
#' Compare Nested Bradley Terry Models
#' Compare nested models inheriting from class `"BTm"`. For models with no
#' random effects, compute analysis of deviance table, otherwise compute Wald
#' tests of additional terms.
#' For models with no random effects, an analysis of deviance table is computed
#' using [anova.glm()]. Otherwise, Wald tests are computed as
#' detailed here.
#' If a single object is specified, terms are added sequentially and a Wald
#' statistic is computed for the extra parameters. If the full model includes
#' player covariates and there are players with missing values over these
#' covariates, then the `NULL` model will include a separate ability for
#' these players. If there are missing values in any contest-level variables in
#' the full model, the corresponding contests will be omitted throughout. The
#' random effects structure of the full model is assumed for all sub-models.
#' For a list of objects, consecutive pairs of models are compared by computing
#' a Wald statistic for the extra parameters in the larger of the two models.
#' The Wald statistic is always based on the variance-covariance matrix of the
#' larger of the two models being compared.
#' @param object a fitted object of class inheriting from `"BTm"`.
#' @param ... additional `"BTm"` objects. 
#' @param dispersion a value for the dispersion. Not implemented for models
#' with random effects.
#' @param test optional character string (partially) matching one of
#' `"Chisq"`, `"F"` or `"Cp"` to specify that p-values should be
#' returned.  The Chisq test is a likelihood ratio test for models with no
#' random effects, otherwise a Wald test. Options `"F"` and `"Cp"`
#' are only applicable to models with no random effects, see
#' [stat.anova()].
#' @return An object of class `"anova"` inheriting from class
#' `"data.frame"`.
#' @section Warning: The comparison between two or more models will only be
#' valid if they are fitted to the same dataset. This may be a problem if there
#' are missing values and 's default of `na.action = na.omit` is used. An
#' error will be returned in this case.
#' The same problem will occur when separate abilities have been estimated for
#' different subsets of players in the models being compared. However no
#' warning is given in this case.
#' @author Heather Turner
#' @seealso [BTm()], [add1.BTm()]
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' result <- rep(1, nrow(flatlizards$contests))
#' BTmodel <- BTm(result, winner, loser, ~ throat.PC1[..] + throat.PC3[..] +
#'                head.length[..] + (1|..), data = flatlizards,
#'                trace = TRUE)
#' anova(BTmodel)
#' @export
anova.BTm <- function (object, ..., dispersion = NULL, test = NULL)
    ## Only list models in ...
    dotargs <- list(...)
    named <- if (is.null(names(dotargs)))
        rep(FALSE, length(dotargs))
    else (names(dotargs) != "")
    if (any(named))
        warning("the following arguments to 'anova.BTm' are invalid and ",
                "dropped: ",
                paste(deparse(dotargs[named]), collapse = ", "))
    dotargs <- dotargs[!named]
    is.BTm <- unlist(lapply(dotargs, function(x) inherits(x, "BTm")))
    dotargs <- dotargs[is.BTm]

    ## Compare list of models
    models <- c(list(object), dotargs)
    if (length(dotargs) > 0){
        fixed <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) is.null(x$random)))
        if (all(fixed)) {
            variables <- lapply(models, function(x) paste(deparse(formula(x)),
                                                          collapse = "\n"))
            models <- lapply(models, function(x) {
                x$formula <- formula(x$terms)
                class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "BTm")
            call <- match.call()
            anova.table <- do.call("anova", 
                                   c(models, dispersion = call$dispersion, 
                                     test = call$test))
            attr(anova.table, "heading") <-
                c(paste("Analysis of Deviance Table\n\n",
                        "Response: ", 
                        deparse(object$call$outcome, 500), "\n", sep = ""),
                  paste("Model ", format(seq(models)), ": ", variables,
                        sep = "", collapse = "\n"))
            return(anova.BTmlist(c(list(object), dotargs),
                                 dispersion = dispersion,  test = test))

    X <- model.matrix(object)
    Z <- object$random

    sep <- 0 %in% object$assign

    ## Passing on to glm when no random effects
    if (is.null(Z)) {
        object$x <- X
        attr(object$x, "assign") <- object$assign + sep
        attr(object$terms, "term.labels") <- c("[sep]"[sep], object$term.labels)
        anova.table <- NextMethod()
        attr(anova.table, "heading") <-
            paste("Analysis of Deviance Table", "\n\nModel: ",
                  object$family$family, ", link: ", object$family$link,
                  "\n\nResponse: ", deparse(object$call$outcome, 500),
                  "\n\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)\n\n",
                  sep = "")
        if (sep) {
            anova.table <- anova.table[-1,]
            rownames(anova.table)[1] <- "NULL"
            anova.table[1, 1:2] <- NA

    varseq <- object$assign

    nvars <- max(0, varseq)
    stat <- df <- numeric(nvars)
    tryerror <- FALSE
    if (nvars > 1) {
        y <- object$y
        ## Extension to further methods
        method <- object$method
        if (!is.function(method))
            method <- get(method, mode = "function")
        control <- object$control
        control$trace <- FALSE
        for (i in 1:(nvars - 1)) {
            fit <- method(X = X[, varseq <= i, drop = FALSE], y = y, Z = Z,
                          weights = object$prior.weights, start = object$start,
                          offset = object$offset, family = object$family,
                          control = control,
                          sigma = object$call$sigma,
                          sigma.fixed = object$sigma.fixed)
            class(fit) <- oldClass(object)
            ind <- (varseq == i)[varseq <= i]
            trystat <- 
                try(t(coef(fit)[ind]) %*%
                            #vcov should deal with dispersion != 1
                            vcov(fit, dispersion = dispersion))[ind, ind])) %*%
                        coef(fit)[ind], silent = TRUE) 
            if (inherits(trystat, "try-error")) {
                stat[i] <- df[i] <- NA
                tryerror <- TRUE
            else {
                stat[i] <- trystat
                df[i] <- sum(ind)
    ind <- varseq == nvars
    trystat <- try(t(coef(object)[ind]) %*% 
                       chol2inv(chol(object$varFix[ind, ind])) %*%
                       coef(object)[ind], silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(trystat, "try-error")) {
        stat[nvars] <- df[nvars] <- NA
        tryerror <- TRUE
    else {
        stat[nvars] <- trystat
        df[nvars] <- sum(ind)
    table <- data.frame(c(NA, stat), c(NA, df))
    dimnames(table) <- list(c("NULL", object$term.labels), c("Statistic", "Df"))
    title <- paste("Sequential Wald Tests", "\n\nModel: ",
                   object$family$family, ", link: ", object$family$link,
                   "\n\nResponse: ", deparse(object$call$outcome, 500),
                   "\n\nPredictor: ", paste(formula(object), collapse = ""),
                   "\n\nTerms added sequentially (first to last)",
                   if (tryerror)
                   "\n\nTest statistic unestimable for at least one term",
                   "\n", sep = "")

    ## Assume dispersion fixed at one - if dispersion estimated, would use
    ## "residual" df from larger model in each comparison
    df.dispersion <- Inf
    if (!is.null(test)) {
        if (test == "F" && df.dispersion == Inf) {
            fam <- object$family$family
            if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson")
                warning(gettextf("using F test with a %s family is ", 
                                 "inappropriate", fam), domain = NA)
            else {
                warning("using F test with a fixed dispersion is inappropriate")
        table <- switch(test, Chisq = {
            dfs <- table[, "Df"]
            vals <- table[, "Statistic"]
            vals[dfs %in% 0] <- NA
            cbind(table, `P(>|Chi|)` = pchisq(vals, dfs, lower.tail = FALSE))
        }, F = {
            dfs <- table[, "Df"]
            Fvalue <- table[, "Statistic"]/dfs
            Fvalue[dfs %in% 0] <- NA
            cbind(table, F = Fvalue, `Pr(>F)` =
                  pf(Fvalue, dfs, df.dispersion, lower.tail = FALSE))
    structure(table, heading = title, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

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BradleyTerry2 documentation built on Feb. 3, 2020, 5:08 p.m.