
Defines functions summary.BIFIE.correl BIFIE.correl

Documented in BIFIE.correl summary.BIFIE.correl

## File Name: BIFIE.correl.R
## File Version: 0.46

# Correlations and covariances
BIFIE.correl <- function( BIFIEobj, vars, group=NULL, group_values=NULL, se=TRUE ){
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    cl19 <- match.call()
    bifieobj <- BIFIEobj
    if (bifieobj$cdata){
        varnames <- unique( c( vars, group, "one") )
        bifieobj <- BIFIE.BIFIEcdata2BIFIEdata( bifieobj, varnames=varnames )

    FF <- Nimp <- bifieobj$Nimp
    N <- bifieobj$N
    dat1 <- bifieobj$dat1
    wgt <- bifieobj$wgt
    wgtrep <- bifieobj$wgtrep
    varnames <- bifieobj$varnames
    RR <- bifieobj$RR
    datalistM <- bifieobj$datalistM
    fayfac <- bifieobj$fayfac

    if (RR==1){ RR <- 0 }
    if ( ! se ){
        wgtrep <- matrix( wgt, ncol=1 )
        RR <- 0

    vars_index <- unlist( sapply( vars, FUN=function(vv){
                        which( varnames==vv ) }, simplify=TRUE) )
    # vars values
    VV <- length(vars)

    wgt_ <- matrix( wgt, ncol=1 )
    if ( is.null( group) ){ nogroup <- TRUE } else { nogroup <- FALSE }
    cat(paste0( "|", paste0( rep("*", FF), collapse=""), "|\n" ))
    if (nogroup){
        group <- "one"
        group_values <- c(1)

    group_index <- match( group, varnames )

    if ( is.null(group_values ) ){
        t1 <- bifie_table( datalistM[, group_index ] )
        group_values <- sort( as.numeric( paste( names(t1) ) ))

    res00 <- BIFIE_create_pseudogroup( datalistM, group, group_index, group_values )
    res00$datalistM -> datalistM
    res00$group_index -> group_index
    res00$GR -> GR
    res00$group_values -> group_values
    res00$group -> group

    # Rcpp call

    res <- bifie_correl( datalistM, wgt_, as.matrix(wgtrep), vars_index -1, fayfac,
                Nimp,  group_index -  1, group_values)
    GG <- length(group_values)
    itempair_index <- res$itempair_index + 1
    ZZ <- nrow(itempair_index )

    dfr <- data.frame( "var1"=rep( vars[ itempair_index[,1] ], each=GG ),
                    "var2"=rep( vars[ itempair_index[,2] ], each=GG )
    if (! nogroup){
       dfr$groupvar <- group
       dfr$groupval <- rep( group_values, ZZ )
    dfr$Ncases <- rep( rowMeans( res$ncases1M ), ZZ )
    dfr$Nweight <- rep( rowMeans( res$sumwgt1M ), ZZ )
    dfr$cor <- res$cor1$pars
    dfr$cor_SE <- res$cor1$pars_se
    dfr$t <- round( dfr$cor / dfr$cor_SE, 2 )
    dfr$df <- rubin_calc_df( res$cor1, Nimp )
    # dfr$p <- pnorm( - abs( dfr$t ) ) * 2
    dfr$p <- stats::pt( - abs( dfr$t ), df=dfr$df) * 2
    dfr$cor_fmi <- res$cor1$pars_fmi
    dfr$cor_VarMI <- res$cor1$pars_varBetween
    dfr$cor_VarRep <- res$cor1$pars_varWithin

    # NMI
    if ( BIFIEobj$NMI ){
        res1a <- res1 <- BIFIE_NMI_inference_parameters( parsM=res$cor1M, parsrepM=res$cor1repM,
                    fayfac=fayfac, RR=RR, Nimp=Nimp,
                    Nimp_NMI=BIFIEobj$Nimp_NMI, comp_cov=FALSE )
        dfr$cor_fmi <- dfr$cor_VarMI <- NULL
        dfr$cor <- res1$pars
        dfr$cor_SE <- res1$pars_se
        dfr$t <- round( dfr$cor / dfr$cor_SE, 2 )
        dfr$df <- res1$df
        dfr$p <- stats::pt( - abs( dfr$t ), df=dfr$df) * 2
        dfr$cor_fmi <- res1$pars_fmi
        dfr$cor_fmi_St1 <- res1$pars_fmiB
        dfr$cor_fmi_St2 <- res1$pars_fmiW
        dfr$cor_VarMI_St1 <- res1$pars_varBetween1
        dfr$cor_VarMI_St2 <- res1$pars_varBetween2
        dfr$cor_VarRep <- res1$pars_varWithin

    dfr <- clean_summary_table( dfr, RR, se, Nimp )

    #    i1 <- match( dfr$var1, vars )
    #    i2 <- match( dfr$var2, vars )
    dfr <- dfr[ dfr$var1 !=dfr$var2, ]

    # multiple groupings
    dfr <- BIFIE_table_multiple_groupings( dfr, res00 )

    dfr.cor <- dfr

    dfr <- data.frame( "var1"=rep( vars[ itempair_index[,1] ], each=GG ),
                       "var2"=rep( vars[ itempair_index[,2] ], each=GG )
    if (! nogroup){
       dfr$groupvar <- group
       dfr$groupval <- rep( group_values, ZZ )
    dfr$Ncases <- rep( rowMeans( res$ncases1M ), ZZ )
    dfr$Nweight <- rep( rowMeans( res$sumwgt1M ), ZZ )
    dfr$cov <- res$cov1$pars
    dfr$cov_SE <- res$cov1$pars_se
    dfr$cov_df <- rubin_calc_df( res$cov1, Nimp )
    dfr$cov_fmi <- res$cov1$pars_fmi
    dfr$cov_VarMI <- res$cov1$pars_varBetween
    dfr$cov_VarRep <- res$cov1$pars_varWithin

    if ( BIFIEobj$NMI ){
        res1b <- res1 <- BIFIE_NMI_inference_parameters( parsM=res$cov1M, parsrepM=res$cov1repM,
                    fayfac=fayfac, RR=RR, Nimp=Nimp,
                    Nimp_NMI=BIFIEobj$Nimp_NMI, comp_cov=FALSE )
        dfr$cov_fmi <- dfr$cov_VarMI <- NULL
        dfr$cov <- res1$pars
        dfr$cov_SE <- res1$pars_se
        dfr$t <- round( dfr$cov / dfr$cov_SE, 2 )
        dfr$df <- res1$df
        dfr$p <- stats::pt( - abs( dfr$t ), df=dfr$df) * 2
        dfr$cov_fmi <- res1$pars_fmi
        dfr$cov_fmi_St1 <- res1$pars_fmiB
        dfr$cov_fmi_St2 <- res1$pars_fmiW
        dfr$cov_VarMI_St1 <- res1$pars_varBetween1
        dfr$cov_VarMI_St2 <- res1$pars_varBetween2
        dfr$cov_VarRep <- res1$pars_varWithin

    dfr <- clean_summary_table( dfr, RR, se, Nimp )

    # multiple groupings
    dfr <- BIFIE_table_multiple_groupings( dfr, res00 )

    dfr.cov <- dfr

    # construct list of correlation matrices
    ml <- as.list(1:GG)
    names(ml) <- paste0(group,group_values)
    #*** correlation matrix
    ml0 <- ml
    cl <- res$cor1_matrix
    for (gg in 1:GG){
        ml0[[gg]] <- cl[, 1:VV + (gg-1 )*VV ]
        colnames(ml0[[gg]]) <- rownames(ml0[[gg]]) <- vars
    cor_matrix <- ml0
    #*** covariance matrix
    ml0 <- ml
    cl <- res$cov1_matrix
    for (gg in 1:GG){
        ml0[[gg]] <- cl[, 1:VV + (gg-1 )*VV ]
        colnames(ml0[[gg]]) <- rownames(ml0[[gg]]) <- vars
    cov_matrix <- ml0

    # create vector of parameter names
    nogroupL <- rep( nogroup, nrow(dfr) )
    parnames <- paste0( dfr$var1, "_", dfr$var2,
            ifelse( ! nogroupL, paste0("_", dfr$groupvar ), "" ),
            ifelse( ! nogroupL, paste0( "_", dfr$groupval  ), "" )

    #*************************** OUTPUT ***************************************
    s2 <- Sys.time()
    timediff <- c( s1, s2 ) #, paste(s2-s1 ) )
    res1 <- list( "stat.cor"=dfr.cor, "stat.cov"=dfr.cov,
            "output"=res, "cor_matrix"=cor_matrix,
            "N"=N, "Nimp"=Nimp, "RR"=RR, "fayfac"=fayfac,
            "NMI"=BIFIEobj$NMI, "Nimp_NMI"=BIFIEobj$Nimp_NMI,
            "itempair_index"=itempair_index, "GG"=GG,
            "parnames"=parnames, "CALL"=cl19)

    if ( BIFIEobj$NMI ){
        res$output_cor <- res1a
        res$output_cov <- res1b
    class(res1) <- "BIFIE.correl"

# summary for BIFIE.correl function
summary.BIFIE.correl <- function( object, digits=4, ... ){
    cat("Statistical Inference for Correlations \n")
    obji <- object$stat.cor
    print.object.summary( obji, digits=digits )
    cat("\nCorrelation Matrices \n\n")
    obji <- object$cor_matrix
    GG <- object$GG
    for (gg in 1:GG){
        obji[[gg]] <- round( obji[[gg]], digits=digits)
#    print.object.summary( obji, digits=digits )

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BIFIEsurvey documentation built on April 5, 2022, 1:14 a.m.