
Defines functions .addAesVars .addLineAesLabels .addLineAesVars .convertAes .mapDataValues .mapAesDataValues .buildLayers .buildPanels .buildLegends .VIstruct.ggplot VI.ggplot gsub.VIgraph gsub.default gsub grep.VIgraph grep.default grep sort.VIgraph .VIlist print.VIgraph .cleanPrint .listifyVars .VIpreprocess .VItextify

Documented in grep grep.default grep.VIgraph gsub gsub.default gsub.VIgraph print.VIgraph sort.VIgraph VI.ggplot

## Textify performs whisker rendering
## First parameter is a list of objects.
## Second parameter is the name of a template file.
## Each object is rendered using the template of the same name
## found within the template file.  Partial templates can also
## be present in the template file and will be used if needed.
.VItextify <- function(x, template = system.file("whisker/VIdefault.txt", package = "BrailleR")) {
  temp <- read.csv(template, header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)
  templates <- as.list(gsub("\n", "", temp[, 2]))
  names(templates) <- temp[, 1]
  result <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    if (is.null(x[[i]])) {
      result[[i]] <- character(0)
    } else {
      render <- whisker::whisker.render(templates[names(x[i])], x[[i]], partials = templates)
      result[[i]] <- as.vector(strsplit(render, "<br>", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
  names(result) <- names(x)

# This function adds flags to the VIstruct object that are only
# required because of the limitations of mustache templating, as well
# as implementing the threshold for printing by setting "largecount" flags.
# Mustache can't check a field's value, only whether it's present or not.
# So flags are either set to true or not included at all
.VIpreprocess <- function(x, threshold = 10) {
  if (is.null(x)) {

  # Deal with coords
  supportedNonCartesian <- c("CoordPolar")
  if (x$coord %in% supportedNonCartesian) {
    x$noncartesian <- TRUE
  x[[x$coord]] <- TRUE
  x <- append(x, x$coordInformation) # Add all coord information

  if (x$npanels == 1) {
    x$singlepanel <- TRUE
  if (x$nlayers == 1) {
    x$singlelayer <- TRUE
  if (length(x$panelrows) == 0) {
    x$singlerow <- TRUE
  if (length(x$panelcols) == 0) {
    x$singlecol <- TRUE
  if (length(x$panelrows) > 0 && length(x$panelcols) > 0) {
    x$panelgrid <- TRUE
  if (length(x$xaxis) == 1) {
    x$xaxis <- NULL
  if (length(x$yaxis) == 1) {
    x$yaxis <- NULL
  # If samescale then axis labels are at top level
  if (!is.null(x$xaxis$xticklabels)) {
    x$xaxis$xtickitems <- .listifyVars(list(label = x$xaxis$xticklabels))
  if (!is.null(x$yaxis$yticklabels)) {
    x$yaxis$ytickitems <- .listifyVars(list(label = x$yaxis$yticklabels))

  for (legendi in 1:length(x$legends)) {
    if (!is.null(x$legends[[legendi]]$scalelevels)) {
      x$legends[[legendi]]$scalelevelitems <-
          level = x$legends[[legendi]]$scalelevels,
          map = x$legends[[legendi]]$scalemaps
  for (paneli in 1:x$npanels) {
    # Othewise they're within the panels
    if (!is.null(x$panels[[paneli]]$xticklabels)) {
      x$panels[[paneli]]$xtickitems <- .listifyVars(list(label = x$panels[[paneli]]$xticklabels))
    if (!is.null(x$panels[[paneli]]$yticklabels)) {
      x$panels[[paneli]]$ytickitems <- .listifyVars(list(label = x$panels[[paneli]]$yticklabels))
    for (layeri in 1:x$nlayers) {
      layer <- x$panels[[paneli]]$panellayers[[layeri]]
      typeflag <- paste0("type", layer$type)
      layer[[typeflag]] <- TRUE
      n <- layer$n
      if (!is.null(n)) {
        if (n > 1) {
          layer$s <- TRUE
        if (n > threshold) {
          layer$largecount <- TRUE
        } else {
          if (layer$type == "line") { # Lines are special, items are within groups
            for (i in 1:length(layer$lines)) {
              layer$lines[[i]]$linenum <- i
              npoints <- nrow(layer$lines[[i]]$scaledata)
              layer$lines[[i]]$npoints <- npoints
              if (npoints > threshold) {
                layer$lines[[i]]$largecount <- TRUE
              } else {
                layer$lines[[i]]$items <- .listifyVars(layer$lines[[i]]$scaledata)
          } else {
            layer$items <- .listifyVars(layer$scaledata)
      x$panels[[paneli]]$panellayers[[layeri]] <- layer

# This function will convert vectors into lists for mustache
# Takes a named list of vectors, result is a list of lists
# Also adds item numbers and separator
# e.g. converts list(x=c(1,2),y=c(3,4)) into
#     list(list(itemnum=1,x=1,y=3,sep=" and "),list(itemnum=2,x=2,y=4,sep=""))
# This code isn't efficient, but hopefully we aren't printing a huge number of points
.listifyVars <- function(varlist) {
  itemlist <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(varlist[[1]])) { # Assumes all varlists are the same length
    item <- list()
    for (j in seq_along(varlist)) {
      item$itemnum <- i
      var <- varlist[[j]]
      name <- names(varlist)[j]
      item[[name]] <- .cleanPrint(var[i])
    len <- length(varlist[[1]])
    # Separator, to allow whisker template to create and-separated lists
    if (i == len) {
      item[["sep"]] <- ""
    } else if (i == len - 1) {
      item[["sep"]] <- " and "
    } else {
      item[["sep"]] <- ", "
    itemlist[[i]] <- item

# For now, limit all values printed to 2 decimal places.  Should do something smarter -- what does
# ggplot itself do?
.cleanPrint <- function(x) {
  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    return(round(x, 2))
  } else {

### Print function for the object created by VI.ggplot
### Prints the text component of the object
print.VIgraph <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(x$text, sep = "\n")

# Small helper function - builds list excluding items that are null or length 0
.VIlist <- function(...) {
  l <- list(...)
  if (length(l[(lapply(l, length) > 0)]) == 0) {
  } else {
    return(l[(lapply(l, length) > 0)])

sort.VIgraph <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, by = "x", ...) {
  if (!by %in% c("x", "y")) {
    message('Valid by parameters are "x" or "y".')
    return(x) # Return unchanged
  VIgg <- x$VIgg
  for (i in 1:VIgg$npanels) {
    for (j in 1:VIgg$nlayers) {
      if (VIgg$panels[[i]]$panellayers[[j]]$type != "point") {
        message("Sorting is only supported on plots of type 'point'")
        return(x) # Return unchanged
      df <- VIgg$panel[[i]]$panellayers[[j]]$scaledata
      VIgg$panels[[i]]$panellayers[[j]] <- within(VIgg$panels[[i]]$panellayers[[j]], {
        sortorder <- order(if (by == "x") scaledata$x else scaledata$y, decreasing = decreasing)
        scaledata <- scaledata[sortorder, ]
  text <- .VItextify(list(VIgg = .VIpreprocess(VIgg, x$threshold)), x$template)[[1]]
  VIgraph <- list(VIgg = VIgg, text = text, threshold = x$threshold, template = x$template)
  class(VIgraph) <- "VIgraph"

grep <- function(pattern, x, ...) {
  ## Dispatch on 'x' rather than 'pattern' !!!
  UseMethod("grep", x)

grep.default <- function(pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, invert = FALSE, ...) {
  base::grep(pattern, x, ignore.case, perl, value, fixed, useBytes, invert)

# Returns the VIgraph object with the text trimmed down to only those rows
# containing the specified pattern.  Passes extra parameters on to grepl.
# Note that only the text portion of the VIgraph is modified; the complete
# VIgg structure is still included
grep.VIgraph <- function(pattern, x, ...) {
  x$text <- grep(pattern, x$text, value = TRUE, ...)

gsub <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
  ## Dispatch on 'x' rather than 'pattern' !!!
  UseMethod("gsub", x)

gsub.default <-
  function(pattern, replacement, x,
           ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE,
           fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, ...) {
      pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case, perl,
      fixed, useBytes

gsub.VIgraph <- function(pattern, replacement, x, ...) {
  x$text <- gsub(pattern, replacement, x$text, ...)

# threshold specifies how many points, lines, etc will be explicitly listed.
# Greater numbers will be summarised (e.g. "is a set of 32 horizontal lines" vs
# "is a set of 3 horizontal lines at 5, 7.5, 10")
VI.ggplot <- function(x, Describe = FALSE, threshold = 10, template = system.file("whisker/VIdefault.txt", package = "BrailleR"), ...) {
  VIstruct <- .VIstruct.ggplot(x)
  text <- .VItextify(list(VIgg = .VIpreprocess(VIstruct, threshold)), template)[[1]]
  VIgraph <- list(VIgg = VIstruct, text = text, threshold = threshold, template = template)
  class(VIgraph) <- "VIgraph"

# Builds the VIgg structure describing the graph
.VIstruct.ggplot <- function(x) {
  xbuild <- suppressMessages(ggplot_build(x))

  # If this is a plot we really can't deal with, say so now
  supportedClasses <- c("CoordCartesian", "CoordPolar", "CoordFlip")
  if (!sum(.getGGCoord(x, xbuild) %in% supportedClasses) > 0) {
    message("VI cannot process this ggplot objects coordinates")

  # Deal with quirks of different coordinate system
  coord <- .getGGCoord(x, xbuild)
  coordInformation <- list()
  if (coord == "CoordPolar") {
    PolarTheta <- x$coordinates$theta
    PolarR <- x$coordinates$r
    coordInformation <- .VIlist(PolarTheta = PolarTheta, PolarR = PolarR)

  title <- .getGGTitle(x, xbuild)
  subtitle <- .getGGSubtitle(x, xbuild)
  caption <- .getGGCaption(x, xbuild)
  annotations <- .VIlist(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, caption = caption)
  xlabel <- .getGGAxisLab(x, xbuild, "x")
  ylabel <- .getGGAxisLab(x, xbuild, "y")
  if (!.getGGScaleFree(x, xbuild)) { # Can talk about axis ticks at top level unless scale_free
    samescale <- TRUE
    xticklabels <- .getGGTicks(x, xbuild, 1, "x")
    yticklabels <- .getGGTicks(x, xbuild, 1, "y")
  } else {
    samescale <- NULL
    xticklabels <- NULL
    yticklabels <- NULL
  xaxis <- .VIlist(xlabel = xlabel, xticklabels = xticklabels, samescale = samescale)
  yaxis <- .VIlist(ylabel = ylabel, yticklabels = yticklabels, samescale = samescale)
  legends <- .buildLegends(x, xbuild)
  panels <- .buildPanels(x, xbuild)
  panelrows <- as.list(.getGGFacetRows(x, xbuild))
  panelcols <- as.list(.getGGFacetCols(x, xbuild))
  layerCount <- .getGGLayerCount(x, xbuild)
  VIstruct <- .VIlist(
    annotations = annotations, xaxis = xaxis, yaxis = yaxis, legends = legends, panels = panels,
    npanels = length(panels), nlayers = layerCount,
    panelrows = panelrows, panelcols = panelcols, coord = coord, coordInformation = coordInformation, type = "ggplot"
  class(VIstruct) <- "VIstruct"

.buildLegends <- function(x, xbuild) {
  legends <- list()
  labels <- .getGGGuideLabels(x, xbuild)
  names <- names(labels)
  guides <- .getGGGuides(x, xbuild)
  for (i in seq_along(labels)) {
    name <- names[i]
    mapping <- labels[[i]]
    scale <- .getGGScale(x, xbuild, name)
    ## From ggplot2 3.0.0 can have x$labels without any corresponding
    ## xbuild$plot$scales
    if (is.null(scale)) {
    scalediscrete <- if ("ScaleDiscrete" %in% class(scale)) TRUE
    hidden <- if (.isGuideHidden(x, xbuild, name)) TRUE
    maplevels <- data.frame(col1 = scale$map(scale$range$range), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(maplevels) <- name
    maplevels <- .convertAes(maplevels)
    maplevels <- maplevels[[name]]
    if (!is.null(scalediscrete)) {
      scalenlevels <- length(scale$range$range)
      scalelevels <- scale$range$range
      scalemaps <- maplevels
      legend <- .VIlist(
        aes = name, mapping = unname(mapping), scalediscrete = scalediscrete,
        scalenlevels = scalenlevels, scalelevels = scalelevels,
        scalemaps = scalemaps, hidden = hidden
    } else {
      scalefrom <- scale$range$range[1]
      scaleto <- scale$range$range[2]
      scalemapfrom <- maplevels[1]
      scalemapto <- maplevels[2]
      legend <- .VIlist(
        aes = name, mapping = unname(mapping), scalediscrete = scalediscrete,
        scalefrom = scalefrom, scaleto = scaleto,
        scalemapfrom = scalemapfrom, scalemapto = scalemapto, hidden = hidden
    legends[[i]] <- legend

.buildPanels <- function(x, xbuild) {
  f <- .getGGFacetLayout(x, xbuild)
  panels <- list()
  names <- colnames(f)
  panelvars <- names[which(!names %in% c("PANEL", "ROW", "COL", "SCALE_X", "SCALE_Y"))]
  for (i in seq_along(f$PANEL)) {
    panel <- list()
    panel[["panelnum"]] <- as.character(f$PANEL[i])
    panel[["row"]] <- f$ROW[i]
    panel[["col"]] <- f$COL[i]
    scalefree <- .getGGScaleFree(x, xbuild)
    panel[["samescale"]] <- if (!scalefree) TRUE # Might want to move this into pre-processing step
    if (scalefree) {
      panel[["xticklabels"]] <- .getGGTicks(x, xbuild, 1, "x")
      panel[["yticklabels"]] <- .getGGTicks(x, xbuild, 1, "y")
      panel[["xlabel"]] <- .getGGAxisLab(x, xbuild, "x") # Won't actually change over the panels
      panel[["ylabel"]] <- .getGGAxisLab(x, xbuild, "y") # But we still want to mention them
    vars <- list()
    for (j in seq_along(panelvars)) {
      vars[[j]] <- list(varname = as.character(panelvars[j]), value = as.character(f[[i, panelvars[j]]]))
    panel[["vars"]] <- vars
    panel[["panellayers"]] <- .buildLayers(x, xbuild, i)
    panels[[i]] <- panel

.buildLayers <- function(x, xbuild, panel) {
  layerCount <- .getGGLayerCount(x, xbuild)
  layers <- list()
  for (layeri in 1:layerCount) {
    layeraes <- .getGGLayerAes(x, xbuild, layeri)
    layer <- .VIlist(layernum = layeri, layeraes = layeraes)
    layer$data <- .getGGPlotData(x, xbuild, layeri, panel)
    if (length(layer$data$group) > 0 && max(layer$data$group) > 0) { # ungrouped data have group = -1
      ngroups <- length(unique(layer$data$group))
    } else {
      ngroups <- 1
    layerClass <- .getGGLayerType(x, xbuild, layeri)

    # HLINE
    if (layerClass == "GeomHline") {
      layer$type <- "hline"
      # Discard lines that go outside the bounds of the plot,
      # as they won't be displayed
      cleandata <- layer$data[!is.na(layer$data$yintercept), ]
      layer$n <- nrow(cleandata)
      map <- .mapDataValues(x, xbuild, list("yintercept"), panel, list(yintercept = cleandata$yintercept))
      if (!is.null(map$badTransform)) {
        layer$badtransform <- TRUE
        layer$transform <- map$badTransform
      layer$scaledata <- map$value
      # Also report on any aesthetic variables that vary across the layer
      layer <- .addAesVars(x, xbuild, cleandata, layeri, layer, panel)

      # POINT
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomPoint") {
      layer$type <- "point"
      # Mark as hidden points that go outside the bounds of the plot,
      # as they won't be displayed
      cleandata <- layer$data[!is.na(layer$data$x) & !is.na(layer$data$y), ]
      layer$n <- nrow(cleandata)
      map <- .mapDataValues(
        x, xbuild, list("x", "y"), panel,
        list(x = cleandata$x, y = cleandata$y)
      if (!is.null(map$badTransform)) {
        layer$badtransform <- TRUE
        layer$transform <- map$badTransform
      layer$scaledata <- map$value

      # Get visible points.
      # Current model is only effective for median sizes less than 18.
      if (median(cleandata$size) < 18) {
        layer$visibleproportion <- (.getGGVisiblePoints(cleandata) * 100) |>
          signif(digits = 2) |>

      # Check to see if the shape parameter has been set.
      if (is.null(cleandata$aes_params[["shape"]])) {
        # Make sure there is only one shape for all points
        # We know this is the default from the previous conditional
        if (length(unique(xbuild$data[[layeri]]$shape)) == 1) {
          layer$defaultShape <- .convertAes(data.frame(shape = xbuild$data[[layeri]]$shape[1]))$shape[1]
      # Also report on any aesthetic variables that vary across the layer
      layer <- .addAesVars(x, xbuild, cleandata, layeri, layer, panel)

      # BAR
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomBar" | layerClass == "GeomCol") {
      layer$type <- "bar"
      # Discard bars that go outside the bounds of the plot,
      # as they won't be displayed
      cleandata <- layer$data[!is.na(layer$data$xmin) & !is.na(layer$data$xmax), ]
      # Recount rows

      # Whether the bar is vertical or horizontal
      layer$orientation <- .findBarOrientation(x, xbuild, layeri)

      # Count how many bars are seen visually this is different
      # to the number of actual bars as bars may be stacked on top of each other
      layer$numberOfBars <- .getNumOfBars(cleandata, layer$orientation)
      layer$n <- nrow(cleandata)

      # If bar width varies then we should report xmin and xmax instead
      if (layer$orientation == "vertical") {
        width <- cleandata$xmax - cleandata$xmin
        valueList <- list(loc = cleandata$x, min = cleandata$ymin, max = cleandata$ymax)
      } else {
        width <- cleandata$ymax - cleandata$ymin
        valueList <- list(loc = cleandata$y, min = cleandata$xmin, max = cleandata$xmax)
      map <- .mapDataValues(
        x, xbuild, list("loc", "min", "max"), panel,

      if (!is.null(map$badTransform)) {
        layer$badtransform <- TRUE
        layer$transform <- map$badTransform
      layer$scaledata <- map$value

      # Print out information of width of bar if they vary
      if (max(width) - min(width) > .0001) { # allow for small rounding error
        if (layer$orientation == "vertical") {
          layer$scaledata <- cbind(layer$scaledata, widthmin = cleandata$xmin, widthmin = cleandata$xmax)
        } else {
          layer$scaledata <- cbind(layer$scaledata, widthmin = cleandata$ymin, widthmin = cleandata$ymax)
        layer$varyingWidths <- T
      } else {
        layer$varyingWidths <- F
      # Also report on any aesthetic variables that vary across the layer
      layer <- .addAesVars(x, xbuild, cleandata, layeri, layer, panel)

      # LINE
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomLine") {
      layer$type <- "line"
      # Lines are funny - each item in the data is a point
      # The number of actual lines depends on the group parameter
      layer$n <- ngroups
      # Y values of NA or past ylims create broken lines
      if (any(is.na(layer$data$y))) {
        layer$broken <- TRUE
      # X values of NA or past xlims should just not be reported on
      # as they won't be displayed but the line will still be continuous
      cleandata <- layer$data[!is.na(layer$data$x), ]
      layer <- .addLineAesLabels(x, xbuild, layeri, layer, panel)
      # Each group is a line which has its own information including its own scaledata
      layer$lines <- list()
      for (groupi in unique(cleandata$group)) {
        line <- list()
        groupdata <- cleandata[cleandata$group == groupi, ]
        groupx <- groupdata$x
        groupy <- groupdata$y
        map <- .mapDataValues(x, xbuild, list("x", "y"), panel, list(x = groupx, y = groupy))
        if (!is.null(map$badTransform)) {
          layer$badtransform <- TRUE
          layer$transform <- map$badTransform
        # Lines have a separate scaledata for each group
        line$scaledata <- map$value
        line <- .addLineAesVars(x, xbuild, line, layeri, groupdata, panel)
        layer$lines[[length(layer$lines) + 1]] <- line

      # BOXPLOT
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomBoxplot") {
      ## Could add information about the varying widths

      layer$type <- "box"
      cleandata <- layer$data # No need for cleaning since this data is already aggregated
      layer$n <- nrow(layer$data)

      # Deal with them either being horizontal or vertical
      flipped <- sum(cleandata$flipped_aes) == length(cleandata$flipped_aes)
      if (flipped) {
        map <- .mapDataValues(
          x, xbuild, list("loc", "min", "lower", "middle", "upper", "max"), panel,
            loc = cleandata$y, min = cleandata$xmin, lower = cleandata$xlower,
            middle = cleandata$xmiddle, upper = cleandata$xupper,
            max = cleandata$xmax
      } else {
        map <- .mapDataValues(
          x, xbuild, list("loc", "min", "lower", "middle", "upper", "max"), panel,
            loc = cleandata$x, min = cleandata$ymin, lower = cleandata$lower,
            middle = cleandata$middle, upper = cleandata$upper,
            max = cleandata$ymax
      layer$flipped <- flipped

      if (!is.null(map$badTransform)) {
        layer$badtransform <- TRUE
        layer$transform <- map$badTransform
      layer$scaledata <- map$value

      nOutliers <- sapply(cleandata$outliers, length)
      layer$scaledata[["nooutliers"]] <- nOutliers == 0

      # Outlier code made nicer with help from josliber on code review
      # https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/281708/calculate-number-of-max-and-min-outliers-from-data-frame/281730#281730

      middle <- if (flipped) cleandata$xmiddle else cleandata$middle
      layer$scaledata[["minoutliers"]] <- mapply(function(x, y) sum(x < y), cleandata$outliers, middle)
      layer$scaledata[["maxoutliers"]] <- mapply(function(x, y) sum(x > y), cleandata$outliers, middle)

      # Also report on any aesthetic variables that vary across the layer
      layer <- .addAesVars(x, xbuild, cleandata, layeri, layer, panel)

      # SMOOTH
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomSmooth") {
      layer$type <- "smooth"
      layer$method <- .getGGSmoothMethod(x, xbuild, layeri)
      layer$ci <- .getGGSmoothSEflag(x, xbuild, layeri)
      # adding confidence level as a percentage
      deci <- toString(.getGGSmoothLevel(x, xbuild, layeri) * 100)
      layer$level <- paste(deci, "%", sep = "")

      if (layer$ci) {
        layer$shadedarea <- .getGGShadedArea(x, xbuild, layeri)

      # RIBBON
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomRibbon" | layerClass == "GeomArea") {
      layer$type <- "ribbon"
      data <- xbuild$data[[layeri]]

      # Width of the ribbon
      yMin <- data$ymin
      yMax <- data$ymax

      # Length of the ribbon
      xMin <- data$xmin
      xMax <- data$xmax

      # actual data
      x_data <- data$x
      y_data <- data$y

      # Removing the leading and trailing 0
      if (layerClass == "GeomArea") {
        yMin <- yMin[2:(length(yMin) - 1)]
        yMax <- yMax[2:(length(yMax) - 1)]
        xMin <- xMin[2:(length(xMin) - 1)]
        xMax <- xMax[2:(length(xMax) - 1)]
        x_data <- x_data[2:(length(x_data) - 1)]
        y_data <- y_data[2:(length(y_data) - 1)]

      widthIntervals <- seq(from = 1, to = length(y_data), length.out = 5)

      # Bound on the x or y axis
      if (is.null(yMin) && is.null(yMax) && !is.null(xMin) && !is.null(xMax)) {
        ybounds <- FALSE
        layer$bound <- "x"
      } else {
        ybounds <- TRUE
        layer$bound <- "y"

      # Get the width of the ribbon
      if (ybounds) {
        width <- yMax - yMin
      } else {
        width <- xMax - xMin

      # constant or nonconstant width
      if (length(unique(width)) != 1) {
        layer$nonconstantribbonwidth <- T
        width <- width[widthIntervals] |> signif()
      } else {
        width <- width[1]

      layer$ribbonwidth <- .listifyVars(list(value = width))

      # Centre
      if (ybounds) {
        centres <- (yMax + yMin)[widthIntervals] |>
          lapply(function(.x) signif((.x / 2)))
      } else {
        centres <- (xMax + xMin)[widthIntervals] |>
          lapply(function(.x) signif((.x / 2)))

      if (length(unique(centres)) == 1) { # Centre is constant
        layer$constantcentre <- T
        centres <- centres[1]
      layer$centre <- .listifyVars(list(value = unlist(centres)))

      # Shaded area
      if (ybounds) {
        layer$shadedarea <- .getGGShadedArea(x, xbuild, layeri)
      } else {
        layer$shadedarea <- .getGGShadedArea(x, xbuild, layeri, useX = F)

      # expand_limits
    } else if (layerClass == "GeomBlank") {
      # As only one method uses geom blank at the moment it will be treated like
      # expand limits
      layer$type <- "expand_limits"

      data <- xbuild$data[[layeri]]

      # Deal with situations of failed transformations. In these cases it wont affect
      # the grpah so just removing the bound.
      bounds <- list(x = data$x, y = data$y) |>
        lapply(function(bounds) {
          unlist(lapply(bounds, function(bound) {
            if (!is.null(bound) && !is.na(bound)) {
            } else {

      # Helper function to calculate the increase
      getIncrease <- function(max, min, dataRange) {
        if (max < dataRange[2]) max <- dataRange[2]
        if (min > dataRange[1]) min <- dataRange[1]
        dataSize <- (dataRange[2] - dataRange[1])
        if (dataSize == 0) {
          increase <- (max - min) / 0.1
          # It is divided by zero because if there is no width then the graph will
          # be very narrow. From my testing it is about 0.1. But the emphasis here
          # is that any limit will probably make the graph very much larger.
        } else {
          increase <- (max - min) / (dataRange[2] - dataRange[1])


      # Get plots max and mins on both axis
      xRange <- NULL
      yRange <- NULL
      # To get the min max of the plot it will go through all layers looking
      # in any of the potential locations below
      yLocations <- c("y", "ymin", "ymax", "yintercept")
      xLocations <- c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "xintercept")
      for (layerNum in 1:layerCount) {
        if (layerNum == layeri) break
        currentLayer <- xbuild$data[[layerNum]]

        # x min
        for (loc in xLocations) {
          if (!is.null(currentLayer[[loc]])) {
            xRange[1] <- min(min(currentLayer[[loc]]), xRange[1], na.rm = T)

        # x max
        for (loc in xLocations) {
          if (!is.null(currentLayer[[loc]])) {
            xRange[2] <- max(max(currentLayer[[loc]]), xRange[2], na.rm = T)

        # y min
        for (loc in yLocations) {
          if (!is.null(currentLayer[[loc]])) {
            yRange[1] <- min(min(currentLayer[[loc]]), yRange[1], na.rm = T)

        # y max
        for (loc in yLocations) {
          if (!is.null(currentLayer[[loc]])) {
            yRange[2] <- max(max(currentLayer[[loc]]), yRange[2], na.rm = T)

      dataRange <- list(x = xRange, y = yRange)

      # Get the increase for each axis
      axises <- c("x", "y")
      increase <- list()
      for (axis in axises) {
        bound <- bounds[[axis]]
        if (!is.null(bound) && !is.null(dataRange[[axis]])) {
          increase[axis] <- getIncrease(max(bound), min(bound), dataRange[[axis]])

      # Setup ready for moustache template
      if (!is.null(increase[["x"]]) && increase[["x"]] > 1) {
        if (increase[["x"]] < 1.01) { # Format really small changes differently
          layer$xIncrease <- sprintf("%0.1f%%", (increase[["x"]] - 1) * 100)
        } else {
          layer$xIncrease <- sprintf("%0.0f%%", (increase[["x"]] - 1) * 100)

      if (!is.null(increase[["y"]]) && increase[["y"]] > 1) {
        if (increase[["y"]] < 1.01) {
          layer$yIncrease <- sprintf("%0.1f%%", (increase[["y"]] - 1) * 100)
        } else {
          layer$yIncrease <- sprintf("%0.0f%%", (increase[["y"]] - 1) * 100)
      # Unknown
    } else {
      layer$type <- "unknown"
      # Name the unknown type and give it a/an accordingly
      className <- tolower(gsub("^.*?Geom", "", layerClass))
      layer$assign <- className
      layer$anA <- .giveAnOrA(className)

    ## Positioning
    layerPos <- .getGGLayerPosition(x, xbuild, layeri)
    if (is.null(layerPos)) {
      layer$hasPos <- FALSE
    } else {
      if (layerPos == "dodge") {
        layer$position <- "adjacent, as sorted by"
      } else if (layerPos == "fill") {
        if (layerClass == "GeomBar") {
          layer$position <- "stacked and shown as propotions of"
          layer$hasPos <- TRUE
      } else if (layerPos == "identity") {
        if (layerClass == "GeomBar") {
          layer$position <- "stacked, as sorted by"
          layer$hasPos <- TRUE
      } else if (layerPos == "stack") {
        layer$position <- "stacked, as sorted by"
        layer$hasPos <- TRUE
      } else if (layerPos == "jitter") {
        layer$position <- "offset by added random noise, and sorted by"
        layer$hasPos <- TRUE
      } else if (layerPos == "jitterdodge") {
        layer$position <- "offset along the x axis to avoid overlapping points, and sorted by"
        layer$hasPos <- TRUE
      } else if (layerPos == "nudge") {
        if (layerClass == "GeomText") {
          "adjusted text placement for tidier graph"
          layer$hasPos <- TRUE
    } # End of Layer Position checks
    layer$mapping2 <- .getGGGuideLabels(x, xbuild)
    if (length(layer$mapping2) == 0) {
      layer$hasPos <- FALSE

    layers[[layeri]] <- layer

.mapAesDataValues <- function(x, xbuild, layer, varlist, valuelist) {
  transformed <- list()
  for (var in varlist) {
    value <- valuelist[[var]]
    scale <- .getGGScale(x, xbuild, var)

    if (is.null(scale)) { # No scale found
    } else if (("ScaleDiscrete" %in% class(scale))) { # Try to map back to levels
      match <- match(value, scale$palette.cache)
      transformed[[var]] <- scale$range$range[match]
    } else { # Continuous scale - We can't currently map these

# Converts positional data values back to their original scales -- converting factor
# variables back to their levels, and undoisng transforms
.mapDataValues <- function(x, xbuild, varlist, panel, valuelist) {
  badTransform <- NULL
  transformed <- list()
  for (var in varlist) {
    value <- valuelist[[var]]
    scale <- .getGGPanelScale(x, xbuild, var, panel)

    if (is.null(scale)) { # No scale - just return the stored value
      r <- value
    } else if (("ScaleDiscrete" %in% class(scale))) { # Try to map back to levels
      map <- scale$range$range
      if (is.null(map)) {
        r <- value
      } else {
        mapping <- as.character(map[value])
        if (length(mapping) != length(value)) { # Can happen with jittered data
          r <- value
        } # Something's gone wrong - bail
        else {
          r <- mapping
    } else { # Continuous scale - try to undo any transform
      if (is.null(scale$trans)) { # No transform
        r <- value
      } else if (is.null(scale$trans$inverse)) {
        badTransform <- scale$trans$name
        r <- value
      } else {
        r <- scale$trans$inverse(value)
    transformed[[var]] <- r
  return(list(value = as.data.frame(transformed), badTransform = badTransform))

# Convert aesthetic values to something more friendly for the user
# Takes a dataframe and converts all of its columns if possible
# *** ONLY HANDLING LINETYPES AND SHAPES SO FAR - and not defaults 42, 22, ...
# Colours defined using roloc and related packages
.convertAes <- function(values) {
  linetypes <- c(
    "0" = "blank", "1" = "solid", "2" = "dashed",
    "3" = "dotted", "4" = "dotdash", "5" = "longdash", "6" = "twodash"
  shapes <- c(
    "open square", "open circle", "open triangle", "plus", "X", "open diamond", "downward triangle",
    "boxed X", "star", "crossed diamond", "circled plus", "six-pointed star", "boxed plus",
    "crossed circle", "boxed triangle", "solid square", "solid circle", "solid triangle",
    "solid diamond", "big solid circle", "small solid circle", "fillable circle",
    "fillable square", "fillable diamond", "fillable triangle", "fillable downward triangle"
  c <- values
  for (col in seq_along(values)) {
    aes <- names(values)[col]
    if (aes == "linetype") {
      c[, col] <- ifelse(values[[col]] %in% names(linetypes),
        c[, col]
      ) # If not found just return what we got
    } else if (aes == "shape") {
      c[, col] <- ifelse(values[, col] %in% 1:25, shapes[values[, col] + 1], c[, col])
    } else if (aes %in% c("colour", "fill")) {
      c[, col] <- colourName(values[, col], ISCCNBScolours)

.addLineAesVars <- function(x, xbuild, line, layeri, groupdata, panel) {
  aesvars <- .findVaryingAesthetics(x, xbuild, layeri)
  linedata <- groupdata[, aesvars, drop = FALSE]
  nvals <- sapply(linedata, function(x) length(unique(x)))
  nonconstantAes <- aesvars[nvals > 1]
  for (aes in seq_along(nonconstantAes)) {
    line[[paste0(nonconstantAes[aes], "varying")]] <- TRUE
  aesvars <- aesvars[nvals == 1]
  aesvals <- .convertAes(groupdata[1, aesvars, drop = FALSE])
  ## Use unconverted aesthetics for reverse lookup of mappings
  ## groupdata[1,aesvars,drop=FALSE] rather than aesvals[1,,drop=FALSE]
  aesmap <- .mapAesDataValues(
    x, xbuild, layeri, aesvars,
    groupdata[1, aesvars, drop = FALSE]
  line[aesvars] <- aesvals
  if (length(aesmap) > 0) {
    names(aesmap) <- paste0(names(aesmap), "map")
    line[names(aesmap)] <- aesmap

.addLineAesLabels <- function(x, xbuild, layeri, layer, panel) {
  aesvars <- .findVaryingAesthetics(x, xbuild, layeri)
  aeslabel <- .getGGGuideLabels(x, xbuild)[aesvars]
  if (length(aeslabel) > 0) {
    names(aeslabel) <- paste0(names(aeslabel), "label")
    layer <- append(layer, aeslabel)

.addAesVars <- function(x, xbuild, data, layeri, layer, panel) {
  # panel is not currently used in this function
  aesvars <- .findVaryingAesthetics(x, xbuild, layeri)
  aesvals <- .convertAes(data[aesvars])
  aeslabel <- .getGGGuideLabels(x, xbuild)[aesvars]
  if (length(aeslabel) > 0) {
    names(aeslabel) <- paste0(names(aeslabel), "label")
    layer <- append(layer, aeslabel)
  aesmap <- .mapAesDataValues(x, xbuild, layeri, aesvars, data[aesvars])
  layer$scaledata <- append(layer$scaledata, aesvals)
  if (length(aesmap) == 0) {
    layer$scaledata <- cbind(layer$scaledata, aesvals)
  } else {
    names(aesmap) <- paste0(names(aesmap), "map")
    layer$scaledata <- cbind(layer$scaledata, aesvals, aesmap)

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BrailleR documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:46 p.m.