
Defines functions plot.angmcmc lpdtrace paramtrace parse_text_bquote parse_text get_bquote_expr extract_digits densityplot.angmcmc contour.angmcmc

Documented in contour.angmcmc densityplot.angmcmc lpdtrace paramtrace plot.angmcmc

#' Contour plot for angmcmc objects with bivariate data
#' @inheritParams pointest
#' @param type Passed to \link{d_fitted}. Possible choices are "point-est" and "post-pred".
#' @param x angular MCMC object (with bivariate data).
#' @param show.data logical. Should the data points be added to the contour plot? Ignored if \code{object} is NOT supplied.
#' @param cex,col,pch graphical parameters passed to \code{\link{points}} from graphics for plotting the data points.
#' Ignored if {show.data == FALSE}.
#' @param alpha color transparency for the data points, implemented via \code{\link[scales]{alpha}} from package \code{scales}.
#' Ignored if {show.data == FALSE}.
#' @inheritParams contour_model
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the function \code{\link{contour}}.
#' @details
#' \code{contour.angmcmc} is an S3 function for angmcmc objects that calls \code{\link{contour}} from graphics.
#' To estimate the mixture density required to construct the contour plot, first the parameter vector \eqn{\eta} is estimated
#' by applying \code{fn} on the MCMC samples, yielding the (consistent) Bayes estimate \eqn{\hat{\eta}}. Then the mixture density
#' \eqn{f(x|\eta)} at any point \eqn{x} is (consistently) estimated by \eqn{f(x|\hat{\eta})}.
#' @examples
#' # first fit a vmsin mixture model
#' # illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
#' fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
#'                              n.chains = 1)
#' # now create a contour plot
#' contour(fit.vmsin.20)
#' @export

contour.angmcmc <-  function(x, fn = "MAP", type = "point-est", show.data = TRUE,
                             xpoints = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 100),
                             ypoints = seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 100),
                             levels, nlevels = 20,
                             cex = 1, col = "red", alpha = 0.4,
                             pch = 19, ...)
  object <- x

  if (!is.angmcmc(object))
    stop("\'x\' must be an angmcmc object")

  if(x$type != "bi") stop("\"x\" is not a bivariate angmcmc object")

  if(missing(levels)) {
    levels <- exp(seq(-20,2, length.out = nlevels))

  dots <- list(...)

  colnames_data <- colnames(x$data)

  if(is.null(colnames_data)) {
    xlab <- ylab <- ""
  } else {
    xlab <- colnames_data[1]
    ylab <- colnames_data[2]

  if(x$ncomp > 1) {
    main <- paste("Contour plot for fitted", x$ncomp, "component", x$model, "mixtures")
  } else {
    main <- paste("Contour plot for fitted (single component)", x$model)

  coords <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xpoints, ypoints))
  dens <- d_fitted(coords, x, fn = fn, type = type)

  contour_in <- c(
      x = xpoints,
      y = ypoints,
      z = matrix(dens, nrow=length(xpoints)),
      levels = levels

  if (is.null(dots$xlab)) contour_in$xlab <- xlab
  if (is.null(dots$ylab)) contour_in$ylab <- ylab
  if (is.null(dots$main)) contour_in$main <- main

  do.call(contour, contour_in)

  if(show.data) points(x$data, col = scales::alpha(col, alpha),
                       cex = cex, pch = pch)

# panel_wireframe_cloud <- function(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2,...) {
#   panel.wireframe(x, y, z,...)
#   panel.cloud(x2, y2, z2,...)
# }

#' Density plots for angmcmc objects
#' @inheritParams contour.angmcmc
#' @description Plot fitted angular mixture model density surfaces or curves.
#' @inheritParams pointest
#' @param x angmcmc object.
#' @param data unused. The parameter is already filled with results from fitted angular model. It is kept
#' to ensure compatibility with the lattice S3 generic \code{densityplot}.
#' @param plot logical. Should the density surface (if the fitted data is bivariate) or the density
#' curve (if univariate) be plotted?
#' @param log.density logical. Should log density be used for the plot?
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{lattice::wireframe} if
#' fitted data is bivariate, or to \link{hist} (if (\code{show.hist == TRUE})), if the fitted data is univariate
#' @param show.hist logical. Should a histogram for the data
#' points be added to the plot, if the fitted data is univariate? Ignored if data is
#' bivariate.
#' @param xlab,ylab,zlab,main graphical parameters passed to \code{lattice::wireframe} (if
#' bivariate) or \link{plot} (if univariate). If the data is univariate, \code{zlab} and \code{ylab} can be
#' used interchangeably (both correspond to the density).
#' @param xpoints,ypoints Points on the  x and y coordinates (if bivariate) or only x coordinate
#' (if univariate) where the density is to be evaluated. Each defaults to seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=100).
#' @details
#' When \code{plot==TRUE}, \code{densityplot.angmcmc} calls \code{lattice::wireframe} or
#' \link{plot} from graphics to draw the surface or curve.
#' To estimate the mixture density, first the parameter vector \eqn{\eta} is estimated
#' by applying \code{fn} on the MCMC samples, yielding the (consistent) Bayes estimate \eqn{\hat{\eta}}. Then the mixture density
#' \eqn{f(x|\eta)} at any point \eqn{x} is (consistently) estimated by \eqn{f(x|\hat{\eta})}.
#' Note that \code{densityplot.angmcmc} \strong{does not} plot the kernel densitie estimates
#' of the MCMC parameters. (These plots can be obtained by first converting an \code{angmcmc}
#' object to an \code{mcmc} object via \link{as.mcmc.list}, and then
#' by using \code{densplot} from package coda on the resulting \code{mcmc.list} object. Instead,
#' \code{densityplot.angmcmc} returns the surface (if 2-D) or the curve (if 1-D)
#' of the fitted model density evaluated at the estimated parameter vector (obtain through \link{pointest}).
#' @examples
#' # first fit a vmsin mixture model
#' # illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
#' fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
#'                              n.chains = 1)
#' # now create density surface with the default first 1/3 as burn-in and thin = 1
#' library(lattice)
#' densityplot(fit.vmsin.20)
#' # the viewing angles can be changed through the argument 'screen'
#' # (passed to lattice::wireframe)
#' densityplot(fit.vmsin.20, screen = list(z=-30, x=-60))
#' densityplot(fit.vmsin.20, screen = list(z=30, x=-60))
#' # the colors can be changed through 'col.regions'
#' cols <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "green",
#'                                       "yellow", "orange", "red"))(100)
#' densityplot(fit.vmsin.20, col.regions = cols)
#' # Now fit a vm mixture model
#' # illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
#' fit.vm.20 <- fit_vmmix(wind$angle, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
#'                              n.chains = 1)
#' densityplot(fit.vm.20)
#' @importFrom lattice densityplot wireframe
#' @export

densityplot.angmcmc <- function(x,
                                data = NULL,
                                fn = mean, type = "point-est", log.density = FALSE,
                                xpoints=seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=35),
                                ypoints=seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=35),
                                show.hist=ifelse(log.density, FALSE, TRUE),
                                xlab, ylab,
                                zlab = ifelse(log.density, "Log Density", "Density"),
    stop("\"x\" must be an angmcmc object")

  object <- x

  if (object$type == "bi") {

    colnames_data <- colnames(object$data)

    if (any(missing(xlab), missing(ylab))) {
      if (is.null(colnames_data)) {
        xlab <- ylab <- ""
      } else {
        xlab <- colnames_data[1]
        ylab <- colnames_data[2]

    if (missing(main)) {
      if(x$ncomp > 1) {
        main <- paste("Contour plot for fitted", x$ncomp, "component", x$model, "mixtures")
      } else {
        main <- paste("Contour plot for fitted (single component)", x$model)

    coords <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xpoints, ypoints))
    den <- d_fitted(coords, object, fn = fn, type = type)

    denmat <- matrix(den, nrow=length(xpoints))

    if(log.density) {
      denmat <- log(denmat)

    out <- list(x=xpoints, y=ypoints, density=denmat)

    if (plot) {
      nrden <- nrow(denmat)
      ncden <- ncol(denmat)

      if(object$ncomp > 1) {
        main <- paste("Density surface for fitted", object$ncomp, "component",
                      object$model, "mixtures")
      } else {
        main <- paste("Density surface for fitted (single component)", object$model)

      # # Create a function interpolating colors in the range of specified colors
      # jet.colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette( c("blue", "green",
      #                                              "yellow", "orange", "red") )
      # # Generate the desired number of colors from this palette
      # nbcol <- 500
      # color <- jet.colors(nbcol)

      # denfacet <- denmat[-1, -1] + denmat[-1, -ncden] +
      #   denmat[-nrden, -1] + denmat[-nrden, -ncden]
      # Recode facet z-values into color indices
      # facetcol <- cut(denfacet, nbcol)

      print(basic_surfaceplot(xpoints = xpoints, ypoints = ypoints,
                              denmat = denmat, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                              main = main, zlab = zlab, ...))

      # persp(x=xpoints, y=ypoints, z=denmat, theta = theta, phi = phi, expand = expand, col = color[facetcol],
      #       ltheta = 120, shade = shade, ticktype = "detailed",
      #       xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, zlab = zlab,
      #       main = main, ...) -> res

      # inargs <- list(...)
      # inargs$x <- denmat~x*y
      # inargs$data <- data.frame(x = xpoints,
      #                           y=rep(ypoints, each=length(xpoints)),
      #                           denmat=denmat)
      # inargs$outerbox <- FALSE
      # inargs$par.settings <- list(axis.line = list(col = 'transparent'))
      # if (is.null(inargs$xlab)) inargs$xlab <- xlab
      # if (is.null(inargs$ylab)) inargs$ylab <- ylab
      # if (is.null(inargs$colorkey)) inargs$colorkey <- FALSE
      # if (is.null(inargs$main)) inargs$main <- main
      # if (is.null(inargs$neval)) inargs$neval <- 100
      # if (is.null(inargs$aspect)) inargs$aspect <- c(61/87, 0.4)
      # if (is.null(inargs$zlab)) inargs$zlab <- list("Density", rot=90)
      # if (is.null(inargs$screen)) inargs$screen <- list(z=45, x=-45)
      # if (is.null(inargs$colorkey)) inargs$colorkey <- FALSE
      # if (is.null(inargs$scales))
      #   inargs$scales <- list(arrows=FALSE, col=1)
      # if (is.null(inargs$drape)) inargs$drape <- TRUE
      # if (is.null(inargs$light.source))
      #   inargs$light.source <- c(10,0,10)
      # if (is.null(inargs$col.regions))
      #   inargs$col.regions <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "green",
      #                                            "yellow", "orange", "red"))(100)
      # if (is.null(inargs$par.settings))
      #   inargs$par.settings <- list(top.padding = 0,
      #                               bottom.padding = 0,
      #                               left.padding=0,
      #                               right.padding=0,
      #                               axis.line=list(col = 'transparent'))
      # do.call(wireframe, inargs)

  else {

    den <- d_fitted(xpoints, object, fn = fn, type = type)

    if (log.density) den <- log(den)

    out <- list(x=xpoints, density=den)

    if (plot) {
        histplot <-  hist(object$data, plot = FALSE, ...)
      } else {
        histplot <- NULL

      if (missing(main)) {
        if(object$ncomp > 1) {
          main <- paste("Density plot for fitted", object$ncomp, "component", object$model, "mixtures")
        } else {
          main <- paste("Density plot for fitted (single component)", object$model)

      if (missing(xlab))
        xlab <- "Angles in radians"

      if (missing(ylab)) {
        ylab <- zlab

      y_max <- 1.1* max(den, histplot$density)
      plot(NULL, xlim=range(xpoints), ylim=c(0, y_max), xlab = xlab,
           ylab=ylab, main=main)
      points(xpoints, den, type = "l")

      if(show.hist) plot(histplot, freq = FALSE, add = TRUE, ...)

      title(main = main)

extract_digits <- function(x) {
  tmp <- regmatches(
    gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+", x)

  out <- if (length(tmp) > 0) {
  } else ""


# get_unicode <- function(x) {
#   subscript_char <- extract_digits(x)
#   subscript_char_unicode <- if (subscript_char != "") {
#     paste0(
#       sapply(
#         subscript_char,
#         function(this_digit) {
#           unicode_num <- 2080 + as.numeric(this_digit)
#           unicode_num_char <- eval(parse(text = paste0("'\\u", unicode_num, "'")))
#         }
#       ),
#       collapse = ""
#     )
#   } else ""
#   parameter_greek <- if (grepl("mu", x)) {
#     "\u03BC"
#   } else if (grepl("kappa", x)) {
#     "\u03BA"
#   } else if (grepl("pmix", x)) {
#     "p"
#   }
#   out <- paste0(parameter_greek, subscript_char_unicode)
#   if (grepl("pmix", x)) {
#     # append superscript 'mix'
#     out <- paste0(out, "\u1D50", "\u2071", "\u02E3")
#   }
#   out
# }

get_bquote_expr <- function(x) {
  subscript_char <- extract_digits(x)
  param_char <- gsub(subscript_char, "", x)
  out <- if (grepl("pmix", x)) {
  } else {
    paste0(param_char, "[", subscript_char, "]")

parse_text <- function(x) {
  eval(parse(text = x))

parse_text_bquote <- function(x) {
  tmp <- paste0("bquote(", x, ")")

#' Trace plot for parameters from an angmcmc object
#' @inheritParams pointest
#' @param object angular MCMC object.
#' @param par parameter for which trace plot is to be created.
# #' @param press.enter logical. Should the next plot in the series
# #' be shown after you press "Enter"? Ignored if only a single plot
# #' is to be created.
#' @param ... unused
#' @return
#' Returns a single plot if a single \code{par} and a single \code{comp.label} is supplied.
#' Otherwise, a series of plots is produced.
#' @examples
#' # first fit a vmsin mixture model
#' # illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
#' fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
#'                              n.chains = 1)
#' # trace plot for kappa1 in component 1
#' paramtrace(fit.vmsin.20, "kappa1", 1)
#' # for kappa1 in all components
#' paramtrace(fit.vmsin.20, "kappa1")
#' # for all parameters in component 1
#' paramtrace(fit.vmsin.20, comp.label = 1)
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export

paramtrace <- function(object, par.name, comp.label, chain.no,
  if(!class(object) %in% "angmcmc") stop("\'object\' must be an angmcmc object")

  ell <- list(...)

  if (!is.null(ell$press.enter))
    warning("\'press.enter\' is deprecated. Instead use par(ask=TRUE) before calling paramtrace.")
  if (!is.null(ell$burnin))
    warning("Use of burnin is deprecated in postprocessing. Use \'burnin.prop\' during original MCMC run instead.")
  if (!is.null(ell$thin))
    warning("Use of thin is deprecated in postprocessing. Use \'thin\' during original MCMC run instead.")

  if (missing(par.name)) {
    par.name <- object$par.name
  }  else if (any(!par.name %in% object$par.name)) {
    stop("invalid par.name")

  if (missing(comp.label)) {
    comp.label <- 1:object$ncomp
  } else if (any(!comp.label %in% 1:object$ncomp)) {
    stop("invalid component label")

  if (missing(chain.no)) {
    chain.no <- 1:object$n.chains
  } else if (any(!chain.no %in% 1:object$n.chains)) {
    stop("invalid chain number")

  if(any(c(length(par.name), length(comp.label)) > 1)) {
    singleplot <- FALSE
  } else {
    singleplot <- TRUE

  n.chains <- length(chain.no)
  col_brew <- brewer.pal(n = max(n.chains, 3), name = "Pastel2")

  if (singleplot) {

    val <- extractsamples(object, par.name, comp.label, chain.no, drop = FALSE)
    plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, object$n.iter.final), ylim = range(val),  ylab="", xlab = "Iteration")
    for(ch in 1:n.chains)
      points(val[, , , ch], type = "l", col = col_brew[ch])
    legend("bottomright", legend = paste("Chain", chain.no), col = col_brew,
           lty = 1)

    par.name.1 <- sapply(par.name, get_bquote_expr)
    if(object$ncomp > 1) {
      ylab <- paste0(par.name.1, "~'for component ", comp.label, "'")
      main <- paste0("'Traceplot for'~", ylab, "~'in ",
                     object$ncomp, "-component ", object$model, " mixtures'")
    } else {
      ylab <- par.name.1
      main <- paste0("Traceplot for'~", ylab, "~'in (single component) ", object$model, "'")
    title(main = parse_text_bquote(main), ylab = parse_text_bquote(ylab))

  # not singleplot
  else {
    nplots <- length(par.name) * length(comp.label)
    currplotno <- 1L
    for(par.curr in par.name) {
      for(comp.label.curr in comp.label) {
        val <- extractsamples(object, par.curr, comp.label.curr, chain.no, drop = FALSE)
        plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, object$n.iter.final), ylim = range(val),  ylab="", xlab = "Iteration")
        for(ch in 1:n.chains)
          points(val[, , , ch], type = "l", col = col_brew[ch])

        legend("bottomright", legend = paste("Chain", chain.no), col = col_brew,
               lty = 1)

        par.curr.1 <- sapply(par.curr, get_bquote_expr)
        if(object$ncomp > 1) {
          ylab <- paste(par.curr.1, "~' for component", comp.label.curr, "'")
          main <- paste0("'Traceplot for'~", ylab, "*' in ", object$ncomp, "-component ", object$model, " mixtures'")
        } else {
          ylab <- par.curr.1
          main <- paste0("'Traceplot for'~", ylab, "*' in  (single component)", object$model, "'")

        title(main = parse_text_bquote(main), ylab = parse_text_bquote(ylab))

        # --not required--
        # if(currplotno < nplots) {
        #   if(press.enter) {
        #     press_enter()
        #     frame()
        #   }
        # }

        currplotno <- currplotno + 1

#' Trace and autocorrelation plots of log posterior density or log likelihood from an angmcmc object
#' @inheritParams paramtrace
#' @param object angular MCMC object.
#' @param use.llik logical. Should log likelihood be plotted instead of log posterior? Set
#' to \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param plot.autocor logical. Should the autocorrelations be plotted as well?
#' @param lag.max maximum lag for autocorrelation.  Passed to \link{acf}. Ignored if
#' \code{plot.autocor = FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' # first fit a vmsin mixture model
#' # illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
#' fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
#'                              n.chains = 1)
#' # log posterior density trace
#' lpdtrace(fit.vmsin.20)
#' # log likelihood trace
#' lpdtrace(fit.vmsin.20, use.llik = TRUE)
#' @export

lpdtrace <- function(object, chain.no, use.llik = FALSE,
                     plot.autocor = FALSE,
                     # press.enter = TRUE,
                     lag.max = NULL, ...)
  if (!is.angmcmc(object)) stop("lpdtrace can only be used for \'angmcmc\' objects")

  ell <- list(...)

  if (!is.null(ell$press.enter))
    warning("\'press.enter\' is deprecated. Instead use par(ask=TRUE) before calling lpdtrace.")
  if (!is.null(ell$burnin))
    warning("Use of burnin is deprecated in postprocessing. Use \'burnin.prop\' during original MCMC run instead.")
  if (!is.null(ell$thin))
    warning("Use of thin is deprecated in postprocessing. Use \'thin\' during original MCMC run instead.")

  if (missing(chain.no)) {
    chain.no <- 1:object$n.chains
  } else if (any(!chain.no %in% 1:object$n.chains)) {
    stop("invalid chain number")

  n.chains <- length(chain.no)
  final_iter_set <- object$final_iter
  col_brew <- brewer.pal(n = max(n.chains, 3), name = "Paired")

  if (use.llik) {
    val <- object$llik[final_iter_set, chain.no, drop = FALSE]

    plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, object$n.iter.final), ylim = range(val),
         ylab="Log Likelihood", xlab = "Iteration")
    for(ch in 1:n.chains)
      points(val[, ch], type = "l", col = col_brew[ch])
    legend("bottomright", legend = paste("Chain", chain.no), col = col_brew,
           lty = 1)

    if(object$ncomp > 1) {
      main <- paste("Log likelihood traceplot for ", object$ncomp, "component", object$model, "mixtures")
    } else {
      main <- paste("Log likelihood traceplot for (single component)", object$model)

    title(main = main)

    # if (press.enter & plot.autocor) {
    #   press_enter()
    #   frame()
    # }

    if (plot.autocor) {
      all_autocors <- lapply(1:n.chains,
                             function(ch) acf(val[, ch], lag.max = lag.max, plot = FALSE))

      range_y <- range(unlist(lapply(all_autocors, function(j) j$acf)))
      for(ch in 1:n.chains) {
        acr <- all_autocors[[ch]]
        if (ch  == 1) {
          plot(acr$acf, type = "b", col = col_brew[ch],
               ylab="Log likelihood autocorrelation",
               xlab = "Lag", pch = 16, ylim = range_y)
        } else {
          points(acr$acf, type = "b", col = col_brew[ch], pch = 16)

      abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
      legend("topright", legend = paste("Chain", chain.no), col = col_brew,
             pch = 16, lty = 1)

      if(object$ncomp > 1) {
        main <- paste("Log likelihood autocorrelation plot for ", object$ncomp, "component", object$model, "mixtures")
      } else {
        main <- paste("Log likelihood autocorrelation plot for (single component)", object$model)

      title(main = main)


  } else {

    val <- object$lpd[final_iter_set, chain.no, drop = FALSE]

    plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, object$n.iter.final), ylim = range(val),
         ylab="Log Posterior Density", xlab = "Iteration")
    for(ch in 1:n.chains)
      points(val[, ch], type = "l", col = col_brew[ch])
    legend("bottomright", legend = paste("Chain", chain.no), col = col_brew,
           lty = 1)

    if(object$ncomp > 1) {
      main <- paste("Log Posterior Density traceplot for", object$ncomp, "component", object$model, "mixtures")
    } else {
      main <- paste("Log Posterior Density traceplot fitted (single component)", object$model)

    title(main = main)

    # if (press.enter & plot.autocor) {
    #   press_enter()
    #   frame()
    # }

    if (plot.autocor) {

      all_autocors <- lapply(1:n.chains,
                             function(ch) acf(val[, ch], lag.max = lag.max, plot = FALSE))

      range_y <- range(unlist(lapply(all_autocors, function(j) j$acf)))
      for(ch in 1:n.chains) {
        acr <- all_autocors[[ch]]
        if (ch  == 1) {
          plot(acr$acf, type = "b", col = col_brew[ch],
               ylab="Log posterior autocorrelation",
               xlab = "Lag", pch = 16, ylim = range_y)
        } else {
          points(acr$acf, type = "b", col = col_brew[ch], pch = 16)

      abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
      legend("topright", legend = paste("Chain", chain.no), col = col_brew,
             pch = 16, lty = 1)

      if(object$ncomp > 1) {
        main <- paste("Log posterior autocorrelation plot for ", object$ncomp, "component", object$model, "mixtures")
      } else {
        main <- paste("Log posterior autocorrelation plot for (single component)", object$model)

      title(main = main)




#' Summary plots for angmcmc objects
#' @inheritParams paramtrace
#' @inheritParams lpdtrace
#' @param do.paramtrace logical. Should the trace(s) for the
#' parameter(s) be plotted?
#' @param do.lpdtrace logical. Should the log posterior trace
#' be plotted?
#' @param use.llik logical. Should the log likelihood be plotted
#' instead? Ignored if \code{do.lpdtrace == FALSE}.
#' @param x angmcmc object
#' @examples
#' # first fit a vmsin mixture model
#' # illustration only - more iterations needed for convergence
#' fit.vmsin.20 <- fit_vmsinmix(tim8, ncomp = 3, n.iter =  20,
#'                              n.chains = 1)
#' plot(fit.vmsin.20)
#' @export

plot.angmcmc <- function(x, par.name, comp.label, chain.no,
                         do.paramtrace = TRUE,
                         do.lpdtrace = TRUE, use.llik = FALSE,
  if (!is.angmcmc(x))
    stop("\'x\' must be an angmcmc object")

  ell <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(ell$press.enter))
    warning("\'press.enter\' is deprecated. Instead use par(ask=TRUE) before calling plot.angmcmc.")

  if (do.paramtrace)
    paramtrace(x, par.name, comp.label, chain.no, ...)

  # if (press.enter) {
  #   press_enter()
  #   frame()
  # }

  if (do.lpdtrace)
    lpdtrace(x, chain.no, use.llik)

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BAMBI documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:24 p.m.