
plot.bclt <- function(x,...){
   options(warn = -1)
   Y <- x$Y
   PARAMS <- cbind(x$Beta, x$Q, x$G)
   logCNCF <- t(log(apply(PARAMS,1,wrapper_computeCNCF,

   if(x$indep){parms <- cbind(x$tauN, 0, x$tauF, logCNCF)}
   else{parms <- cbind(x$tauN, x$tauNF, x$tauF, logCNCF)}
   n <- length(x$times)
   r <- apply(parms, 1, predY, n=n )

   alpha <- (100 - x$cred)/100
   q <- apply(r,1,quantile,prob=c(alpha/2,0.5,1-alpha/2))
  plot(x$times, Y[,1], ylim =c(0.95*min(c(Y[,1],q[1,1:n])), 1.35*max(c(Y[,1],q[3,1:n]))),
       type="l", xlab="Time (minutes)", ylab= expression(log(mg/m^3)), main="Log concentrations at near field")
   lines(x$times,  q[1,1:n],col="red",lty = 2, lwd = 2)
   lines(x$times,  q[2,1:n],col="blue", lwd=3, lty = 3)
   lines(x$times,  q[3,1:n],col="red", lty = 2, lwd=2)
   legend("topright",lty=c(1,3,2), lwd= c(1,3,2), col=c("black","blue","red"),legend=c(expression(paste("data: ",log(C[N]))), "posterior median", paste((1-alpha)*100,"% posterior predictive interval",sep="")), bty="n", cex=0.85)


   plot(x$times, Y[,2], ylim =c(0.95*min(c(Y[,2],q[1,(n+1):(2*n)])), 1.35*max(c(Y[,2],q[3,(n+1):(2*n)]))),
       type="l", xlab="Time (minutes)", ylab= expression(log(mg/m^3)), main="Log concentrations at far field")
   lines(x$times,  q[1,(n+1):(2*n)], col="red",lty = 2, lwd = 2)
   lines(x$times,  q[2,(n+1):(2*n)], col="blue", lwd=3, lty = 3)
   lines(x$times,  q[3,(n+1):(2*n)], col="red", lty = 2, lwd=2)
   legend("topright",lty=c(1,3,2), lwd= c(1,3,2), col=c("black","blue","red"),legend=c(expression(paste("data: ",log(C[F]))), "posterior median", paste((1-alpha)*100,"% posterior predictive interval",sep="")), bty="n", cex=0.85)


   Beta <- x$Beta
   rangeB <- range(Beta)
   lowB <- rangeB[1] - 0.25*(abs(rangeB[2]-rangeB[1]))
   upB <- rangeB[2] + 0.25*(abs(rangeB[2]-rangeB[1]))
   z <-   hist(Beta, xlab=expression(beta), xlim=c(lowB,upB),plot=FALSE, freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",beta)))
   densup <- 1.40*max(z$density, density(Beta)$y, dnorm(mean(Beta),mean(Beta),sd(Beta)))
   hist(Beta, xlab=expression(beta), ylim=c(0,densup), xlim=c(lowB,upB), freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",beta)))
   curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(Beta),sd=sd(Beta)), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
   lines(density(Beta),col = "blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
   legend("topright", legend=c("normal density", "kernel density"), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"), lty=c(2,3), bty="n")

  Q <- x$Q
  rangeQ <- range(Q)
  lowQ <- rangeQ[1] - 0.25*(abs(rangeQ[2]-rangeQ[1]))
  upQ <- rangeQ[2] + 0.25*(abs(rangeQ[2]-rangeQ[1]))
  z <- hist(Q, xlab = "Q", xlim=c(lowQ,upQ), plot=FALSE,freq=FALSE, main = "Empirical posterior distribution of Q")
  densup <- 1.40*max(z$density, density(Q)$y, dnorm(mean(Q),mean(Q),sd(Q)))
  hist(Q, xlab = "Q", xlim=c(lowQ,upQ),ylim=c(0,densup), freq=FALSE, main = expression("Empirical posterior distribution of Q"))
  curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(Q),sd=sd(Q)), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
  lines(density(Q),col = "blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
  legend("topright", legend=c("normal density", "kernel density"), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"), lty=c(2,3), bty="n")

  G <- x$G
  rangeG <- range(G)
  lowG <- rangeG[1] - 0.25*(abs(rangeG[2]-rangeG[1]))
  upG <- rangeG[2] + 0.25*(abs(rangeG[2]-rangeG[1]))
  z <-   hist(G, xlab = "G", xlim=c(lowG,upG), plot=FALSE,freq=FALSE, main = "Empirical posterior distribution of G")
  densup <- 1.40*max(z$density, density(G)$y, dnorm(mean(G),mean(G),sd(G)))
  hist(G, xlab = "G", xlim=c(lowG,upG), ylim=c(0,densup),freq=FALSE, main = expression("Empirical posterior distribution of G"))
  curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(G),sd=sd(G)), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
  lines(density(G),col = "blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
  legend("topright", legend=c("normal density", "kernel density"), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"), lty=c(2,3), bty="n")
  TauN <- x$tauN
  rangeTN <- range(TauN)
  lowTN <- rangeTN[1] - 0.25*(abs(rangeTN[2]-rangeTN[1]))
  upTN <- rangeTN[2] + 0.25*(abs(rangeTN[2]-rangeTN[1]))
  z <- hist(TauN, xlab=expression(tau[N]), xlim=c(lowTN,upTN), plot=FALSE, freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",tau[N])))
  densup <- 1.40*max(z$density, density(TauN)$y, dnorm(mean(TauN),mean(TauN),sd(TauN)))
  hist(TauN, xlab=expression(tau[N]), xlim=c(lowTN,upTN), ylim=c(0,densup),freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",tau[N])))
  curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(TauN),sd=sd(TauN)), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
  lines(density(TauN),col = "blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
  legend("topright", legend=c("normal density", "kernel density"), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"), lty=c(2,3), bty="n")

   TauNF <- x$tauNF
   rangeTNF <- range(TauNF)
   lowTNF <- rangeTNF[1] - 0.25*(abs(rangeTNF[2]-rangeTNF[1]))
   upTNF <- rangeTNF[2] + 0.25*(abs(rangeTNF[2]-rangeTNF[1]))
   z <- hist(TauNF, xlab=expression(tau[NF]), xlim=c(lowTNF,upTNF), plot=FALSE, freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",tau[NF])))
   densup <- 1.40*max(z$density, density(TauN)$y, dnorm(mean(TauN),mean(TauN),sd(TauN)))
   hist(TauNF, xlab=expression(tau[NF]), xlim=c(lowTNF,upTNF), ylim=c(0,densup),freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",tau[NF])))
   curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(TauNF),sd=sd(TauNF)), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
   lines(density(TauNF),col = "blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
   legend("topright", legend=c("normal density", "kernel density"), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"), lty=c(2,3), bty="n")

   TauF <- x$tauF
   rangeTF <- range(TauF)
   lowTF <- rangeTF[1] - 0.25*(abs(rangeTF[2]-rangeTF[1]))
   upTF <- rangeTF[2] + 0.25*(abs(rangeTF[2]-rangeTF[1]))
   z <- hist(TauF, xlab=expression(tau[F]), xlim=c(lowTF,upTF), plot=FALSE, freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",tau[F])))
   densup <- 1.20*max(z$density, density(TauF)$y, dnorm(mean(TauF),mean(TauF),sd(TauF)))
   hist(TauF, xlab=expression(tau[F]), xlim=c(lowTF,upTF), ylim=c(0,densup),freq=FALSE, main = expression(paste("Empirical posterior distribution of ",tau[F])))
   curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(TauF),sd=sd(TauF)), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
   lines(density(TauF),col = "blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
   legend("topright", legend=c("normal density", "kernel density"), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("red","blue"), lty=c(2,3), bty="n")


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B2Z documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:33 a.m.