
Defines functions plot.credibleshiftset

Documented in plot.credibleshiftset

##' @title Plot credible set of rate shift configurations from \code{BAMM}
##'     analysis
##' @description Plots the credible set of rate shift configurations from a
##'     \code{BAMM} analysis on a phylogeny.
##' @param x An object of class \code{credibleshiftset}.	
##' @param plotmax An integer number of plots to display. 
##' @param method A coordinate method to use for plotting. Options are
##'     "phylogram" or "polar".
##' @param pal A color palette to use with \code{plot.bammdata}.
##' @param shiftColor Color to use for shift points. 
##' @param spex A character string indicating what type of macroevolutionary
##'     rates should be plotted. "s" (default) indicates speciation rates, "e"
##'     indicates extinction rates, and "netdiv" indicates net diversification
##'     rates. Ignored if ephy$type = "trait".
##' @param add.freq.text A logical indicating whether to add the posterior
##'     frequency of each shift configuration to the plotting region.	
##' @param use.plot.bammdata A logical indicating whether to use
##'     \code{plot.bammdata} (\code{TRUE}) or \code{plot.phylo}
##'     (\code{FALSE}).
##' @param border A logical indicating whether to frame the plotting region.	
##' @param legend A logical indicating whether to plot a legend.
##' @param send2pdf A logical indicating whether to print the figure to a PDF
##'     file.
##' @param logcolor A logical indicating whether the rates should be
##'     log-transformed.
##' @param breaksmethod Method used for determining color breaks. See help
##'     file for \code{\link{assignColorBreaks}}.
##' @param color.interval Min and max value for the mapping of rates. One of
##'     the two values can be \code{NA}. See details in
##'     \code{\link{plot.bammdata}} for further details. 
##' @param JenksSubset If \code{breaksmethod = "jenks"}, the number of
##'     regularly spaced samples to subset from the full rates vector. Only
##'     relevant for large datasets. See help file for
##'     \code{\link{assignColorBreaks}}.
##' @param \dots Further arguments to pass to \code{plot.bammdata}.
##' @details This produces phylorate plots for the \code{plotmax}
##'     most-probable shift configurations sampled with \code{BAMM}. Shift
##'     configurations are plotted in a single graphics window. The posterior
##'     probability (frequency) of each rate shift configuration in the
##'     posterior is shown (omitted with argument \code{add.freq.text = FALSE}).
##'     Points are added to the branches subtending the nodes of each rate
##'     configuration. The size of the point is proportional to the marginal
##'     probability that a shift occurs on a specific branch. 
##' @author Mike Grundler
##' @seealso \code{\link{credibleShiftSet}},
##'     \code{\link{distinctShiftConfigurations}},
##'     \code{\link{plot.bammdata}}, \code{\link{plot.bammshifts}}
##' @references \url{http://bamm-project.org/}
##' @examples
##' data(events.whales)
##' data(whales)
##' ed <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, nsamples=500)
##' cset <- credibleShiftSet(ed, expectedNumberOfShifts = 1, threshold = 5)
##' plot(cset)

##' @aliases plot.credibleshiftset
##' @export
##' @export plot.credibleshiftset

plot.credibleshiftset <- function(x, plotmax=9, method='phylogram', pal = 'RdYlBu', shiftColor = 'black', spex = "s", add.freq.text = TRUE, use.plot.bammdata = TRUE, border = TRUE, legend = FALSE, send2pdf = FALSE, logcolor=FALSE, breaksmethod='linear', color.interval=NULL, JenksSubset=20000, ...)
	if (!inherits(x, "credibleshiftset")) {
		stop('arg x must be of class "credibleshiftset"');
	if (!spex %in% c('s', 'e', 'netdiv')) {
		stop("arg spex must be 's', 'e' or 'netdiv'. ")
	if ((spex == "e" || spex == "se") && x$type == "trait") {
		warning("arg spex not meaningful for BAMMtrait");
		spex <- "s";
	cset.bamm <- as.bammdata(x);
	if (plotmax > 9 && send2pdf == FALSE) {
	    plotmax <- 9;
	    cat("arg plotmax coerced to 9\n");
	mm <- min(x$number.distinct, plotmax);
	if (send2pdf) {
	if (mm == 1) {
		if (legend) {
			m <- matrix(c(1,2),byrow=TRUE,nrow=1,ncol=2);
		} else {
	} else if (mm <= 2) {
		if (legend) {
			m <- matrix(c(1,2,3),byrow=TRUE,nrow=1,ncol=3);
		} else {
	} else if (mm <= 4) {
		if (legend) {
			m <- matrix(c(1,2,0,3,4,5), byrow=TRUE, nrow=2,ncol=3);
		} else {
			par(mfrow = c(2,2));
	} else if (mm <= 6) {
		if (legend) {
			m <- matrix(c(1,2,0,3,4,7,5,6,0),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3,ncol=3);
		} else {
	} else {
		if (legend) {
			m <- matrix(c(1,2,3,0,4,5,6,10,7,8,9,0),byrow=TRUE,nrow=3,ncol=4);
		} else {
	cat("Omitted", max(x$number.distinct,mm) - min(x$number.distinct,mm), "plots\n");
	if (use.plot.bammdata) {
    	cset.bamm <- dtRates(cset.bamm, 0.01);
	    colorbreaks <- assignColorBreaks(cset.bamm$dtrates$rates,spex=spex, logcolor=logcolor, method=breaksmethod, JenksSubset=JenksSubset);
	for (i in 1:mm) {
	    sed <- subsetEventData(cset.bamm, index=x$indices[[i]]);
		par(mar = c(2,2,2,2));
		if (use.plot.bammdata) {
            plot.bammdata(sed, method=method, pal=pal, spex=spex, colorbreaks=colorbreaks, par.reset=FALSE, logcolor=logcolor, ...);
		else {
		    if (method=="polar") method = "fan";
		if (add.freq.text) mtext(sprintf("f = %.2g",x$frequency[i]),3);	
		if (border) box();
		#shiftnodes <- getShiftNodesFromIndex(cset.bamm, i);
		shiftnodes <- x$shiftnodes[[i]];
		# shiftnode_parents <- cset.bamm$edge[match(shiftnodes, cset.bamm$edge[,2],nomatch=0), 1];
	 #    root <- (shiftnode_parents == (cset.bamm$Nnode + 2));
  #   	if (sum(root) > 0) {
  #       	isShiftNodeParent <- integer(length(shiftnodes));
  #       	isShiftNodeParent[root] <- 1;
  #       	isShiftNodeParent[!root] <- sed$eventVectors[[1]][match(shiftnode_parents[!root], cset.bamm$edge[,2])];
  #   	} 
  #   	else {
  #   	    isShiftNodeParent <- sed$eventVectors[[1]][match(shiftnode_parents, cset.bamm$edge[,2])];
  #   	}
  #   	isShiftNode <- match(shiftnodes, sed$eventData[[1]]$node);
  #   	time <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNode, 2] - sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 2];
  #   	if (spex == "s") {
  #   		lam1 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 3]; 
  #   		lam2 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 4];
  #   	    AcDc <- exponentialRate(time, lam1, lam2) > sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNode, 3];	
  #   	}
  #   	else if (spex == "e") {
  #   		mu1 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 5]; 
  #   		mu2 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 6];
  #   		AcDc <- exponentialRate(time, mu1, mu2) > sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNode, 5];
  #   	}
  #   	else {
  #   		lam1 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 3]; 
  #   		lam2 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 4];
  #   		mu1 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 5]; 
  #   		mu2 <- sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNodeParent, 6];
  #   		AcDc <- (exponentialRate(time, lam1, lam2)-exponentialRate(time, mu1, mu2)) > (sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNode, 3]-sed$eventData[[1]][isShiftNode, 5]);
  #  		}
  #   	bg <- rep("blue", length(AcDc));
  #   	bg[which(AcDc == FALSE)] <- "red";

  		bg <- rep(shiftColor, length(shiftnodes));
		cex <- 0.75 + 5 * x$marg.probs[as.character(shiftnodes)];
		if (use.plot.bammdata) {
			cex <- cex[match(sed$eventData[[1]]$node, shiftnodes, nomatch=0)];
			bg <- bg[match(sed$eventData[[1]]$node, shiftnodes, nomatch=0)];
			shiftnodes <- shiftnodes[match(sed$eventData[[1]]$node, shiftnodes, nomatch=0)];
			addBAMMshifts(sed, 1, method, cex=cex, bg=transparentColor(bg, 0.5), shiftnodes = shiftnodes, par.reset=FALSE);	
		else {
			r <- cset.bamm$edge.length[match(shiftnodes,cset.bamm$edge[,2])];
			lastPP <- get("last_plot.phylo",envir=.PlotPhyloEnv);
			XX <- lastPP$xx[shiftnodes];
			YY <- lastPP$yy[shiftnodes];
			if (method == "phylogram") {
				XX <- XX - 0.5*r;
			else {
				theta <- atan2(YY, XX);
				XX <- XX - 0.5*r*cos(theta);
				YY <- YY - 0.5*r*sin(theta);
			points(XX, YY, pch = 21, cex = cex, col = 1, bg = transparentColor(bg,0.5));
	if (legend) {
		points(rep(0.5,8),rev(seq(0,1.125,length.out=8)),pch=21,bg="white",cex = rev(0.75 + 5*seq(0.125,1,0.125)));
		mtext("marginal shift probability",cex=0.75,line=0);
	if (send2pdf) dev.off();

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BAMMtools documentation built on July 16, 2022, 1:05 a.m.