
Defines functions removeObs

Documented in removeObs

#' Remove observations belonging to the shortest ("worst") visits
#' This function removes observations based on the visits effort or quality.
#' Visit effort or quality could be given most often by species list length
#' (that is, the number of species observed during the visit, SLL). However,
#' in some cases there could be only one or few species observed but in great
#' numbers each and spread across a big surveyed area. The effort then may not be
#' small. If the user may find it necessary to remove those observations belonging
#' to visits with an effort lower than a threshold, or a certain percentage of
#' the "worst" observations, then this function will help.
#' Please note: this function removes all observations belonging to visits
#' that fulfil the criteria. Also, the percentage of "lower quality" visits in
#' the sample is not necessarily the same as the the percentage of "lower quality"
#' observations. The removal of observations is done stepwise by quantile therefore
#' you may get a lower percentage than the aimed given than all remaining visits
#' are too large to be included completely. This may happen particularly with
#' smaller datasets.
#' @param x an object of class \sQuote{OrganizedBirds} (organised BIRDS Spatial
#' data.frame). See \code{\link{organizeBirds}}
#' @param ev an object of class \sQuote{data.frame} from exploreVisits.
#' @param criteria the criteria to rank "good visits". Accepts c("SLL", "nObs",
#' "effortDiam", "medianDist")
#' @param percent the percentage (i.e. 0 - 100) of observation to keep, or NULL.
#' (default = 75)
#' @param minCrit the minimum accepted of a given criteria in the data set
#' (default = NULL).
#' @param stepChunk if the search for observations includes too many in a given
#' quality stage, the search takes progressively smaller fractions of the dataset
#' in steps. This argument controls for how small fractions are discarded on
#' each step. If stepChunk = 0.05 (default) means that in the first step 95% of
#' the observations will be tested, then 95% x 95% = 90.25%, and so on until an
#' adequate number of observations are obtained. Increase this argument if you
#' see the function takes too long.
#' @note If both 'percent' and 'minCrit' are defined then 'percent' prevails.
#' @return An updated OrganisedBirds dataset
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' OB <- organizeBirds(bombusObs, sppCol = "scientificName", simplifySppName = TRUE)
#' EV <- exploreVisits(OB)
#' OBshorter <- removeObs(OB, EV, percent = 75)
#' }
#' @export

removeObs <- function(x,
                      criteria = "SLL",
                      percent = 75,
                      minCrit = NULL,
  #check x class = Organised birds
  if (class(x) == "OrganizedBirds") {
    obs <- st_drop_geometry(x$spdf)
    visitCol <- attr(x, "visitCol")
  } else {
    stop("The object 'x' must be of class OrganizedBirds. See the function 'organizedBirds()'.")

  #check x class = Organised birds
  if (class(ev) != "data.frame") {
    stop("The object 'ev' must be of class data.frame resulting from exploreVisits(). See the function 'exploreVisits()'.")
  if(!(criteria %in% c("SLL", "nObs", "effortDiam", "medianDist"))) stop("The argument 'criteria' needs to be one of c('SLL', 'nObs', 'effortDiam', 'medianDist')")

  if(!is.null(percent)){ #check if percent use it else minCrit, else error
    percent <- percent/100
    if(0 <= percent & percent <=1){#check percent between 0-1
      wEV <- match(obs[,visitCol], ev$visitUID)
      obs$crit <- ev[wEV,criteria]

      q <- floor(unname(quantile(obs$crit, probs = 1 - percent))) ## the lowest integer fulfilling this quantile
      goodVisits <- unique(obs[which( obs$crit > q),"visitUID"])

      wKeep <- which(obs[,visitCol] %in% goodVisits)
      percLeft <- length(wKeep) / nrow(obs)
      nextStep <- q

      while(round(percLeft, 3) < percent){ # while 1
        if(nextStep <= 0) break(paste0("Nothing else to remove. The result is ",
                                       round(percLeft*100, 2),
                                       "% of the original observations set"))
        nextVisits <- unique(obs[which( obs$crit >= nextStep &  obs$crit < nextStep + 1),
        wKeepNext <- which(obs[,visitCol] %in% nextVisits)
        nToAdd <- (percent - percLeft) * nrow(obs) ## if those to add are less

        if(nToAdd < 1) break(paste0("Nothing else to remove. The result is ",
                                    round(percLeft*100, 2),
                                    "% of the original observations set"))

          wKeep <- c(wKeep, wKeepNext)
          # nextVisitSample <- sample(nextVisits)
          nextVisitSample <- nextVisits[sample.int(length(nextVisits))]
          wKeepSample <- which(obs[,visitCol] %in% nextVisitSample)
          # pick a big chunk
          chunkPerc <- 1
          while(length(wKeepSample) >= nToAdd){
            chunkPerc <- chunkPerc * (1-stepChunk)
            chunk <- floor(length(nextVisitSample) * chunkPerc)
            wKeepSample <- which(obs[,visitCol] %in% nextVisitSample[1:chunk])
          #redefine which visits are left
            nextVisitSample <- nextVisitSample[-(1:chunk)]

          nObs2keep <- length(wKeep) + length(wKeepSample)
          percLeft.tmp <- nObs2keep / nrow(obs)
          if(percLeft.tmp <= percent){
            wKeep <- c(wKeep, wKeepSample)
            percLeft <- length(wKeep) / nrow(obs)

          ### Slowly complete until reaching the target
          message("Testing if it could be completed by chunks \n")
          while(round(percLeft, 3) < percent){ # while 2
            if(i > length(nextVisitSample)){
              break() # nothing left to add, lets look at the next class
            wKeepSample <- which(obs[,visitCol] %in% nextVisitSample[i])
            nObs2keep <- length(wKeep) + length(wKeepSample)
            percLeft.tmp <- nObs2keep / nrow(obs)
            if(percLeft.tmp <= percent){
              wKeep <- c(wKeep, wKeepSample)
              percLeft <- length(wKeep) / nrow(obs)
            } else {
              message("Chunks are too big, next...\n")
          } ## end while 2
        percLeft <- length(wKeep) / nrow(obs)
        nextStep <- nextStep - 1
      } # end of while 1
    }else{ stop("The argument 'percent' must be a number between 0 and 1")}
    # if percent is NULL
  }else if(!is.null(minCrit)){
    # check minCrit integer >1
    if(minCrit > 0){
      goodVisits <- ev[which(ev[,criteria] >= minCrit),"visitUID"]
      wKeep <- which(obs[,visitCol] %in% goodVisits)
      percLeft <- length(wKeep) / nrow(obs)
    }else{stop("The argument 'minCrit' must be > 0")}
  }else{stop("Either 'percent' or 'minCrit' must be supplied")}

  x$spdf <- x$spdf[wKeep,]
  message(paste0("The result is ",
                 round(percLeft * 100, 2),
                 "% of the original observations set"))

# #' Remove observations considered outliers in the visits they belong to
# #'
# #' The function \code{\link{exploreVisits}}, among other things, identifies
# #' observations considered to be outliers on each visits.  WHAT IS OUTLIER?
# #' This function removes those observations from the original dataset.
# #'
# #' @param x an object of class \sQuote{OrganizedBirds} (organised BIRDS Spatial
# #' Dataframe). See \code{\link{organizeBirds}}
# #' @param ev an object of class \sQuote{data.frame} from exploreVisits.
# #'
# #' @return An updated OrganisedBirds dataset
# #' @examples
# #' \donttest{
# #' OB <- organizeBirds(bombusObs, sppCol = "scientificName", simplifySppName = TRUE)
# #' EV <- exploreVisits(OB)
# #' OBshorter <- removeOutliers(OB, EV)
# #' }
# #' @export
# removeOutliers <- function(x, ev){
#   #check x class = Organised birds
#   if (class(x) == "OrganizedBirds") {
#     obs <- x$spdf@data
#     visitCol <- attr(x, "visitCol")
#   } else {
#     stop("The object 'x' must be of class OrganizedBirds. See the function 'organizedBirds()'.")
#   }
#   #check x class = Organised birds
#   if (class(ev) != "data.frame") {
#     stop("The object 'ev' must be of class data.frame resulting from exploreVisits(). See the function 'exploreVisits()'.")
#   }
#   x$spdf <- x$spdf[wKeep,]
#   message(paste0("The result is ",
#                  round(percLeft*100, 2),
#                  "% of the original observations set"))
#   return(x)
# }

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BIRDS documentation built on June 27, 2021, 1:06 a.m.