
Defines functions subtreeBAMM

Documented in subtreeBAMM

##' @title Pulls out a subtree from \code{bammdata} object
##' @description Given a set of tips or a node, this function extracts the
##'     corresponding subtree from the \code{bammdata} object. User should
##'     specify either a set of tips or a node, and the node will overwrite
##'     the tips if both are given.
##' @param ephy An object of class \code{bammdata}.
##' @param tips An integer or character vector indicating which tips (more
##'     than one) to be included in the subtree. 
##' @param node An integer indicating the root of the subtree to be extracted,
##'     and it must correspond to an innernode on the tree.
##' @details This function allows users to extract a subtree from a big
##'     \code{bammdata} object, and examine the subset using
##'     \code{\link{plot.bammdata}}
##' @return An object of class \code{bammdata}.
##' @author Huateng Huang
##' @seealso \code{\link{getmrca}}, \code{\link{plot.bammdata}}
##' @examples
##' data(whales, events.whales)
##' ephy <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, burnin=0.25, nsamples=500)
##' # specify a set of tips for the subtree
##' tips <- sample(ephy$tip.label,size=20,replace=FALSE)
##' subphy <- subtreeBAMM(ephy,tips=tips)
##' # specify a innernode for subsetting
##' subphy <- subtreeBAMM(ephy,node=103)
##' # plot the subtree
##' plot(subphy)
##' @keywords graphics
##' @export
subtreeBAMM <- function(ephy,tips=NULL,node=NULL)
	if (!inherits(ephy, 'bammdata'))
    	stop('Object phy must be of class bammdata');
	if (is.null(tips) && is.null(node))
		stop("need to specify either the tips or a innernode on the tree for subsetting");
	if ((!is.null(tips)) && (!is.null(node)))
		cat("specified both tips and node, will subset the bammdata object according to the node\n");
	wtree <- as.phylo.bammdata(ephy);
	if (!is.null(node)) {
		if(node <= length(wtree$tip.label))
			stop('error: the node corresponds to one single tip')
		else if (node > max(wtree$edge))
			stop('the node does not exist on the tree');
		tips <- ephy$downseq[which(ephy$downseq == node):which(ephy$downseq == ephy$lastvisit[node])];
		tips <- wtree$tip.label[tips[tips <= wtree$Nnode + 1]];
	else {
    	if (length(tips) == 1)
			stop("need more than one tip to subset the bammdata object");
		if (!inherits(tips, 'character'))
			tips <- wtree$tip.label[tips];
	stree <- drop.tip(wtree, tip = setdiff(wtree$tip.label, tips));
	stree <- getStartStopTimes(stree);
	stree <- getRecursiveSequence(stree);
	sNtip <- length(stree$tip.label);
	oldnode <- integer(max(stree$edge));
	oldnode[1:sNtip] <- match(stree$tip.label, wtree$tip.label);
	fn <- function(node, phy) {
		tps <- phy$downseq[which(phy$downseq == node):which(phy$downseq == phy$lastvisit[node])];
		tps <- tps[tps <= phy$Nnode+1];
		return (c(node, tps[1], tps[length(tps)]));
	lrkids <- t(sapply(unique(stree$edge[,1]), fn, stree));
    oldnode[lrkids[,1]] <- getmrca(wtree, oldnode[lrkids[,2]], oldnode[lrkids[,3]]);
    inner_node_shift <- matrix(0L, 0, 2);
    sapply(seq.int(1,nrow(stree$edge)), function(x) {
    	downnode <- oldnode[stree$edge[x,2]];
    	upnode <- oldnode[stree$edge[x,1]];
    	j <- wtree$edge[which(wtree$edge[,2] == downnode), 1];
    	while (j != upnode) {
    		inner_node_shift <<- rbind(inner_node_shift, c(j, stree$edge[x,2]));
    		j <- wtree$edge[which(wtree$edge[,2] == j), 1];
    nsamples <- length(ephy$eventData);
	subphy <- stree;
	class(subphy) <- "bammdata";
	subphy$numberEvents <- integer(nsamples);
	subphy$eventData <- vector("list",nsamples);
	subphy$eventVectors <- vector("list",nsamples);
	subphy$tipStates <- vector("list",nsamples);
	subphy$tipLambda <- lapply(ephy$tipLambda, function(x) x[oldnode[1:sNtip]]);
	subphy$meanTipLambda <- ephy$meanTipLambda[oldnode[1:sNtip]];
	subphy$eventBranchSegs <- vector("list",nsamples);
	subphy$tipMu <- lapply(ephy$tipMu, function(x) x[oldnode[1:sNtip]]);
	subphy$meanTipMu <- ephy$meanTipMu[oldnode[1:sNtip]];
	subphy$type <- ephy$type;
	if (oldnode[sNtip+1] == length(ephy$tip.label)+1)
		rootshift <- 0
		rootshift <- max(ephy$end) - max(subphy$end);
	for (en in 1:nsamples) {
		eventData <- ephy$eventData[[en]];
		eventVectors <- ephy$eventVectors[[en]];
		if (rootshift > 0)
			root_proc <- eventVectors[which(ephy$edge[,2] == oldnode[sNtip+1])]
			root_proc <- 1L;
		eventData$node <- sapply(eventData$node, function(x) {
            if (x %in% oldnode)
                which(oldnode == x)
            else if (x %in% inner_node_shift[, 1])
                inner_node_shift[which(inner_node_shift[, 1] == x), 2]
		eventData$time <- eventData$time-rootshift;
		eventData <- eventData[(eventData$node > 0L) | (eventData$index == root_proc), ];
		eventData$node[eventData$node == 0L] <- sNtip+1;
		r <- which(eventData$time < 0);
		if (length(r) > 0) {
			if (length(r) > 1)
				r <- which(eventData$time == max(eventData$time[r]));
			eventData$lam1[r] <- exponentialRate(0-eventData$time[r], eventData$lam1[r], eventData$lam2[r]);
			if (subphy$type == "diversification")
				eventData$mu1[r] <- exponentialRate(0-eventData$time[r], eventData$mu1[r], eventData$mu2[r]);
			eventData$time[r] <- 0;
		eventData <- eventData[eventData$time >= 0, ];
		eventData <- eventData[order(eventData$time),];
		subphy$numberEvents[en] <- dim(eventData)[1];
		newprocess <-eventData$index;
		eventData$index <- 1:dim(eventData)[1];
		subphy$eventData[[en]] <- eventData;
		tipStates <- ephy$tipStates[[en]];
		tipStates <- tipStates[oldnode[1:sNtip]];
		subphy$tipStates[[en]] <- match(tipStates, newprocess);
		eventVectors <- eventVectors[match(oldnode[subphy$edge[,2]], ephy$edge[,2], nomatch = 0)];
		subphy$eventVectors[[en]] <- match(eventVectors, newprocess);
		eventBranchSegs <- cbind(subphy$edge[,2], subphy$begin, subphy$end, subphy$eventVectors[[en]]);
		eventBranchSegs <- eventBranchSegs[!(eventBranchSegs[,1] %in% eventData$node[-1]),];
		if (nrow(eventData) > 1) {
			for (n in unique(eventData$node[-1])) {
				branch_event <- eventData[eventData$node == n,];
				upnode <- subphy$edge[which(subphy$edge[,2] == n), 1];
				if (upnode == sNtip+1)
					startproc <- 1L
					startproc <- subphy$eventVectors[[en]][which(subphy$edge[,2] == upnode)];
				starttime <- subphy$begin[which(subphy$edge[,2] == n)];
				for (be in 1:nrow(branch_event)) {
					eventBranchSegs <- rbind(eventBranchSegs,c(n,starttime,branch_event$time[be],startproc));
					startproc <- branch_event$index[be];
					starttime <- branch_event$time[be];
				eventBranchSegs <- rbind(eventBranchSegs,c(n,starttime,subphy$end[which(subphy$edge[,2]==n)],startproc));
		subphy$eventBranchSegs[[en]] <- eventBranchSegs[order(eventBranchSegs[,1]),];
	return (subphy);

# subtreeBAMM<-function(ephy,tips=NULL,node=NULL)
# {
  # if (! 'bammdata' %in% class(ephy)) {
    # stop('Object phy must be of class bammdata');
  # }
  # if(is.null(tips)& is.null(node)){
    # stop("need to specify either the tips or a innernode on the tree for subsetting");
  # }
  # if((!is.null(tips))&(! is.null(node))){
    # cat("specified both tips and node, will subset the bammdata object according to the node\n")
  # }
  # # get the whole tree
  # wtree <- as.phylo.bammdata(ephy)
  # #wtree<-list()
  # #wtree$edge<-phy$edge
  # #wtree$Nnode<-phy$Nnode
  # #wtree$tip.label<-phy$tip.label
  # #wtree$edge.length<-phy$edge.length
  # #class(wtree)<-'phylo'
  # if(! is.null(node)){
    # if(node<=length(wtree$tip.label)){
      # stop('error: the node corresponds to one single tip')
    # }else if (node> max(wtree$edge)){
      # stop('the node does not exist on the tree')
    # }
    # tips <- ephy$downseq[which(ephy$downseq == node):which(ephy$downseq == ephy$lastvisit[node])]
    # tips <- wtree$tip.label[tips[tips <= wtree$Nnode + 1]]
    # #get_all_kid<-function(phy,node){
    # #  if(node<=phy$Nnode+1){
    # #    return(node);
    # #  }else{
    # #    tip<-c();
    # #    innernode<-c(node);
    # #    while (length(innernode)>0){
    # #      l<-phy$edge[,1] %in% innernode
    # #      m<-phy$edge[l,2]
    # #      tip<-c(tip,m[m<=phy$Nnode+1])
    # #      innernode<-m[m>phy$Nnode+1]
    # #    }
    # #    return(tip)
    # #  }
    # #}
    # #tips<-wtree$tip.label[get_all_kid(wtree,node)]
  # }else{
    # if(length(tips)==1){
      # stop("need more than one tip to subset the bammdata object")
    # }
    # if(class(tips) != 'character'){
      # #stop("tips should be a character string")
      # tips <- wtree$tip.label[tips]
    # }
  # }
  # #get the sub tree
  # stree<-drop.tip(wtree,tip=wtree$tip.label[! wtree$tip.label %in% tips])
  # sNtip<-length(stree$tip.label)
  # #for every node on the subset tree, get its corresponding node on the whole tree
  # oldnode<-integer(length=max(stree$edge))
  # oldnode[1:sNtip]<-match(stree$tip.label,wtree$tip.label)
  # # for every inner node on the stree get its left kid and right kid
  # lrkids<-matrix(0,nrow=0,ncol=3);  
  # get_lr_kids<-function(tree,node){
    # ll<-which(tree$edge[,1]==node)
    # if(length(ll)>0){
      # l<-get_lr_kids(tree,tree$edge[ll[1],2])
      # r<-get_lr_kids(tree,tree$edge[ll[2],2])
      # return(rbind(l,r,c(node,min(l),min(r))))
    # }else{
      # return(matrix(c(node,node,node),nrow=1,ncol=3))
    # }
  # }
  # lrkids<-get_lr_kids(stree,sNtip+1);
  # lrkids<-lrkids[which(lrkids[,1]>sNtip),]
  # oldnode[lrkids[,1]]<-getmrca(wtree,oldnode[lrkids[,2]],oldnode[lrkids[,3]])
  # # for every branch on the new tree, get its corresponding branches on the whole tree
  # # innernodes on the original trees shift towards the tip
  # inner_node_shift<-matrix(0L,nrow=0,2)
  # for (x in 1: dim(stree$edge)[1]){
    # downnode<-oldnode[stree$edge[x,2]]
    # upnode<-oldnode[stree$edge[x,1]]
    # j<-downnode;
    # j=wtree$edge[which(wtree$edge[,2]==j),1]
    # while (j !=upnode){
      # inner_node_shift<-rbind(inner_node_shift,c(j,stree$edge[x,2]))
      # j=wtree$edge[which(wtree$edge[,2]==j),1]
      # #cat(j)
    # }
  # }
  # subphy<-stree;
  # class(subphy)<-"bammdata"
  # stree<-getStartStopTimes(stree)
  # subphy$begin<-stree$begin
  # subphy$end<-stree$end
  # stree <- getRecursiveSequence(stree);
  # subphy$downseq<-stree$downseq
  # subphy$lastvisit<-stree$lastvisit
  # subphy$numberEvents<- c()
  # subphy$eventData<-list()
  # subphy$eventVectors<-list()
  # subphy$tipStates<-list()
  # subphy$tipLambda<-lapply(ephy$tipLambda,function(x){x[oldnode[1:sNtip]]})
  # subphy$meanTipLambda<-ephy$meanTipLambda[oldnode[1:sNtip]]
  # subphy$eventBranchSegs<-list()  
  # subphy$tipMu<-lapply(ephy$tipMu,function(x){x[oldnode[1:sNtip]]})
  # subphy$meanTipMu<-ephy$meanTipMu[oldnode[1:sNtip]]

  # subphy$type<-ephy$type
  # if(oldnode[sNtip+1]==length(ephy$tip.label)+1){
    # rootshift<-0
  # }else{
    # rootshift<-max(ephy$end)-max(subphy$end)
  # }
  # for (en in 1:length(ephy$numberEvents)){
    # #cat(en,"\n")
    # eventData<-ephy$eventData[[en]];
    # eventVectors<-ephy$eventVectors[[en]]
    # if(rootshift>0){
      # root_process<-eventVectors[which(ephy$edge[,2]==oldnode[sNtip+1])]
    # }else{
      # root_process<-1L
    # }
    # eventData$node<-sapply(eventData$node,function(x){
      # if(x %in% oldnode){
        # which(oldnode==x);
      # }else if(x %in% inner_node_shift[,1]){
        # inner_node_shift[ which(inner_node_shift[,1]==x),2]
      # }else{
        # 0L
      # }
    # })
    # eventData$time<-eventData$time-rootshift
    # eventData<-eventData[(eventData$node>0)|(eventData$index==root_process),]
    # #fix the root process
    # eventData$node[eventData$node==0L]<-sNtip+1; #the only reason that a event that does not happen on stree and still is kept is that it is a root process
    # l<-which(eventData$time<0);
    # if(length(l)>0){
      # if(length(l)>1){
        # l<-which(eventData$time==max(eventData$time[l]))
      # }
      # #eventData$lam1[l]<-eventData$lam1[l]*exp((0-eventData$time[l])*eventData$lam2[l])
      # eventData$lam1[l]<-exponentialRate(0-eventData$time[l], eventData$lam1[l], eventData$lam2[l])
      # eventData$time[l]<-0;
    # }
    # eventData<-eventData[eventData$time>=0,]
    # eventData<-eventData[order(eventData$time),]
    # #now fix the index of the process
    # subphy$numberEvents[en]<-dim(eventData)[1]
    # newprocess<-eventData$index;
    # eventData$index<-1:dim(eventData)[1];
    # subphy$eventData[[en]]<-eventData
    # #fix the tipstate
    # tipState<-ephy$tipStates[[en]];
    # tipState<-tipState[oldnode[1:sNtip]]
    # subphy$tipStates[[en]]<-match(tipState,newprocess)
    # #fix the eventVectors
    # eventVectors<-sapply(subphy$edge[,2], function(x){eventVectors[which(ephy$edge[,2]==oldnode[x])]})
    # subphy$eventVectors[[en]]<-match(eventVectors,newprocess)
    # #write up a new eventBranchSeg
    # eventBranchSegs<-cbind(subphy$edge[,2],subphy$begin,subphy$end,subphy$eventVectors[[en]])
    # eventBranchSegs<-eventBranchSegs[ ! eventBranchSegs[,1] %in% eventData$node[eventData$time>0],]
    # if(length(eventData$node[eventData$time>0])>0){
      # for (n in unique(eventData$node[eventData$time>0])){
        # branch_event<-eventData[eventData$node==n,]
        # branch_event<-branch_event[order(branch_event$time),]
        # upnode<-subphy$edge[ which(subphy$edge[,2]==n),1]
        # if(upnode==sNtip+1){startproc<-1L;}else{startproc<-subphy$eventVectors[[en]][which(subphy$edge[,2]==upnode)]}
        # starttime<-subphy$begin[which(subphy$edge[,2]==n)];
        # for (be in 1:dim(branch_event)[1]){
          # #l<-c(n,starttime,branch_event$time[be],startproc);
          # eventBranchSegs<-rbind(eventBranchSegs,c(n,starttime,branch_event$time[be],startproc));
          # startproc<-branch_event$index[be]
          # starttime<-branch_event$time[be]
        # }    
        # eventBranchSegs<-rbind(eventBranchSegs,c(n,starttime,subphy$end[which(subphy$edge[,2]==n)],startproc));
      # }
    # }
    # subphy$eventBranchSegs[[en]]<-eventBranchSegs[order(eventBranchSegs[,1]),]
  # }
  # return(subphy);
# }

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