
Defines functions AddXML.tsplot AddXML.scatterplot AddXML.histogram AddXML.ggplot AddXML.eulerr AddXML.dotplot AddXML.boxplot AddXML.default AddXML

Documented in AddXML AddXML.boxplot AddXML.default AddXML.dotplot AddXML.eulerr AddXML.ggplot AddXML.histogram AddXML.scatterplot AddXML.tsplot

AddXML <- function(x, file) {

AddXML.default <-
  function(x, file) {
    return(invisible("nothing done"))

AddXML.boxplot <- function(x, file) {
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("boxplot")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddAxis(root, axis = "y", "annotations")

  title <- .AddXMLAddTitle(annotations, title = x$ExtraArgs$main)

  if (x$horizontal) {
    xValues <- x$xTicks
    yValues <- x$names
    YMin <- min(xValues)
    YMax <- max(xValues)
  } else {
    xValues <- x$names
    yValues <- x$yTicks
    YMin <- min(yValues)
    YMax <- max(yValues)
  if (x$horizontal) {
    xSpeech <- paste("x axis", x$ExtraArgs$xlab, "ranges from", YMin, "to", YMax)
    ySpeech <- paste("y axis with values", paste(yValues, collapse = ", "))
  } else {
    xSpeech <- paste("x axis with values", paste(xValues, collapse = ", "))
    ySpeech <- paste("y axis", x$ExtraArgs$ylab, "ranges from", YMin, "to", YMax)

  xAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations, axis = "x", label = x$ExtraArgs$xlab, values = xValues, speechLong = xSpeech)

  yAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations, axis = "y", label = x$ExtraArgs$ylab, values = yValues, speechLong = ySpeech)

  center <- .AddXMLAddBoxplotCenter(annotations, boxplot = x)

  chart <- .AddXMLAddChart(annotations,
    type = "BoxPlot",
    speech = paste(x$Boxplots, "for", x$ExtraArgs$main),
    speech2 = paste(x$Boxplots, "for", x$ExtraArgs$xlab, paste(x$names, collapse = ", ")),
    children = list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center)
  .AddXMLAddComponents(chart, list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center))
  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

AddXML.dotplot <- function(x, file) {
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("dotplot")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotations")
  .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations, axis = "x", label = x$ExtraArgs$xlab)
  .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations, axis = "y", label = x$ExtraArgs$ylab)
  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

AddXML.eulerr <- function(x, file) {
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("eulerr")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotations")
  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

AddXML.ggplot <- function(x, file) {
  xs <- .VIstruct.ggplot(x)
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("ggplot")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotations")
  components <- list()

  backgroundGrob <- grid.grep(gPath("panel.background..rect"), grep = TRUE)
  titleGrob <- grid.grep(gPath("plot.title", "text"), grep = TRUE)
  if (length(titleGrob) > 0) {
    titleId <- paste0(titleGrob$name, ".1")
    title <- .AddXMLAddTitle(annotations, title = xs$title, id = titleId)
    components[[length(components) + 1]] <- title
  xAxisLabelGrob <- paste0(
      gPath("xlab-b", "titleGrob", "text"),
      grep = TRUE
  xAxisTickLabelGrob <- paste0(
      gPath("axis-b", "absoluteGrob", "axis", "axis", "titleGrob", "text"),
      grep = TRUE

  xAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations,
    axis = "x",
    label = xs$xaxis$xlabel,
    values = xs$xaxis$xticklabels,
    fullLabelId = xAxisLabelGrob,
    fullTickLabelId = xAxisTickLabelGrob
  components[[length(components) + 1]] <- xAxis

  yAxisLabelGrob <- paste0(
      gPath("ylab-l", "titleGrob", "text"),
      grep = TRUE
  yAxisTickLabelGrob <- paste0(
      gPath("axis-l", "absoluteGrob", "axis", "axis", "titleGrob", "text"),
      grep = TRUE
  yAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations,
    axis = "y",
    label = xs$yaxis$ylabel,
    values = xs$yaxis$yticklabels,
    fullLabelId = yAxisLabelGrob,
    fullTickLabelId = yAxisTickLabelGrob
  components[[length(components) + 1]] <- yAxis

  if (xs$npanels == 1) {
    for (layerNum in 1:xs$nlayers) {
      layerGroupID <- paste("center", 1, layerNum, sep = "-")
      layerAnnotation <- .AddXMLAddAnnotation(annotations,
        position = 3 + layerNum,
        id = layerGroupID, kind = "grouped"

      layerStruct <- xs$panels[[1]]$panellayers[[layerNum]]

      layerAnnotations <- .AddXMLAddGGPlotLayer(
        structure(layerStruct, class = layerStruct$type),
        .GetGeomID(x, layerNum)

      # Keep moving if this layer is not supported
      if (is.null(layerAnnotations)) {

      .AddXMLAddComponents(layerAnnotation, layerAnnotations)
      .AddXMLAddChildren(layerAnnotation, layerAnnotations)
      .AddXMLAddParents(layerAnnotation, layerAnnotations)
      components[[length(components) + 1]] <- layerAnnotation
  # Else, should warn about not handling faceted charts -- or else handle them!
  chart <- .AddXMLAddChart(annotations,
    type = "Chart",
    speech = paste(
        paste("Chart with title ", xs$title)
      " with x-axis ", xs$xaxis$xlabel,
      " and y-axis ", xs$yaxis$ylabel
    # Currently speech2 is same as speech
    speech2 = paste(
        paste("Chart with title ", xs$title)
      " with x-axis ", xs$xaxis$xlabel,
      " and y-axis ", xs$yaxis$ylabel
    children = components
  .AddXMLAddComponents(chart, components)

  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

AddXML.histogram <- function(x, file) {
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("histogram")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotations")

  # still need to allow for main and sub titles
  title <- .AddXMLAddTitle(annotations, title = x$ExtraArgs$main)

  xValues <- x$xTicks
  XMax <- max(x$breaks, x$xTicks)
  xAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations,
    axis = "x", label = x$ExtraArgs$xlab, values = xValues,
    speechLong = paste("x axis", x$ExtraArgs$xlab, "ranges from 0 to", XMax)

  AboveY <- x$yTicks
  for (i in 1:length(x$yTicks)) {
    AboveY[i] <- length(x$counts[x$counts > x$yTicks[i]])
  yValues <- x$yTicks
  DetYValues <- paste(AboveY, "of the", x$NBars, "bars exceed the", x$ExtraArgs$ylab, x$yTicks)
  YMax <- max(x$counts, x$yTicks)
  yAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(annotations,
    axis = "y", label = x$ExtraArgs$ylab,
    values = yValues, detailedValues = DetYValues,
    speechLong = paste("y axis", x$ExtraArgs$ylab, "ranges from 0 to", YMax)

  center <- .AddXMLAddHistogramCenter(annotations, hist = x)

  chart <- .AddXMLAddChart(annotations,
    type = "Histogram",
    speech = paste("Histogram of", x$ExtraArgs$xlab),
    speech2 = paste(
      "Histogram showing ", x$NBars, "bars for ",
      x$ExtraArgs$xlab, "over the range", min(x$breaks),
      "to", max(x$breaks), "and", x$ExtraArgs$ylab,
      "from 0 to", max(x$counts)
    ), # must allow for density
    children = list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center)
  .AddXMLAddComponents(chart, list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center))

  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

AddXML.scatterplot <- function(x, file) {
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("scatterplot")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotations")

  # still need to allow for main and sub titles
  title <- .AddXMLAddTitle(annotations, title = x$ExtraArgs$main)

  xValues <- x$xTicks
  XMin <- min(x$xTicks)
  XMax <- max(x$xTicks)
  xAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(
    axis = "x", label = x$ExtraArgs$xlab, values = xValues,
    speechLong = paste("x axis", x$ExtraArgs$xlab, "ranges from", XMin, "to", XMax)

  yValues <- x$yTicks
  YMin <- min(x$yTicks)
  YMax <- max(x$yTicks)
  yAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(
    axis = "y", label = x$ExtraArgs$ylab, values = yValues,
    speechLong = paste("y axis", x$ExtraArgs$ylab, "ranges from", YMin, "to", YMax)

  ## now to add the other content related bits
  center <- .AddXMLAddScatterCenter(annotations, sp = x)

  chart <- .AddXMLAddChart(annotations,
    type = "ScatterPlot",
    speech = paste("Scatter plot of", x$ExtraArgs$ylab),
    speech2 = paste(
      "Scatter plot showing ",
      x$ExtraArgs$ylab, "over the range", YMin,
      "to", YMax, "for", x$ExtraArgs$ylab,
      "which ranges from", XMin, "to", XMax
    children = list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center)
  .AddXMLAddComponents(chart, list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center))

  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

AddXML.tsplot <- function(x, file) {
  doc <- .AddXMLDocument("timeseriesplot")
  root <- XML::xmlRoot(doc)
  annotations <- .AddXMLAddNode(root, "annotations")

  # still need to allow for main and sub titles
  title <- .AddXMLAddTitle(annotations, title = x$ExtraArgs$main)

  xValues <- x$xTicks
  XMin <- min(x$xTicks)
  XMax <- max(x$xTicks)
  xAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(
    axis = "x", label = x$ExtraArgs$xlab, values = xValues,
    speechLong = paste("x axis", x$ExtraArgs$xlab, "ranges from", XMin, "to", XMax)

  yValues <- x$yTicks
  YMin <- min(x$yTicks)
  YMax <- max(x$yTicks)
  yAxis <- .AddXMLAddAxis(
    axis = "x", label = x$ExtraArgs$ylab, values = yValues,
    speechLong = paste("y axis", x$ExtraArgs$ylab, "ranges from", YMin, "to", YMax)

  ## now to add the other content related bits
  center <- .AddXMLAddTimeseriesCenter(annotations, ts = x)

  chart <- .AddXMLAddChart(annotations,
    type = "TimeSeriesPlot",
    speech = paste("Time series plot of", x$ExtraArgs$ylab),
    speech2 = paste(
      "Time series plot showing ",
      x$ExtraArgs$ylab, "over the range", YMin,
      "to", YMax, "for", x$ExtraArgs$ylab,
      "which ranges from", XMin, "to", XMax
    children = list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center)
  .AddXMLAddComponents(chart, list(title, xAxis, yAxis, center))

  XML::saveXML(doc = doc, file = file)

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BrailleR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.