depression_anxiety_t2: Data: Depression and Anxiety (Time 2)

depression_anxiety_t2R Documentation

Data: Depression and Anxiety (Time 2)


A data frame containing 403 observations (n = 403) and 16 variables (p = 16) measured on the 4-point likert scale (depression: 9; anxiety: 7).




A data frame containing 403 observations (n = 7466) and 16 variables (p = 16) measured on the 4-point likert scale.



  • PHQ1 Little interest or pleasure in doing things?

  • PHQ2 Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?

  • PHQ3 Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?

  • PHQ4 Feeling tired or having little energy?

  • PHQ5 Poor appetite or overeating?

  • PHQ6 Feeling bad about yourself — or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?

  • PHQ7 Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?

  • PHQ8 Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or so fidgety or restless that you have been moving a lot more than usual?

  • PHQ9 Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or thoughts of hurting yourself in some way?


  • GAD1 Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge

  • GAD2 Not being able to stop or control worrying

  • GAD3 Worrying too much about different things

  • GAD4 Trouble relaxing

  • GAD5 Being so restless that it's hard to sit still

  • GAD6 Becoming easily annoyed or irritable

  • GAD7 Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen


Forbes, M. K., Baillie, A. J., & Schniering, C. A. (2016). A structural equation modeling analysis of the relationships between depression,anxiety, and sexual problems over time. The Journal of Sex Research, 53(8), 942-954.

Forbes, M. K., Wright, A. G., Markon, K. E., & Krueger, R. F. (2019). Quantifying the reliability and replicability of psychopathology network characteristics. Multivariate behavioral research, 1-19.

Jones, P. J., Williams, D. R., & McNally, R. J. (2019). Sampling variability is not nonreplication: a Bayesian reanalysis of Forbes, Wright, Markon, & Krueger.


labels<- c("interest", "down", "sleep",
            "tired", "appetite", "selfest",
           "concen", "psychmtr", "suicid",
           "nervous", "unctrworry", "worrylot",
           "relax", "restless", "irritable", "awful")

BGGM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:19 p.m.