
Defines functions find_class_generator register_graph_class

Documented in find_class_generator register_graph_class

#' Extensible registry of Microsoft Graph classes that AzureGraph supports
#' @param name The name of the Graph class, eg "user", "servicePrincipal", etc.
#' @param R6_generator An R6 class generator corresponding to this Graph class.
#' @param check_function A boolean function that checks if a list of properties is for an object of this class.
#' @details
#' As written, AzureGraph knows about a subset of all the object classes contained in Microsoft Graph. These are mostly the classes originating from Azure Active Directory: users, groups, app registrations, service principals and registered devices.
#' You can extend AzureGraph by writing your own R6 class that inherits from `ms_object`. If so, you should also _register_ your class by calling `register_graph_class` and providing the generator object, along with a check function. The latter should accept a list of object properties (as obtained from the Graph REST API), and return TRUE/FALSE based on whether the object is of your class.
#' @return
#' An invisible vector of registered class names.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # built-in 'az_user' class, for an AAD user object
#' register_graph_class("user", az_user,
#'    function(props) !is.null(props$userPrincipalName))
#' }
#' @export
register_graph_class <- function(name, R6_generator, check_function)
        stop("R6_generator should be an R6 class generator object", call.=FALSE)
        stop("check_function should be a function")

    .graph_classes[[name]] <- list(

.graph_classes <- new.env()

# classes supplied by AzureGraph
register_graph_class("user", az_user,
    function(props) !is.null(props$userPrincipalName))

register_graph_class("group", az_group,
    function(props) !is.null(props$groupTypes))

register_graph_class("application", az_app,
    function(props) !is.null(props$appId) && is.null(props$servicePrincipalType))

register_graph_class("servicePrincipal", az_service_principal,
    function(props) !is.null(props$appId) && !is.null(props$servicePrincipalType))

register_graph_class("device", az_device,
    function(props) !is.null(props$publishingState))

register_graph_class("directoryRole", az_directory_role,
    function(props) !is.null(props$roleTemplateId))

#' Find the R6 class for a Graph object
#' @param props A list of object properties, generally the result of a Graph API call.
#' @param type_filter An optional vector of types by which to filter the result.
#' @param default_generator The default class generator to use, if a match couldn't be found.
#' @details
#' This function maps Graph objects to AzureGraph classes.
#' @return
#' An R6 class generator for the appropriate AzureGraph class. If no matching R6 class could be found, the default generator is returned. If `type_filter` is provided, but the matching R6 class isn't in the filter, NULL is returned.
#' @export
find_class_generator <- function(props, type_filter=NULL, default_generator=ms_object)
    # use ODATA metadata if available
        type <- sub("^#microsoft.graph.", "", props$`@odata.type`)
        if(!(type %in% ls(.graph_classes)))
            type <- NA
    else  # check for each known type in turn
        type <- NA
        for(n in ls(.graph_classes))
                type <- n

    # here, 'type' will be one of the known types or NA for unknown
    # always return the default class if unknown, even if a type filter is provided

    if(is.null(type_filter) || type %in% type_filter)
    else NULL

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AzureGraph documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:53 p.m.