
Defines functions MultipleROCCurves plot.BranchGLMROC print.BranchGLMROC ROC.BranchGLM ROC.numeric ROC CindexU Cindex.BranchGLMROC Cindex.BranchGLM Cindex.numeric Cindex print.BranchGLMTable Table.BranchGLM Table.numeric Table

Documented in Cindex Cindex.BranchGLM Cindex.BranchGLMROC Cindex.numeric MultipleROCCurves plot.BranchGLMROC print.BranchGLMROC print.BranchGLMTable ROC ROC.BranchGLM ROC.numeric Table Table.BranchGLM Table.numeric

#' Confusion Matrix
#' @param object a \code{BranchGLM} object or a numeric vector.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @param y observed values, can be a numeric vector of 0s and 1s, a two-level factor vector, or 
#' a logical vector. 
#' @param cutoff cutoff for predicted values, the default is 0.5.
#' @name Table
#' @return A \code{BranchGLMTable} object which is a list with the following components
#' \item{\code{table}}{ a matrix corresponding to the confusion matrix}
#' \item{\code{accuracy}}{ a number corresponding to the accuracy}
#' \item{\code{sensitivity}}{ a number corresponding to the sensitivity}
#' \item{\code{specificity}}{ a number corresponding to the specificity}
#' \item{\code{PPV}}{ a number corresponding to the positive predictive value}
#' \item{\code{levels}}{ a vector corresponding to the levels of the response variable}
#' @description Creates confusion matrix and calculates related measures.
#' @examples 
#' Data <- ToothGrowth
#' Fit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit")
#' Table(Fit)
#' @export

Table <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname Table
#' @export

Table.numeric <- function(object, y, cutoff = .5, ...){
  if((!is.numeric(y)) && (!is.factor(y)) && (!is.logical(y))){
    stop("y must be a numeric, two-level factor, or logical vector")
  }else if(length(y) !=  length(object)){
    stop("Length of y must be the same as the length of object")
  }else if((any(object > 1) || any(object < 0))){
    stop("object must be between 0 and 1")
  }else if(any(is.na(object)) || any(is.na(y))){
    stop("object and y must not have any missing values")
  }else if(is.factor(y) && nlevels(y) != 2){
    stop("If y is a factor vector it must have exactly two levels")
  }else if(is.numeric(y) && any((y != 1) & (y != 0))){
    stop("If y is numeric it must only contain 0s and 1s.")
    Table <- MakeTable(object, y, cutoff)
    List <- list("Table" = Table, 
                 "Accuracy" = (Table[1, 1] + Table[2, 2]) / (sum(Table)),
                 "Sensitivity" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[2, 1]),
                 "Specificity" = Table[1, 1] / (Table[1, 1] + Table[1, 2]),
                 "PPV" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[1, 2]),
                 "Levels" = c(0, 1))
  }else if(is.factor(y)){
    Table <- MakeTableFactor2(object, as.character(y), levels(y), cutoff)
    List <- list("table" = Table, 
                 "accuracy" = (Table[1, 1] + Table[2, 2]) / (sum(Table)),
                 "sensitivity" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[2, 1]),
                 "specificity" = Table[1, 1] / (Table[1, 1] + Table[1, 2]),
                 "PPV" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[1, 2]),
                 "levels" = levels(y))
    Table <- MakeTable(object, y * 1, cutoff)
    List <- list("table" = Table, 
                 "accuracy" = (Table[1, 1] + Table[2, 2]) / (sum(Table)),
                 "sensitivity" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[2, 1]),
                 "specificity" = Table[1, 1] / (Table[1, 1] + Table[1, 2]),
                 "PPV" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[1, 2]),
                 "levels" = c(FALSE, TRUE))
  return(structure(List, class = "BranchGLMTable"))

#' @rdname Table
#' @export

Table.BranchGLM <- function(object, cutoff = .5, ...){
    stop("supplied BranchGLM object must have a y component")
  if(object$family != "binomial"){
    stop("This method is only valid for BranchGLM models in the binomial family")
  preds <- predict(object, type = "response")
  Table <- MakeTable(preds, object$y, cutoff)
  List <- list("table" = Table, 
               "accuracy" = (Table[1, 1] + Table[2, 2]) / (sum(Table)),
               "sensitivity" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[2, 1]),
               "specificity" = Table[1, 1] / (Table[1, 1] + Table[1, 2]),
               "PPV" = Table[2, 2] / (Table[2, 2] + Table[1, 2]),
               "levels" = object$ylevel)
  return(structure(List, class = "BranchGLMTable"))

#' Print Method for BranchGLMTable
#' @param x a \code{BranchGLMTable} object.
#' @param digits number of digits to display.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return The supplied \code{BranchGLMTable} object.
#' @export

print.BranchGLMTable <- function(x, digits = 4, ...){
  Numbers <- apply(x$table, 2, FUN = function(x){max(nchar(x))})
  Numbers <- pmax(Numbers, c(4, 4)) |>
  LeftSpace <- 10 + max(nchar(x$levels))
  cat("Confusion matrix:\n")
  cat(paste0(rep("-", LeftSpace + sum(Numbers) + 2), collapse = ""))
  cat(paste0(paste0(rep(" ", LeftSpace + Numbers[1] - 4), collapse = ""), 
      paste0(rep(" ", LeftSpace + floor((Numbers[1] - nchar(x$levels[1])) / 2)), 
             collapse = ""), 
      paste0(rep(" ", ceiling((Numbers[1] - nchar(x$levels[1])) / 2) + 1 + 
                      floor((Numbers[2] - nchar(x$levels[2])) / 2)), 
                 collapse = ""), x$levels[2], "\n\n", 
      paste0(rep(" ", 9), collapse = ""), x$levels[1], 
      paste0(rep(" ", 1 + max(nchar(x$levels)) - nchar(x$levels[1]) + 
                        floor((Numbers[1] - nchar(x$table[1, 1])) / 2)), 
               collapse = ""), 
      x$table[1, 1], 
      paste0(rep(" ", ceiling((Numbers[1] - nchar(x$table[1, 1])) / 2) + 1 + 
                      floor((Numbers[2] - nchar(x$table[1, 2])) / 2)), 
             collapse = ""),
      x$table[1, 2], 
      "\n", "Observed\n",
      paste0(rep(" ", 9), collapse = ""), x$levels[2], 
      paste0(rep(" ", 1 + max(nchar(x$levels)) - nchar(x$levels[2]) + 
                   floor((Numbers[1] - nchar(x$table[2, 1])) / 2)), 
             collapse = ""), 
      x$table[2, 1], 
      paste0(rep(" ", ceiling((Numbers[1] - nchar(x$table[2, 1])) / 2) + 1 + 
                      floor((Numbers[2] - nchar(x$table[2, 2])) / 2)), 
             collapse = ""),
      x$table[2, 2], "\n\n"))
  cat(paste0(rep("-", LeftSpace + sum(Numbers) + 2), collapse = ""))
  cat(paste0(rep("-", LeftSpace + sum(Numbers) + 2), collapse = ""))
  cat("Accuracy: ", round(x$accuracy, digits = digits), "\n")
  cat("Sensitivity: ", round(x$sensitivity, digits = digits), "\n")
  cat("Specificity: ", round(x$specificity, digits = digits), "\n")
  cat("PPV: ", round(x$PPV, digits = digits), "\n")

#' Cindex/AUC
#' @param object a \code{BranchGLM} object, a \code{BranchGLMROC} object, or a numeric vector.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @param y Observed values, can be a numeric vector of 0s and 1s, a two-level 
#' factor vector, or a logical vector.
#' @name Cindex
#' @return A number corresponding to the c-index/AUC.
#' @description Calculates the c-index/AUC.
#' @details Uses trapezoidal rule to calculate AUC when given a BranchGLMROC object and
#' uses Mann-Whitney U to calculate it otherwise. The trapezoidal rule method is less accurate, 
#' so the two methods may give different results.
#' @examples 
#' Data <- ToothGrowth
#' Fit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit")
#' Cindex(Fit)
#' AUC(Fit)
#' @export

Cindex <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname Cindex
#' @export

AUC <- Cindex

#' @rdname Cindex
#' @export

Cindex.numeric <- function(object, y, ...){
  if((!is.numeric(y)) && (!is.factor(y)) && (!is.logical(y))){
    stop("y must be a numeric, two-level factor, or logical vector")
  }else if(length(y) !=  length(object)){
    stop("Length of y must be the same as the length of object")
  }else if((any(object > 1) || any(object < 0))){
    stop("object must be between 0 and 1")
  }else if(any(is.na(object)) || any(is.na(y))){
    stop("object and y must not have any missing values")
  }else if(is.factor(y) && nlevels(y) != 2){
    stop("If y is a factor vector it must have exactly two levels")
  }else if(is.numeric(y) && any((y != 1) & (y != 0))){
    stop("If y is numeric it must only contain 0s and 1s.")
    cindex <- CindexU(object, y)
  else if(is.factor(y)){
    y <- (y == levels(y)[2])
    cindex <- CindexU(object, y)
    y <- y * 1
    cindex <- CindexU(object, y)

#' @rdname Cindex
#' @export

Cindex.BranchGLM <- function(object, ...){
    stop("supplied BranchGLM object must have a y component")
  if(object$family != "binomial"){
    stop("This method is only valid for BranchGLM models in the binomial family")
  preds <- predict(object, type = "response")
  cindex <- CindexU(preds, object$y)


#' @rdname Cindex
#' @export

Cindex.BranchGLMROC <- function(object, ...){
  cindex <- CindexTrap(object$Info$Sensitivity, 

CindexU <- function(preds, y){
  y1 <- which(y == 1)
  Ranks <- rank(preds, ties.method = "average")
  U <- sum(Ranks[y1]) - (length(y1) * (length(y1) + 1))/(2)
  return(U / (length(y1) * as.double(length(y) - length(y1))))

#' ROC Curve
#' @param object a \code{BranchGLM} object or a numeric vector.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @param y observed values, can be a numeric vector of 0s and 1s, a two-level 
#' factor vector, or a logical vector. 
#' @name ROC
#' @return A \code{BranchGLMROC} object which can be plotted with \code{plot()}. The AUC can also 
#' be calculated using \code{AUC()}.
#' @description Creates an ROC curve.
#' @examples 
#' Data <- ToothGrowth
#' Fit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit")
#' MyROC <- ROC(Fit)
#' plot(MyROC)
#' @export

ROC <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname ROC
#' @export

ROC.numeric <- function(object, y, ...){
  if((!is.numeric(y)) && (!is.factor(y)) && (!is.logical(y))){
    stop("y must be a numeric, two-level factor, or logical vector")
  }else if(length(y) !=  length(object)){
    stop("Length of y must be the same as the length of object")
  }else if((any(object > 1) || any(object < 0))){
    stop("object must be between 0 and 1")
  }else if(any(is.na(object)) || any(is.na(y))){
    stop("object and y must not have any missing values")
  }else if(is.factor(y) && nlevels(y) != 2){
    stop("If y is a factor vector it must have exactly two levels")
  }else if(is.numeric(y) && any((y != 1) & (y != 0))){
    stop("If y is numeric it must only contain 0s and 1s.")
    SortOrder <- order(object)
    object <- object[SortOrder]
    ROC <- ROCCpp(object, y[SortOrder], unique(object))
  }else if(is.factor(y)){
    y <- (y == levels(y)[2])
    SortOrder <- order(object)
    object <- object[SortOrder]
    ROC <- ROCCpp(object, y[SortOrder], unique(object))
    y <- y * 1
    SortOrder <- order(object)
    object <- object[SortOrder]
    ROC <- ROCCpp(object, y[SortOrder], unique(object))
  ROC <- list("NumObs" = length(object),
              "Info" = ROC)
  return(structure(ROC, class = "BranchGLMROC"))

#' @rdname ROC
#' @export

ROC.BranchGLM <- function(object, ...){
    stop("supplied BranchGLM object must have a y component")
  if(object$family != "binomial"){
    stop("This method is only valid for BranchGLM models in the binomial family")
  preds <- predict(object, type = "response")
  SortOrder <- order(preds)
  preds <- preds[SortOrder]
  ROC <- ROCCpp(preds, object$y[SortOrder], unique(preds))
  ROC <- list("NumObs" = length(preds),
              "Info" = ROC)
  return(structure(ROC, class = "BranchGLMROC"))

#' Print Method for BranchGLMROC
#' @param x a \code{BranchGLMROC} object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return The supplied \code{BranchGLMROC} object.
#' @export

print.BranchGLMROC <- function(x, ...){
  cat(paste0("Number of observations used to make ROC curve: ", 
             x$NumObs, "\n\nUse plot function to make plot of ROC curve \nCan also use AUC/Cindex function to get the AUC"))

#' Plotting ROC Curve
#' @description This plots a ROC curve.
#' @param x a \code{BranchGLMROC} object.
#' @param ... arguments passed to generic plot function.
#' @return No return value, called to create the plot.
#' @examples
#' Data <- ToothGrowth
#' Fit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit")
#' MyROC <- ROC(Fit)
#' plot(MyROC)
#' @export
plot.BranchGLMROC <- function(x, ...){
  plot(1 - x$Info$Specificity, x$Info$Sensitivity, xlab = "1 - Specificity", 
       ylab = "Sensitivity", type = "l",  ... )
  abline(0, 1, lty = "dotted")

#' Plotting Multiple ROC Curves
#' @param ... any number of \code{BranchGLMROC} objects.
#' @param legendpos a keyword to describe where to place the legend, such as "bottomright".
#' The default is "bottomright"
#' @param title title for the plot.
#' @param colors vector of colors to be used on the ROC curves.
#' @param names vector of names used to create a legend for the ROC curves.
#' @param lty vector of linetypes used to create the ROC curves or a 
#' single linetype to be used for all ROC curves.
#' @param lwd vector of linewidths used to create the ROC curves or a 
#' single linewidth to be used for all ROC curves.
#' @return No return value, called to create the plot.
#' @examples 
#' Data <- ToothGrowth
#' ### Logistic ROC
#' LogisticFit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "logit")
#' LogisticROC <- ROC(LogisticFit)
#' ### Probit ROC
#' ProbitFit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "probit")
#' ProbitROC <- ROC(ProbitFit)
#' ### Cloglog ROC
#' CloglogFit <- BranchGLM(supp ~ ., data = Data, family = "binomial", link = "cloglog")
#' CloglogROC <- ROC(CloglogFit)
#' ### Plotting ROC curves
#' MultipleROCCurves(LogisticROC, ProbitROC, CloglogROC, 
#'                   names = c("Logistic ROC", "Probit ROC", "Cloglog ROC"))
#' @export
MultipleROCCurves <- function(..., legendpos = "bottomright", title = "ROC Curves", 
                            colors = NULL, names = NULL, lty = 1, lwd = 1){
  ROCs <- list(...)
  if(length(ROCs) == 0){
    stop("must provide at least one ROC curve")
  if(!all(sapply(ROCs, is, class = "BranchGLMROC"))){
    stop("All arguments in ... must be BranchGLMROC objects")
    colors <- 1:length(ROCs)
  }else if(length(ROCs) != length(colors)){
    stop("colors must have the same length as the number of ROC curves")
  if(length(lty) == 1){
    lty <- rep(lty, length(colors))
  }else if(length(ROCs) != length(lty)){
    stop("lty must have the same length as the number of ROC curves or a length of 1")
  if(length(lwd) == 1){
    lwd <- rep(lwd, length(colors))
  }else if(length(ROCs) != length(lwd)){
    stop("lwd must have the same length as the number of ROC curves or a length of 1")
  if(length(title) > 1){
    stop("title must have a length of 1")
  }else if(!(is.character(title) || is.expression(title))){
    stop("title must be a character string or an expression")
  plot(ROCs[[1]], col = colors[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1], main = title)
  if(length(ROCs) > 1){
    for(i in 2:length(ROCs)){
      lines(1 - ROCs[[i]]$Info$Specificity, ROCs[[i]]$Info$Sensitivity, 
            col = colors[i], lty = lty[i], lwd = lwd[i])
  legend(legendpos, legend = paste0("ROC ", 1:length(colors)), 
         col = colors, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
  }else if(length(names) != length(colors)){
    stop("names must have the same length as the number of ROC curves")
    legend(legendpos, legend = names, 
            col = colors, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)

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