame}} containing the events used to compute
#' the CMA. Must contain, at a minimum, the patient unique ID, the event date
#' and duration, and might also contain the daily dosage and medication type
#' (the actual column names are defined in the following four parameters).
#' @param ID.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in \code{data}
#' containing the unique patient ID; must be present.
#' @param event.date.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the start date of the event (in the format given in
#' the \code{date.format} parameter); must be present.
#' @param event.duration.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the event duration (in days); must be present.
#' @param event.daily.dose.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the prescribed daily dose, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.class.colname A \emph{string}, the name of the column in
#' \code{data} containing the medication type, or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param medication.groups A \emph{vector} of characters defining medication
#' groups or the name of a column in \code{data} that defines such groups.
#' The names of the vector are the medication group unique names, while
#' the content defines them as logical expressions. While the names can be any
#' string of characters except "\}", it is recommended to stick to the rules for
#' defining vector names in \code{R}. For example,
#' \code{c("A"="CATEGORY == 'medA'", "AA"="{A} & PERDAY < 4"} defines two
#' medication groups: \emph{A} which selects all events of type "medA", and
#' \emph{B} which selects all events already defined by "A" but with a daily
#' dose lower than 4. If \code{NULL}, no medication groups are defined. If
#' medication groups are defined, there is one CMA estimate for each group;
#' moreover, there is a special group \emph{__ALL_OTHERS__} automatically defined
#' containing all observations \emph{not} covered by any of the explicitly defined
#' groups.
#' @param flatten.medication.groups \emph{Logical}, if \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' then the \code{CMA} and \code{event.info} components of the object are lists
#' with one medication group per element; otherwise, they are \code{data.frame}s
#' with an extra column containing the medication group (its name is given by
#' \code{medication.groups.colname}).
#' @param medication.groups.colname a \emph{string} (defaults to ".MED_GROUP_ID")
#' giving the name of the column storing the group name when
#' \code{flatten.medication.groups} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param carry.only.for.same.medication \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the
#' carry-over applies only across medication of the same type.
#' @param consider.dosage.change \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE}, the carry-over
#' is adjusted to also reflect changes in dosage.
#' @param followup.window.start If a \emph{\code{Date}} object, it represents
#' the actual start date of the follow-up window; if a \emph{string} it is the
#' name of the column in \code{data} containing the start date of the follow-up
#' window either as the numbers of \code{followup.window.start.unit} units after
#' the first event (the column must be of type \code{numeric}) or as actual
#' dates (in which case the column must be of type \code{Date} or a string
#' that conforms to the format specified in \code{date.format}); if a
#' \emph{number} it is the number of time units defined in the
#' \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter after the begin of the
#' participant's first event; or \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.start} refers to (when a number), or
#' \code{NA} if not defined.
#' @param followup.window.start.per.medication.group a \emph{logical}: if there are
#' medication groups defined and this is \code{TRUE}, then the first event
#' considered for the follow-up window start is relative to each medication group
#' separately, otherwise (the default) it is relative to the patient.
#' @param followup.window.duration either a \emph{number} representing the
#' duration of the follow-up window in the time units given in
#' \code{followup.window.duration.unit}, or a \emph{string} giving the column
#' containing these numbers. Should represent a period for which relevant
#' medication events are recorded accurately (e.g. not extend after end of
#' relevant treatment, loss-to-follow-up or change to a health care provider not
#' covered by the database).
#' @param followup.window.duration.unit can be either \emph{"days"},
#' \emph{"weeks"}, \emph{"months"} or \emph{"years"}, and represents the time
#' units that \code{followup.window.duration} refers to, or \code{NA} if not
#' defined.
#' @param observation.window.start,observation.window.start.unit,observation.window.duration,observation.window.duration.unit the definition of the observation window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param sliding.window.start,sliding.window.start.unit,sliding.window.duration,sliding.window.duration.unit the definition of the first sliding window
#' (see the follow-up window parameters above for details).
#' @param sliding.window.step.duration,sliding.window.step.unit if not missing
#' (\code{NA}), these give the step (or "jump") to the right of the sliding
#' window in time units.
#' @param sliding.window.no.steps a \emph{integer} specifying the desired number
#' of sliding windows to cover the observation window (if possible); trumps
#' \code{sliding.window.step.duration} and \code{sliding.window.step.unit}.
#' @param date.format A \emph{string} giving the format of the dates used in the
#' \code{data} and the other parameters; see the \code{format} parameters of the
#' \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} function for details (NB, this concerns only the
#' dates given as strings and not as \code{Date} objects).
#' @param summary Metadata as a \emph{string}, briefly describing this CMA.
#' @param event.interval.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created
#' column storing the number of days between the start of the current event and
#' the start of the next one; the default value "event.interval" should be
#' changed only if there is a naming conflict with a pre-existing
#' "event.interval" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param gap.days.colname A \emph{string}, the name of a newly-created column
#' storing the number of days when medication was not available (i.e., the
#' "gap days"); the default value "gap.days" should be changed only if there is
#' a naming conflict with a pre-existing "gap.days" column in \code{event.info}.
#' @param return.inner.event.info \emph{Logical} specifying if the function
#' should also return the event.info for all the individual events in each
#' sliding window; by default it is \code{FALSE} as this information is useful
#' only in very specific cases (e.g., plotting the event intervals) and adds a
#' small but non-negligible computational overhead.
#' @param force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients \emph{Logical} describing how the
#' patients for which the CMA estimation fails are treated: if \code{TRUE}
#' they are returned with an \code{NA} CMA estimate, while for
#' \code{FALSE} they are omitted.
#' @param return.mapping.events.sliding.window A \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} then
#' the mapping between events and sliding windows is returned as the component
#' \code{mapping.windows.to.events}, which is a \code{data.table} giving, for
#' each sliding window, the events that belong to it (an event is given by its row
#' number in the \code{data}).
#' @param parallel.backend Can be "none" (the default) for single-threaded
#' execution, "multicore"  (using \code{mclapply} in package \code{parallel})
#' for multicore processing (NB. not currently implemented on MS Windows and
#' automatically falls back on "snow" on this platform),  or "snow",
#' "snow(SOCK)" (equivalent to "snow"), "snow(MPI)" or "snow(NWS)" specifying
#' various types of SNOW clusters (can be on the local machine or more complex
#' setups -- please see the documentation of package \code{snow} for details;
#' the last two require packages \code{Rmpi} and \code{nws}, respectively, not
#' automatically installed with \code{AdhereR}).
#' @param parallel.threads Can be "auto" (for \code{parallel.backend} ==
#' "multicore", defaults to the number of cores in the system as given by
#' \code{options("cores")}, while for \code{parallel.backend} == "snow",
#' defaults to 2), a strictly positive integer specifying the number of parallel
#' threads, or a more complex specification of the SNOW cluster nodes for
#' \code{parallel.backend} == "snow" (see the documentation of package
#' \code{snow} for details).
#' @param suppress.warnings \emph{Logical}, if \code{TRUE} don't show any
#' warnings.
#' @param suppress.special.argument.checks \emph{Logical} parameter for internal
#' use; if \code{FALSE} (default) check if the important columns in the \code{data}
#' have some of the reserved names, if \code{TRUE} this check is not performed.
#' @param ... other possible parameters
#' @return An \code{S3} object of class \code{CMA_sliding_window} with the
#' following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data} The actual event data, as given by the \code{data}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{ID.colname} the name of the column in \code{data} containing the
#'  unique patient ID, as given by the \code{ID.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.date.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the start date of the event (in the format given in the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter), as given by the \code{event.date.colname}
#'  parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.duration.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the event duration (in days), as given by the
#'  \code{event.duration.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.daily.dose.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the prescribed daily dose, as given by the
#'  \code{event.daily.dose.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{medication.class.colname} the name of the column in \code{data}
#'  containing the classes/types/groups of medication, as given by the
#'  \code{medication.class.colname} parameter.
#'  \item \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} whether the carry-over applies
#'  only across medication of the same type, as given by the
#'  \code{carry.only.for.same.medication} parameter.
#'  \item \code{consider.dosage.change} whether the carry-over is adjusted to
#'  reflect changes in dosage, as given by the \code{consider.dosage.change} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start} the beginning of the follow-up window,
#'   as given by the \code{followup.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration} the duration of the follow-up window,
#'  as given by the \code{followup.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{followup.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{followup.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start} the beginning of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.start} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.start.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.start}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.start.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration} the duration of the observation
#'  window, as given by the \code{observation.window.duration} parameter.
#'  \item \code{observation.window.duration.unit} the time unit of the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration}, as given by the
#'  \code{observation.window.duration.unit} parameter.
#'  \item \code{date.format} the format of the dates, as given by the
#'  \code{date.format} parameter.
#'  \item \code{summary} the metadata, as given by the \code{summary} parameter.
#'  \item \code{event.info} the \code{data.frame} containing the event info
#'  (irrelevant for most users; see \code{\link{compute.event.int.gaps}} for
#'  details).
#'  \item \code{computed.CMA} the class name of the computed CMA.
#'  \item \code{CMA} the \code{data.frame} containing the actual \code{CMA}
#'  estimates for each participant (the \code{ID.colname} column) and sliding
#'  window, with columns:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item \code{ID.colname} the patient ID as given by the \code{ID.colname}
#'      parameter.
#'      \item \code{window.ID} the unique window ID (within patients).
#'      \item \code{window.start} the window's start date (as a \code{Date}
#'      object).
#'      \item \code{window.end} the window's end date (as a \code{Date} object).
#'      \item \code{CMA} the window's estimated CMA.
#'    }
#' }
#' Please note that if \code{medication.groups} are defined, then the \code{CMA}
#' and \code{event.info} are named lists, each element containing the CMA and
#' event.info corresponding to a single medication group (the element's name).
#' @seealso \code{\link{CMA_per_episode}} is very similar, computing a "simple"
#' CMA for each of the treatment episodes.
#' The "simple" CMAs that can be computed comprise \code{\link{CMA1}},
#' \code{\link{CMA2}}, \code{\link{CMA3}}, \code{\link{CMA4}},
#' \code{\link{CMA5}}, \code{\link{CMA6}}, \code{\link{CMA7}},
#' \code{\link{CMA8}}, \code{\link{CMA9}}, as well as user-defined classes
#' derived from \code{\link{CMA0}} that have a \code{CMA} component giving the
#' estimated CMA per patient as a \code{data.frame}.
#' If \code{return.mapping.events.sliding.window} is \code{TRUE}, then this also has an
#' attribute \code{mapping.windows.to.events} that gives the mapping between
#' episodes and events as a \code{data.table} with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{patid} the patient ID.
#'  \item \code{window.ID} the episode unique ID (increasing sequentially).
#'  \item \code{event.index.in.data} the event given by its row number in the \code{data}.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cmaW <- CMA_sliding_window(CMA="CMA1",
#'                            data=med.events,
#'                            ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'                            event.date.colname="DATE",
#'                            event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'                            event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'                            medication.class.colname="CATEGORY",
#'                            carry.only.for.same.medication=FALSE,
#'                            consider.dosage.change=FALSE,
#'                            followup.window.start=0,
#'                            observation.window.start=0,
#'                            observation.window.duration=365,
#'                            sliding.window.start=0,
#'                            sliding.window.start.unit="days",
#'                            sliding.window.duration=90,
#'                            sliding.window.duration.unit="days",
#'                            sliding.window.step.duration=7,
#'                            sliding.window.step.unit="days",
#'                            sliding.window.no.steps=NA,
#'                            date.format="%m/%d/%Y"
#'                           );}
#' @export
CMA_sliding_window <- function( CMA.to.apply,  # the name of the CMA function (e.g., "CMA1") to be used
                                data, # the data used to compute the CMA on
                                # Important columns in the data
                                ID.colname=NA, # the name of the column containing the unique patient ID (NA = undefined)
                                event.date.colname=NA, # the start date of the event in the date.format format (NA = undefined)
                                event.duration.colname=NA, # the event duration in days (NA = undefined)
                                event.daily.dose.colname=NA, # the prescribed daily dose (NA = undefined)
                                medication.class.colname=NA, # the classes/types/groups of medication (NA = undefined)
                                # Groups of medication classes:
                                medication.groups=NULL, # a named vector of medication group definitions, the name of a column in the data that defines the groups, or NULL
                                flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID", # if medication.groups were defined, return CMAs and event.info as single data.frame?
                                # Various types methods of computing gaps:
                                carry.only.for.same.medication=NA, # if TRUE the carry-over applies only across medication of same type (NA = undefined)
                                consider.dosage.change=NA, # if TRUE carry-over is adjusted to reflect changes in dosage (NA = undefined)
                                # The follow-up window:
                                followup.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                                followup.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                                followup.window.start.per.medication.group=FALSE, # if there are medication groups and this is TRUE, then the first event is relative to each medication group separately, otherwise is relative to the patient
                                followup.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the follow-up window in the time units given below (NA = undefined)
                                followup.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1],# the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!)  (NA = undefined)
                                # The observation window (embedded in the follow-up window):
                                observation.window.start=0, # the number of time units relative to followup.window.start (NA = undefined)
                                observation.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                                observation.window.duration=365*2, # the duration of the observation window in time units (NA = undefined)
                                observation.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                                # Sliding window:
                                sliding.window.start=0, # if a number is the earliest event per participant date + number of units, or a Date object, or a column name in data (NA = undefined)
                                sliding.window.start.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                                sliding.window.duration=90,  # the duration of the sliding window in time units (NA = undefined)
                                sliding.window.duration.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                                sliding.window.step.duration=30, # the step ("jump") of the sliding window in time units (NA = undefined)
                                sliding.window.step.unit=c("days", "weeks", "months", "years")[1], # the time units; can be "days", "weeks", "months" or "years" (if months or years, using an actual calendar!) (NA = undefined)
                                sliding.window.no.steps=NA, # the number of steps to jump; has priority over setp specification
                                return.inner.event.info=FALSE, # should we return the event.info for all the individual events in each sliding window?
                                # Date format:
                                date.format="%m/%d/%Y", # the format of the dates used in this function (NA = undefined)
                                # Comments and metadata:
                                summary="CMA per sliding window",
                                # The description of the output (added) columns:
                                event.interval.colname="event.interval", # contains number of days between the start of current event and the start of the next
                                gap.days.colname="gap.days", # contains the number of days when medication was not available
                                # Dealing with failed estimates:
                                force.NA.CMA.for.failed.patients=TRUE, # force the failed patients to have NA CM estimate?
                                return.mapping.events.sliding.window=FALSE, # return the mapping of events to sliding windows?
                                # Parallel processing:
                                parallel.backend=c("none","multicore","snow","snow(SOCK)","snow(MPI)","snow(NWS)")[1], # parallel backend to use
                                parallel.threads="auto", # specification (or number) of parallel threads
                                # Misc:
                                suppress.special.argument.checks=FALSE, # used internally to suppress the check that we don't use special argument names
                                # extra parameters to be sent to the CMA function:
  # Preconditions:
  if( is.numeric(sliding.window.start) && sliding.window.start < 0 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window must start a positive number of time units after the start of the observation window!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( !inherits(sliding.window.start,"Date") && !is.numeric(sliding.window.start) && !(sliding.window.start %in% names(data)) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window start must be a valid column name!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( !(sliding.window.start.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window start unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( !is.numeric(sliding.window.duration) || sliding.window.duration <= 0 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window duration must be greater than 0!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( !(sliding.window.duration.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window duration unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.numeric(sliding.window.step.duration) && sliding.window.step.duration < 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window's step duration must be at least 1 unit!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( !(sliding.window.step.unit %in% c("days", "weeks", "months", "years") ) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window's step duration unit is not recognized!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);
  if( is.numeric(sliding.window.no.steps) && sliding.window.no.steps < 1 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("The sliding window must move at least once!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR")
    return (NULL);

  # Get the CMA function corresponding to the name:
  if( !(is.character(CMA.to.apply) || is.factor(CMA.to.apply)) )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("'CMA.to.apply' must be a string contining the name of the simple CMA to apply!\n)"), "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  CMA.FNC <- switch(as.character(CMA.to.apply), # if factor, force it to string
                    "CMA1" = CMA1,
                    "CMA2" = CMA2,
                    "CMA3" = CMA3,
                    "CMA4" = CMA4,
                    "CMA5" = CMA5,
                    "CMA6" = CMA6,
                    "CMA7" = CMA7,
                    "CMA8" = CMA8,
                    "CMA9" = CMA9,
                    {if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms(paste0("Unknown 'CMA.to.apply' '",CMA.to.apply,"': defaulting to CMA0!\n)"), "warning", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR"); CMA0;}); # by default, fall back to CMA0

  # Default argument values and overrides:
  def.vals <- formals(CMA.FNC);
  if( CMA.to.apply %in% c("CMA1", "CMA2", "CMA3", "CMA4") )
    carryover.into.obs.window <- carryover.within.obs.window <- FALSE;
    if( !is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) && carry.only.for.same.medication && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("'carry.only.for.same.medication' cannot be defined for CMAs 1-4!\n", "warning", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR");
    carry.only.for.same.medication <- FALSE;
    if( !is.na(consider.dosage.change) && consider.dosage.change && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("'consider.dosage.change' cannot be defined for CMAs 1-4!\n", "warning", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR");
    consider.dosage.change <- FALSE;
  } else if( CMA.to.apply %in% c("CMA5", "CMA6") )
    carryover.into.obs.window <- FALSE;
    carryover.within.obs.window <- TRUE;
    if( is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) ) carry.only.for.same.medication <- def.vals[["carry.only.for.same.medication"]]; # use the default value from CMA
    if( is.na(consider.dosage.change) ) consider.dosage.change <- def.vals[["consider.dosage.change"]]; # use the default value from CMA
  } else if( CMA.to.apply %in% c("CMA7", "CMA8", "CMA9") )
    carryover.into.obs.window <- carryover.within.obs.window <- TRUE;
    if( is.na(carry.only.for.same.medication) ) carry.only.for.same.medication <- def.vals[["carry.only.for.same.medication"]]; # use the default value from CMA
    if( is.na(consider.dosage.change) ) consider.dosage.change <- def.vals[["consider.dosage.change"]]; # use the default value from CMA
  } else
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("I know how to do CMA sliding windows only for CMAs 1 to 9!\n", "error", "CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);

  # Create the return value skeleton and check consistency:
  ret.val <- CMA0(data,
  if( is.null(ret.val) ) return (NULL);
  # The followup.window.start and observation.window.start might have been converted to Date:
  followup.window.start <- ret.val$followup.window.start; observation.window.start <- ret.val$observation.window.start;

  # The workhorse auxiliary function: For a given (subset) of data, compute the event intervals and gaps:
  .workhorse.function <- function(data=NULL,
    # Auxiliary internal function: Compute the CMA for a given patient:
    .process.patient <- function(data4ID)
      n.events <- nrow(data4ID); # cache number of events
      if( n.events < 1 ) return (NULL);

      # Compute the sliding windows for this patient:
      start.date <- .add.time.interval.to.date(data4ID$.OBS.START.DATE[1], sliding.window.start, sliding.window.start.unit, suppress.warnings); # when do the windows start?
      sliding.duration <- as.numeric(data4ID$.OBS.END.DATE[1] - start.date) - sliding.window.duration.in.days; # the effective duration to be covered with sliding windows
      if( sliding.duration < 0)  return (NULL); # the sliding window is longer than the available time in the observation window
      if( is.na(sliding.window.no.steps) )
        # Compute the number of steps required from the step size:
        sliding.window.no.steps <- (sliding.duration / sliding.window.step.duration.in.days) + 1;
      } else if( sliding.window.no.steps > 1 )
        # Compute the step size to optimally cover the duration (possibly adjust the number of steps, too):
        sliding.window.step.duration.in.days <- (sliding.duration / (sliding.window.no.steps - 1));
        sliding.window.step.duration.in.days <- max(1, min(sliding.window.duration.in.days, sliding.window.step.duration.in.days)); # make sure we don't overdue it
        sliding.window.no.steps <- min(((sliding.duration / sliding.window.step.duration.in.days) + 1), sliding.duration); # adjust the number of steps just in case
      } else
        # Only one sliding window:
        sliding.window.step.duration.in.days <- 0;
      if( sliding.window.no.steps < 1 || sliding.window.step.duration.in.days < 0 ) return (NULL);

      # Expand the participant data by replicating it for each consecutive sliding window:
      data4ID.wnds <- cbind(".WND.ID"        =rep(1:sliding.window.no.steps, each=n.events),
                                                                 function(i) .add.time.interval.to.date(start.date, (i-1)*sliding.window.step.duration.in.days, "days", suppress.warnings),
                            ".WND.DURATION"  =sliding.window.duration.in.days);
      setkeyv(data4ID.wnds, ".WND.ID");

      # Apply the desired CMA to all the windows:
      if(length(dot.args <- list(...)) > 0 && "arguments.that.should.not.be.defined" %in% names(dot.args)) # check if arguments.that.should.not.be.defined is passed in the ... argument
        # Avoid passing again arguments.that.should.not.be.defined to the CMA function:
        cma <- CMA.FNC(data=as.data.frame(data4ID.wnds),
                       parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
                       suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # we know we're using special columns, so supress this check
      } else
        # Temporarily avoid warnings linked to rewriting some CMA arguments by passing it arguments.that.should.not.be.defined=NULL:
        cma <- CMA.FNC(data=as.data.frame(data4ID.wnds),
                       parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
                       suppress.special.argument.checks=TRUE, # we know we're using special columns, so supress this check
      if( is.null(cma) ) return (NULL);

      # Unpack the data fo returning:
      wnd.info <- data4ID.wnds[,
                               list(".WND.START"=.WND.START.DATE[1], # the start
                                    ".WND.END"=.add.time.interval.to.date(.WND.START.DATE[1], sliding.window.duration.in.days, "days", suppress.warnings)), # and end
                               by=.WND.ID]; # for each window
      wnd.info <- cbind(merge(wnd.info, cma$CMA, by=".WND.ID", all=TRUE),
      setnames(wnd.info, c("window.ID", "window.start", "window.end", "CMA", "CMA.to.apply"));

      cma$event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.IN.DATA.. <- data4ID.wnds$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER..[ cma$event.info$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. ]; # restore the row numbers in the original data

      if( return.inner.event.info || return.mapping.events.sliding.window )
        # Add the event.info to also return it:
        wnd.info <- merge(wnd.info, cma$event.info, by.x="window.ID", by.y=".WND.ID", all=TRUE);

      return (as.data.frame(wnd.info));

    # Compute the real observation windows (might differ per patient) only once per patient (speed things up & the observation window is the same for all events within a patient):
    #patinfo.cols <- which(names(data) %in% c(ID.colname, event.date.colname, event.duration.colname, event.daily.dose.colname, medication.class.colname));
    #tmp <- as.data.frame(data); tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp[,ID.colname]),patinfo.cols]; # the reduced dataset for computing the actual OW:
    tmp <- as.data.frame(data); tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp[,ID.colname]),]; # the reduced dataset for computing the actual OW:
    event.info2 <- compute.event.int.gaps(data=tmp,
                                          parallel.backend="none", # make sure this runs sequentially!
    if( is.null(event.info2) ) return (NULL);
    # Merge the observation window start and end dates back into the data:
    data <- merge(data, event.info2[,c(ID.colname, ".OBS.START.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE"),with=FALSE], all.x=TRUE);
    setnames(data, ncol(data)-c(1,0), c(".OBS.START.DATE.PRECOMPUTED", ".OBS.END.DATE.PRECOMPUTED"));

    if( return.inner.event.info || return.mapping.events.sliding.window )
      CMA.and.event.info <- data[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname ]; # contains both the CMAs per sliding window and the event.info's for each event
      CMA <- unique(CMA.and.event.info[,1:6,with=FALSE]); # the per-window CMAs...
      inner.event.info <- CMA.and.event.info[,c(1,2,7:ncol(CMA.and.event.info)),with=FALSE]; # ...and the event info for each event within the sliding windows
      return (list("CMA"=CMA, "event.info"=event.info2[,c(ID.colname, ".FU.START.DATE", ".FU.END.DATE", ".OBS.START.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE"), with=FALSE], "inner.event.info"=inner.event.info));
    } else
      CMA <- data[, .process.patient(.SD), by=ID.colname ]; # contains just the CMAs per sliding window
      return (list("CMA"=CMA, "event.info"=event.info2[,c(ID.colname, ".FU.START.DATE", ".FU.END.DATE", ".OBS.START.DATE", ".OBS.END.DATE"), with=FALSE]));

  # Convert the sliding window duration and step in days:
  sliding.window.duration.in.days <- switch(sliding.window.duration.unit,
                                            "weeks"=sliding.window.duration * 7,
                                            "months"=sliding.window.duration * 30,
                                            "years"=sliding.window.duration * 365,
  sliding.window.step.duration.in.days <- switch(sliding.window.step.unit,
                                                 "weeks"=sliding.window.step.duration * 7,
                                                 "months"=sliding.window.step.duration * 30,
                                                 "years"=sliding.window.step.duration * 365,

  # Convert to data.table, cache event date as Date objects, and key by patient ID and event date
  data.copy <- data.table(data);
  data.copy[, .DATE.as.Date := as.Date(get(event.date.colname),format=date.format)]; # .DATE.as.Date: convert event.date.colname from formatted string to Date
  data.copy$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.. <- 1:nrow(data.copy); # preserve the original order of the rows (needed for medication groups)
  setkeyv(data.copy, c(ID.colname, ".DATE.as.Date")); # key (and sorting) by patient ID and event date

  ## Computing the inner.event.info makes sense only for non-overlapping sliding windows:
  #if( return.inner.event.info && (sliding.window.duration.in.days > sliding.window.step.duration.in.days) )
  #  if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Computing the inner.event.info makes sense only for non-overlapping sliding windows.\n", "warning", "CMA_sliding_windows", "AdhereR");
  #  return.inner.event.info <- FALSE;

  # Are there medication groups?
  if( is.null(mg <- getMGs(ret.val)) )
    # Nope: do a single estimation on the whole dataset:

    # Compute the workhorse function:
    tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function, fnc.ret.vals=2,
    if( is.null(tmp) || is.null(tmp$CMA) || !inherits(tmp$CMA,"data.frame") || is.null(tmp$event.info) ) return (NULL);

    # Construct the return object:
    class(ret.val) <- "CMA_sliding_window";
    ret.val$event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$event.info);
    ret.val$computed.CMA <- as.character(tmp$CMA$CMA.to.apply[1]);
    ret.val$sliding.window.start <- sliding.window.start;
    ret.val$sliding.window.start.unit <- sliding.window.start.unit;
    ret.val$sliding.window.duration <- sliding.window.duration;
    ret.val$sliding.window.duration.unit <- sliding.window.duration.unit;
    ret.val$sliding.window.step.duration <- sliding.window.step.duration;
    ret.val$sliding.window.step.unit <- sliding.window.step.unit;
    ret.val$sliding.window.no.steps <- sliding.window.no.steps;
    ret.val$summary <- summary;
    ret.val$CMA <- as.data.frame(tmp$CMA); setnames(ret.val$CMA, 1, ID.colname); ret.val$CMA <- ret.val$CMA[,-ncol(ret.val$CMA)];
    if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) ) ret.val$inner.event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$inner.event.info);
    if( return.mapping.events.sliding.window && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) && ".EVENT.USED.IN.CMA" %in% names(tmp$inner.event.info) )
      # Unpack the info in the needed format:
      ret.val$mapping.windows.to.events <- as.data.frame(tmp$inner.event.info)[ tmp$inner.event.info$.EVENT.USED.IN.CMA, c(ID.colname, "window.ID", "..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.IN.DATA..") ];
      names(ret.val$mapping.windows.to.events)[3] <- "event.index.in.data";
    return (ret.val);

  } else
    # Yes

    # Make sure the group's observations reflect the potentially new order of the observations in the data:
    mb.obs <- mg$obs[data.copy$..ORIGINAL.ROW.ORDER.., ];

    # Focus only on the non-trivial ones:
    mg.to.eval <- (colSums(!is.na(mb.obs) & mb.obs) > 0);
    if( sum(mg.to.eval) == 0 )
      # None selects not even one observation!
      .report.ewms(paste0("None of the medication classes (included __ALL_OTHERS__) selects any observation!\n"), "warning", "CMA1", "AdhereR");
      return (NULL);
    mb.obs <- mb.obs[,mg.to.eval]; # keep only the non-trivial ones

    # Check if there are medication classes that refer to the same observations (they would result in the same estimates):
    mb.obs.dupl <- duplicated(mb.obs, MARGIN=2);

    # Estimate each separately:
    tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(mg$defs), function(i)
      # Check if these are to be evaluated:
      if( !mg.to.eval[i] )
        return (list("CMA"=NULL, "event.info"=NULL, "CMA.to.apply"=NA));

      # Translate into the index of the classes to be evaluated:
      ii <- sum(mg.to.eval[1:i]);

      # Cache the selected observations:
      mg.sel.obs <- mb.obs[,ii];

      # Check if this is a duplicated medication class:
      if( mb.obs.dupl[ii] )
        # Find which one is the original:
        for( j in 1:(ii-1) ) # ii=1 never should be TRUE
          if( identical(mb.obs[,j], mg.sel.obs) )
            # This is the original: return it and stop
            return (c("identical.to"=j));

      # Compute the workhorse function:
      tmp <- .compute.function(.workhorse.function, fnc.ret.vals=2,
                               data=data.copy[mg.sel.obs,], # apply it on the subset of observations covered by this medication class
      if( is.null(tmp) || is.null(tmp$CMA) || !inherits(tmp$CMA,"data.frame") || is.null(tmp$event.info) ) return (NULL);

      # Convert to data.frame and return:
      tmp$CMA.to.apply <- tmp$CMA$CMA.to.apply[1];
      tmp$CMA <- as.data.frame(tmp$CMA); setnames(tmp$CMA, 1, ID.colname); tmp$CMA <- tmp$CMA[,-ncol(tmp$CMA)];
      tmp$event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$event.info);
      if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) ) tmp$inner.event.info <- as.data.frame(tmp$inner.event.info);
      return (tmp);


    # Set the names:
    names(tmp) <- mg$defs$name;

    # Solve the duplicates:
    for( i in seq_along(tmp) )
      if( is.numeric(tmp[[i]]) && length(tmp[[i]]) == 1 && names(tmp[[i]]) == "identical.to" ) tmp[[i]] <- tmp[[ tmp[[i]] ]];

    # Rearrange these and return:
    ret.val[["CMA"]]        <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$CMA);
    ret.val[["event.info"]] <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$event.info);
    if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(tmp$inner.event.info) ) ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$inner.event.info);
    ret.val$computed.CMA <- unique(vapply(tmp, function(x) if(is.null(x) || is.na(x$CMA.to.apply)){return (NA_character_)}else{return(x$CMA.to.apply)}, character(1))); ret.val$computed.CMA <- ret.val$computed.CMA[ !is.na(ret.val$computed.CMA) ];
    if( flatten.medication.groups && !is.na(medication.groups.colname) )
      # Flatten the CMA:
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["CMA"]]);
      if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
        ret.val[["CMA"]] <- NULL;
      } else
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["CMA"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["CMA"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["CMA"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["CMA"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
        names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
        ret.val[["CMA"]] <- tmp;

      # ... and the event.info:
      tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["event.info"]]);
      if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
        ret.val[["event.info"]] <- NULL;
      } else
        tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["event.info"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["event.info"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["event.info"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["event.info"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
        names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
        ret.val[["event.info"]] <- tmp;

      # ... and the inner.event.info:
      if( return.inner.event.info && !is.null(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]]) )
        tmp <- do.call(rbind, ret.val[["inner.event.info"]]);
        if( is.null(tmp) || nrow(tmp) == 0 )
          ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- NULL;
        } else
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, unlist(lapply(1:length(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]]), function(i) if(!is.null(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]][[i]])){rep(names(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]])[i], nrow(ret.val[["inner.event.info"]][[i]]))}else{NULL})));
          names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(tmp) <- NULL;
          ret.val[["inner.event.info"]] <- tmp;
    class(ret.val) <- "CMA_sliding_window";
    ret.val$sliding.window.start.unit <- sliding.window.start.unit;
    ret.val$sliding.window.duration <- sliding.window.duration;
    ret.val$sliding.window.duration.unit <- sliding.window.duration.unit;
    ret.val$sliding.window.step.duration <- sliding.window.step.duration;
    ret.val$sliding.window.step.unit <- sliding.window.step.unit;
    ret.val$sliding.window.no.steps <- sliding.window.no.steps;
    ret.val$summary <- summary;
    return (ret.val);


#' @export
getMGs.CMA_sliding_window <- function(x)
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_sliding_window") || is.null(cma$medication.groups) ) return (NULL);
  return (cma$medication.groups);

#' getEventsToSlidingWindowsMapping
#' This function returns the event-to-sliding-window mapping, if this information exists.
#' There are cases where it is interesting to know which events belong to which
#' sliding windows and which events have been actually used in computing the simple CMA
#' for each sliding window
#' This information can be returned by \code{CMA_sliding_window()} if the
#' parameter \code{return.mapping.events.episodes} is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param x is an \code{CMA_sliding_window object}.
#' @return The mapping between events and episodes, if it exists as the
#' \code{mapping.windows.to.events} component of the \code{CMA_sliding_window object}
#' object, or \code{NULL} otherwise.
#' @export
getEventsToSlidingWindowsMapping <- function(x)
  if( is.null(x) )
    return (NULL);
  } else if( inherits(x, "CMA_sliding_window") && ("mapping.windows.to.events" %in% names(x)) && !is.null(x$mapping.windows.to.events) && inherits(x$mapping.windows.to.events, "data.frame") )
    return (x$mapping.windows.to.events);
  } else
    return (NULL);

#' @export
getCMA.CMA_sliding_window <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_sliding_window") || !("CMA" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$CMA) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$CMA, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$CMA);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$CMA);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$CMA), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$CMA[[i]])){rep(names(cma$CMA)[i], nrow(cma$CMA[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' @export
getEventInfo.CMA_sliding_window <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_sliding_window") || !("event.info" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$event.info) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$event.info, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$event.info);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$event.info);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$event.info), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$event.info[[i]])){rep(names(cma$event.info)[i], nrow(cma$event.info[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' @export
getInnerEventInfo.CMA_sliding_window <- function(x, flatten.medication.groups=FALSE, medication.groups.colname=".MED_GROUP_ID")
  cma <- x; # parameter x is required for S3 consistency, but I like cma more
  if( is.null(cma) || !inherits(cma, "CMA_sliding_window") || !("event.info" %in% names(cma)) || is.null(cma$inner.event.info) ) return (NULL);
  if( inherits(cma$inner.event.info, "data.frame") || !flatten.medication.groups )
    return (cma$inner.event.info);
  } else
    # Flatten the medication groups into a single data.frame:
    ret.val <- do.call(rbind, cma$inner.event.info);
    if( is.null(ret.val) || nrow(ret.val) == 0 ) return (NULL);
    ret.val <- cbind(ret.val, unlist(lapply(1:length(cma$inner.event.info), function(i) if(!is.null(cma$inner.event.info[[i]])){rep(names(cma$inner.event.info)[i], nrow(cma$inner.event.info[[i]]))}else{NULL})));
    names(ret.val)[ncol(ret.val)] <- medication.groups.colname; rownames(ret.val) <- NULL;
    return (ret.val);

#' @export
subsetCMA.CMA_sliding_window <- function(cma, patients, suppress.warnings=FALSE)
  if( inherits(patients, "factor") ) patients <- as.character(patients);
  patients.to.keep <- intersect(patients, unique(cma$data[,cma$ID.colname]));
  if( length(patients.to.keep) == 0 )
    if( !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("No patients to subset on!\n", "error", "subsetCMA.CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR");
    return (NULL);
  if( length(patients.to.keep) < length(patients) && !suppress.warnings ) .report.ewms("Some patients in the subsetting set are not in the CMA itsefl and are ignored!\n", "warning", "subsetCMA.CMA_sliding_window", "AdhereR");

  ret.val <- cma;
  ret.val$data <- ret.val$data[ ret.val$data[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ];
  if( !is.null(ret.val$event.info) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$event.info, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$event.info <- ret.val$event.info[ ret.val$event.info[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if( nrow(ret.val$event.info) == 0 ) ret.val$event.info <- NULL;
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$event.info) && length(ret.val$event.info) > 0 )
      ret.val$event.info <- lapply(ret.val$event.info, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  if( !is.null(ret.val$inner.event.info) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$inner.event.info, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$inner.event.info <- ret.val$inner.event.info[ ret.val$inner.event.info[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if( nrow(ret.val$inner.event.info) == 0 ) ret.val$inner.event.info <- NULL;
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$inner.event.info) && length(ret.val$inner.event.info) > 0 )
      ret.val$inner.event.info <- lapply(ret.val$inner.event.info, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  if( ("CMA" %in% names(ret.val)) && !is.null(ret.val$CMA) )
    if( inherits(ret.val$CMA, "data.frame") )
      ret.val$CMA <- ret.val$CMA[ ret.val$CMA[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ];
    } else if( is.list(ret.val$CMA) && length(ret.val$CMA) > 0 )
      ret.val$CMA <- lapply(ret.val$CMA, function(x){tmp <- x[ x[,ret.val$ID.colname] %in% patients.to.keep, ]; if(!is.null(tmp) && nrow(tmp) > 0){tmp}else{NULL}});
  return (ret.val);

#' @rdname print.CMA0
#' @export
print.CMA_sliding_window <- function(...) print.CMA_per_episode(...)

#' @rdname plot.CMA_per_episode
#' @export
plot.CMA_sliding_window <- plot.CMA_per_episode;

#' Interactive exploration and CMA computation.
#' Interactively plot a given patient's data, allowing the real-time exploration
#' of the various CMAs and their parameters.
#' It can use \code{Rstudio}'s \code{manipulate} library or \code{Shiny}.
#' This is merely a stub for the actual implementation in package
#' \code{AdhereRViz}: it just checks if this package is installed and functional,
#' in which case it calls the actual implementation, otherwise warns the user that
#' \code{AdhereRViz} must be instaled.
#' @seealso Function \code{\link[AdhereR]{plot_interactive_cma}} in package
#' \code{AdhereRViz}.
#' @param ... Parameters to be passed to \code{plot_interactive_cma()} in package
#' \code{AdhereRViz}.
#' @return Nothing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plot_interactive_cma(med.events,
#'                      ID.colname="PATIENT_ID",
#'                      event.date.colname="DATE",
#'                      event.duration.colname="DURATION",
#'                      event.daily.dose.colname="PERDAY",
#'                      medication.class.colname="CATEGORY");}
#' @export
plot_interactive_cma <- function(...)
  if( requireNamespace("AdhereRViz", quietly=TRUE) )
    # Pass the parameters to AdhereRViz:
  } else {
    .report.ewms("Package 'AdhereRViz' must be installed for the interactive plotting to work! Please either install it or use the 'normal' plotting functions provided by 'AdhereR'...\n", "error", "plot_interactive_cma", "AdhereR");
    if( interactive() )
      if( menu(c("Yes", "No"), graphics=FALSE, title="Do you want to install 'AdhereRViz' now?") == 1 )
        # Try to install AdhereRViz:
        install.packages("AdhereRViz", dependencies=TRUE);
        if( requireNamespace("AdhereRViz", quietly=TRUE) )
          # Pass the parameters to AdhereRViz:
        } else
          .report.ewms("Failed to install 'AdhereRViz'!\n", "error", "plot_interactive_cma", "AdhereR");
          return (invisible(NULL));
      } else
        return (invisible(NULL));

# # Create the medication groups example dataset med.groups from the drcomp dataset:
# # DON'T RUN!
# event_durations <- compute_event_durations(disp.data = durcomp.dispensing,
#                                            presc.data = durcomp.prescribing,
#                                            special.periods.data = durcomp.hospitalisation,
#                                            ID.colname = "ID",
#                                            presc.date.colname = "DATE.PRESC",
#                                            disp.date.colname = "DATE.DISP",
#                                            medication.class.colnames = c("ATC.CODE", "UNIT", "FORM"),
#                                            total.dose.colname = "TOTAL.DOSE",
#                                            presc.daily.dose.colname = "DAILY.DOSE",
#                                            presc.duration.colname = "PRESC.DURATION",
#                                            visit.colname = "VISIT",
#                                            split.on.dosage.change = TRUE,
#                                            force.init.presc = TRUE,
#                                            force.presc.renew = TRUE,
#                                            trt.interruption = "continue",
#                                            special.periods.method = "continue",
#                                            date.format = "%Y-%m-%d",
#                                            suppress.warnings = FALSE,
#                                            return.data.table = FALSE);
# med.events.ATC <- event_durations$event_durations[ !is.na(event_durations$event_durations$DURATION) & event_durations$event_durations$DURATION > 0,
#                                                    c("ID", "DISP.START", "DURATION", "DAILY.DOSE", "ATC.CODE")];
# names(med.events.ATC) <- c("PATIENT_ID", "DATE", "DURATION", "PERDAY", "CATEGORY");
# # Groups from the ATC codes:
# sort(unique(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY)); # all the ATC codes in the data
# # Level 1:
# med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L1 <- vapply(substr(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY,1,1), switch, character(1),
#                                      "A"="ALIMENTARY TRACT AND METABOLISM",
#                                      "B"="BLOOD AND BLOOD FORMING ORGANS",
#                                      "J"="ANTIINFECTIVES FOR SYSTEMIC USE",
#                                      "R"="RESPIRATORY SYSTEM",
#                                      "OTHER");
# # Level 2:
# med.events.ATC$CATEGORY_L2 <- vapply(substr(med.events.ATC$CATEGORY,1,3), switch, character(1),
#                                      "A02"="DRUGS FOR ACID RELATED DISORDERS",
#                                      "A05"="BILE AND LIVER THERAPY",
#                                      "A09"="DIGESTIVES, INCL. ENZYMES",
#                                      "A10"="DRUGS USED IN DIABETES",
#                                      "A11"="VITAMINS",
#                                      "A12"="MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS",
#                                      "B02"="ANTIHEMORRHAGICS",
#                                      "J01"="ANTIBACTERIALS FOR SYSTEMIC USE",
#                                      "J02"="ANTIMYCOTICS FOR SYSTEMIC USE",
#                                      "R03"="DRUGS FOR OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES",
#                                      "R05"="COUGH AND COLD PREPARATIONS",
#                                      "OTHER");
# # Define groups of medications:
# med.groups <- c("Vitamins"  = "(CATEGORY_L2 == 'VITAMINS')",
#                 "VitaResp"  = "({Vitamins} | CATEGORY_L1 == 'RESPIRATORY SYSTEM')",
#                 "VitaShort" = "({Vitamins} & DURATION <= 30)",
#                 "VitELow"   = "(CATEGORY == 'A11HA03' & PERDAY <= 500)",
#                 "VitaComb"  = "({VitaShort} | {VitELow})",
#                 "NotVita"   = "(!{Vitamins})");
# save(med.events.ATC, med.groups, file="./data/medgroups.rda", version=2); # save it backwards compatible with R >= 1.4.0

#' Example of medication events with ATC codes.
#' An artificial dataset containing medication events (one per row) for 16
#' patients (1564 events in total), containing ATC codes. This dataset is
#' derived from the \code{durcomp} datasets using the \code{compute_event_durations}
#' function. See @med.events for more details.
#' @format A data frame with 1564 rows and 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{PATIENT_ID}{the patient unique identifier.}
#'   \item{DATE}{the medication event date.}
#'   \item{DURATION}{the duration in days.}
#'   \item{PERDAY}{the daily dosage.}
#'   \item{CATEGORY}{the ATC code.}
#'   \item{CATEGORY_L1}{explicitation of the first field of the ATC code (e.g.,
#'   \item{CATEGORY_L2}{explicitation of the first and second fields of the ATC
#'   code (e.g., "A02"="DRUGS FOR ACID RELATED DISORDERS").}
#' }

#' Example of medication groups.
#' An example defining 6 medication groups for \code{med.events.ATC}.
#' It is a \emph{named character vector}, where the names are the medication
#' group unique \emph{names} (e.g., "Vitamines") and the elements are the medication
#' group \emph{definitions} (e.g., "(CATEGORY_L2 == 'VITAMINS')").
#' The definitions are \code{R} logical expressions using \emph{column names} and
#' \emph{values} that appear in the dataset, as well as references to other
#' medication groups using the construction \emph{"{NAME}"}.
#' In the above example, "CATEGORY_L2" is a column name in the \code{med.events.ATC}
#' dataset, and 'VITAMINS' one of its possible values, and which selects all events
#' that have prescribed ATC codes "A11" (aka "VITAMINS").
#' Another example is "NotVita" defined as "(!{Vitamines})", which selects all
#' events that do not have Vitamines prescribed.
#' For more details, please see the acompanying vignette.

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