
Defines functions WriteFamilyAndMapFiles FindGroups SIDandFID4 FindSNPInfoNumeric FindBDSNPInfo WriteBinaryDosageHeader WriteBinaryDosageHeader1 WriteBinaryDosageHeader31 WriteBinaryDosageHeader33 WriteBinaryDosageHeader34 WriteBinaryDosageHeader4 WriteBinaryDosageHeader41 WriteBinaryDosageHeader43 WriteBinaryDosageHeader44 AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory WriteBinaryDosageData WriteBinaryDosageData1 WriteBinaryDosageData2 WriteBinaryDosageData3 WriteBinaryDosageData4 WriteBinaryDosageData5 WriteBinaryDosageData6 WriteBinaryDosageIndices WriteBinaryDosageIndices1 WriteBinaryDosageIndices2 getaaf getmaf getrsq

Documented in getaaf getmaf getrsq

#                                                                           #
#                       Writing Binary Dosage files                         #
#                                                                           #

#             Support functions for subject and SNP data                    #

# Formats 1, 2, and 3 all have a separate family and map file
# This routine saves the data frames in RDS format
WriteFamilyAndMapFiles <- function(filename, samples, snps) {
  saveRDS(samples, filename[2])
  saveRDS(snps, filename[3])
  return (md5 <- c(digest(samples, "md5"), digest(snps, "md5")))

# Find the groups value in the genetic file info. If it doesn't
# exist it returns the number of samples
FindGroups <- function(geneticfileinfo) {
  x <- match("groups", names(geneticfileinfo$additionalinfo))
  if (is.na(x) == TRUE)
    return (nrow(geneticfileinfo$samples))

# Create the subject and family strings to write to the binary
# dosage header for format 4
SIDandFID4 <- function(genefileinfo) {
  sid <- paste(genefileinfo$samples$sid, collapse = '\t')
  if (genefileinfo$usesfid == TRUE)
    fid <- paste(genefileinfo$samples$fid, collapse = '\t')
    fid <- ""
  return (list(sid = sid, fid = fid))

# Find a numeric vector in the SNP info data frame or the
# bdoptions. If option is specified, a vector of zeros is
# return. If it is not found in the options, it
# returns the vector if found in the SNP info, otherwise
# it returns a numeric vector of length 0
FindSNPInfoNumeric <- function(tofind, snpinfo, numsnps, bdoptions) {
  if (is.na(match(tofind, bdoptions)) == FALSE)
    return (numeric(numsnps))
  infocol <- match(tofind, names(snpinfo))
  if (is.na(infocol) == FALSE)
    return (as.vector(snpinfo[[infocol]]))
  return (numeric(0))

# Find the SNP information needed for format 4
FindBDSNPInfo <- function(genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  snpcolnames <- colnames(genefileinfo$snps)
  if (genefileinfo$snpidformat == 0)
    snpid <- genefileinfo$snps$snpid
    snpid <- ""
  chr <- genefileinfo$snps$chromosome
  if (genefileinfo$onechr == TRUE)
    chr <- chr[1]
  loc <- genefileinfo$snps$location
  ref <- genefileinfo$snps$reference
  alt <- genefileinfo$snps$alternate

  aaf <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("aaf", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), bdoptions)
  maf <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("maf", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), bdoptions)
  # Average call cannot be calculated, therefore bdoptions are meaningless
  avgcall <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("avgcall", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), "")
  rsq <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("rsq", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), bdoptions)

  snpid <- paste0(snpid, collapse = '\t')
  chr <- paste0(chr, collapse = '\t')
  ref <- paste0(ref, collapse = '\t')
  alt <- paste0(alt, collapse = '\t')
  return (list(snpid = snpid,
               chromosome = chr,
               location = loc,
               reference = ref,
               alternate = alt,
               aaf = aaf,
               maf = maf,
               avgcall = avgcall,
               rsq = rsq))

#                                                                           #
#                     Writing the Binary Dosage header                      #
#                                                                           #

# Writes the header for the various formats of the formats
# of the binary dosage file. These vary for all the different
# formats.
WriteBinaryDosageHeader <- function(format, subformat, filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  writeHeaderFunc <- list(f1 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader1, WriteBinaryDosageHeader1),
                          f2 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader1, WriteBinaryDosageHeader1),
                          f3 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader31, WriteBinaryDosageHeader31, WriteBinaryDosageHeader33, WriteBinaryDosageHeader34),
                          f4 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader41, WriteBinaryDosageHeader41, WriteBinaryDosageHeader43, WriteBinaryDosageHeader44))
  WriteBinaryDosageBaseHeader(filename[1], format - 1, subformat - 1)
  return (writeHeaderFunc[[format]][[subformat]](filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions))

WriteBinaryDosageHeader1 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
  return (0)

WriteBinaryDosageHeader31 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
  WriteBinaryDosageHeader3A(filename[1], nrow(genefileinfo$samples))
  return (0)

WriteBinaryDosageHeader33 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
  WriteBinaryDosageHeader3B(filename[1], md5[1], md5[2], 0)
  return (0)

WriteBinaryDosageHeader34 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
  WriteBinaryDosageHeader3B(filename[1], md5[1], md5[2], nrow(genefileinfo$snps))
  return (0)

WriteBinaryDosageHeader4 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
                                     headerEntries, offsets, numindices) {
  subInfo <- SIDandFID4(genefileinfo)
  snpInfo <- FindBDSNPInfo(genefileinfo, bdoptions)

  return (0)

WriteBinaryDosageHeader41 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  headerEntries <- 8L
  offsets <- c(seq(8L, 36L, 4L), 36L)
  return (WriteBinaryDosageHeader4(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
                                   headerEntries, offsets, 0))

WriteBinaryDosageHeader43 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  headerEntries <- 4
  offsets <- c(rep(-1L, 5), seq(8L, 20L, 4L))
  return (WriteBinaryDosageHeader4(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
                                   headerEntries, offsets, 0))

WriteBinaryDosageHeader44 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
  headerEntries <- 4
  offsets <- c(rep(-1L, 5), seq(8L, 20L, 4L))
  return (WriteBinaryDosageHeader4(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
                                   headerEntries, offsets, nrow(genefileinfo$snps)))

#                                                                           #
#                     Writing the Binary Dosage data                        #
#                                                                           #

#                        Allocate memory                                    #

# Allocates memory needed to write binary dosage files
# This is sufficient for all formats
AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory <- function(headerinfo) {
  filename <- headerinfo$filename
  format <- headerinfo$additionalinfo$format
  subformat <- headerinfo$additionalinfo$subformat
  headersize <- headerinfo$additionalinfo$headersize
  snpnumber <- integer(1)
  datasize <- integer(nrow(headerinfo$snps))
  us <- integer(2*nrow(headerinfo$samples))
  return(list(filename = filename,
              format = format,
              subformat = subformat,
              headersize = headersize,
              snpnumber = snpnumber,
              datasize = datasize,
              us = us))

#                        Write the data                                     #

# Write binary dosage data at the end of the file
# Header has already been written
# writeinfo was already created using AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory (see above)
WriteBinaryDosageData <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2, writeinfo) {
  writeFunc <- list(f1 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData1, WriteBinaryDosageData2),
                    f2 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData4),
                    f3 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData5, WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData6),
                    f4 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData5, WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData6))
  return (writeFunc[[writeinfo$format]][[writeinfo$subformat]](writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2))

WriteBinaryDosageData1 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  return (WriteBinaryDosageDataC(writeinfo$filename, dosage, writeinfo$us, 1))

WriteBinaryDosageData2 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  return (WriteBinaryP1P2Data(writeinfo$filename, p1, p2, writeinfo$us,  2))

WriteBinaryDosageData3 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  return (WriteBinaryDosageDataC(writeinfo$filename, dosage, writeinfo$us, 3))

WriteBinaryDosageData4 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  return (WriteBinaryP1P2Data(writeinfo$filename, p1, p2, writeinfo$us, 3))

WriteBinaryDosageData5 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  snpnumber <- -1L
  return (WriteBinaryCompressed(writeinfo$filename,
                                dosage, p0, p1, p2,

WriteBinaryDosageData6 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  return (WriteBinaryCompressed(writeinfo$filename,
                                dosage, p0, p1, p2,

#                                                                           #
#                     Writing the Binary Dosage indices                     #
#                                                                           #

# Write binary dosage indices to  the file
# Header has already been written
# funcData was already created using AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory (see above)
WriteBinaryDosageIndices <- function(writeinfo) {
  writeFunc <- list(f1 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1),
                    f2 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1),
                    f3 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices2),
                    f4 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices2))
  return (writeFunc[[writeinfo$format]][[writeinfo$subformat]](writeinfo))

WriteBinaryDosageIndices1 <- function(writeinfo) {
  return (0)

WriteBinaryDosageIndices2 <- function(writeinfo) {
  return(WriteBinaryDosageIndicesC(writeinfo$filename, writeinfo$headersize, writeinfo$datasize))

#                                                                           #
#                    Update snp info, aaf, maf, and rsq                     #
#                                                                           #
#' Calculate alternate allele frequency
#' Routine to calculate the alternate allele frequency given the dosages.
#' Missing values for dosage ignored. This function is used internally and
#' is exported for use in examples.
#' @param dosage Dosage values
#' @param p0 Pr(g=0) - unused
#' @param p1 Pr(g=1) - unused
#' @param p2 Pr(g=2) - unused
#' @return
#' Alternate allele frequency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get information about binary dosage file
#' bdfile <- system.file("extdata", "vcf1a.bdose", package = "BinaryDosage")
#' bdinfo <- getbdinfo(bdfiles = bdfile)
#' snp1 <- getsnp(bdinfo = bdinfo, 1)
#' aaf <- getaaf(snp1$dosage)
getaaf <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  return (mean(dosage, na.rm = TRUE) / 2)

#' Calculate minor allele frequency
#' Routine to calculate the minor allele frequency given the dosages.
#' Missing values for dosage ignored. This function is used internally and
#' is exported for use in examples. Note: The minor allele in one data set
#' may be different from another data set. This can make comparing minor
#' allele frequencies between data sets nonsensical.
#' @param dosage Dosage values
#' @param p0 Pr(g=0) - unused
#' @param p1 Pr(g=1) - unused
#' @param p2 Pr(g=2) - unused
#' @return
#' Minor allele frequency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get information about binary dosage file
#' bdfile <- system.file("extdata", "vcf1a.bdose", package = "BinaryDosage")
#' bdinfo <- getbdinfo(bdfiles = bdfile)
#' snp1 <- getsnp(bdinfo = bdinfo, 1)
#' maf <- getmaf(snp1$dosage)
getmaf <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  aaf <- mean(dosage, na.rm = TRUE) / 2
  maf <- ifelse(aaf > 0.5, 1. - aaf, aaf)
  return (maf)

#' Calculate imputation r squared
#' Routine to calculate the imputation r squared given the dosages
#' and Pr(g=2).
#' This is an estimate for the imputation r squared returned from
#' minimac and impute2. The r squared values are calculated slightly
#' differently between the programs. This estimate is based on the
#' method used by minimac. It does well for minor allele frequencies
#' above 5%. This function is used internally and is exported for
#' use in examples.
#' @param dosage Dosage values
#' @param p0 Pr(g=0) - unused
#' @param p1 Pr(g=1) - unused
#' @param p2 Pr(g=2)
#' @return
#' Imputation r squared
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get information about binary dosage file
#' bdfile <- system.file("extdata", "vcf1a.bdose", package = "BinaryDosage")
#' bdinfo <- getbdinfo(bdfiles = bdfile)
#' snp1 <- getsnp(bdinfo = bdinfo, 1, dosageonly = FALSE)
#' rsq <- BinaryDosage:::getrsq(snp1$dosage, p2 = snp1$p2)
getrsq <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
  q <- numeric(2 * length(dosage))
  d <- dosage * dosage - 4 * p2
  d <- ifelse(d < 0 & d > -0.01, 0., d)
  d <- sqrt(d)
  q[1:length(dosage)] <- 0.5 * (dosage - d)
  q[(length(dosage) + 1):(2*length(dosage))] <- 0.5 * (dosage + d)
  q <- q[is.na(q) == FALSE]
  mu <- mean(q)
  sigma <- mean(q*q) - mu * mu
  rsq <- sigma / (mu * (1. - mu))
  return (rsq)

updateaaf <- function (bdinfo) {
  if (bdinfo$additionalinfo$subformat < 3)
    headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4A(bdinfo$filename)
    headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4B(bdinfo$filename)

  aaf <- unlist(bdapply(bdinfo, getaaf))

  updatesnpinfo(bdinfo$filename, headerinfo$snps$aafoffset, aaf)

updatemaf <- function (bdinfo) {
  if (bdinfo$additionalinfo$subformat < 3)
    headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4A(bdinfo$filename)
    headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4B(bdinfo$filename)

  maf <- unlist(bdapply(bdinfo, getmaf))

  updatesnpinfo(bdinfo$filename, headerinfo$snps$mafoffset, maf)

updatersq <- function (bdinfo) {
  if (bdinfo$additionalinfo$subformat < 3)
    headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4A(bdinfo$filename)
    headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4B(bdinfo$filename)

  rsq <- unlist(bdapply(bdinfo, getrsq))

  updatesnpinfo(bdinfo$filename, headerinfo$snps$rsqoffset, rsq)

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BinaryDosage documentation built on Jan. 13, 2020, 5:06 p.m.