
Defines functions .AddXMLFormatNumber .AddXMLOutliers .AddXMLAddSingleBoxplot .AddXMLAddBoxplotCenter .AddXMLtimeseriesSegment .AddXMLAddTimeseriesCenter .AddXMLAddChart .AddXMLStoreComponent .AddXMLAddParents .AddXMLAddChildren .AddXMLAddComponents .AddXMLclone .AddXMLAddNode .AddXMLDocument .AddXMLAddAnnotation .AddXMLmakeId .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.line .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.bar .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.point .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.smooth .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.default .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.default .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.bar .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.line .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.smooth .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.point .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer .AddXMLSummariseGGPlotLayer .AddXMLAddHistogramCenter .AddXMLAxisValues .AddXMLAxisLine .AddXMLAxisLabel .AddXMLAxisGroup .AddXMLAddAxis .AddXMLAddTitle

Documented in .AddXMLAddTitle

### This file is for internal functions that may be re-used by a variety of graph types.

## Annotating different types of diagrams.
## Histogram annotation.
# removed .AddXMLhistogram = function(diag) {
#        doc
# }

## Annotating title elements
.AddXMLAddTitle <- function(root, title = "", longTitle = paste("Title:", title), id = NULL) {
  titleId <- ifelse(is.null(id), .AddXMLmakeId("main", "1.1"), id)
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = 1, titleId, kind = "active")
  XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, speech = paste("Title:", title), speech2 = longTitle, type = "Title")

## Annotating axes
## Add axis to XML it is important that you give it a correct axis
.AddXMLAddAxis <- function(root, values = NULL, label = "", groupPosition = ifelse(axis == "x", 2, 3), axis, name = paste(axis, "axis:"), groupId = paste0(axis, "axis"), labelId = paste0(axis, "lab"), lineId = ifelse(axis == "x", "bottom", "left"), ...) {
  position <- 0
  labelNode <- .AddXMLAxisLabel(root,
    label = label, position = position <- position + 1,
    id = labelId, axis = groupId, ...
  # Shouldn't try to add lineNode if this is a ggplot
  lineNode <- .AddXMLAxisLine(root, id = lineId, axis = groupId)
  tickNodes <- .AddXMLAxisValues(root,
    values = values,
    position = position <- position + 1, id = lineId, axis = groupId, ...
  annotations <- c(list(labelNode, lineNode), tickNodes)
  .AddXMLAxisGroup(root, groupId, name,
    values = values, label = label,
    annotations = annotations, position = groupPosition, ...

## Aux method for axis group
.AddXMLAxisGroup <- function(root, id, name, values = NULL, label = "", annotations = NULL, position = 1, speechShort = paste(name, label), speechLong = paste(name, label, "with values from", values[1], "to", values[length(values)]), ...) {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = position, id = id, kind = "grouped")
  .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, annotations)
    speech = speechShort,
    speech2 = speechLong,
    type = "Axis"

## Aux methods for axes annotation.
## Axis labelling
.AddXMLAxisLabel <- function(root, label = "", position = 1, id = "", axis = "", speechShort = paste("Label", label),
                             speechLong = speechShort, fullLabelId = NULL, ...) {
  labelId <- ifelse(is.null(fullLabelId), .AddXMLmakeId(id, "1.1"), fullLabelId)
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = position, id = labelId, kind = "active")
  XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, speech = speechShort, speech2 = speechLong, type = "Label")

## Axis line
.AddXMLAxisLine <- function(root, position = 1, id = "", axis = "") {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
    position = position,
    id = .AddXMLmakeId(id, "axis", "line", "1.1"), kind = "passive"
  XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, type = "Line")

## Axis values and ticks
.AddXMLAxisValues <- function(root, values = NULL, detailedValues = values, position = 1, id = "", axis = "",
                              fullTickLabelId = NULL, ...) {
  annotations <- list()
  if (length(values) <= 0) {
  for (i in 1:length(values)) {
    valueId <- ifelse(is.null(fullTickLabelId),
      .AddXMLmakeId(id, "axis", "labels", paste("1.1", i, sep = ".")),
      paste(fullTickLabelId, i, sep = ".")
    value <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
      position = position + i - 1,
      id = valueId, kind = "active"
    XML::addAttributes(value$root, speech = paste("Tick mark", values[i]), speech2 = detailedValues[i], type = "Value")

    tickId <- .AddXMLmakeId(id, "axis", "ticks", paste("1.1", i, sep = "."))
    tick <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, id = tickId, kind = "passive")
    XML::addAttributes(tick$root, type = "Tick")
    .AddXMLAddNode(value$component, "passive", tickId)
    .AddXMLAddNode(tick$component, "active", valueId)
    annotations[[2 * i - 1]] <- value
    annotations[[2 * i]] <- tick

## Constructs the center of the histogram
.AddXMLAddHistogramCenter <- function(root, hist = NULL) {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = 4, id = "center", kind = "grouped")
    speech = "Histogram bars",
    speech2 = paste("Histogram with", length(hist$mids), "bars"),
    type = "Center"
  annotations <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(hist$mids)) {
    annotations[[i]] <- .AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.bar(root,
      position = i, x = hist$mids[i],
      count = hist$counts[i], density = hist$density[i],
      start = hist$breaks[i], end = hist$breaks[i + 1],
      categorical = FALSE
  .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, annotations)

#' Summarise a ggplot layer data.
#' This will create a list with a elements that summarise a certain section of data.
#' It uses the .SplitData function which is also used by the RewriteSVG function so
#' it should all line up.
#' You will know the element names of each of the section elements in the returned list
#' as you will have given the function that processes the dfs.
#' @param data The data for particular layer
#' @param FUN The function which will summarise the certain sections of data
#' @param overlap Whether the data sections should have overlapping elements at their ends.
#' It is used for GeomLines and such where they are connected.
#' @note
#' You should use the .data$ prefix when references the value in the data frame. This helps prevent a note in the cmd check
#' @return A list of length <= 5 that has each element as summary of the section of data.
.AddXMLSummariseGGPlotLayer <- function(data, FUN = function(x) {
                                        }, overlap = FALSE) {
  .SplitData(seq_along(data$x), overlapping = overlap) |>
    lapply(function(indexs) {
      data |>
        dplyr::slice(indexs) |>
        tidyr::drop_na(.data$x, .data$y) |>
        dplyr::distinct() |>

#' Add XML elements to make it work with a ggplot layers svg elements
#' The layer classes it uses are the ones which are given by the VIstruct command.
#' So rather then GeomLine it line and GeomPoint is point etc.
#' @param root the XML annotation tag root.
#' @param layerRoot The root of this layer annotation used to add the speech to it which is layer  specific.
#' @param graphObjectStruct This is the struct that is produced by sending the ggplot graph to VIstruct
#' It should only be for the specific layer.
#' @param geomID This is the geomID and should match the SVG element ID that encompasses
#' All of the individual layer svg elements
#' @param panel The panel of te plot this is on. There is currently no implementation
#' that supports the panel
#' @param summarisedSections How many sections data should be summarised to.
#' This is also the max amount of data that can exist before it is summarised
#' @param ... These can be passed on to specific layer geoms.
#' However due to how this is called in the AddXML it isnt used.
#' @return The annotation that covers this graph layer
.AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer <- function(root, layerRoot, graphObjectStruct, geomID, panel = 1, summarisedSections = 5, ...) {
  UseMethod(".AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer", graphObjectStruct)

.AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.point <- function(root, layerRoot, graphObjectStruct, geomID, panel = 1, summarisedSections = 5, ...) {
  # Rmeove all the NAs in the data
  data <- graphObjectStruct$data |>
    tidyr::drop_na(.data$x, .data$y)

  numberOfPoints <- nrow(data)

    speech = "Point graph",
    speech2 = paste("Point graph with", numberOfPoints, "points"),
    type = "Center"

  # Going to provide warning about using unknown shapes
  if (!all(data$shape %in% c(16, 19))) {
    warning("You are using a non default point shape. Currently the location of that point in the webpage is incorrect. The summaring information is unaffected.")

  # Summarise into section when greater than 10 points
  if (numberOfPoints > 5) {
    mean_sd_num <- data |>
      arrange(.data$x) |>
      .AddXMLSummariseGGPlotLayer(function(data) {
        data |>
          dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(.data$y), sd = ifelse(is.na(sd(.data$y)), 0, sd(.data$y)), count = n())

    # Get the order of points
    orderOfIDs <- data.frame(x = data$x, id = 1:length(data$x)) |>
      dplyr::arrange(.data$x) |>
      select(id) |>
    pointGroups <- .SplitData(1:numberOfPoints)

    # For each summarized section create a annotation and return the list of annotations
      function(summarizedSectionNum, summarisedData) {
        # Add summarized section
        desc <- paste(
          "mean:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedData$mean),
          "sd:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedData$sd),
          "n:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedData$count)

        summarizedSectionAnnotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
          id = paste(geomID, letters[summarizedSectionNum], sep = "."),
          kind = "grouped",
          attributes = list(speech = desc)

        # Add individual points
        # Only do so if there are less than 100 points
        # This is because the time taken to add all of the annotations is too long.
        # TODO:: optimize XML interactions to allow more data to be handled.
        if (length(data$x) < 100) {
          pointsNumberToAdd <- orderOfIDs[pointGroups[[summarizedSectionNum]]]
          pointAnnotations <- list()

          pointAnnotations <- lapply(pointsNumberToAdd, function(pointID) {
            i <- match(pointID, pointsNumberToAdd)
            shape <- data$shape[pointID]
            colour <- data$fill[pointID]
            if (is.na(colour)) colour <- "black"
            size <- data$size[pointID]
            desc2 <- paste("Shape:", shape, "colour:", colour[1], "size:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(size))
              position = i,
              id = paste(geomID, pointID, sep = "."),
              attributes =
                  speech = paste0("(", data$x[pointID], ", ", data$y[pointID], ")"),
                  speech2 = desc2

          .AddXMLAddChildren(summarizedSectionAnnotation, pointAnnotations)
          .AddXMLAddComponents(summarizedSectionAnnotation, pointAnnotations)
          .AddXMLAddParents(summarizedSectionAnnotation, pointAnnotations)
      summarizedSectionNum = seq_along(mean_sd_num),
      summarisedData = mean_sd_num,
  } else {
    # If there a so few points just create annotatino for each point and return list
      function(pointNum, pointData) {
        desc <- paste0(
          "(", .AddXMLFormatNumber(pointData$x),
          .AddXMLFormatNumber(pointData$y), ")"
          position = pointNum,
          id = paste(geomID, pointNum, sep = "."),
          speech = desc
      pointNum = seq_along(data$x),
      pointData = data,

.AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.smooth <- function(root, layerRoot, graphObjectStruct, geomID, panel = 1, summarisedSections = 5, ...) {
  data <- graphObjectStruct$data

    speech = "Smoother graph",
    speech2 = paste0("Smoother graph", ifelse(graphObjectStruct$ci, paste(" with", graphObjectStruct$level, "confidence bands"), ""), ""),
    type = "Center"

  if (!graphObjectStruct$ci) {
    data$ymin <- 0
    data$ymax <- 0
  summarisedData <- .AddXMLSummariseGGPlotLayer(data, function(data) {
    data |>
      dplyr::mutate(startX = .data$x, endX = lead(.data$x), startY = .data$y, endY = lead(.data$y)) |>
      dplyr::mutate(CIWidth = .data$ymax - .data$ymin) |>
      tidyr::drop_na() |>
      dplyr::mutate(slope = (.data$startY - .data$endY) / (.data$startX - .data$endX)) |>
        min = min(.data$slope), max = max(.data$slope),
        mean = mean(.data$slope), median = median(.data$slope),
        avg_width = mean(.data$CIWidth), median_width = median(.data$CIWidth),
        rangeCI = max(.data$CIWidth) - min(.data$CIWidth)
      ) |>
  # Go thorugh each summarised section and create a annotation for it.
    function(summarisedSectionData, i) {
      sectionDesc <- paste(
        "average slope: ", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$mean),
        ifelse(graphObjectStruct$ci, paste("CI width:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$avg_width), ""), "")

      lineDesc <- paste(
        "slope range:", paste0("(", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$min), ",", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$max), ")"),
        "median slope:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$median)

      ciDesc <- ifelse(graphObjectStruct$ci,
          "median CI width:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$median_width),
          "width range:", .AddXMLFormatNumber(summarisedSectionData$rangeCI)
        ), ""

        position = i,
        id = geomID,
        speech = sectionDesc,
        lineDesc = lineDesc,
        ciDesc = ciDesc,
        layer = graphObjectStruct$layernum
    summarisedSectionData = summarisedData,
    i = seq_along(summarisedData),

.AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.line <- function(root, layerRoot, graphObjectStruct, geomID, panel = 1, summarisedSections = 5, ...) {
  numberOfLines <- length(graphObjectStruct$lines)

    speech = "Line graph",
    speech2 = paste("Line graph with", numberOfLines, "lines"),
    # Better to report #lines or #segs?
    # Line can be discontinuous (comprised of polylines 1a, 1b, ...)
    type = "Center"
  # Loop through each line in the layer and create a annotation for each one of them.
    function(lineNum, lineData) {
      lineData <- lineData$scaledata
      disjointLine <- .IsGeomLineDisjoint(lineData)

      # ID of the line g tag
      lineGTagID <- .CreateID(geomID, lineNum)

      ## Create line g tag annotation with descriptions
      lineGTagAnnotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
        position = lineNum,
        id = lineGTagID, kind = "grouped"

        speech = paste("Line", lineNum),
        speech2 = ifelse(disjointLine,
          paste("Line", lineNum, "is disjoint"),
          paste("Line", lineNum, "with", lineData$x |> length() - 1, "segments")
        type = "Center"

      # Test if the lineData has na and by extension if there will be disjointness
      if (disjointLine) {
        # This bit of code was made iwth help from SO:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75379649/split-a-df-into-a-list-with-groups-of-values-withouts-nas
        disjointLines <- lineData |>
          group_by(group = cumsum(is.na(.data$y))) |>
          filter(!(is.na(.data$y) & n() > 1)) |>
          group_split() |>
          Filter(function(x) nrow(x) >= 2, x = _)

        numOfDisjointLines <- length(disjointLines)
        lineSeq <- seq_along(disjointLines)
      } else {
        lineSeq <- c(1)

      # Make sure there are enough points to consitute a line
      # If there are then loop through each of the disjoint lines
      # When the line is whole it is simply treated as a special case of a single disjoint line.
      segmentAnnotations <- if (disjointLine && numOfDisjointLines == 0) {
        noLineAnnotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
          position = 1,
          id = geomID, kind = "active"
          speech = "There are not enough points for this line to actually be drawn.",
          speech2 = "This means there are less than 2 points without that are sequential to each other in the data"
      } else {
        # Create annotation for each disjoint line or single whole line
          function(disjointLineIndex) {
            if (disjointLine) {
              lineData <- disjointLines[[disjointLineIndex]]
              lineCount <- lineData$x |> length() - 1

              disjointLineGTag <- paste(geomID, paste0(lineNum, letters[disjointLineIndex]), sep = ".")
              disjointLineAnnotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
                position = disjointLineIndex,
                id = disjointLineGTag, kind = "grouped"
                speech = paste("Disjoint Line", disjointLineIndex),
                speech2 = paste(
                  "Disjoint Line", disjointLineIndex,
                  "with", lineCount, "segments"
            } else {
              lineCount <- nrow(lineData) - 1

            if (lineCount > summarisedSections) {
              slope_Range_Median <- .AddXMLSummariseGGPlotLayer(lineData, function(data) {
                data |>
                  dplyr::mutate(startX = .data$x, endX = lead(.data$x), startY = .data$y, endY = lead(.data$y)) |>
                  tidyr::drop_na() |>
                  dplyr::select(matches("(start|end)\\w")) |>
                  dplyr::mutate(slope = (.data$startY - .data$endY) / (.data$startX - .data$endX)) |>
                  dplyr::summarise(min = min(.data$slope), max = max(.data$slope), median = median(.data$slope)) |>
              }, overlap = TRUE)
              summarised <- TRUE
              lineCount <- summarisedSections
            } else {
              summarised <- FALSE
              # This just needs some value for the mapply to loop through correctly
              slope_Range_Median <- 1:lineCount

            splitData <- lineData$x |>
              seq_along() |>
              .SplitData(overlapping = TRUE)

            subLineSegmentsAnnotations <- mapply(
              function(i, splitIndices, lineData, summary) {
                if (summarised) {
                  desc <- paste(
                    "slope range",
                    "with median",
                  desc2 <- paste(
                    "x from ",
                    lineData$x[splitIndices |> tail(n = 1)],
                    "y from ",
                    lineData$y[splitIndices |> tail(n = 1)]
                } else {
                  desc <- paste(
                    .AddXMLFormatNumber((lineData$y[i + 1] - lineData$y[i]) / (lineData$x[i + 1] - lineData$x[i])),
                    "slope from x",
                    "to x",
                    .AddXMLFormatNumber(lineData$x[i + 1])
                  desc2 <- paste0(
                    "line from (",
                    ") to (",
                    .AddXMLFormatNumber(lineData$x[i + 1]),
                    .AddXMLFormatNumber(lineData$y[i + 1]),
                  position = i,
                  id = .CreateID(ifelse(disjointLine, disjointLineGTag, lineGTagID), letters[i]),
                  speech = desc, speech2 = desc2
              i = if (summarised) seq_along(splitData) else 1:lineCount,
              splitIndices = splitData,
              summary = slope_Range_Median,
              MoreArgs = list(lineData = lineData),
              SIMPLIFY = FALSE
            ) |>

            # If there are disjoint lines this loop through mutliple times
            # If not this will looop through once and so it needs to just return the one element
            if (disjointLine) {
              .AddXMLAddComponents(disjointLineAnnotation, subLineSegmentsAnnotations)
              .AddXMLAddChildren(disjointLineAnnotation, subLineSegmentsAnnotations)
              .AddXMLAddParents(disjointLineAnnotation, subLineSegmentsAnnotations)
            } else {
          disjointLineIndex = lineSeq,
          SIMPLIFY = FALSE

      # This is to effectivly delist the segment annotation.
      if (!disjointLine) {
        segmentAnnotations <- segmentAnnotations[[1]]

      .AddXMLAddComponents(lineGTagAnnotation, segmentAnnotations)
      .AddXMLAddChildren(lineGTagAnnotation, segmentAnnotations)
      .AddXMLAddParents(lineGTagAnnotation, segmentAnnotations)
    lineNum = seq_along(graphObjectStruct$lines),
    lineData = graphObjectStruct$lines,

.AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.bar <- function(root, layerRoot, graphObjectStruct, geomID, panel = 1, summarisedSections = 5, ...) {
  data <- graphObjectStruct$data

  barCount <- nrow(data)

    speech = "Bar graph",
    speech2 = paste("Bar graph with", barCount, "bars"),
    type = "Center"

  # TODO: histogram bars have density but other geom_bar objects won't
  # Need to not fail if density not present
  # Generally, need to deal with missing values better
    function(i, x, y, ymax, ymin, xmin, xmax, density) {
      barId <- .CreateID(geomID, i)
      # If no density values then assume it's a categorical x-axis
        position = i,
        x = signif(x, 4),
        count = ymax - ymin,
        density = ifelse(is.null(density), NA, density[i]),
        start = signif(xmin, 4),
        end = signif(xmax, 4),
        id = barId,
        categorical = is.null(density)
    i = seq_along(data$y),
    x = data$x,
    y = data$y,
    ymax = data$ymax, ymin = data$ymin,
    xmax = data$xmax, xmin = data$xmin,
    MoreArgs = (list(density = data$density)),

.AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer.default <- function(root, layerRoot, graphObjectStruct, geomID, panel = 1, summarisedSections = 5, ...) {
  warning("This layer type: ", class(graphObjectStruct), " is not supported by MakeAccessibleSVG")

#' Add geom item to the XML
#' These functions are used by the .AddXMLAddGGplotLayer functions
#' There should be one function for each of the layer types.
#' For some of them they are quite simple so they are defered to other types.
#' For other ones they can be quite complex.
#' @param root This the the annotation root of the document
#' @param position The position of the item
#' @param id the text which will be in the first element which is a active/grouped etc tag.
#' @param speech The first description of the annotation
#' @param speech2 The second slightly more detailed description. Or it can be used to tell different information.
#' @param ... Extra parameters for particular types.
#' @param graphObject This is what the dispatch is run on.
#' @return Wil return invisibly the annotation object as there are cases where it is
#' just the side effects you are after.
.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem <- function(root, graphObject, position = 1, id = NULL, speech, speech2 = speech, ...) {
  UseMethod(".AddXMLGGplotGeomItem", graphObject)

.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.default <- function(root, graphObject, position = 1, id = NULL, speech, speech2 = speech, ...) {
  stop("This type is not supported: ", class(graphObject))

.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.smooth <- function(root, graphObject, position = 1, id = NULL, speech, speech2 = speech, lineDesc, ciDesc, layer, ...) {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = position, id = paste(id, letters[position], sep = "."), kind = "grouped")
  XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, speech = speech, speech2 = speech2)

  # Add in a reference to the seGrob if it exists
  items <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, 1,
    id = .CreateID(layer, "smoother_line", letters[position]),
    attributes = list(speech = lineDesc)
  ) |>
  if (ciDesc != "") {
    items <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, 2,
      id = .CreateID(layer, "smoother_ci", letters[position]),
      attributes = list(speech = ciDesc)
    ) |>
      list() |>
      append(items, values = _)

  .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, items)
  .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, items)
  .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, items)


.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.point <- function(root, graphObject, position = 1, id = NULL, speech, speech2 = speech, ...) {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = position, id = id, kind = "active")
  XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, speech = speech, speech2 = speech)

.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.bar <- function(root, graphObject, position = 1, id = NULL, speech, speech2 = speech,
                                      x = NULL, count = NULL, density = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL,
                                      categorical = TRUE, ...) {
  rectId <- ifelse(is.null(id), .AddXMLmakeId("rect", .CreateID("1.1", position)), id)
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
    position = position,
    id = rectId,
    kind = "active"

  if (categorical) {
      speech = paste("Bar", position, "at", x, "with value", count),
      speech2 = paste("Bar", position, "at x value", x, " with y value", count),
      type = "Bar"
  } else {
      speech = paste("Bar", position, "at", x, "with value", count),
      speech2 = paste(
        "Bar", position, "between x values", start,
        "and", end, " with y value", count, "and density", signif(density, 3)
      type = "Bar"

.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.line <- function(root, graphObject, position = 1, id = NULL, speech, speech2 = speech, ...) {
  return(.AddXMLGGplotGeomItem.point(root, graphObject, position, id, speech, speech2))

## Auxiliary methods for annotations
## Construct a gridSVG id.
.AddXMLmakeId <- function(...) {
  paste("graphics-plot-1", ..., sep = "-")

## Construct an SRE annotation element.
.AddXMLAddAnnotation <- function(root, position = 1, id = "", kind = "active", attributes = NULL) {
  children <- list(
    element = .AddXMLAddNode(NULL, kind, id),
    position = .AddXMLAddNode(NULL, "position", position),
    parents = .AddXMLAddNode(NULL, "parents"),
    children = .AddXMLAddNode(NULL, "children"),
    component = .AddXMLAddNode(NULL, "component"),
    neighbours = .AddXMLAddNode(NULL, "neighbours")

  annotation <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotation", children = children, attrs = attributes)

  node <- list(
    root = annotation,
    element = children$element,
    position = children$position,
    parents = children$parents,
    children = children$children,
    component = children$component,
    neighbours = children$neighbours


## Construct the basic XML annotation document.
.AddXMLDocument <- function(tag = "histogram") {
  doc <- XML::newXMLDoc()
  top <- XML::newXMLNode(tag, doc = doc)
  XML::ensureNamespace(top, c(sre = "http://www.chemaccess.org/sre-schema"))

## Add a new node with tag name and optionally text content to the given root.
.AddXMLAddNode <- function(root, tag, content = NULL, children = list(content), attrs = NULL) {
  node <- XML::newXMLNode(paste("sre:", tag, sep = ""),
    parent = root,
    .children = children,
    attrs = attrs

# A shallow clone function for leaf nodes only. Avoids problems with duplicating
# namespaces.
.AddXMLclone <- function(root, node) {
  newNode <- XML::newXMLNode(XML::xmlName(node, full = TRUE), XML::xmlValue(node), parent = root)

## Add components to an annotation
.AddXMLAddComponents <- function(annotation, nodes) {
  clone <- function(x) {
    .AddXMLclone(annotation$component, x$element)
  lapply(nodes, clone)

## Add children to an annotation
.AddXMLAddChildren <- function(annotation, nodes) {
  clone <- function(x) {
    if (XML::xmlName(x$element) != "passive") {
      .AddXMLclone(annotation$children, x$element)
  lapply(nodes, clone)

## Add parent to annotations
.AddXMLAddParents <- function(parent, nodes) {
  clone <- function(x) .AddXMLclone(x$parents, parent$element)
  lapply(nodes, clone)

## Store components for top level Element
# moved into the XML.histogram()
#  assign(".AddXMLcomponents",list(), envir=BrailleR)
# not allowed.

.AddXMLStoreComponent <- function(CompSet, id, element) {
  CompSet[[id]] <- element

# jg .AddXMLstoreComponent = function(id, element) {
# jg     assign(".AddXMLcomponents[[id]]", element, envir = BrailleR)
# jg }

# vs We need to get the components into the topmost element.
.AddXMLAddChart <- function(root, children = NULL, speech = "", speech2 = "", type = "") {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, id = "chart", kind = "grouped")
  XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, speech = speech, speech2 = speech2, type = type)
  # jg     .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, get(.AddXMLcomponents, envir=BrailleR))
  .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, children)
  .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, children)

## Constructs the center of the timeseries
.AddXMLAddTimeseriesCenter <- function(root, ts = NULL) {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = 4, id = "center", kind = "grouped")
  gs <- ts$GroupSummaries
  len <- length(gs$N)
  if (ts$Continuous) {
      speech = "Timeseries graph",
      speech2 = paste(
        "Continuous timeseries graph divided into",
        len, "sub intervals of equal length"
      type = "Center"
  } else {
      speech = "Timeseries graph",
      speech2 = paste("Timeseries graph with", len, "discrete segments"),
      type = "Center"
  annotations <- list()
  for (i in 1:len) {
    annotations[[i]] <- .AddXMLtimeseriesSegment(
      position = i, mean = gs$Mean[i], median = gs$Median[i], sd = gs$SD[i], n = gs$N[i]
  annotations[[i + 1]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
    position = 0, id = .AddXMLmakeId("box", "1.1.1"), kind = "passive"
  .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, annotations)

.AddXMLtimeseriesSegment <-
  function(root, position = 1, mean = NULL, median = NULL, sd = NULL, n = NULL) {
    annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
      position = position,
      id = .AddXMLmakeId("lines", paste("1.1.1", intToUtf8(utf8ToInt("a") + (position - 1)), sep = "")),
      kind = "active"
    speech2 <- paste(
      "Segment", position, "with", n, "data points, mean", signif(mean, 3),
      "and median", signif(median, 3)
    if (!is.na(sd)) {
      speech2 <- paste(speech2, "and standard deviation", signif(sd, 3))
      speech = paste("Segment", position, "with mean", signif(mean, 3)),
      speech2 = speech2, type = "Segment"

## Constructs the center of the histogram
.AddXMLAddBoxplotCenter <- function(root, boxplot = NULL) {
  annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root, position = 4, id = "center", kind = "grouped")
  ## vs sort out grammar:
  ##    singular vs plural with $IsAre,
  ##    sequence with commata and "and"
    speech = paste(boxplot$Boxplots, boxplot$VertHorz),
    speech2 = paste(
      boxplot$Boxplots, boxplot$VertHorz,
      "for", paste(boxplot$names, collapse = ", ")
    type = "Center"
  annotations <- list()
  lastPos <- 8
  i <- 0
  outCount <- 1
  for (i in 1:boxplot$NBox) {
    quartiles <- boxplot$stats[, c(i)]
    outliers <- boxplot$out[boxplot$group == i]
    annotations[[i]] <- .AddXMLAddSingleBoxplot(root,
      position = i, counter = lastPos,
      quartiles = quartiles, outliers = outliers,
      datapoints = boxplot$n[i], outCount = outCount,
      name = boxplot$names[i]
    lastPos <- ifelse(length(outliers) == 0, lastPos + 6, lastPos + 8)
    outCount <- outCount + ifelse(length(outliers) > 0, 2, 1)
  annotations[[i + 1]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
    position = 0, id = .AddXMLmakeId("box", "1.1.1"), kind = "passive"
  .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, annotations)

.AddXMLAddSingleBoxplot <-
  function(root, position = 1, counter = 8, quartiles = NULL, outliers = NULL, datapoints = 0, name = "", outCount = 1) {
    ## Speech computations
    ## q1: Minimum or lower whisker
    ## q2: Lower Quartile
    ## q3: Median
    ## q4: Upper Quartile
    ## q5: Maximum or upper whisker
    ## References:
    ## http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths/statistics/representingdata3hirev6.shtml
    ## https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability/data-distributions-a1/box--whisker-plots-a1/v/reading-box-and-whisker-plots
    q1 <- ifelse(suppressWarnings(min(outliers)) < quartiles[1],
      paste("Lower whisker", quartiles[1]),
      paste("Minimum", quartiles[1])
    q2 <- paste("Lower quartile", quartiles[2])
    q3 <- paste("Median", quartiles[3])
    q4 <- paste("Upper quartile", quartiles[4])
    q5 <- ifelse(suppressWarnings(max(outliers)) > quartiles[5],
      paste("Upper whisker", quartiles[5]),
      paste("Maximum", quartiles[5])
    ## Position counting:
    ## We go via the root element.
    ## We start at 8, always. Then count up 6 or 8 elements, depending on whether
    ## outliers a present.
    ## 1. Middle bar (median)
    ## 2. omitted
    ## 3. dashed bar
    ## 4. end bars
    ## 5. inner box
    ## 6. omitted
    ## 7. outliers (if present)
    ## 8. omitted  (if 7 present)
    annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
      position = position,
      id = paste0("boxplot", position),
      kind = "grouped"
    annotations <- list()
    annotations[[1]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
      position = 1, id = paste0("graphics-root.", counter), kind = "active"
    XML::addAttributes(annotations[[1]]$root, speech = q3, type = "component")
    annotations[[2]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
      position = 2, id = paste0("graphics-root.", counter + 2), kind = "passive"
    annotations[[3]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
      position = 3, id = paste0("graphics-root.", counter + 4), kind = "active"
      speech = paste0(paste(q2, "and", q4), "."),
      type = "component"
    annotations[[4]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
      position = 4, id = paste0("graphics-root.", counter + 3), kind = "active"
      speech = paste0(paste(q1, "and", q5), "."),
      type = "component"
    speech <- paste(
      "Boxplot", ifelse(name == "", "", paste("for", name)),
      "and quartiles in", paste(quartiles, collapse = ", ")
    speech2 <- paste(
      "Boxplot", ifelse(name == "", "", paste("for", name)),
      "for", datapoints, "datapoints.",
      paste0(paste(q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, sep = ", "), ".")
    if (length(outliers) > 0) {
      ## Add outliers
      if (length(outliers) > 1) {
        annotations[[5]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(root,
          position = 5,
          id = paste0("outliers", position),
          kind = "grouped"
        .AddXMLOutliers(root, annotations[[5]], outliers, position = 1, outCount = outCount + 1)
        name <- "outliers"
      } else {
        annotations[[5]] <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
          position = 5, id = paste0("graphics-root.", counter + 6), kind = "active"
        name <- "outlier"
      speech <- paste(speech, "and", length(outliers), name)
      descr <- paste(length(outliers), name, "at", paste(outliers, collapse = ", "))
      speech2 <- paste(speech2, descr)
      XML::addAttributes(annotations[[5]]$root, speech = descr, type = "component")
    } else {
      speech2 <- paste(speech2, "No outliers")
    XML::addAttributes(annotation$root, speech = speech, speech2 = speech2, type = "boxplot")
    .AddXMLAddComponents(annotation, annotations)
    .AddXMLAddChildren(annotation, annotations)
    .AddXMLAddParents(annotation, annotations)

.AddXMLOutliers <- function(root, parent, outliers, position = 1, id = "", outCount = 1) {
  annotations <- list()
  sortOut <- sort(outliers)
  for (v in sortOut) {
    annotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(
      position = position,
      id = .AddXMLmakeId("points", paste(outCount, "1", match(v, outliers), sep = ".")),
      kind = "active"
      speech = v,
      speech2 = paste("Outlier", v), type = "point"
    annotations <- append(annotations, list(annotation))
  .AddXMLAddComponents(parent, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddChildren(parent, annotations)
  .AddXMLAddParents(parent, annotations)

.AddXMLFormatNumber <- function(x) {
  if (!is.nan(x) & ifelse(abs(x) < 1, nchar(as.character((abs(x)))) - 2, nchar(as.character((abs(x))))) > 8) {
    useScientific <- TRUE
  } else {
    useScientific <- FALSE
  format(x, digits = 4, scientific = useScientific)

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BrailleR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.