
Defines functions create.polygonplot

Documented in create.polygonplot

# The BoutrosLab.plotting.general package is copyright (c) 2013 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
# This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL
# (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.
# OICR makes no representations whatsoever as to the SOFTWARE contained herein.  It is experimental in nature and is provided WITHOUT
# By downloading this SOFTWARE, your Institution hereby indemnifies OICR against any loss, claim, damage or liability, of whatsoever kind or
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# If publications result from research using this SOFTWARE, we ask that the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research be acknowledged and/or
# credit be given to OICR scientists, as scientifically appropriate.

### FUNCTION TO CREATE POLYGONPLOT ################################################################
create.polygonplot <- function(
	formula, data, filename = NULL, groups = NULL, main = NULL, main.just = 'center', main.x = 0.5, main.y = 0.5,
	main.cex = 3, max, min, col = 'white', alpha = 0.5, border.col = 'black',
	strip.col = 'white', strip.cex = 1, type = 'p', cex = 0.75, pch = 19, lwd = 1, lty = 1, axes.lwd = 1,
	xlab.label = tail(sub('~', '', formula[-2]), 1), ylab.label = tail(sub('~', '', formula[-3]), 1),
	xlab.cex = 2, ylab.cex = 2, xlab.col = 'black', ylab.col = 'black', xlab.top.label = NULL, xlab.top.cex = 2,
	xlab.top.col = 'black', xlab.top.just = 'center', xlab.top.x = 0.5, xlab.top.y = 0, xaxis.lab = TRUE,
	yaxis.lab = TRUE, xaxis.cex = 1.5, yaxis.cex = 1.5, xaxis.rot = 0, yaxis.rot = 0, xaxis.log = FALSE,
	yaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.fontface = 'bold', yaxis.fontface = 'bold', xaxis.col = 'black', yaxis.col = 'black',
	xaxis.tck = 1, yaxis.tck = 1, xlimits = NULL, ylimits = NULL, xat = TRUE, yat = TRUE, layout = NULL,
	as.table = FALSE, x.spacing = 0, y.spacing = 0, x.relation = 'same', y.relation = 'same', top.padding = 0.5,
	bottom.padding = 2, right.padding = 1, left.padding = 2, ylab.axis.padding = 0, add.border = FALSE, add.xy.border = NULL,
	add.median = FALSE, median.lty = 3, median.lwd = 1.5, use.loess.border = FALSE, use.loess.median = FALSE,
	median = NULL, median.col = 'black', extra.points = NULL, extra.points.pch = 21, extra.points.type = 'p',
	extra.points.col = 'black', extra.points.fill = 'white', extra.points.cex = 1, add.rectangle = FALSE,
	xleft.rectangle = NULL, ybottom.rectangle = NULL, xright.rectangle = NULL, ytop.rectangle = NULL,
	col.rectangle = 'transparent', alpha.rectangle = 1, xgrid.at = xat, ygrid.at = yat, grid.lty = 1,
	grid.col = 'grey', grid.lwd = 0.3, add.xyline = FALSE, xyline.col = 'black', xyline.lwd = 1, xyline.lty = 1,
	abline.h = NULL, abline.v = NULL, abline.col = 'black', abline.lwd = 1, abline.lty = 1, add.text = FALSE,
	text.labels = NULL, text.x = NULL, text.y = NULL, text.col = 'black', text.cex = 1, text.fontface = 'bold',
	key = NULL, legend = NULL, height = 6, width = 6, size.units = 'in', resolution = 1600, enable.warnings = FALSE,
	description = 'Created with BoutrosLab.plotting.general', style = 'BoutrosLab', preload.default = 'custom',
	use.legacy.settings = FALSE, inside.legend.auto = FALSE
	) {

	if (!missing(add.xy.border)) {
		add.border <- add.xy.border;
		warning('add.xy.border is deprecated. Use add.border instead');

	### needed to copy in case using variable to define rectangles dimensions
	rectangle.info <- list(
		xright = xright.rectangle,
		xleft = xleft.rectangle,
		ytop = ytop.rectangle,
		ybottom = ybottom.rectangle

	text.info <- list(
		labels = text.labels,
		x = text.x,
		y = text.y,
		col = text.col,
		cex = text.cex,
		fontface = text.fontface

	extra.points.info <- list(
		x = extra.points$x,
		y = extra.points$y,
		type = extra.points.type,
		pch = extra.points.pch,
		col = extra.points.col,
		cex = extra.points.cex,
		fill = extra.points.fill

	if (!is.null(yat) && length(yat) == 1) {
		if (yat == 'auto') {
			out <- auto.axis(unlist(data[toString(formula[[2]])]));
			data[toString(formula[[2]])] <- out$x;
			yat <- out$at;
			yaxis.lab <- out$axis.lab;

		else if (yat == 'auto.linear') {
			out <- auto.axis(unlist(data[toString(formula[[2]])]), log.scaled = FALSE);
			data[toString(formula[[2]])] <- out$x;
			yat <- out$at;
			yaxis.lab <- out$axis.lab;

		else if (yat == 'auto.log') {
			out <- auto.axis(unlist(data[toString(formula[[2]])]), log.scaled = TRUE);
			data[toString(formula[[2]])] <- out$x;
			yat <- out$at;
			yaxis.lab <- out$axis.lab;

	if (!is.null(xat) && length(xat) == 1) {
		if (xat == 'auto') {
			out <- auto.axis(unlist(data[toString(formula[[3]])]));
			data[toString(formula[[3]])] <- out$x;
			xat <- out$at;
			xaxis.lab <- out$axis.lab;
		else if (xat == 'auto.linear') {
			out <- auto.axis(unlist(data[toString(formula[[3]])]), log.scaled = FALSE);
			data[toString(formula[[3]])] <- out$x;
			xat <- out$at;
			xaxis.lab <- out$axis.lab;
		else if (xat == 'auto.log') {
			out <- auto.axis(unlist(data[toString(formula[[3]])]), log.scaled = TRUE);
			data[toString(formula[[3]])] <- out$x;
			xat <- out$at;
			xaxis.lab <- out$axis.lab;

	# add preloaded defaults
	if (preload.default == 'paper') {
	else if (preload.default == 'web') {

	# update groups function
	groups.new <- eval(substitute(groups), data, parent.frame());

	# auto set parameters
	if (length(xat) == 1 && xat == TRUE && length(xlimits) == 0) {

		if (!is.null(data)) {
			minimum <- 0;
			maximum <- length(data[[1]]);
			difference <- maximum - minimum;
			lognumber <- floor(log(difference, 10));

			# depending on difference, the labels will be multiples of 5,10 or 20
			if (difference < (10 ** lognumber * 4)) { factor <- (10 ** lognumber) / 2; }
			else if (difference < (10 ** lognumber * 7)) { factor <- (10 ** lognumber); }
			else { factor <- (10 ** lognumber) * 2; }

			addition <- factor / 2;

			# depending on minimum create a sequence of at locations with padding
			at <- seq(0, factor * round(maximum / factor) + addition, factor);

			xlimits <- c(minimum, maximum);
			xat <- at;

	if (length(yat) == 1 && yat == TRUE && length(ylimits) == 0) {

		if (!is.null(data)) {
			minimum <- min(min);
			maximum <- max(max);

			# if minimum is greater than 0 make sure to display 0
			minimum <- min(minimum, 0);
			difference <- maximum - minimum;
			lognumber <- floor(log(difference, 10));

			# depending on difference, the labels will be multiples of 5,10 or 20
			if (difference < (10 ** lognumber * 4)) { factor <- (10 ** lognumber) / 2; }
			else if (difference < (10 ** lognumber * 7)) { factor <- (10 ** lognumber); }
			else { factor <- (10 ** lognumber) * 2; }

			addition <- factor / 2;

			# depending on minimum create a sequence of at locations with padding
			if (minimum == 0) {
				at <- seq(0, factor * round(maximum / factor) + addition, factor);
			else {
				at <- seq(factor * round(minimum / factor), factor * round(maximum / factor) + addition, factor);
				# only add padding to minimum if it is not 0
				minimum <- minimum - addition;

			# add padding to max
			maximum <- maximum + addition;
			ylimits <- c(minimum, maximum);
			yat <- at;

	# create the plot object
	trellis.object <- lattice::xyplot(
		max = max,
		min = min,
		median = median,
		panel = function(x, y, col = col, border = border.col, groups = groups.new, subscripts, ...) {
			# add rectangle if requested
			# want rectangle in the background, and only plotted once
			#  => add first, outside of grouping if/else split
			if (add.rectangle) {
					xleft = rectangle.info$xleft,
					ybottom = rectangle.info$ybottom,
					xright = rectangle.info$xright,
					ytop = rectangle.info$ytop,
					col = col.rectangle,
					alpha = alpha.rectangle,
					border = NA

			# if requested, add y=x line
			if (add.xyline) {
					a = 0,
					b = 1,
					lwd = xyline.lwd,
					lty = xyline.lty,
					col = xyline.col

			# if no grouping variable, draw a single polygon
			if (is.null(groups.new)) {
				# draw polygon
					x = c(x, rev(x)),
					y = if (use.loess.border) {
						c(predict(loess(max[subscripts] ~ x)), rev(predict(loess(min[subscripts] ~ x))))
					else {
						c(max[subscripts], rev(min[subscripts]))
					col = col,

				# draw xy points along border of polygon
				if (add.border) {
						x = c(x, rev(x)),
						y = c(max[subscripts], rev(min[subscripts])),
						type = 'l',
						col = border.col

				# draw median line
				if (add.median & !is.null(median)) {
						x = x,
						y = if (use.loess.median) { predict(loess(median[subscripts] ~ x)) } else { median[subscripts] },
						type = 'l',
						lwd = median.lwd,
						col = median.col,
						lty = median.lty

				# draw extra points
				if (!is.null(extra.points)) {
						x = extra.points.info$x,
						y = extra.points.info$y,
						groups = groups,
						subscripts = subscripts,
						type = extra.points.info$type,
						pch = extra.points.info$pch,
						col = extra.points.info$col,
						cex = extra.points.info$cex,
						fill = extra.points.info$fill

				# add background grid
				if (!is.null(xgrid.at) || !is.null(ygrid.at)) {
						v = xgrid.at,
						h = ygrid.at,
						lty = grid.lty,
						col = grid.col,
						lwd = grid.lwd,
						alpha = 0.5

				# if requested, add y=x line
				if (add.xyline) {
						a = 0,
						b = 1,
						lwd = xyline.lwd,
						lty = xyline.lty,
						col = xyline.col

				# if requested, add user-defined horizontal line
				if (!is.null(abline.h)) {
						h   = abline.h,
						lty = abline.lty,
						lwd = abline.lwd,
						col = abline.col

				# if requested, add user-defined vertical line
				if (!is.null(abline.v)) {
						v   = abline.v,
						lty = abline.lty,
						lwd = abline.lwd,
						col = abline.col

				# if requested, add text
				if (add.text) {
						x = text.info$x,
						y = text.info$y,
						labels = text.info$labels,
						col = text.info$col,
						cex = text.info$cex,
						fontface = text.info$fontface

			else {
				# Grouping variable exists - need to draw separate polygons for each level
				# can't use ternary operator because need to return vectors
				border.col <- if (length(border.col) == 1) { rep(border.col, length(subscripts)); } else {
					as.character(factor(x = groups, labels = border.col));

				add.border <- if (length(add.border) == 1) { rep(add.border, length(subscripts)); } else {
					as.character(factor(x = groups, labels = add.border));

				median.col <- if (length(median.col) == 1) { rep(median.col, length(subscripts)); } else {
					as.character(factor(x = groups, labels = median.col));

				median.lty <- if (length(median.lty) == 1) { rep(median.lty, length(subscripts)); } else {
					as.numeric(factor(x = groups, labels = median.lty));

				median.lwd <- if (length(median.lwd) == 1) { rep(median.lwd, length(subscripts)); } else {
					as.character(factor(x = groups, labels = median.lwd));

				# Plot polygons
				# this is plotted with different graphical parameters for each distinct value of the grouping variable
					groups = groups.new,
					panel.groups = function(x, y, max, min, groups = groups.new, subscripts, type, add.xy.plot = add.xy.plot, ..., font, fontface) {
						group.num <- 1;
						for (i in 1:length(unique(groups))) {
							if (groups[subscripts[1]] == unique(groups)[i]) {
								group.num <- i;

						# draw polygon
							x = c(x, rev(x)),
							y = if (use.loess.border) {
								c(predict(loess(max[subscripts] ~ x)), rev(predict(loess(min[subscripts] ~ x))))
							else {
								c(max[subscripts], rev(min[subscripts]))

						if ((length(add.border) == 1 && add.border) || add.border[group.num]) {
							polygon.border <- border.col[subscripts];
							} else {
							polygon.border <- 'black';

						# draw polygon borders
								x = c(x, rev(x), x[1]),
								y = c(max[subscripts], rev(min[subscripts]), max[subscripts][1]),
								type = 'l',
								col = polygon.border,
								lwd = lwd

						# draw median line
						if (add.median & !is.null(median)) {
								x = x,
								y = if (use.loess.median) { predict(loess(median[subscripts] ~ x)) } else { median[subscripts] },
								type = 'l',
								lwd =  median.lwd[subscripts],
								col = median.col[subscripts],
								lty = median.lty[subscripts]

						# add extra points, assuming same grouping as original data
						if (!is.null(extra.points)) {
								x = extra.points.info$x,
								y = extra.points.info$y,
								#groups = groups,
								#subscripts = subscripts,
								type = extra.points.info$type,
								pch = extra.points.info$pch,
								col = extra.points.info$col,
								cex = extra.points.info$cex,
								fill = extra.points.info$fill

						# add background grid
						if (!is.null(xgrid.at) || !is.null(ygrid.at)) {
								v = xgrid.at,
								h = ygrid.at,
								lty = grid.lty,
								col = grid.col,
								lwd = grid.lwd,
								alpha = 0.5

						# if requested, add user-defined horizontal line
						if (!is.null(abline.h)) {
								h   = abline.h,
								lty = abline.lty,
								lwd = abline.lwd,
								col = abline.col

						# if requested, add user-defined vertical line
						if (!is.null(abline.v)) {
								v   = abline.v,
								lty = abline.lty,
								lwd = abline.lwd,
								col = abline.col

						# if requested, add text
						if (add.text) {
								x = text.info$x,
								y = text.info$y,
								labels = text.info$labels,
								col = text.info$col,
								cex = text.info$cex,
								fontface = text.info$fontface
					alpha = alpha,
					col = col,
					border = 'white',
		type = type,
		cex = cex,
		pch = pch,
		col = col,
		lwd = lwd,
		lty = lty,
		main = BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(
			property = 'fontfamily',
			use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings || ('Nature' == style),
			add.to.list = list(
				label = main,
				fontface = if ('Nature' == style) { 'plain' } else { 'bold' },
				cex = main.cex,
				just = main.just,
				x = main.x,
				y = main.y
		xlab = BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(
			property = 'fontfamily',
			use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings || ('Nature' == style),
			add.to.list = list(
				label = xlab.label,
				cex = xlab.cex,
				col = xlab.col,
				fontface = if ('Nature' == style) { 'plain' } else { 'bold' }
		xlab.top = BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(
			property = 'fontfamily',
			use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings || ('Nature' == style),
			add.to.list = list(
				label = xlab.top.label,
				cex = xlab.top.cex,
				col = xlab.top.col,
				fontface = if ('Nature' == style) { 'plain' } else { 'bold' },
				just = xlab.top.just,
				x = xlab.top.x,
				y = xlab.top.y
		ylab = BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(
			property = 'fontfamily',
			use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings || ('Nature' == style),
			add.to.list = list(
				label = ylab.label,
				cex = ylab.cex,
				col = ylab.col,
				fontface = if ('Nature' == style) { 'plain' } else { 'bold' }
		between = list(
			x = x.spacing,
			y = y.spacing
		scales = list(
			x = BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(
				property = 'fontfamily',
				use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings || ('Nature' == style),
				add.to.list = list(
					labels = xaxis.lab,
					log = xaxis.log,
					fontface = if ('Nature' == style) { 'plain' } else { xaxis.fontface },
					rot = xaxis.rot,
					limits = xlimits,
					cex = xaxis.cex,
					col = xaxis.col,
					at = xat,
					relation = x.relation,
					alternating = FALSE,
					tck = xaxis.tck
			y = BoutrosLab.plotting.general::get.defaults(
				property = 'fontfamily',
				use.legacy.settings = use.legacy.settings || ('Nature' == style),
				add.to.list = list(
					labels = yaxis.lab,
					fontface = if ('Nature' == style) { 'plain' } else { yaxis.fontface },
					limits = ylimits,
					cex = yaxis.cex,
					col = yaxis.col,
					rot = yaxis.rot,
					tck = yaxis.tck,
					at = yat,
					log = yaxis.log,
					relation = y.relation
		par.settings = list(
			axis.line = list(
				lwd = axes.lwd,
				col = if ('Nature' == style) { 'transparent' } else { 'black' }
			layout.heights = list(
				top.padding = top.padding,
				main = if (is.null(main)) { 0.3 } else { 3 },
				main.key.padding = 0.1,
				key.top = 0.1,
				key.axis.padding = 0.1,
				axis.top = 1,
				axis.bottom = 1,
				axis.xlab.padding = 1,
				xlab = 1,
				xlab.key.padding = 0.5,
				key.bottom = 0.1,
				key.sub.padding = 0.1,
				sub = 0.1,
				bottom.padding = bottom.padding
			layout.widths = list(
				left.padding = left.padding,
				key.left = 0.1,
				key.ylab.padding = 0.1,
				ylab = 1,
				ylab.axis.padding = 1,
				axis.left = 1,
				axis.right = 1,
				axis.key.padding = 1,
				key.right = 1,
				right.padding = right.padding
			strip.background = list(
				col = strip.col
		par.strip.text = list(
			cex = strip.cex
		layout = layout,
		as.table = as.table,
		pretty = TRUE,
		key = key,
		legend = legend
	if (inside.legend.auto) {
		extra.parameters <- list('formula' = formula, 'data' = data, 'ylimits' = trellis.object$y.limits,
			'xlimits' = trellis.object$x.limits, 'extra.points' = extra.points, 'max' = max, 'min' = min);
		coords <- c();
		coords <- .inside.auto.legend('create.polygonplot', filename, trellis.object, height, width, extra.parameters);
		trellis.object$legend$inside$x <- coords[1];
		trellis.object$legend$inside$y <- coords[2];

	# If Nature style requested, change figure accordingly
	if ('Nature' == style) {

		# Re-add bottom and left axes
		trellis.object$axis <- function(side, line.col = 'black', ...) {
			# Only draw axes on the left and bottom
			if (side %in% c('bottom', 'left')) {
				axis.default(side = side, line.col = 'black', ...);
				lims <- current.panel.limits();
				panel.abline(h = lims$ylim[1], v = lims$xlim[1]);

		# Ensure sufficient resolution for graphs
		if (resolution < 1200) {
			resolution <- 1200;
			warning('Setting resolution to 1200 dpi.');

		# Other required changes which are not accomplished here
		warning('Nature also requires italicized single-letter variables and en-dashes
			for ranges and negatives. See example in documentation for how to do this.');

		warning('Avoid red-green colour schemes, create TIFF files, do not outline the figure or legend.');

	# Otherwise use the BL style if requested
	else if ('BoutrosLab' == style) {
		# Nothing happens

	# if neither of the above is requested, give a warning
	else {
		warning("The style parameter only accepts 'Nature' or 'BoutrosLab'.");

	# output the object
			trellis.object = trellis.object,
			filename = filename,
			height = height,
			width = width,
			size.units = size.units,
			resolution = resolution,
			enable.warnings = enable.warnings,
			description = description

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BoutrosLab.plotting.general documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:01 p.m.