
AcumSlash <- function(y, mu, sigma2, nu) {
  Acum <- z <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(y))
  z <- (y - mu)/sqrt(sigma2)
  for (i in 1:length(y)) {
    f1 <- function(u) {
      nu * u^(nu - 1) * pnorm(z[i] * sqrt(u))
    Acum[i] <- integrate(f1, 0, 1)$value

AcumNormalC <- function(y, mu, sigma2, nu) {
  Acum <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(y))
  eta <- nu[1]
  gama <- nu[2]
  Acum <- eta * pnorm(y, mu, sqrt(sigma2/gama)) + (1 - eta) * pnorm(y, 
                                                                    mu, sqrt(sigma2))

dSlash <- function(y, mu, sigma2, nu) {
  resp <- z <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(y))
  z <- (y - mu)/sqrt(sigma2)
  for (i in 1:length(y)) {
    f1 <- function(u) {
      nu * u^(nu - 0.5) * dnorm(z[i] * sqrt(u))/sqrt(sigma2)
    resp[i] <- integrate(f1, 0, 1)$value

dNormalC <- function(y, mu, sigma2, nu) {
  Acum <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(y))
  eta <- nu[1]
  gama <- nu[2]
  Acum <- eta * dnorm(y, mu, sqrt(sigma2/gama)) + (1 - eta) * dnorm(y, 
                                                                    mu, sqrt(sigma2))

verosCN <- function(auxf, cc, cens, sigma2, nu) {
  auxf1 <- sqrt(auxf)
  if (cens == "1") {
    ver1 <- (sum(log(dNormalC(auxf1[cc == 0], 0, 1, nu)/sqrt(sigma2))) + 
               sum(log(AcumNormalC(auxf1[cc == 1], 0, 1, nu))))
  if (cens == "2") {
    ver1 <- (sum(log(dNormalC(auxf1[cc == 0], 0, 1, nu)/sqrt(sigma2))) + 
               sum(log(AcumNormalC(auxf1[cc == 1], 0, 1, nu))))

Rhat1 <- function(param, n.iter, burnin, n.chains, n.thin) {
  param <- as.matrix(param)
  efect <- (n.iter - burnin)/n.thin
  p <- ncol(param)
  mat <- matrix(param, nrow = efect, ncol = n.chains * p)
  rhat <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = 1)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    l1 <- 2 * (i - 1) + 1
    c1 <- 2 * i
    rhat[i, 1] <- Rhat(mat[, l1:c1])
  return(rhat = rhat)

Rhat <- function(mat) {
  m <- ncol(mat)
  n <- nrow(mat)
  b <- apply(mat, 2, mean)
  B <- sum((b - mean(mat))^2) * n/(m - 1)
  w <- apply(mat, 2, var)
  W <- mean(w)
  s2hat <- (n - 1)/n * W + B/n
  Vhat <- s2hat + B/m/n
  covWB <- n/m * (cov(w, b^2) - 2 * mean(b) * cov(w, b))
  varV <- (n - 1)^2/n^2 * var(w)/m + (m + 1)^2/m^2/n^2 * 2 * B^2/(m - 
                                                                    1) + 2 * (m - 1) * (n - 1)/m/n^2 * covWB
  df <- 2 * Vhat^2/varV
  R <- sqrt((df + 3) * Vhat/(df + 1)/W)

hpd <- function(x, alpha) {
  n <- length(x)
  m <- max(1, ceiling(alpha * n))
  y <- sort(x)
  a <- y[1:m]
  b <- y[(n - m + 1):n]
  i <- order(b - a)[1]
  structure(c(a[i], b[i]), names = c("Lower Bound", "Upper Bound"))

MHnu <- function(last, U, lambda, prior = "Jeffreys", hyper) {
  n <- length(U)
  if (prior == "Jeffreys") {
    gJeffreys <- function(nu, U) {
      n <- length(U)
      ff <- log(sqrt(nu/(nu + 3)) * sqrt(trigamma(nu/2) - trigamma((nu + 
                                                                      1)/2) - 2 * (nu + 3)/((nu) * (nu + 1)^2))) + 0.5 * n * 
        nu * log(nu/2) + (0.5 * nu) * sum(log(U) - U) - n * log(gamma(nu/2))
    Fonseca1 <- deriv(~log(sqrt(nu/(nu + 3)) * sqrt(trigamma(nu/2) - 
                                                      trigamma((nu + 1)/2) - 2 * (nu + 3)/((nu) * (nu + 1)^2))) + 
                        0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) - n * log(gamma(nu/2)), c("nu"), function(nu) {
                        }, hessian = TRUE)
    Fonseca2 <- deriv(~(0.5 * nu) * (log(U) - U), c("nu"), function(U, 
                                                                    nu) {
    }, hessian = TRUE)
    aux1 <- Fonseca1(last)
    aux2 <- Fonseca2(U, last)
    q1 <- attr(aux1, "gradient")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "gradient"))
    q2 <- attr(aux1, "hessian")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "hessian"))
    aw <- last - q1/q2
    bw <- max(0.001, -1/q2)
    cand <- rtrunc(1, spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))
    alfa <- (exp(gJeffreys(cand, U))/exp(gJeffreys(last, U))) * (dtrunc(last, 
                                                                        spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))/dtrunc(cand, 
                                                                                                                                          spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw)))
  if (prior == "Exp") {
    gExp <- function(nu, U, hyper) {
      n <- length(U)
      ff <- (-hyper * nu) + 0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) + (0.5 * nu) * 
        sum(log(U) - U) - n * log(gamma(nu/2))
    Fonseca1 <- deriv(~(-hyper * nu) + 0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) - n * 
                        log(gamma(nu/2)), c("nu"), function(nu) {
                        }, hessian = TRUE)
    Fonseca2 <- deriv(~(0.5 * nu) * (log(U) - U), c("nu"), function(U, 
                                                                    nu) {
    }, hessian = TRUE)
    aux1 <- Fonseca1(last)
    aux2 <- Fonseca2(U, last)
    q1 <- attr(aux1, "gradient")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "gradient"))
    q2 <- attr(aux1, "hessian")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "hessian"))
    aw <- last - q1/q2
    bw <- max(0.001, -1/q2)
    cand <- rtrunc(1, spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))
    alfa <- (exp(gExp(cand, U, hyper))/exp(gExp(last, U, hyper))) * 
      (dtrunc(last, spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))/dtrunc(cand, 
                                                                                      spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw)))
  if (prior == "Unif") {
    gUnif <- function(nu, U) {
      n <- length(U)
      ff <- 0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) + (0.5 * nu) * sum(log(U) - 
                                                          U) - n * log(gamma(nu/2))
    Fonseca1 <- deriv(~0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) - n * log(gamma(nu/2)), 
                      c("nu"), function(nu) {
                      }, hessian = TRUE)
    Fonseca2 <- deriv(~(0.5 * nu) * (log(U) - U), c("nu"), function(U, 
                                                                    nu) {
    }, hessian = TRUE)
    aux1 <- Fonseca1(last)
    aux2 <- Fonseca2(U, last)
    q1 <- attr(aux1, "gradient")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "gradient"))
    q2 <- attr(aux1, "hessian")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "hessian"))
    aw <- last - q1/q2
    bw <- max(0.001, -1/q2)
    cand <- rtrunc(1, spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))
    alfa <- (exp(gUnif(cand, U))/exp(gUnif(last, U))) * (dtrunc(last, 
                                                                spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))/dtrunc(cand, 
                                                                                                                                  spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw)))
  if (prior == "Hierar") {
    gHierar <- function(nu, U) {
      n <- length(U)
      ff <- (-lambda * nu) + 0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) + (0.5 * nu) * 
        sum(log(U) - U) - n * log(gamma(nu/2))
    Fonseca1 <- deriv(~(-lambda * nu) + 0.5 * n * nu * log(nu/2) - 
                        n * log(gamma(nu/2)), c("nu"), function(nu) {
                        }, hessian = TRUE)
    Fonseca2 <- deriv(~(0.5 * nu) * (log(U) - U), c("nu"), function(U, 
                                                                    nu) {
    }, hessian = TRUE)
    aux1 <- Fonseca1(last)
    aux2 <- Fonseca2(U, last)
    q1 <- attr(aux1, "gradient")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "gradient"))
    q2 <- attr(aux1, "hessian")[1] + sum(attr(aux2, "hessian"))
    aw <- last - q1/q2
    bw <- max(0.001, -1/q2)
    cand <- rtrunc(1, spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))
    alfa <- (exp(gHierar(cand, U))/exp(gHierar(last, U))) * (dtrunc(last, 
                                                                    spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw))/dtrunc(cand, 
                                                                                                                                      spec = "norm", a = 2.1, b = 100, mean = aw, sd = sqrt(bw)))
  ifelse(runif(1) < min(alfa, 1), last <- cand, last <- last)

MHrhoCN <- function(last, U, cc, sigma2, nu, s0, s1, cens) {
  last1 <- last/(1 - last)
  desv <- 0.001
  cand <- rlnorm(1, meanlog = log(last1), sdlog = sqrt(desv))
  ver <- verosCN(U, cc, cens = cens, sigma2, nu)
  g <- function(r, ver) {
    r1 <- r/(1 + r)
    ff <- (r1)^(s0 - 1) * (1 - r1)^(s1 - 1) * ver * (1/(1 + r)^2)
  alfa <- g(cand, ver) * cand/(g(last1, ver) * last1)
  ifelse(runif(1) < min(alfa, 1), last <- cand, last <- last)

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