Man pages for BayesFactor
Computation of Bayes Factors for Common Designs

anovaBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for ANOVA designs
as.BFBayesFactorFunction to coerce objects to the BFBayesFactor class
as.BFprobabilityFunction to coerce objects to the BFprobability class
BayesFactor-packageFunctions to compute Bayes factor hypothesis tests for common...
BFBayesFactor-classGeneral S4 class for representing multiple Bayes factor model...
BFBayesFactorList-classGeneral S4 class for representing a collection of Bayes...
BFInfoPrints the version information for the BayesFactor package
BFManualOpens the HTML manual for the BayesFactor package
BFodds-classGeneral S4 class for representing multiple odds model...
BFprobability-classGeneral S4 class for representing multiple model probability...
compare-methodsCompare two models, with respect to some data
contingencyTableBFFunction for Bayesian analysis of one- and two-sample designs
correlationBFFunction for Bayesian analysis of correlations
enumerateGeneralModelsFunction for generation of nested linear models
extractBF-methodsExtract the Bayes factor from an object
extractOdds-methodsExtract the odds from an object
extractProbabilities-methodsExtract the probabilities from an object
filterBFFilter the elements of an object according to some...
generalTestBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for general designs
grapes-same-grapesCompare two objects to see if they are the 'same', for some...
grapes-termin-grapesFind a model term in a vector of model terms
linearReg.R2statUse R^2 statistic to compute Bayes factor for regression...
lmBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for specific linear models
logMeanExpLogsFunctions to compute the logarithm of the mean (and...
meta.ttestBFFunction for Bayesian analysis of one- and two-sample designs
model-classesGeneral S4 classes for representing models for comparison
model.matrix-methodsDesign matrices for Bayes factor linear models analyses.
newPriorOddsCreate prior odds from a Bayes factor object
nWayAOVUse ANOVA design matrix to compute Bayes factors or sample...
oneWayAOV.FstatUse F statistic to compute Bayes factor for balanced one-way...
options-BayesFactoroptions() for package BayesFactor
plot.BFBayesFactorPlot a Bayes factor object
plot.BFBayesFactorTopPlot a Bayes factor top-down object
posterior-methodsSample from the posterior distribution of one of several...
priorLogodds-methodSet prior log odds in an object
priorOdds-methodSet prior odds in an object
proportionBFFunction for Bayesian analysis of proportions
puzzlesPuzzle completion times from Hays (1994)
raceDollsHraba and Grant (1970) children's doll preference data
recompute-methodsRecompute a Bayes factor computation or MCMC object.
regressionBFFunction to compute Bayes factors for regression designs
ttestBFFunction for Bayesian analysis of one- and two-sample designs
ttest.tstatUse t statistic to compute Bayes factor for one- and two-...
BayesFactor documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:09 a.m.