
Defines functions BatchGetSymbols

Documented in BatchGetSymbols

#' Function to download financial data
#' This function downloads financial data from Yahoo Finance using \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}}.
#' Based on a set of tickers and a time period, the function will download the data for each ticker and return a report of the process, along with the actual data in the long dataframe format.
#' The main advantage of the function is that it automatically recognizes the source of the dataset from the ticker and structures the resulting data from different sources in the long format.
#' A caching system is also available, making it very fast.
#' @section Warning:
#' Do notice that since 2019, adjusted prices are no longer available from google finance.
#' When using this source, the function will output NA values for this column.
#' Also, be aware that when using cache system in a local folder (and not the default tempdir()), the aggregate prices series might not match if
#' a split or dividends event happens in between cache files.
#' @param tickers A vector of tickers. If not sure whether the ticker is available, check the websites of google and yahoo finance. The source for downloading
#'  the data can either be Google or Yahoo. The function automatically selects the source webpage based on the input ticker.
#' @param first.date The first date to download data (date or char as YYYY-MM-DD)
#' @param last.date The last date to download data (date or char as YYYY-MM-DD)
#' @param bench.ticker The ticker of the benchmark asset used to compare dates. My suggestion is to use the main stock index of the market from where the data is coming from (default = ^GSPC (SP500, US market))
#' @param type.return Type of price return to calculate: 'arit' (default) - aritmetic, 'log' - log returns.
#' @param freq.data Frequency of financial data ('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly')
#' @param how.to.aggregate Defines whether to aggregate the data using the first observations of the aggregating period or last ('first', 'last').
#'  For example, if freq.data = 'yearly' and how.to.aggregate = 'last', the last available day of the year will be used for all
#'  aggregated values such as price.adjusted.
#' @param thresh.bad.data A percentage threshold for defining bad data. The dates of the benchmark ticker are compared to each asset. If the percentage of non-missing dates
#'  with respect to the benchmark ticker is lower than thresh.bad.data, the function will ignore the asset (default = 0.75)
#' @param do.complete.data Return a complete/balanced dataset? If TRUE, all missing pairs of ticker-date will be replaced by NA or closest price (see input do.fill.missing.prices). Default = FALSE.
#' @param do.fill.missing.prices Finds all missing prices and replaces them by their closest price with preference for the previous price. This ensures a balanced dataset for all assets, without any NA. Default = TRUE.
#' @param do.cache Use cache system? (default = TRUE)
#' @param cache.folder Where to save cache files? (default = file.path(tempdir(), 'BGS_Cache') )
#' @param do.parallel Flag for using parallel or not (default = FALSE). Before using parallel, make sure you call function future::plan() first.
#' @param be.quiet Logical for printing statements (default = FALSE)
#' @return A list with the following items: \describe{
#' \item{df.control }{A dataframe containing the results of the download process for each asset}
#' \item{df.tickers}{A dataframe with the financial data for all valid tickers} }
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @seealso \link[quantmod]{getSymbols}
#' @examples
#' tickers <- c('FB','MMM')
#' first.date <- Sys.Date()-30
#' last.date <- Sys.Date()
#' l.out <- BatchGetSymbols(tickers = tickers,
#'                          first.date = first.date,
#'                         last.date = last.date, do.cache=FALSE)
#' print(l.out$df.control)
#' print(l.out$df.tickers)
BatchGetSymbols <- function(tickers,
                            first.date = Sys.Date()-30,
                            last.date = Sys.Date(),
                            thresh.bad.data = 0.75,
                            bench.ticker = '^GSPC',
                            type.return = 'arit',
                            freq.data = 'daily',
                            how.to.aggregate = 'last',
                            do.complete.data = FALSE,
                            do.fill.missing.prices = TRUE,
                            do.cache = TRUE,
                            cache.folder = file.path(tempdir(),
                            do.parallel = FALSE,
                            be.quiet = FALSE) {

  # 20220501 DEPRECATION
  my_message <- stringr::str_glue(
    "2022-05-01: Package BatchGetSymbols will soon be replaced by yfR. \n",
    "More details about the change is available at github <<www.github.com/msperlin/yfR>",
    "\nYou can install yfR by executing:\n\n",
  lifecycle::deprecate_soft(when = "2.6.4", "BatchGetSymbols()", "yfR::yf_get()",
                            details = my_message)

  # check for internet
  test.internet <- curl::has_internet()
  if (!test.internet) {
    stop('No internet connection found...')

  # check cache folder
  if ( (do.cache)&(!dir.exists(cache.folder))) dir.create(cache.folder)

  # check options
  possible.values <- c('arit', 'log')
  if (!any(type.return %in% possible.values)) {
    stop(paste0('Input type.ret should be one of:\n\n', paste0(possible.values, collapse = '\n')))

  possible.values <- c('first', 'last')
  if (!any(how.to.aggregate %in% possible.values)) {
    stop(paste0('Input how.to.aggregate should be one of:\n\n', paste0(possible.values, collapse = '\n')))

  # check for NA
  if (any(is.na(tickers))) {
    my.msg <- paste0('Found NA value in ticker vector.',
                     'You need to remove it before running BatchGetSymbols.')

  possible.values <- c('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly')
  if (!any(freq.data %in% possible.values)) {
    stop(paste0('Input freq.data should be one of:\n\n', paste0(possible.values, collapse = '\n')))

  # check date class
  first.date <- as.Date(first.date)
  last.date <- as.Date(last.date)

  if (class(first.date) != 'Date') {
    stop('ERROR: Input first.date should be of class Date')

  if (class(last.date) != 'Date') {
    stop('ERROR: Input first.date should be of class Date')

  if (last.date<=first.date){
    stop('The last.date is lower (less recent) or equal to first.date. Check your dates!')

  # check tickers
  if (!is.null(tickers)){
    tickers <- as.character(tickers)

    if (class(tickers)!='character'){
      stop('The input tickers should be a character object.')

  # check threshold
  if ( (thresh.bad.data<0)|(thresh.bad.data>1)){
    stop('Input thresh.bad.data should be a proportion between 0 and 1')

  # build tickers.src (google tickers have : in their name)
  tickers.src <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(tickers,':'),'google','yahoo')

  if (any(tickers.src == 'google')) {
    my.msg <- 'Google is no longer providing price data.
    You should be using tickers from YFinance'

  # fix for dates with google finance data
  # details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20472376/quantmod-empty-dates-in-getsymbols-from-google

      invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "C"))
      invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C"))

  # check if using do_parallel = TRUE
  # 20220501 Yahoo finance started setting limits to api calls, which
  # invalidates the use of any parallel computation
  if (do.parallel) {
    my_message <- stringr::str_glue(
      "Since 2022-04-25, Yahoo Finance started to set limits to api calls, ",
      "resulting in 401 errors. When using parallel computations for fetching ",
      "data, the limit is reached easily. Said that, the parallel option is now",
      " disabled by default. Please set do_parallel = FALSE to use this function.",
      "Returning empty dataframe.")



  # disable dplyr group message
  options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)

  # first screen msgs

  if (!be.quiet) {
    message('\nRunning BatchGetSymbols for:', appendLF = FALSE )
    message('\n   tickers =', paste0(tickers, collapse = ', '), appendLF = FALSE )
    message('\n   Downloading data for benchmark ticker', appendLF = FALSE )

  # detect if bench.src is google or yahoo (google tickers have : in their name)
  bench.src <- ifelse(stringr::str_detect(bench.ticker,':'),'google','yahoo')

  df.bench <- myGetSymbols(ticker = bench.ticker,
                           i.ticker = 1,
                           length.tickers = 1,
                           src = bench.src,
                           first.date = first.date,
                           last.date = last.date,
                           do.cache = do.cache,
                           cache.folder = cache.folder,
                           be.quiet = be.quiet)

  # run fetching function for all tickers

  l.args <- list(ticker = tickers,
                 i.ticker = seq_along(tickers),
                 length.tickers = length(tickers),
                 src = tickers.src,
                 first.date = first.date,
                 last.date = last.date,
                 do.cache = do.cache,
                 cache.folder = cache.folder,
                 df.bench = rep(list(df.bench), length(tickers)),
                 thresh.bad.data = thresh.bad.data,
                 be.quiet =  be.quiet)

  if (!do.parallel) {

    my.l <- purrr::pmap(.l = l.args,
                        .f = myGetSymbols)

  } else {

    # find number of used cores
    formals.parallel <- formals(future::plan())
    used.workers <- formals.parallel$workers

    available.cores <- future::availableCores()

    if (!be.quiet) {
      message(paste0('\nRunning parallel BatchGetSymbols with ', used.workers, ' cores (',
                     available.cores, ' available)'), appendLF = FALSE )
      message('\n\n', appendLF = FALSE )

    # test if plan() was called
    msg <- utils::capture.output(future::plan())

    flag <- stringr::str_detect(msg[1], 'sequential')

    if (flag) {
      stop(paste0('When using do.parallel = TRUE, you need to call future::plan() to configure your parallel settings. \n',
                  'A suggestion, write the following lines:\n\n',
                  'future::plan(future::multisession, workers = floor(parallel::detectCores()/2))',
                  'The last line should be placed just before calling BatchGetSymbols. ',
                  'Notice it will use half of your available cores so that your OS has some room to breathe.'))

    my.l <- furrr::future_pmap(.l = l.args,
                               .f = myGetSymbols,
                               .progress = TRUE)


  df.tickers <- dplyr::bind_rows(purrr::map(my.l, 1))
  df.control <- dplyr::bind_rows(purrr::map(my.l, 2))

  # remove tickers with bad data
  tickers.to.keep <- df.control$ticker[df.control$threshold.decision=='KEEP']
  idx <- df.tickers$ticker %in% tickers.to.keep
  df.tickers <- df.tickers[idx, ]

  # do data manipulations
  if (do.complete.data) {
    ticker <- ref.date <- NULL # for cran check: "no visible binding for global..."
    df.tickers <- tidyr::complete(df.tickers, ticker, ref.date)

    l.out <- lapply(split(df.tickers, f = df.tickers$ticker),

    df.tickers <- dplyr::bind_rows(l.out)


  # change frequency of data
  if (freq.data != 'daily') {

    str.freq <- switch(freq.data,
                       'weekly' = '1 week',
                       'monthly' = '1 month',
                       'yearly' = '1 year')

    # find the first monday (see issue #19)
    # https://github.com/msperlin/BatchGetSymbols/issues/19
    temp_dates <- seq(as.Date(paste0(lubridate::year(min(df.tickers$ref.date)), '-01-01')),
                      as.Date(paste0(lubridate::year(max(df.tickers$ref.date))+1, '-12-31')),
                      by = '1 day')

    temp_weekdays <- lubridate::wday(temp_dates, week_start = 1)
    first_idx <- min(which(temp_weekdays == 1))
    first_monday <- temp_dates[first_idx]

    if (freq.data == 'weekly') {
      # make sure it starts on a monday
      week.vec <- seq(first_monday,
                      as.Date(paste0(lubridate::year(max(df.tickers$ref.date))+1, '-12-31')),
                      by = str.freq)
    } else {
      # every other case
      week.vec <- seq(as.Date(paste0(lubridate::year(min(df.tickers$ref.date)), '-01-01')),
                      as.Date(paste0(lubridate::year(max(df.tickers$ref.date))+1, '-12-31')),
                      by = str.freq)

    df.tickers$time.groups <- cut(x = df.tickers$ref.date, breaks = week.vec, right = FALSE)

    # set NULL vars for CRAN check: "no visible binding..."
    time.groups <- volume <- price.open <- price.close <- price.adjusted <- NULL
    price.high <- price.low <- NULL

    if (how.to.aggregate == 'first') {

      df.tickers <- df.tickers %>%
        group_by(time.groups, ticker) %>%
        summarise(ref.date = min(ref.date),
                  volume = sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE),
                  price.open = first(price.open),
                  price.high = max(price.high),
                  price.low = min(price.low),
                  price.close = first(price.close),
                  price.adjusted = first(price.adjusted)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        #select(-time.groups) %>%
        arrange(ticker, ref.date)

    } else if (how.to.aggregate == 'last') {

      df.tickers <- df.tickers %>%
        group_by(time.groups, ticker) %>%
        summarise(ref.date = min(ref.date),
                  volume = sum(volume, na.rm = TRUE),
                  price.open = first(price.open),
                  price.high = max(price.high),
                  price.low = min(price.low),
                  price.close = last(price.close),
                  price.adjusted = last(price.adjusted) ) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        #select(-time.groups) %>%
        arrange(ticker, ref.date)

    df.tickers$time.groups <- NULL

  # calculate returns
  df.tickers$ret.adjusted.prices <- calc.ret(df.tickers$price.adjusted,
  df.tickers$ret.closing.prices  <- calc.ret(df.tickers$price.close,

  # fix for issue with repeated rows (see git issue 16)
  # https://github.com/msperlin/BatchGetSymbols/issues/16
  df.tickers = unique(df.tickers)

  # remove rownames from output (see git issue #18)
  # https://github.com/msperlin/BatchGetSymbols/issues/18
  rownames(df.tickers) <- NULL

  my.l <- list(df.control = df.control,
               df.tickers = df.tickers)

  # check if cach folder is tempdir()
  flag <- stringr::str_detect(cache.folder,
                              pattern = stringr::fixed(tempdir()))

  if (!flag) {
    warning(stringr::str_glue('\nIt seems you are using a non-default cache folder at {cache.folder}. ',
                              'Be aware that if any stock event -- split or dividend -- happens ',
                              'in between cache files, the resulting aggregate cache data will not correspond to reality as ',
                              'some part of the price data will not be adjusted to the event. ',
                              'For safety and reproducibility, my suggestion is to use cache system only ',
                              'for the current session with tempdir(), which is the default option.') )

  # enable dplyr group message
  options(dplyr.summarise.inform = TRUE)


Try the BatchGetSymbols package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BatchGetSymbols documentation built on May 1, 2022, 5:07 p.m.