
Defines functions identify_regions remove_image_regions add_image_regions.object_detection_project add_image_regions

Documented in add_image_regions identify_regions remove_image_regions

#' Add and remove regions from images
#' @param project A Custom Vision object detection project.
#' @param image_ids For `add_image_regions` and `remove_image_regions`, the IDs of the images for which to add or remove regions.
#' @param image For `identify_regions`, an image for which to identify possible regions in which an object exists. This can be the ID of an image that was previously uploaded to the project; if not, the image is uploaded. Otherwise, see `add_images` for how to specify an image to upload.
#' @param regions For `add_image_regions`, the regions to add. See 'Details' below.
#' @param region_ids For `remove_image_regions`, a vector of region IDs. This is an alternative to image ID for specifying the regions to remove; if this is provided, `image_ids` is not used.
#' @details
#' `add_image_regions` and `remove_image_regions` let you specify the regions in an image that contain an object. You can use `identify_regions` to have Custom Vision try to guess the regions for an image.
#' The regions to add should be specified as a list of data frames, with one data frame per image. Each data frame should have one row per region, and the following columns:
#' - `left`, `top`, `width`, `height`: the location and dimensions of the region bounding box, normalised to be between 0 and 1.
#' - `tag`: the name of the tag to associate with the region.
#' Any other columns in the data frame will be ignored.
#' @return
#' For `add_image_regions`, a data frame containing the details on the added regions.
#' For `remove_image_regions`, the value of `image_ids` invisibly, if this argument was provided; NULL otherwise.
#' For `identify_regions`, a list with the following components: `projectId`, the ID of the project; `imageId`, the ID of the image; and `proposals`, a data frame containing the coordinates of each identified region along with a confidence score.
#' @seealso
#' [`add_images`], [`add_tags`]
#' [`add_image_tags`] for classification projects
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' img_ids <- add_images(myproj, c("catanddog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg"))
#' regions <- list(
#'     data.frame(
#'         tag=c("cat", "dog"),
#'         left=c(0.1, 0.5),
#'         top=c(0.25, 0.28),
#'         width=c(0.24, 0.21),
#'         height=c(0.7, 0.6)
#'     ),
#'     data.frame(
#'         tag="cat", left=0.5, top=0.35, width=0.25, height=0.62
#'     ),
#'     data.frame(
#'         tag="dog", left=0.07, top=0.12, width=0.79, height=0.5
#'     )
#' )
#' add_image_regions(myproj, img_ids, regions)
#' remove_image_regions(myproj, img_ids[3])
#' add_image_regions(myproj, img_ids[3],
#'     list(data.frame(
#'         tag="dog", left=0.5, top=0.12, width=0.4, height=0.7
#'     ))
#' )
#' }
#' @aliases customvision_regions
#' @rdname customvision_regions
#' @export
add_image_regions <- function(project, image_ids, regions)

add_image_regions.object_detection_project <- function(project, image_ids, regions)
    if(!all(sapply(image_ids, is_guid)))
        stop("Must provide GUIDs of images to add regions to", call.=FALSE)

    tagdf <- list_tags(project, as="dataframe")
    region_tags <- unique_tags(lapply(regions, `[[`, "tag"))
    if(!all(region_tags %in% tagdf$name))
        tagdf <- rbind(tagdf, add_tags(project, setdiff(region_tags, tagdf$name)))

    tag_ids <- tagdf$id
    names(tag_ids) <- tagdf$name

    regions <- mapply(
        function(region_df, img)
            region_df$tagId <- tag_ids[region_df$tag]
            region_df$imageId <- img
            region_df[c("imageId", "tagId", "left", "top", "width", "height")]
        regions, image_ids, SIMPLIFY=FALSE

    regions <- do.call(rbind, regions)
    lst <- list()
    while(nrow(regions) > 0)
        idx <- seq_len(min(nrow(regions), 64))
        body <- list(regions=regions[idx, ])
        res <- do_training_op(project, "images/regions", body=body, http_verb="POST", simplifyDataFrame=TRUE)$created
        lst <- c(lst, list(res))
        regions <- regions[-idx, ]
    do.call(rbind, lst)

#' @rdname customvision_regions
#' @export
remove_image_regions <- function(project, image_ids, region_ids=NULL)
    if(!missing(image_ids) && !all(sapply(image_ids, is_guid)))
        stop("Must provide GUIDs of images to remove regions from", call.=FALSE)

        region_dflst <- subset(list_images(project, "tagged", as="dataframe"), id %in% image_ids)$regions
        region_ids <- do.call(rbind, region_dflst)$regionId

        idx <- seq_len(min(length(region_ids), 64))
        opts <- list(regionIds=paste0(region_ids[idx], collapse=","))
        do_training_op(project, "images/regions", options=opts, http_verb="DELETE")
        region_ids <- region_ids[-idx]

    else invisible(image_ids)

#' @rdname customvision_regions
#' @export
identify_regions <- function(project, image)
    image_id <- if(is.character(image) && is_guid(image))
    else add_images(project, image)

    res <- do_training_op(project, file.path("images", image_id, "regionproposals"), http_verb="POST",
                          simplifyDataFrame=TRUE, flatten=TRUE)
    names(res$proposals)[-1] <- c("left", "top", "width", "height")

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AzureVision documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 5:05 a.m.