
Defines functions .RewriteSVG.tsplot .SplitPolyline .SplitPolyPoints.default .SplitPolyPoints.polygon .SplitPolyPoints.polyline .SplitPolyPoints .RewriteSVG_SplitPoly .RewriteSVGGeom.GeomSmooth .RewriteSVGGeom.GeomPoint .RewriteSVGGeom.GeomLine .RewriteSVGGeom.default .RewriteSVGGeom .RewriteSVG

#' Rewrite a SVG so that it can be properly explored with diagcess via the XML.
#' @rdname .RewriteSVG
#' The Rewrite SVG is a wrapper around the .RewriteSVGGeom function. It will loop through each
#' of the layers and do the necessary changes.
#' @param x The graph object that the svg comes from
#' @param file The file of the SVG
#' @return NULL
.RewriteSVG <- function(x, file, ...) {
  svgDoc <- XML::xmlParseDoc(file)

  # Loop through each layer and write the geom.
  seq_along(x$layers) |>
    lapply(function(layerIndex, graphObject, file, svg) {
      geomGTagID <- .GetGeomID(graphObject, layerIndex)

      # If the geomGTagID is empty then this geom is not supported.
      if (is.null(geomGTagID)) {

      geomGTag <- XML::getNodeSet(
        paste0('//*[@id="', geomGTagID, '"]')

      .RewriteSVGGeom(graphObject, x$layer[[layerIndex]]$geom, geomGTagID, geomGTag, layerIndex, ...)
    }, graphObject = x, file = file, svg = svgDoc)

  XML::saveXML(svgDoc, file = file)


#' @rdname .RewriteSVG
#' The internal workhorse of the RewriteSVG function. These functions have all the specific
#' things that need to be done with the SVG to make it properly accessible.
#' Most of these functions have something has to line up with the AddXML internal functions.
#' @param geomGTagID Id of the geomGTag
#' @param geomGTag This is the g tag with which all of this layers geom tags are inside
#' @param ... Any other variables needed by the function.
.RewriteSVGGeom <- function(x, type, geomGTagID, geomGTag, ...) {
  UseMethod(".RewriteSVGGeom", type)

.RewriteSVGGeom.default <- function(x, type, geomGTagID, geomGTag, ...) {
  # Nothing is to be done by default

.RewriteSVGGeom.GeomLine <- function(x, type, geomGTagID, geomGTag, layer = 1, ...) {
  struct <- .VIstruct.ggplot(x)[["panels"]][[1]][["panellayers"]][[layer]]

  # Need to figure out how many lines there are
  numLines <- struct[["lines"]] |>

  for (lineNum in 1:numLines) {
    # Will grab the correct polyline as there will be a text and polyline for each line.
    # The poly line gets deleted at end of this loop
    # So the next polyine will always be + 1 the line number
    if (.IsGeomLineDisjoint(struct$lines[[lineNum]]$scaledata)) {
      regex <- paste0(.CreateID(geomGTagID, lineNum), "[a-z]")
      polylinesToBeSplit <- XML::xmlChildren(geomGTag) |>
        Filter(function(polyline) {
          numMatches <- XML::xmlGetAttr(polyline, "id") |>
            grep(regex, x = _) |>
          # Only if there is just one match
          numMatches == 1
        }, x = _)

      newSegmentIDs <- polylinesToBeSplit |>
        lapply(XML::xmlGetAttr, name = "id")
    } else {
      polylinesToBeSplit <- XML::xmlChildren(geomGTag)[[lineNum + 1]] |>
      newSegmentIDs <- .CreateID(geomGTagID, lineNum)

    polylinesToBeSplit |>
      mapply(function(line, i, segmentIDs) {
        # Get the g tag for the line for the segments to go into
        segmentParentGTag <- XML::newXMLNode("g",
          parent = geomGTag,
          attrs = list(id = segmentIDs)
        XML::addChildren(geomGTag, segmentParentGTag)

        # Split the line into smaller polylines
          id = segmentIDs
      }, line = _, i = seq_along(polylinesToBeSplit), segmentIDs = newSegmentIDs)

.RewriteSVGGeom.GeomPoint <- function(x, type, geomGTagID, geomGTag, layer = 1, ...) {
  pointNodes <- XML::xmlChildren(geomGTag)

  structLayer <- .VIstruct.ggplot(x)[["panels"]][[1]][["panellayers"]][[layer]][["scaledata"]]
  numPoints <- structLayer$x |> length()

  orderOfIDs <- data.frame(x = structLayer$x, id = 1:numPoints) |>
    dplyr::arrange(x) |>
    select(id) |>

  pointGroups <- .SplitData(orderOfIDs)
  # Only summarized the points if there are atelast 5 summarized secionts
  if (numPoints > 5) {
    # For each section go through get all of the use tags that should be in
    # The section and move them there
    for (sectionNum in 1:length(pointGroups)) {
      # Create new section tag
      newSectionGTag <- XML::newXMLNode("g",
        parent = geomGTag,
        attrs = list(id = paste(
          sep = "."

      pointNodes[pointGroups[[sectionNum]] * 2] |>
        XML::addChildren(newSectionGTag, kids = _)

.RewriteSVGGeom.GeomSmooth <- function(x, type, geomGTagID, geomGTag, layer = 1, ...) {
  ribbonAndLine <- XML::xmlChildren(geomGTag)
  ## Checking to see if it has a SE ribbon around the fitted line.
  if (length(ribbonAndLine) == 3) {
    hasCI <- FALSE
  } else {
    hasCI <- TRUE
    ## Split up the CI polygon into 5 polygons
    ribbonGTag <- ribbonAndLine[[2]]

    polygonGTag <- XML::xmlChildren(ribbonGTag)[[2]]
    polygonGTagID <- XML::xmlGetAttr(polygonGTag, "id")

    polygonTag <- XML::xmlChildren(polygonGTag)$polygon
    # Update the stroke so that when it is changed colour by Diagcess on selection
    # it will actually be highlighted
    XML::`xmlAttrs<-`(polygonTag, value = c(`stroke-opacity` = 0.4, `stroke-width` = 0.4))

    .RewriteSVG_SplitPoly(polygonGTag, polygonTag, id = .CreateID(layer, "smoother_ci"), type = "polygon")

    ## Move polygon to base geomGTag
    XML::addChildren(geomGTag, polygonGTag)
    XML::removeChildren(geomGTag, ribbonGTag)

  ## Split up the line into subparts
  polylineGTag <- ribbonAndLine[[ifelse(hasCI, 4, 2)]]
  polylineGTagID <- XML::xmlGetAttr(polylineGTag, "id")

  polylineTag <- XML::xmlChildren(polylineGTag)$polyline

  .RewriteSVG_SplitPoly(polylineGTag, polylineTag, id = .CreateID(layer, "smoother_line"))

  ## Take the 2 g tag with 5 polygon/polyline tags inside each of them.
  ## I want to zip them together so that I have 5 g tags with a polyline and polygon in each of them.
  if (hasCI) {
    # There are always two text elements at the start of the list. These ought
    # to be removed
    polygons <- XML::xmlChildren(polygonGTag)[3:7]
    polylines <- XML::xmlChildren(polylineGTag)[3:7]

      function(index, polygon, polyline, parentGTag, IDBase) {
        # New node as child of the Geom g tag
          polygon, polyline,
          attrs = list(id = paste(IDBase, letters[index], sep = ".")),
          parent = parentGTag
      1:length(polygons), polygons, polylines,
      MoreArgs = list(parentGTag = geomGTag, IDBase = geomGTagID)

    # Remove the old polygon and polyline
    XML::removeChildren(geomGTag, polylineGTag, polygonGTag)

#' @rdname .RewriteSVG
#' This is used to split both polylines and polygons. It will behave slightly differently depending on the parameter.
#' However by default it will split a polyline.
#' Splitting of the points is doen with the .SplitPolyPoint functions.
#' @param parentGTag This is the parent g tag which the new polylines will be children of
#' @param id The id of the new polyline. The id of these new polylines will be the argument with a letter added to end.
#' @param originalPoly original poly that you wish to split up.
#' @param type Type of the poly it is currently only support for polygon and polyline
#' @return Returns nothing
.RewriteSVG_SplitPoly <- function(parentGTag, originalPoly, id = "", type = "polyline") {
  ## Copy attributes from the original segment
  polyAttr <- XML::xmlAttrs(originalPoly)
  polyAttr <- polyAttr[!(names(polyAttr) %in% c("id", "points"))]
  polyAttr <- split(polyAttr, names(polyAttr))

  ## Get the line points
  points <- originalPoly |>
    XML::xmlGetAttr("points") |>
    strsplit(" ") |>

  # Split the points up based on the type of poly it is
  nSections <- ifelse(length(points) > 5, 5, length(points))
  pointsSplit <- .SplitPolyPoints(points, structure(type, class = type), nSections)

  ## For each segment add in a new poly with all the correct attributes
  seq_along(pointsSplit) |>
    lapply(function(i) {
      args <- polyAttr
      args$id <- paste(id, letters[i], sep = ".")

      if (type == "polyline") args$`fill-opacity` <- "0"

      args$points <- paste(pointsSplit[[i]], collapse = " ")

      newPoly <- XML::newXMLNode(type, parent = parentGTag, attrs = args)

      XML::addChildren(parentGTag, newPoly)

  ## Remove old line


#' @rdname .RewriteSVG
#' These functions will take a vector of points and split them into a certain number of sections.
#' @param points A vector of points to be split into
#' @param polyType The poly type that the points come
#' @param nSections This is the number of resultant sections
#' @return A list of vectors of points.
.SplitPolyPoints <- function(points, polyType, nSections) {
  UseMethod(".SplitPolyPoints", polyType)

.SplitPolyPoints.polyline <- function(points, polyType, nSections) {
  .SplitData(points, overlapping = TRUE)

.SplitPolyPoints.polygon <- function(points, polyType, nSections) {
  # Polygon points start and work there way round the outside
  # I will split this into top and bottom
  pointsTopAndBottom <-
    # Split the data into top and bottom
        labels = FALSE,
        include.lowest = TRUE
    ) |>
    # Split each top and bottom section into sections
    lapply(function(points) {
          labels = FALSE,
          include.lowest = TRUE
    }) |>
    # Go through the top and bottom and add one point from the next seciton
    # This is so there will be a continous polygon
    lapply(function(pointsCollection) {
      pointsCollection |>
        seq_along() |>
        lapply(function(i) {
          if (i != length(pointsCollection)) {
            c(pointsCollection[[i]], pointsCollection[[i + 1]][1])
          } else {

  # As the points go aroudn the permiter the top needs to be reversed so that
  # it starts at the lower end.
  pointsTopAndBottom[[2]] <- rev(pointsTopAndBottom[[2]])

  # Combine the top and bottom sections so that you just have nsection number
  # of sections with top and bottom coordinates

.SplitPolyPoints.default <- function(points, polyType, nSections) {
  warning(paste("Sorry type '", class(polyType), "' is not supported yet"))

# vs Currently we hardcode the attributes. Should simply be copied.
# Old functions only held for backwards support with base R
.SplitPolyline <- function(points, root, start = 0, child = 1) {
  children <- XML::getNodeSet(root, "//*[@points]")
  polyline <- children[[child]]
  attr <- XML::xmlGetAttr(polyline, "points")
  coordinates <- strsplit(attr, " ")[[1]]
  count <- 1
  ## result <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(points)) {
    node <- XML::newXMLNode("polyline", parent = root)
    end <- count + points[i]
    segment <- coordinates[count:end]
      id = paste("graphics-plot-1-lines-1.1.1", intToUtf8(utf8ToInt("a") + (i - 1)), sep = ""),
      points = paste(segment[!is.na(segment)], collapse = " "),
      "stroke-dasharray" = "none",
      stroke = "rgb(0,0,0)",
      "stroke-width" = "1",
      "stroke-linecap" = "round",
      "stroke-miterlimit" = "10",
      "stroke-linejoin" = "round",
      "stroke-opacity" = "1",
      fill = "none"
    XML::addChildren(root, node, at = i + (child - 1))
    count <- end
  XML::removeChildren(root, polyline)

.RewriteSVG.tsplot <- function(x, file) {
  svgDoc <- XML::xmlParseDoc(file) ## "Temperature.svg"
  nodes <- XML::getNodeSet(
  if (length(nodes) == 0) {
    return(invisible("Something went wrong!"))
  .SplitPolyline(x$GroupSummaries$N, nodes[[1]])
  XML::saveXML(svgDoc, file = file)

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