
Defines functions get_beta_comp auto_psi gamma_coef lag_var

#' Lag a matrix
#' Compute a lagged version of a matrix to be used in vector autoregressions.
#' Higher lags are further to the right.
#' @param x Matrix (\eqn{N * M}) to lag.
#' @param lags Integer scalar. Number of lags to apply.
#' @return Returns an \eqn{N * (M * lags)} matrix with consecutive lags on the
#' right. The elements of the first \emph{lags} rows are 0.
#' @noRd
lag_var <- function(x, lags) {

  x_rows <- nrow(x)
  x_cols <- ncol(x)

  x_lagged <- matrix(0, x_rows, lags * x_cols)
  for(i in 1:lags) {
    x_lagged[(lags + 1):x_rows, (x_cols * (i - 1) + 1):(x_cols * i)] <-
      x[(lags + 1 - i):(x_rows - i), (1:x_cols)]


#' Compute gamma coefficients
#' Compute the shape \emph{k} and scale \emph{theta} of a Gamma
#' distribution via the mode and standard deviation.
#' @param mode Numeric scalar.
#' @param sd Numeric scalar.
#' @return Returns a list with shape \emph{k} and scale parameter \emph{theta}.
#' @noRd
gamma_coef <- function(mode, sd) {

  mode_sq <- mode ^ 2
  sd_sq <- sd ^ 2
  k <- (2 + mode_sq / sd_sq + sqrt((4 + mode_sq / sd_sq) * mode_sq / sd_sq)) / 2
  theta <- sqrt(sd_sq / k)

  return(list("k" = k, "theta" = theta))

#' Auto-set psi of the Minnesota prior
#' Automatically set the prior values of \emph{psi}. Fits an \eqn{AR(p)} model
#' and sets the mode to the square-root of the innovations variance. Boundaries
#' are set to the mode times / divided by 100.
#' If the call to \code{\link[stats]{arima}} fails, an integrated
#' \eqn{ARIMA(p, 1, 0)} model is fitted instead.
#' @param x Numeric matrix with the data.
#' @param lags Numeric scalar. Number of lags in the model.
#' @importFrom stats arima
#' @return Returns a list with the modes, minimum, and maximum values for
#' \emph{psi}.
#' @noRd
auto_psi <- function(x, lags) {

  out <- list("mode" = rep(NA_real_, ncol(x)))

  for(j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
    ar_sigma2 <- tryCatch(sqrt(arima(x[, j], order = c(lags, 0, 0))$sigma2),
      error = function(e) { # If this fails for, increment integration
        message("Caught an error while automatically setting psi. ",
          "Column ", j, " appears to be integrated; caught error:\n", e, "\n",
          "Attempting to increase order of integration via an ARIMA(",
          lags, ", 1, 0) model.")
        # Integrated ARMA instead
        tryCatch(sqrt(arima(x[, j], order = c(lags, 1, 0))$sigma2),
          error = function(f) {
            stop("Cannot set psi automatically via ARIMA(", lags, ", 0/1, 0)",
              "Caught the error:\n", f, "\nPlease inspect the data ",
              "or provide psi manually (see `?bv_psi`).")
      }, warning = function(w) {
        message("Caught a warning while setting psi automatically:\n", w, "\n")
        suppressWarnings(sqrt(arima(x[, j], order = c(lags, 0, 0))$sigma2))
    out[["mode"]][j] <- ar_sigma2
  out[["min"]] <- out[["mode"]] / 100
  out[["max"]] <- out[["mode"]] * 100

# auto_psi <- function(x, lags) {
#   out <- list("mode" = rep(NA_real_, ncol(x)))
#   for(j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
#     y_0 <- cbind(1, lag_var(x[, j, drop = FALSE], lags = lags))
#     y_0 <- y_0[(lags + 1):nrow(y_0), ]
#     y_1 <- as.matrix(x[(lags + 1):nrow(x), j, drop = FALSE])
#     ar_beta <- chol2inv(chol(crossprod(y_0))) %*% crossprod(y_0, y_1)
#     ar_resid <- y_1 - y_0 %*% ar_beta
#     out[["mode"]][j] <- sqrt(sum(ar_resid^2) / (nrow(y_0) - lags - 1))
#   }
#   out[["min"]] <- out[["mode"]] / 100
#   out[["max"]] <- out[["mode"]] * 100
#   return(out)
# }

#' Compute companion matrix
#' Compute the companion form of the VAR coefficients.
#' @param beta Numeric (\eqn{K * M}) matrix with VAR coefficients.
#' @param K Integer scalar. Number of columns in the independent data.
#' @param M Integer scalar. Number of columns in the dependent data.
#' @param lags Integer scalar. Number of lags applied.
#' @return Returns a numeric (\eqn{K - 1 * K -1}) matrix with \emph{beta} in
#' companion form.
#' @noRd
get_beta_comp <- function(beta, K, M, lags) {

  beta_comp <- matrix(0, K - 1, K - 1)

  beta_comp[1:M, ] <- t(beta[2:K, ]) # Kick constant
  if(lags > 1) { # Add block-diagonal matrix beneath VAR coefficients
    beta_comp[(M + 1):(K - 1), 1:(K - 1 - M)] <- diag(M * (lags - 1))


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