asd_ocd: Data: Autism and Obssesive Compulsive Disorder

asd_ocdR Documentation

Data: Autism and Obssesive Compulsive Disorder


A correlation matrix with 17 variables in total (autsim: 9; OCD: 8). The sample size was 213.




A correlation matrix including 17 variables. These data were measured on a 4 level likert scale.



  • CI Circumscribed interests

  • UP Unusual preoccupations

  • RO Repetitive use of objects or interests in parts of objects

  • CR Compulsions and/or rituals

  • CI Unusual sensory interests

  • SM Complex mannerisms or stereotyped body movements

  • SU Stereotyped utterances/delayed echolalia

  • NIL Neologisms and/or idiosyncratic language

  • VR Verbal rituals


  • CD Concern with things touched due to dirt/bacteria

  • TB Thoughts of doing something bad around others

  • CT Continual thoughts that do not go away

  • HP Belief that someone/higher power put reoccurring thoughts in their head

  • CW Continual washing

  • CCh Continual checking CntCheck

  • CC Continual counting/repeating

  • RD Repeatedly do things until it feels good or just right


Jones, P. J., Ma, R., & McNally, R. J. (2019). Bridge centrality: A network approach to understanding comorbidity. Multivariate behavioral research, 1-15.

Ruzzano, L., Borsboom, D., & Geurts, H. M. (2015). Repetitive behaviors in autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder: New perspectives from a network analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(1), 192-202. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2204-9



# generate continuous
Y <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 213,
                   mu = rep(0, 17),
                   Sigma = asd_ocd,
                   empirical = TRUE)

BGGM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:19 p.m.