contingencyTableBF: Function for Bayesian analysis of one- and two-sample designs

View source: R/contingency.R

contingencyTableBFR Documentation

Function for Bayesian analysis of one- and two-sample designs


This function computes Bayes factors for contingency tables.


  fixedMargin = NULL,
  priorConcentration = 1,
  posterior = FALSE,
  callback = function(...) as.integer(0),



an m by n matrix of counts (integers m,n > 1)


the sampling plan (see details)


for the independent multinomial sampling plan, which margin is fixed ("rows" or "cols")


prior concentration parameter, set to 1 by default (see details)


if TRUE, return samples from the posterior instead of Bayes factor


callback function for third-party interfaces


further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


The Bayes factor provided by contingencyTableBF tests the independence assumption in contingency tables under various sampling plans, each of which is described below. See Gunel and Dickey (1974) for more details.

For sampleType="poisson", the sampling plan is assumed to be one in which observations occur as a poisson process with an overall rate, and then assignment to particular factor levels occurs with fixed probability. Under the null hypothesis, the assignments to the two factors are independent. Importantly, the total N is not fixed.

For sampleType="jointMulti" (joint multinomial), the sampling plan is assumed to be one in which the total N is fixed, and observations are assigned to cells with fixed probability. Under the null hypothesis, the assignments to the two factors are independent.

For sampleType="indepMulti" (independent multinomial), the sampling plan is assumed to be one in which row or column totals are fixed, and each row or column is assumed to be multinomially distributed. Under the null hypothesis, each row or column is assumed to have the same multinomial probabilities. The fixed margin must be given by the fixedMargin argument.

For sampleType="hypergeom" (hypergeometric), the sampling plan is assumed to be one in which both the row and column totals are fixed. Under the null hypothesis, the cell counts are assumed to be governed by the hypergeometric distribution.

For all models, the argument priorConcentration indexes the expected deviation from the null hypothesis under the alternative, and corresponds to Gunel and Dickey's (1974) "a" parameter.


If posterior is FALSE, an object of class BFBayesFactor containing the computed model comparisons is returned.

If posterior is TRUE, an object of class BFmcmc, containing MCMC samples from the posterior is returned.


Posterior sampling for the hypergeometric model under the alternative has not yet been implemented.


Richard D. Morey (

Tahira Jamil (


Gunel, E. and Dickey, J., (1974) Bayes Factors for Independence in Contingency Tables. Biometrika, 61, 545-557


## Hraba and Grant (1970) doll race data

## Compute Bayes factor for independent binomial design, with
## columns as the fixed margin
bf = contingencyTableBF(raceDolls, sampleType = "indepMulti", fixedMargin = "cols")

## Posterior distribution of difference in probabilities, under alternative
chains = posterior(bf, iterations = 10000)
sameRaceGivenWhite = chains[,"pi[1,1]"] / chains[,"pi[*,1]"]
sameRaceGivenBlack = chains[,"pi[1,2]"] / chains[,"pi[*,2]"]
hist(sameRaceGivenWhite - sameRaceGivenBlack, xlab = "Probability increase",
  main = "Increase in probability of child picking\nsame race doll (white - black)",
  freq=FALSE, yaxt='n')

BayesFactor documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:09 a.m.