toPajek: Export a network to the Pajek file format

toPajekR Documentation

Export a network to the Pajek file format


Exports a network to the Pajek file format to visualize transition trajectories. For more information on Pajek, please refer to


toPajek(stateGraph, file = "", includeLabels=FALSE, ...)



An object of class AttractorInfo or SymbolicSimulation, as returned by getAttractors and simulateSymbolicModel respectively. As the transition table information in this structure is required, getAttractors must be called in synchronous mode and with returnTable set to TRUE. Similarly, simulateSymbolicModel must be called with returnGraph=TRUE. Alternatively, stateGraph can be an object of class TransitionTable, which can be extracted using the functions getTransitionTable, getBasinOfAttraction, or getStateSummary .


The name of the output file for Pajek. Defaults to "".


If set to true, the vertices of the graph in the output file are labeled with the binary encodings of the states. Defaults to FALSE.


This is only for compatibility with previous versions and should not be used.


This function has no return value.

See Also

getAttractors, simulateSymbolicModel, getTransitionTable, getBasinOfAttraction, getStateSummary, toSBML


## Not run: 
# load example data

# get attractors
attractors <- getAttractors(cellcycle)

# export to Pajek
toPajek(attractors, file="")

## End(Not run)

BoolNet documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 5:08 p.m.

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