
Defines functions plot.BayesSUR

Documented in plot.BayesSUR

#' @title create a selection of plots
#' @description
#' plot method for class \code{BayesSUR}. This is the main plot function to be 
#' called by the user. This function calls one or several of the following 
#' functions: \code{plotEstimator()}, \code{plotGraph()}, \code{plotMCMCdiag()}, 
#' \code{plotManhattan()}, \code{plotNetwork()}, \code{plotCPO()}.
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.hold dev.flush devAskNewPage
#' @name plot.BayesSUR
#' @param x an object of class \code{BayesSUR}
#' @param estimator It is in \code{c(NULL, 'beta', 'gamma', 'Gy', 'logP', 'CPO')} 
#' and works by combining with argument \code{type}.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item If \code{estimator} is in \code{c("beta", "gamma", "Gy")} and 
#'   argument \code{type="heatmap"}, it prints heatmaps of the specified 
#'   estimator in \code{estimator} by a call to to function 
#'   \code{plotEstimator()} for more other arguments.
#'   \item If \code{estimator="Gy"} and argument \code{type="graph"}, it prints 
#'   a structure graph of \code{"Gy"} by a call to function \code{plotGraph()} 
#'   for more other arguments.
#'   \item If \code{estimator=c("gamma", "Gy")} and argument 
#'   \code{type="network"}, it prints the estimated network between the 
#'   response variables and predictors with nonzero coefficients by a call to 
#'   function \code{plotMCMCdiag()} for more other arguments.
#'   \item If \code{estimator=NULL} (default) and \code{type=NULL} (default), 
#'   it interactively prints the plots of estimators (i.e., beta, gamma 
#'   and (or) Gy), response graph Gy, network, Manhattan and MCMC diagnostics.
#' }
#' @param type It is one of \code{NULL}, \code{"heatmap"}, \code{"graph"}, 
#' \code{"network"}, \code{"Manhattan"} and \code{"diagnostics"}, and works by 
#' combining with argument \code{estimator}.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item If \code{type="Manhattan"} and argument \code{estimator="gamma"}, 
#'   it prints Manhattan-like plots for marginal posterior inclusion 
#'   probabilities (mPIP) and numbers of associated response variables for 
#'   individual predictors by a call to function \code{plotManhattan()} for 
#'   more other arguments.
#'   \item If \code{type="diagnostics"} and argument \code{estimator="logP"} 
#'   it shows trace plots and diagnostic density plots of a fitted model by a 
#'   call to function \code{plotMCMCdiag()} for more other arguments.
#'   \item If \code{type="diagnostics"} and argument \code{estimator="CPO"}, 
#'   it shows the conditional predictive ordinate (CPO) for each individual of 
#'   a fitted model by a call to function \code{plotCPO()} for more other arguments.
#' }
#' @param ... other arguments, see functions \code{plotEstimator()}, 
#' \code{plotGraph()}, \code{plotNetwork()}, \code{plotManhattan()}, 
#' \code{plotMCMCdiag()} or \code{plotCPO()}
#' @examples
#' data("exampleEQTL", package = "BayesSUR")
#' hyperpar <- list(a_w = 2, b_w = 5)
#' set.seed(9173)
#' fit <- BayesSUR(
#'   Y = exampleEQTL[["blockList"]][[1]],
#'   X = exampleEQTL[["blockList"]][[2]],
#'   data = exampleEQTL[["data"]], outFilePath = tempdir(),
#'   nIter = 2, burnin = 0, nChains = 1, gammaPrior = "hotspot",
#'   hyperpar = hyperpar, tmpFolder = "tmp/"
#' )
#' ## check output
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Show the interactive plots. Note that it needs at least 2000*(nbloc+1) iterations
#' ## for the diagnostic plots where nbloc=3 by default
#' # plot(fit)
#' }
#' ## plot heatmaps of the estimated beta, gamma and Gy
#' plot(fit, estimator = c("beta", "gamma", "Gy"), type = "heatmap")
#' ## plot estimated graph of responses Gy
#' plot(fit, estimator = "Gy", type = "graph")
#' ## plot network between response variables and associated predictors
#' plot(fit, estimator = c("gamma", "Gy"), type = "network")
#' ## print Manhattan-like plots
#' plot(fit, estimator = "gamma", type = "Manhattan")
#' ## print MCMC diagnostic plots
#' #plot(fit, estimator = "logP", type = "diagnostics")
#' @export
plot.BayesSUR <- function(x, estimator = NULL, type = NULL, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "BayesSUR")) {
    stop("Use only with \"BayesSUR\" objects")

  if (!is.null(estimator)) {
    if (sum(!(estimator %in% c("beta", "gamma", "Gy", "logP", "CPO")))) {
      stop("'estimator' should be in c(NULL, 'beta', 'gamma', 'Gy', 'logP', 'CPO')!")
  } else {
    if (!is.null(type)) {
      stop("If 'estimator = NULL', 'type' has to be 'NULL'!")

  if (!is.null(type)) {
    if (!(type %in% c("heatmap", "graph", "Manhattan", "network", "diagnostics"))) {
      stop("Please specify correct type!")

    if (!(((sum(estimator %in% c("beta", "gamma", "Gy")) > 0) && (type == "heatmap")) ||
      ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "Gy") && (type == "graph")) ||
      ((length(estimator) == 2) && (sum(estimator %in% c("gamma", "Gy")) == 2) && (type == "network")) ||
      ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "gamma") && (type == "Manhattan")) ||
      ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "logP") && (type == "diagnostics")) ||
      ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "CPO") && (type == "diagnostics")))
    ) {
      stop("Please specify correct argument!")

    ## refer to function plotEstimator()
    if ((sum(estimator %in% c("beta", "gamma", "Gy")) > 0) && 
        (type == "heatmap")) {
      plotEstimator(x, estimator, ...)

    ## refer to function plotGraph()
    if ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "Gy") && 
        (type == "graph")) {
      plotGraph(x, ...)

    ## refer to function plotNetwork()
    if ((length(estimator) == 2) && 
        (sum(estimator %in% c("gamma", "Gy")) == 2) && (type == "network")) {
      plotNetwork(x, ...)

    ## refer to function plotManhattan()
    if ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "gamma") && 
        (type == "Manhattan")) {
      plotManhattan(x, ...)

    ## refer to function plotMCMCdiag()
    if ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "logP") && 
        (type == "diagnostics")) {
      plotMCMCdiag(x, ...)

    ## refer to function plotCPO()
    if ((length(estimator) == 1) && (estimator[1] == "CPO") && 
        (type == "diagnostics")) {
      plotCPO(x, ...)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(estimator)) {
      stop("If 'type = NULL', 'estimator' has to be 'NULL'!")

    ## print plots interactively
    if (is.null(estimator[1])) {
      show <- rep(FALSE, 5)
      show[1:4] <- TRUE

      if (x$input$covariancePrior == "IG") {
        show[2:3] <- FALSE


      if (show[1L]) {
        plotEstimator(x, estimator = c("beta", "gamma", "Gy"), 
                      header = "\nEstimators", ...)
      if (show[2L]) {
        plotGraph(x, ...)
      if (show[3L]) {
        plotNetwork(x, header = "\n\nNetwork respresentation", ...)
      if (show[4L]) {
        plotManhattan(x, header = "\n\nManhattan-like plots", ...)
      if (show[5L]) {
        plotMCMCdiag(x, header = "\nMCMC diagnostic plots", ...)

    } else {
      stop("Please specify correct argument!")

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BayesSUR documentation built on June 30, 2024, 9:06 a.m.