
Defines functions plot.BchronCalibratedDates

Documented in plot.BchronCalibratedDates

#' Plot calibrated dates from a BchronCalibrate run
#' Plots calibrated radiocarbon dates from a \code{\link{BchronCalibrate}} run. Has options to plot on a position (usually depth) scale if supplied with the original run
#' @param x Output from \code{\link{BchronCalibrate}}
#' @param date Either numbers or date names to plot (only used if multiple dates have been calibrated)
#' @param withPositions Whether to plot with positions (i.e. using the position values as the y axis). By default TRUE if \code{x} has more than one date and contains positions
#' @param includeCal Whether to plot the date alongside the calibration curve (with 95\% uncertainty bands) and the normally distributed uncalibrated date.
#' @param dateHeight The height of the dates in the plot in the same units as the position values. Only relevant if \code{withPositions=TRUE}.
#' @param dateLabels Whether to add the names of the dates to the left of them. Default TRUE
#' @param dateLabelSize Size of the date labels
#' @param nudgeX The amount to move the date labels in the x direction. Can be negative. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_text}} for details
#' @param nudgeY The amount to move the date labels in the y direction. Can be negative. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_text}} for details
#' @param dateLabelSize Size of the date labels
#' @param fillCol A colour to fill the date densities when \code{withPositions} is TRUE, or HDR ranges when it is FALSE
#' @param withHDR Whether to plot the 95\% highest density region values
#' @param ageScale Either \code{bp} for years before present, \code{bc} for years BC/AD (BC will be negative), \code{b2k} for years before 2000. Others not supported (yet).
#' @param scaleReverse Whether to reverse the x-axis scale. Defaults to TRUE which works best for dates presented in e.g. years BP
#' @param pathToCalCurves The Bchron path to calibration curves. Defaults to the package location might need to be set to another folder if user defined calibration curves are being used
#' @param ... Other arguments to plot (currently ignored)
#' @details These plots are intended to be pretty basic and used simply for quick information. Users are encouraged to learn the R plotting features to produce publication quality graphics
#' @seealso \code{\link{BchronCalibrate}}, \code{\link{Bchronology}}, \code{\link{BchronRSL}}, \code{\link{BchronDensity}}, \code{\link{BchronDensityFast}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr map_dbl
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @export
plot.BchronCalibratedDates <-
           date = NULL,
           withPositions = ifelse(length(x) > 1 &
             !is.null(x[[1]]$positions) &
           TRUE, FALSE
           includeCal = FALSE,
           dateHeight = 100,
           dateLabels = TRUE,
           dateLabelSize = 2,
           nudgeX = 0,
           nudgeY = 0,
           fillCol = rgb(47 / 255, 79 / 255, 79 / 255, 0.5),
           withHDR = TRUE,
           ageScale = c("bp", "bc", "b2k"),
           scaleReverse = TRUE,
           pathToCalCurves = system.file("data",
             package = "Bchron"
           ...) {

    # Extract out which date to plot if given
    if (!is.null(date)) {
      n_dates <- length(date)

      # Stop if not all the dates are character or numeric
      if (!all(is.numeric(date))) {
        which_dates <- match(date, names(x))
        if (any(is.na(which_dates))) stop("Some provided dates do not match date names in calibrated dates object")
      } else if (any(is.na(match(1:length(date), 1:length(x))))) {
        stop("Some date numbers out of range")

      x_new <- vector("list", length = n_dates)
      for (j in 1:n_dates) {
        x_new[[j]] <- x[[date[j]]]
        if (is.numeric(date[j])) {
          names(x_new)[j] <- names(x)[[date[j]]]
        } else {
          names(x_new)[j] <- names(x)[[which_dates[j]]]
      x <- x_new
      class(x) <- "BchronCalibratedDates"

    # Scale function for age scales
    ageScale <- match.arg(ageScale, several.ok = FALSE)
    ageScaleFun <- function(z) {
        bp = z,
        bc = 1950 - z,
        b2k = z + 50

    # First plot for individual dates
    if (length(x) == 1) {
      df <- data.frame(
        Age = ageScaleFun(x[[1]]$ageGrid),
        Density = x[[1]]$densities
      my_breaks <- pretty(x = df$Age, n = 10)
      p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "Age", y = "Density")) +
        geom_line() +
        theme_bw() +
          breaks = my_breaks,
          labels = abs(my_breaks),
          trans = ifelse(scaleReverse, "reverse", "identity")
        ) +

      if (includeCal) {

        # Include the calibration curve
        calCurveFile <- paste(pathToCalCurves, "/", x[[1]]$calCurves,
          sep = ""
        if (!file.exists(calCurveFile)) stop(paste("Calibration curve file", calCurveFile, "not found"))
        calLocation <- load(calCurveFile)
        calCurve <- get(calLocation)
        calCurveUse <- subset(
          calCurve$V1 > min(x[[1]]$ageGrid) &
            calCurve$V1 < max(x[[1]]$ageGrid)
        calCurveUse$low <- calCurveUse$V2 - 2 * calCurveUse$V3
        calCurveUse$high <- calCurveUse$V2 + 2 * calCurveUse$V3

        c14ageGrid <- seq(x[[1]]$ages - 3 * x[[1]]$ageSds,
          x[[1]]$ages + 3 * x[[1]]$ageSds,
          by = 1
        c14density <- stats::dnorm(c14ageGrid,
          mean = x[[1]]$ages,
          sd = x[[1]]$ageSds
        edge_val <- ifelse(scaleReverse, max(calCurveUse$V1),
        mult_val <- ifelse(scaleReverse, -1, 1)
        df_14C <- data.frame(
          age = c14ageGrid,
          dens = mult_val * c14density / max(c14density) *
            dateHeight + edge_val
        myYlim <- range(c(df_14C$age, calCurveUse$low, calCurveUse$high))
        df$Density2 <- df$Density / max(df$Density) * dateHeight + min(myYlim)
        p <- ggplot(calCurveUse, aes_string(x = "V1", y = "V2")) +
          geom_line() +
          geom_line(aes_string(y = "low"), linetype = "dotted") +
          geom_line(aes_string(y = "high"), linetype = "dotted") +
          geom_line() +
          theme_bw() +
            breaks = my_breaks,
            labels = abs(my_breaks),
            trans = ifelse(scaleReverse,
          ) +
          ylim(myYlim) +
          ggtitle(names(x)[1]) +
            data = df, aes_string(x = "Age", y = "Density2"),
            fill = fillCol
          ) +
            data = df_14C, aes_string(x = "dens", y = "age"),
            fill = fillCol
          ) +
          labs(x = "Cal Age", y = "14C Age")
      } else if (withHDR) {
        my_hdr <- hdr(x[[1]])
        hdr_list <- vector("list", length(my_hdr))
        for (j in 1:length(my_hdr)) {
          x_seq <- ageScaleFun(seq(my_hdr[[j]][1], my_hdr[[j]][2], by = 1))
          y_lookup <- match(x_seq, df$Age)
          y_seq <- df$Density[y_lookup]
          hdr_list[[j]] <- data.frame(
            Age = c(
            Density = c(0, y_seq, 0),
            hdr = j
        hdr_df <- do.call(rbind, hdr_list)
        p <- p + geom_polygon(data = hdr_df, fill = fillCol)

    # Now for multiple dates without depths
    if (length(x) > 1 & withPositions == FALSE & includeCal == FALSE) {
      p <- vector("list", length(x))
      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        df <- data.frame(
          Age = ageScaleFun(x[[i]]$ageGrid),
          Density = x[[i]]$densities
        my_breaks <- pretty(x = df$Age, n = 10)
        p[[i]] <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "Age", y = "Density")) +
          geom_line() +
            breaks = my_breaks,
            labels = abs(my_breaks),
            trans = ifelse(scaleReverse,
              "reverse", "identity"
          ) +
          theme_bw() +
        if (withHDR) {
          my_hdr <- hdr(x[[i]])
          hdr_list <- vector("list", length(my_hdr))
          for (j in 1:length(my_hdr)) {
            x_seq <- ageScaleFun(seq(my_hdr[[j]][1],
              by = 1
            y_lookup <- match(x_seq, df$Age)
            y_seq <- df$Density[y_lookup]
            hdr_list[[j]] <- data.frame(
              Age = c(
              Density = c(0, y_seq, 0),
              hdr = j
          hdr_df <- do.call(rbind, hdr_list)
          p[[i]] <- p[[i]] + geom_polygon(data = hdr_df, fill = fillCol)
    } else if (length(x) > 1 &
      withPositions == FALSE &
      includeCal == TRUE) {
      # Extract calibration curves - all need to be the same
      allCurves <- purrr::map_chr(x, "calCurves")
      if (any(is.na(match(allCurves, allCurves[1])))) stop("All dates must be calibrated on same curve to plot against it")

      # Get the calibration curve
      calCurveFile <- paste(pathToCalCurves, "/", x[[1]]$calCurves,
        sep = ""
      if (!file.exists(calCurveFile)) stop(paste("Calibration curve file", calCurveFile, "not found"))
      calLocation <- load(calCurveFile)
      calCurve <- get(calLocation)

      # Find the limits of the calibration curve to plot
      allAgeGrid <- purrr::map(x, "ageGrid")

      # Find the minimum and maximum values across all the age grids
      minAgeGrid <- lapply(allAgeGrid, "min") %>%
        unlist() %>%
      maxAgeGrid <- lapply(allAgeGrid, "max") %>%
        unlist() %>%

      calCurveUse <- subset(
        calCurve$V1 > minAgeGrid &
          calCurve$V1 < maxAgeGrid
      caldf <- t(apply(sampleAges(x), 2, "quantile", c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)))
      colnames(caldf) <- c("calLow", "calMid", "calHigh")
      c14df <- data.frame(
        c14Mid = purrr::map_dbl(x, "ages"),
        c14Low = purrr::map_dbl(x, "ages") - 2 * purrr::map_dbl(x, "ageSds"),
        c14High = purrr::map_dbl(x, "ages") + 2 * purrr::map_dbl(x, "ageSds")

      # Combine them together
      alldf <- cbind(caldf, c14df)

      # my_breaks = pretty(x = df$Age, n = 10)
      p <- ggplot(calCurveUse, aes_string(x = "V1", y = "V2")) +
        geom_line() +
        theme_bw() +
        scale_x_continuous(trans = ifelse(scaleReverse,
        )) +
          data = alldf,
            x = "calMid",
            y = "c14Mid",
            ymin = "c14Low",
            ymax = "c14High"
          width = 1, col = fillCol
        ) +
          data = alldf,
          inherit.aes = FALSE,
            y = "c14Mid",
            xmin = "calLow",
            xmax = "calHigh"
          height = 1, col = fillCol
        ) +
        labs(x = "Cal Age", y = "14C Age")
    else if (length(x) > 1 &
      withPositions == TRUE &
      includeCal == FALSE) {
      # Finally for multiple dates with depths
      allAges <- purrr::map_dfr(x, `[`, c("ageGrid", "densities"), .id = c("Date")) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Age = .data$ageGrid)
      # scale all the densities to have max value 1
      scaleMax <- function(x) {
        return(x / max(x))
      allAges2 <- allAges %>%
        group_by(.data$Date) %>%
        mutate(densities = scaleMax(.data$densities)) %>%
      positionLookUp <- tibble(
        Date = names(x),
        Position = purrr::map_dbl(x, "positions")
      allAges3 <- left_join(allAges2, positionLookUp, by = "Date") %>%
          height = .data$densities * dateHeight,
          Age = ageScaleFun(.data$Age)

      expand_x <- if (dateLabels) {
        c(0.2, 0)
      } else {
        c(0, 0)
      expand_y <- c(0.1, 0)
      my_breaks <- pretty(x = allAges3$Age, n = 10)
      p <- allAges3 %>%
          x = "Age",
          y = "Position",
          height = "height",
          group = "Date"
        )) +
        ggridges::geom_ridgeline(fill = fillCol, colour = fillCol) +
          breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10),
          expand = expand_y
        ) +
        theme_bw() +
          breaks = my_breaks,
          expand = expand_x,
          labels = abs(my_breaks),
          trans = ifelse(scaleReverse, "reverse", "identity")
      if (dateLabels) {
        p <- p + geom_text(
          data = allAges3 %>%
            group_by(.data$Date) %>%
            summarise_all("mean") %>%
            mutate(Position = Position - 0.5 * dateHeight),
          aes_string(label = "Date"),
          check_overlap = TRUE,
          vjust = 0.5,
          hjust = "right",
          nudge_x = nudgeX,
          nudge_y = nudgeY,
          size = dateLabelSize

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Bchron documentation built on June 10, 2021, 9:10 a.m.