# #
# Writing Binary Dosage files #
# #
# Support functions for subject and SNP data #
# Formats 1, 2, and 3 all have a separate family and map file
# This routine saves the data frames in RDS format
WriteFamilyAndMapFiles <- function(filename, samples, snps) {
saveRDS(samples, filename[2])
saveRDS(snps, filename[3])
return (md5 <- c(digest(samples, "md5"), digest(snps, "md5")))
# Find the groups value in the genetic file info. If it doesn't
# exist it returns the number of samples
FindGroups <- function(geneticfileinfo) {
x <- match("groups", names(geneticfileinfo$additionalinfo))
if ( == TRUE)
return (nrow(geneticfileinfo$samples))
# Create the subject and family strings to write to the binary
# dosage header for format 4
SIDandFID4 <- function(genefileinfo) {
sid <- paste(genefileinfo$samples$sid, collapse = '\t')
if (genefileinfo$usesfid == TRUE)
fid <- paste(genefileinfo$samples$fid, collapse = '\t')
fid <- ""
return (list(sid = sid, fid = fid))
# Find a numeric vector in the SNP info data frame or the
# bdoptions. If option is specified, a vector of zeros is
# return. If it is not found in the options, it
# returns the vector if found in the SNP info, otherwise
# it returns a numeric vector of length 0
FindSNPInfoNumeric <- function(tofind, snpinfo, numsnps, bdoptions) {
if (, bdoptions)) == FALSE)
return (numeric(numsnps))
infocol <- match(tofind, names(snpinfo))
if ( == FALSE)
return (as.vector(snpinfo[[infocol]]))
return (numeric(0))
# Find the SNP information needed for format 4
FindBDSNPInfo <- function(genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
snpcolnames <- colnames(genefileinfo$snps)
if (genefileinfo$snpidformat == 0)
snpid <- genefileinfo$snps$snpid
snpid <- ""
chr <- genefileinfo$snps$chromosome
if (genefileinfo$onechr == TRUE)
chr <- chr[1]
loc <- genefileinfo$snps$location
ref <- genefileinfo$snps$reference
alt <- genefileinfo$snps$alternate
aaf <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("aaf", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), bdoptions)
maf <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("maf", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), bdoptions)
# Average call cannot be calculated, therefore bdoptions are meaningless
avgcall <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("avgcall", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), "")
rsq <- FindSNPInfoNumeric("rsq", genefileinfo$snpinfo, nrow(genefileinfo$snps), bdoptions)
snpid <- paste0(snpid, collapse = '\t')
chr <- paste0(chr, collapse = '\t')
ref <- paste0(ref, collapse = '\t')
alt <- paste0(alt, collapse = '\t')
return (list(snpid = snpid,
chromosome = chr,
location = loc,
reference = ref,
alternate = alt,
aaf = aaf,
maf = maf,
avgcall = avgcall,
rsq = rsq))
# #
# Writing the Binary Dosage header #
# #
# Writes the header for the various formats of the formats
# of the binary dosage file. These vary for all the different
# formats.
WriteBinaryDosageHeader <- function(format, subformat, filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
writeHeaderFunc <- list(f1 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader1, WriteBinaryDosageHeader1),
f2 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader1, WriteBinaryDosageHeader1),
f3 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader31, WriteBinaryDosageHeader31, WriteBinaryDosageHeader33, WriteBinaryDosageHeader34),
f4 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageHeader41, WriteBinaryDosageHeader41, WriteBinaryDosageHeader43, WriteBinaryDosageHeader44))
WriteBinaryDosageBaseHeader(filename[1], format - 1, subformat - 1)
return (writeHeaderFunc[[format]][[subformat]](filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions))
WriteBinaryDosageHeader1 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
return (0)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader31 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader3A(filename[1], nrow(genefileinfo$samples))
return (0)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader33 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader3B(filename[1], md5[1], md5[2], 0)
return (0)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader34 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
md5 <- WriteFamilyAndMapFiles(filename, genefileinfo$samples, genefileinfo$snps)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader3B(filename[1], md5[1], md5[2], nrow(genefileinfo$snps))
return (0)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader4 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
headerEntries, offsets, numindices) {
subInfo <- SIDandFID4(genefileinfo)
snpInfo <- FindBDSNPInfo(genefileinfo, bdoptions)
return (0)
WriteBinaryDosageHeader41 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
headerEntries <- 8L
offsets <- c(seq(8L, 36L, 4L), 36L)
return (WriteBinaryDosageHeader4(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
headerEntries, offsets, 0))
WriteBinaryDosageHeader43 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
headerEntries <- 4
offsets <- c(rep(-1L, 5), seq(8L, 20L, 4L))
return (WriteBinaryDosageHeader4(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
headerEntries, offsets, 0))
WriteBinaryDosageHeader44 <- function(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions) {
headerEntries <- 4
offsets <- c(rep(-1L, 5), seq(8L, 20L, 4L))
return (WriteBinaryDosageHeader4(filename, genefileinfo, bdoptions,
headerEntries, offsets, nrow(genefileinfo$snps)))
# #
# Writing the Binary Dosage data #
# #
# Allocate memory #
# Allocates memory needed to write binary dosage files
# This is sufficient for all formats
AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory <- function(headerinfo) {
filename <- headerinfo$filename
format <- headerinfo$additionalinfo$format
subformat <- headerinfo$additionalinfo$subformat
headersize <- headerinfo$additionalinfo$headersize
snpnumber <- integer(1)
datasize <- integer(nrow(headerinfo$snps))
us <- integer(2*nrow(headerinfo$samples))
return(list(filename = filename,
format = format,
subformat = subformat,
headersize = headersize,
snpnumber = snpnumber,
datasize = datasize,
us = us))
# Write the data #
# Write binary dosage data at the end of the file
# Header has already been written
# writeinfo was already created using AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory (see above)
WriteBinaryDosageData <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2, writeinfo) {
writeFunc <- list(f1 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData1, WriteBinaryDosageData2),
f2 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData4),
f3 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData5, WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData6),
f4 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData5, WriteBinaryDosageData3, WriteBinaryDosageData6))
return (writeFunc[[writeinfo$format]][[writeinfo$subformat]](writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2))
WriteBinaryDosageData1 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
return (WriteBinaryDosageDataC(writeinfo$filename, dosage, writeinfo$us, 1))
WriteBinaryDosageData2 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
return (WriteBinaryP1P2Data(writeinfo$filename, p1, p2, writeinfo$us, 2))
WriteBinaryDosageData3 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
return (WriteBinaryDosageDataC(writeinfo$filename, dosage, writeinfo$us, 3))
WriteBinaryDosageData4 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
return (WriteBinaryP1P2Data(writeinfo$filename, p1, p2, writeinfo$us, 3))
WriteBinaryDosageData5 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
snpnumber <- -1L
return (WriteBinaryCompressed(writeinfo$filename,
dosage, p0, p1, p2,
WriteBinaryDosageData6 <- function(writeinfo, dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
return (WriteBinaryCompressed(writeinfo$filename,
dosage, p0, p1, p2,
# #
# Writing the Binary Dosage indices #
# #
# Write binary dosage indices to the file
# Header has already been written
# funcData was already created using AllocateBinaryDosageWriteMemory (see above)
WriteBinaryDosageIndices <- function(writeinfo) {
writeFunc <- list(f1 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1),
f2 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1),
f3 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices2),
f4 <- c(WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices1, WriteBinaryDosageIndices2))
return (writeFunc[[writeinfo$format]][[writeinfo$subformat]](writeinfo))
WriteBinaryDosageIndices1 <- function(writeinfo) {
return (0)
WriteBinaryDosageIndices2 <- function(writeinfo) {
return(WriteBinaryDosageIndicesC(writeinfo$filename, writeinfo$headersize, writeinfo$datasize))
# #
# Update snp info, aaf, maf, and rsq #
# #
#' Calculate alternate allele frequency
#' Routine to calculate the alternate allele frequency given the dosages.
#' Missing values for dosage ignored. This function is used internally and
#' is exported for use in examples.
#' @param dosage Dosage values
#' @param p0 Pr(g=0) - unused
#' @param p1 Pr(g=1) - unused
#' @param p2 Pr(g=2) - unused
#' @return
#' Alternate allele frequency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get information about binary dosage file
#' bdfile <- system.file("extdata", "vcf1a.bdose", package = "BinaryDosage")
#' bdinfo <- getbdinfo(bdfiles = bdfile)
#' snp1 <- getsnp(bdinfo = bdinfo, 1)
#' aaf <- getaaf(snp1$dosage)
getaaf <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
return (mean(dosage, na.rm = TRUE) / 2)
#' Calculate minor allele frequency
#' Routine to calculate the minor allele frequency given the dosages.
#' Missing values for dosage ignored. This function is used internally and
#' is exported for use in examples. Note: The minor allele in one data set
#' may be different from another data set. This can make comparing minor
#' allele frequencies between data sets nonsensical.
#' @param dosage Dosage values
#' @param p0 Pr(g=0) - unused
#' @param p1 Pr(g=1) - unused
#' @param p2 Pr(g=2) - unused
#' @return
#' Minor allele frequency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get information about binary dosage file
#' bdfile <- system.file("extdata", "vcf1a.bdose", package = "BinaryDosage")
#' bdinfo <- getbdinfo(bdfiles = bdfile)
#' snp1 <- getsnp(bdinfo = bdinfo, 1)
#' maf <- getmaf(snp1$dosage)
getmaf <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
aaf <- mean(dosage, na.rm = TRUE) / 2
maf <- ifelse(aaf > 0.5, 1. - aaf, aaf)
return (maf)
#' Calculate imputation r squared
#' Routine to calculate the imputation r squared given the dosages
#' and Pr(g=2).
#' This is an estimate for the imputation r squared returned from
#' minimac and impute2. The r squared values are calculated slightly
#' differently between the programs. This estimate is based on the
#' method used by minimac. It does well for minor allele frequencies
#' above 5%. This function is used internally and is exported for
#' use in examples.
#' @param dosage Dosage values
#' @param p0 Pr(g=0) - unused
#' @param p1 Pr(g=1) - unused
#' @param p2 Pr(g=2)
#' @return
#' Imputation r squared
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get information about binary dosage file
#' bdfile <- system.file("extdata", "vcf1a.bdose", package = "BinaryDosage")
#' bdinfo <- getbdinfo(bdfiles = bdfile)
#' snp1 <- getsnp(bdinfo = bdinfo, 1, dosageonly = FALSE)
#' rsq <- BinaryDosage:::getrsq(snp1$dosage, p2 = snp1$p2)
getrsq <- function(dosage, p0, p1, p2) {
q <- numeric(2 * length(dosage))
d <- dosage * dosage - 4 * p2
d <- ifelse(d < 0 & d > -0.01, 0., d)
d <- sqrt(d)
q[1:length(dosage)] <- 0.5 * (dosage - d)
q[(length(dosage) + 1):(2*length(dosage))] <- 0.5 * (dosage + d)
q <- q[ == FALSE]
mu <- mean(q)
sigma <- mean(q*q) - mu * mu
rsq <- sigma / (mu * (1. - mu))
return (rsq)
updateaaf <- function (bdinfo) {
if (bdinfo$additionalinfo$subformat < 3)
headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4A(bdinfo$filename)
headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4B(bdinfo$filename)
aaf <- unlist(bdapply(bdinfo, getaaf))
updatesnpinfo(bdinfo$filename, headerinfo$snps$aafoffset, aaf)
updatemaf <- function (bdinfo) {
if (bdinfo$additionalinfo$subformat < 3)
headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4A(bdinfo$filename)
headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4B(bdinfo$filename)
maf <- unlist(bdapply(bdinfo, getmaf))
updatesnpinfo(bdinfo$filename, headerinfo$snps$mafoffset, maf)
updatersq <- function (bdinfo) {
if (bdinfo$additionalinfo$subformat < 3)
headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4A(bdinfo$filename)
headerinfo <- ReadBinaryDosageHeader4B(bdinfo$filename)
rsq <- unlist(bdapply(bdinfo, getrsq))
updatesnpinfo(bdinfo$filename, headerinfo$snps$rsqoffset, rsq)
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