
Defines functions bcea.bugs bcea.rstan bcea.rjags bcea.default

Documented in bcea.bugs bcea.default bcea.rjags bcea.rstan

#' @rdname bcea
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
bcea.default <- function(eff,
                         ref = NULL,
                         interventions = NULL,
                         .comparison = NULL,
                         Kmax = 50000,
                         k = NULL,
                         plot = FALSE, ...) {
  exArgs <- list(...)
  # provide named reference
  if (is.character(ref)) {
    if (length(ref) > 1 || !ref %in% interventions) {
      ref <- NULL
    } else {
      ref <- which(ref == interventions)
  if (is.null(ref)) {
    ref <- 1
    message("No reference selected. Defaulting to first intervention.")
  if (!is.null(k) && length(k) == 1)
    message("k should be a vector of length > 1, otherwise plots will be empty.")
  if (exists("wtp", exArgs)) {
    message("wtp argument soft deprecated. Please use k instead in future.")
    k <- exArgs$wtp
  validate_bcea(eff, cost, ref, interventions)
  n_sim <- dim(eff)[1]
  n_intervs <- dim(eff)[2]
  intervs <- 1:n_intervs
  interv_names <- 
    if (is.null(interventions)) {
      paste("intervention", intervs)
    } else {
  if (!is.null(k)) {
    k <- sort(unique(k))
  } else {
    step <- Kmax/500
    k <- seq(0, Kmax, by = step)
  df_ce <-
      sim = 1:n_sim,
      ref = ref,
      ints = rep(intervs, each = n_sim),
      eff = matrix(eff, ncol = 1),
      cost = matrix(cost, ncol = 1))
  df_ce <- 
    df_ce %>%
    select(-ref) %>% 
    rename(ref = "ints") %>% 
          by = c("ref", "sim"),
          suffixes = c("0", "1"),
          all.x = FALSE) %>% 
    mutate(delta_e = .data$eff0 - .data$eff1,
           delta_c = .data$cost0 - .data$cost1)
  df_ce$interv_names <- factor(interv_names[df_ce$ints],
                               levels = interv_names)
  he <- new_bcea(df_ce, k)
  he <- setComparisons(he, .comparison)
  ##TODO: should separate out this really  
  if (plot)

#' @rdname bcea
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @importFrom MCMCvis MCMCchains
#' @export
bcea.rjags <- function(eff, ...) {
  cost <-
    MCMCvis::MCMCchains(eff, params = "cost")
  eff <- 
    MCMCvis::MCMCchains(eff, params = "eff")
  bcea.default(eff, cost, ...)

#' @rdname bcea
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @importFrom rstan extract
#' @export
bcea.rstan <- function(eff, ...) {
  cost <- rstan::extract(eff, "cost")
  eff <- rstan::extract(eff, "eff")
  bcea.default(as.matrix(eff[[1]]), as.matrix(cost[[1]]), ...)

#' @rdname bcea
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export
bcea.bugs <- function(eff, ...) {
  cost <- eff$sims.list$cost
  eff <- eff$sims.list$eff
  bcea.default(eff, cost, ...)

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BCEA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:08 a.m.