
Defines functions unique_tags get_tag_ids_from_names remove_image_tags add_image_tags.classification_project add_image_tags remove_tags get_tag list_tags add_negative_tag add_tags

Documented in add_image_tags add_image_tags.classification_project add_negative_tag add_tags get_tag list_tags remove_image_tags remove_tags

#' Add, retrieve and remove tags for a project
#' @param project A Custom Vision project.
#' @param tags For `add_tags`, a vector of strings to treat as tags.
#' @param name,id For `get_tag`, the name (text string) for a tag, and its ID. Provide one or the other, but not both.
#' @param negative_name For `add_negative_tag`, the label to provide a negative tag. See 'Negative tags' below.
#' @param as For `list_tags`, the format in which to return results: a vector of tag names, a vector of tag IDs, a data frame of metadata, or a list of metadata.
#' @param iteration For `list_tags` and `get_tag`, the iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.
#' @param confirm For `remove_tags`, whether to ask for confirmation first.
#' @details
#' _Tags_ are the labels attached to images for use in classification projects. An image can have one or multiple tags associated with it; however, the latter only makes sense if the project is setup for multi-label classification.
#' Tags form part of the metadata for a Custom Vision project, and have to be explicitly defined prior to use. Each tag has a corresponding ID which is used to manage it. In general, you can let AzureVision handle the details of managing tags and tag IDs.
#' @section Negative tags:
#' A _negative tag_ is a special tag that represents the absence of any other tag. For example, if a project is classifying images into cats and dogs, an image that doesn't contain either a cat or dog should be given a negative tag. This can be distinguished from an _untagged_ image, where there is no information at all on what it contains.
#' You can add a negative tag to a project with the `add_negative_tag` method. Once defined, a negative tag is treated like any other tag. A project can only have one negative tag defined.
#' @return
#' `add_tags` and `add_negative_tag` return a data frame containing the names and IDs of the tags added.
#' @seealso
#' [`add_image_tags`], [`remove_image_tags`]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' add_tags(myproj, "newtag")
#' add_negative_tag(myproj)
#' remove_tags(myproj, "_negative_")
#' add_negative_tag(myproj, "nothing")
#' }
#' @rdname customvision_tags
#' @aliases customvision_tags
#' @export
add_tags <- function(project, tags)
    current_tags <- list_tags(project, as="names")
    tags <- unique_tags(tags)
    newtags <- setdiff(tags, current_tags)

    res <- lapply(newtags, function(tag)
        do_training_op(project, "tags", options=list(name=tag), http_verb="POST"))

    do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
        lapply(res, function(x) x[c("name", "id")]))

#' @rdname customvision_tags
#' @export
add_negative_tag <- function(project, negative_name="_negative_")
    taglist <- list_tags(project, as="dataframe")

    if(any(taglist$type == "Negative"))
        warning("Project already has a negative tag", call.=FALSE)

    res <- if(negative_name %in% taglist$name)
        tagid <- taglist$id[which(negative_name == taglist$name)]
        do_training_op(project, file.path("tags", tagid), body=list(name=negative_name, type="Negative"), http_verb="PATCH")
    else do_training_op(project, "tags", options=list(name=negative_name, type="Negative"), http_verb="POST")

    data.frame(res[c("name", "id")], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' @rdname customvision_tags
#' @export
list_tags <- function(project, as=c("names", "ids", "dataframe", "list"), iteration=NULL)
    as <- match.arg(as)
    if(as == "list")
        return(do_training_op(project, "tags", options(iterationId=iteration)))

    tags <- do_training_op(project, "tags", options(iterationId=iteration), simplifyVector=TRUE)
    if(as == "names")
    else if(as == "ids")
    else as.data.frame(tags)

#' @rdname customvision_tags
#' @export
get_tag <- function(project, name=NULL, id=NULL, iteration=NULL)
        taglist <- list_tags(project, iteration=iteration, as="list")
        tagnames <- sapply(taglist, `[[`, "name")
        i <- which(name == tagnames)
            stop(sprintf("Image tag '%s' not found", name), call.=FALSE)

    else do_training_op(project, file.path("tags", id), options(iterationid=iteration))

#' @rdname customvision_tags
#' @export
remove_tags <- function(project, tags, confirm=TRUE)
    tags <- unique_tags(tags)
    if(!confirm_delete("Are you sure you want to remove tags from the project?", confirm))

    lapply(get_tag_ids_from_names(tags, project), function(tag)
        do_training_op(project, file.path("tags", tag), http_verb="DELETE"))


#' Tag and untag images uploaded to a project
#' @param project a Custom Vision classification project.
#' @param image_ids The IDs of the images to tag or untag.
#' @param tags For `add_image_tags`, the tag labels to add to the images. For `remove_image_tags`, the tags (either text labels or IDs) to remove from images. The default for untagging is to remove all assigned tags.
#' @details
#' `add_image_tags` is for tagging images that were uploaded previously, while `remove_image_tags` untags them. Adding tags does not remove previously assigned ones. Similarly, removing one tag from an image leaves any other tags intact.
#' Tags can be specified in the following ways:
#' - For a regular classification project (one tag per image), as a vector of strings. The tags will be applied to the images in order. If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' - For a multilabel classification project (multiple tags per image), as a _list_ of vectors of strings. Each vector in the list contains the tags to be assigned to the corresponding image. If the length of the list is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' @return
#' The vector of IDs for the images affected, invisibly.
#' @seealso
#' [`add_images`], [`add_tags`]
#' [`add_image_regions`] for object detection projects
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' imgs <- dir("path/to/images", full.names=TRUE)
#' img_ids <- add_images(myproj, imgs)
#' add_image_tags(myproj, "mytag")
#' remove_image_tags(myproj, img_ids[1])
#' add_image_tags(myproj, img_ids[1], "myothertag")
#' }
#' @aliases customvision_image_tags
#' @rdname customvision_image_tags
#' @export
add_image_tags <- function(project, image_ids, tags)

#' @rdname customvision_image_tags
#' @export
add_image_tags.classification_project <- function(project, image_ids=list_images(project, "untagged"), tags)
    if(length(tags) != length(image_ids) && length(tags) != 1)
        stop("Must supply tags for each image", call.=FALSE)

    if(!all(sapply(image_ids, is_guid)))
        stop("Must provide GUIDs of images to be tagged", call.=FALSE)

    unique_tags <- unique_tags(tags)
    add_tags(project, unique_tags)
    tag_ids <- get_tag_ids_from_names(unique_tags, project)

    if(length(tags) == 1)
        tags <- rep(tags, length(image_ids))

    req_list <- lapply(seq_along(unique_tags), function(i)
        this_set <- sapply(tags, function(tags_j) unique_tags[i] %in% tags_j)
            data.frame(imageId=image_ids[this_set], tagId=tag_ids[i], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        else NULL

    # do by pages, to be safe
        idx <- seq_len(min(length(req_list), 64))
        do_training_op(project, "images/tags", body=list(tags=do.call(rbind, req_list[idx])), http_verb="POST")
        req_list <- req_list[-idx]

#' @rdname customvision_image_tags
#' @export
remove_image_tags <- function(project, image_ids=list_images(project, "tagged", as="ids"),
                              tags=list_tags(project, as="ids"))
    if(!all(sapply(image_ids, is_guid)))
        stop("Must provide GUIDs of images to be untagged", call.=FALSE)

    if(!all(sapply(tags, is_guid)))
        tagdf <- list_tags(project, as="dataframe")[c("name", "id")]
        tags <- tagdf$id[match(tags, tagdf$name)]

    tmp_imgs <- image_ids
        idx <- seq_len(min(length(tmp_imgs), 64))
        opts <- list(
            imageIds=paste0(tmp_imgs[idx], collapse=","),
            tagIds=paste0(tags, collapse=",")
        do_training_op(project, "images/tags", options=opts, http_verb="DELETE")
        tmp_imgs <- tmp_imgs[-idx]

get_tag_ids_from_names <- function(tagnames, project)
    tagdf <- list_tags(project, as="dataframe")
    unname(structure(tagdf$id, names=tagdf$name)[tagnames])

unique_tags <- function(tags)
    if(is.list(tags)) unique(unlist(tags)) else unique(tags)

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AzureVision documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 5:05 a.m.