
Defines functions print.BranchGLMVS predict.BranchGLMVS coef.BranchGLMVS plot.BranchGLMVS fit.BranchGLMVS VariableSelection.BranchGLM VariableSelection.formula VariableSelection

Documented in coef.BranchGLMVS fit.BranchGLMVS plot.BranchGLMVS predict.BranchGLMVS print.BranchGLMVS VariableSelection VariableSelection.BranchGLM VariableSelection.formula

#' Variable Selection for GLMs 
#' @param object a formula or a \code{BranchGLM} object.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @param data a dataframe with the response and predictor variables.
#' @param family distribution used to model the data, one of "gaussian", "gamma", 
#' "binomial", or "poisson".
#' @param link link used to link mean structure to linear predictors. One of
#' "identity", "logit", "probit", "cloglog", "sqrt", "inverse", or "log".
#' @param offset offset vector, by default the zero vector is used.
#' @param method one of "Fisher", "BFGS", or "LBFGS". Fisher's scoring is recommended
#' for forward selection and branch and bound methods since they will typically 
#' fit many models with a small number of covariates.
#' @param type one of "forward", "backward", "branch and bound", "backward branch and bound", 
#' or "switch branch and bound" to indicate the type of variable selection to perform. 
#' The default value is "branch and bound". The branch and bound methods are guaranteed to 
#' find the best models according to the metric while "forward" and "backward" are 
#' heuristic approaches that may not find the optimal model.
#' @param metric metric used to choose the best models, the default is "AIC", 
#' but "BIC" and "HQIC" are also available. AIC is the Akaike information criterion, 
#' BIC is the bayesian information criterion, and HQIC is the Hannan-Quinn information 
#' criterion. 
#' @param bestmodels number of the best models to find according to the chosen metric, 
#' the default is 1. This is only used for the branch and bound methods.
#' @param cutoff this is a non-negative number which indicates that the function 
#' should return all models that have a metric value within cutoff of the 
#' best metric value. The default value is 0 and only one of this or bestmodels 
#' should be specified. This is only used for the branch and bound methods.
#' @param keep vector of names to denote variables that must be in the models.
#' @param keepintercept whether to keep the intercept in all models, only used if 
#' an intercept is included in the formula.
#' @param maxsize maximum number of variables to consider in a single model, the 
#' default is the total number of variables. This number adds onto any variables specified in keep. 
#' This argument only works for \code{type = "forward"} and \code{type = "branch and bound"}.
#' @param grads number of gradients used to approximate inverse information with, only for \code{method = "LBFGS"}.
#' @param parallel one of TRUE or FALSE to indicate if parallelization should be used
#' @param nthreads number of threads used with OpenMP, only used if \code{parallel = TRUE}.
#' @param tol tolerance used to determine model convergence when fitting GLMs.
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations performed when fitting GLMs. The default for 
#' Fisher's scoring is 50 and for the other methods the default is 200.
#' @param showprogress whether to show progress updates for branch and bound methods.
#' @param contrasts see \code{contrasts.arg} of \code{model.matrix.default}.
#' @description Performs forward selection, backward elimination, 
#' and efficient best subsets variable selection with information criterion for 
#' generalized linear models. Best subsets selection is performed with branch and 
#' bound algorithms to greatly speed up the process.
#' @details The supplied formula or the formula from the fitted model is 
#' treated as the upper model. The variables specified in keep along with an 
#' intercept (if included in formula and keepintercept = TRUE) is the lower model. 
#' Factor variables are either kept in their entirety or entirely removed.
#' The branch and bound method makes use of an efficient branch and bound algorithm 
#' to find the optimal models. This is will find the best models according to the metric and 
#' can be much faster than an exhaustive search and can be made even faster with 
#' parallel computation. The backward branch and bound method is very similar to 
#' the branch and bound method, except it tends to be faster when the best models 
#' contain most of the variables. The switch branch and bound method is a 
#' combination of the two methods and is typically the fastest of the 3 branch and 
#' bound methods. 
#' Fisher's scoring is recommended for branch and bound selection and forward selection.
#' L-BFGS may be faster for backward elimination, especially when there are many variables.
#' All observations that have any missing values in the upper model are removed.
#' @return A \code{BranchGLMVS} object which is a list with the following components
#' \item{\code{initmodel}}{ the supplied \code{BranchGLM} object or a fake \code{BranchGLM}
#' object if a formula is supplied}
#' \item{\code{numchecked}}{ number of models fit}
#' \item{\code{names}}{ character vector of the names of the predictor variables}
#' \item{\code{order}}{ the order the variables were added to the model or removed from the model, this is not included for branch and bound selection}
#' \item{\code{type}}{ type of variable selection employed}
#' \item{\code{metric}}{ metric used to select best models}
#' \item{\code{bestmodels}}{ numeric matrix used to describe the best models}
#' \item{\code{bestmetrics}}{ numeric vector with the best metrics found in the search}
#' \item{\code{cutoff}}{ the supplied cutoff}
#' \item{\code{keep}}{ vector of which variables are kept through the selection process}
#' @name VariableSelection
#' @examples
#' Data <- iris
#' Fit <- BranchGLM(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", link = "identity")
#' # Doing branch and bound selection 
#' VS <- VariableSelection(Fit, type = "branch and bound", metric = "BIC", 
#' bestmodels = 10, showprogress = FALSE)
#' VS
#' ## Getting summary of the process
#' Summ <- summary(VS)
#' Summ
#' ## Plotting the BIC of the best models
#' plot(Summ, type = "b")
#' ## Getting the best model according to BIC
#' FinalModel <- fit(Summ, which = 1)
#' FinalModel
#' # Now doing it in parallel (although it isn't necessary for this dataset)
#' parVS <- VariableSelection(Fit, type = "branch and bound", parallel = TRUE, metric = "BIC", 
#' bestmodels = 10, showprogress = FALSE)
#' ## Getting the best model according to BIC
#' FinalModel <- fit(parVS, which = 1)
#' FinalModel
#' # Using a formula
#' formVS <- VariableSelection(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = Data, family = "gaussian", 
#' link = "identity", metric = "BIC", type = "branch and bound", bestmodels = 10, showprogress = FALSE)
#' ## Getting the best model according to BIC
#' FinalModel <- fit(formVS, which = 1)
#' FinalModel
#' # Using the keep argument
#' keepVS <- VariableSelection(Fit, type = "branch and bound", keep = "Petal.Width", 
#' metric = "BIC", bestmodels = 5, showprogress = FALSE)
#' keepVS
#' ## Getting the fifth best model according to BIC when keeping Petal.Width in every model
#' FinalModel <- fit(keepVS, which = 5)
#' FinalModel
#' @export
VariableSelection <- function(object, ...) {

#'@rdname VariableSelection

VariableSelection.formula <- function(object, data, family, link, offset = NULL,
                                      method = "Fisher", type = "branch and bound", 
                                      metric = "AIC",
                                      bestmodels = 1, cutoff = 0, 
                                      keep = NULL, keepintercept = TRUE, maxsize = NULL,
                                      grads = 10, parallel = FALSE, 
                                      nthreads = 8, tol = 1e-6, maxit = NULL,
                                      contrasts = NULL,
                                      showprogress = TRUE, ...){
  ### Performing variable selection
  ### model.frame searches for offset in the environment the formula is in, so 
  ### we need to change the environment of the formula to be the current environment
  formula <- object
  environment(formula) <- environment()
  fit <- BranchGLM(formula, data = data, family = family, link = link, 
                   offset = offset, method = method, grads = grads, 
                   tol = tol, maxit = maxit, contrasts = contrasts, 
                   fit = FALSE)
  VariableSelection(fit, type = type, metric = metric, 
                    bestmodels = bestmodels, cutoff = cutoff,
                    keep = keep, keepintercept = keepintercept, 
                    maxsize = maxsize, parallel = parallel, 
                    nthreads = nthreads,
                    showprogress = showprogress, ...)

#'@rdname VariableSelection

VariableSelection.BranchGLM <- function(object, type = "branch and bound", 
                                        metric = "AIC",
                                        bestmodels = 1, cutoff = 0, 
                                        keep = NULL, keepintercept = TRUE, maxsize = NULL,
                                        parallel = FALSE, nthreads = 8,
                                        showprogress = TRUE, ...){
  ## Checking if supplied BranchGLM object has x and data
    stop("the supplied model must have an x component")
  ## Checking if supplied BranchGLM object has y
    stop("the supplied model must have a y component")
  ## Validating supplied arguments
  if(length(parallel) > 1 || !is.logical(parallel)){
    stop("parallel must be either TRUE or FALSE")
  ### checking nthreads
  if((length(nthreads) > 1) || !is.numeric(nthreads) || (nthreads <= 0)){
    warning("Please select a positive integer for nthreads, using nthreads = 8")
    nthreads <- 8
  ### Checking metric
  if(length(metric) > 1 || !is.character(metric)){
    stop("metric must be one of 'AIC','BIC', or 'HQIC'")
  }else if(!(metric %in% c("AIC", "BIC", "HQIC"))){
    stop("metric must be one of 'AIC','BIC', or 'HQIC'")
  ### Checking bestmodels
  if(length(bestmodels) != 1 || !is.numeric(bestmodels) || 
     bestmodels <= 0 || bestmodels != as.integer(bestmodels)){
    stop("bestmodels must be a positive integer")
  ### Checking cutoff
  if(length(cutoff) != 1 || !is.numeric(cutoff) || cutoff < 0){
    stop("cutoff must be a non-negative number")
  }else if(cutoff > 0 && bestmodels > 1){
    stop("only one of bestmodels or cutoff can be specified")
  indices <- attr(object$x, "assign")
  interactions <- attr(object$terms, "factors")[-1L, ]
  ## Removing rows with all zeros
    interactions <- interactions[apply(interactions, 1, function(x){sum(x) > 0}),]
    ### This only happens when only 1 variable is included
    interactions <- matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  ## Checking for intercept
  if(colnames(object$x)[1] == "(Intercept)"){
    intercept <- TRUE
    interactions <- rbind(0, interactions)
    interactions <- cbind(0, interactions)
    intercept <- FALSE
    indices <- indices - 1
  counts <- table(indices)
    maxsize <- length(counts)
  }else if(length(maxsize) != 1 || !is.numeric(maxsize) || maxsize < 0){
    stop("maxsize must be a positive integer specifying the max size of the models") 
  ## Setting starting model and saving keep1 for later use since keep is modified
  keep1 <- keep
    # Changing keepintercept to FALSE since there is no intercept
    keepintercept <- FALSE
  if(is.null(keep) && type != "backward"){
    keep <- rep(0, length(counts))
    if(intercept && keepintercept){
      keep[1] <- -1
  }else if(is.null(keep) && type == "backward"){
    keep <- rep(1, length(counts))
    if(intercept && keepintercept){
      keep[1] <- -1
    CurNames <- attributes(terms(object$formula, data = object$data))$factors |>
    keep <- (CurNames %in% keep) * -1
    if(type == "backward"){
      keep[keep == 0] <- 1
    if(intercept && keepintercept){
      keep <- c(-1, keep) 
    }else if(intercept){
      keep <- c(0, keep)
  ## Checking for parallel
    nthreads <- 1
  ## Getting penalties
  if(metric == "AIC"){
    pen <- as.vector(counts) * 2
    penalty <- 2
  }else if(metric == "BIC"){
    pen <- as.vector(counts) * log(nrow(object$x))
    penalty <- log(nrow(object$x))
  }else if(metric == "HQIC"){
    pen <- as.vector(counts) * 2 * log(log(nrow(object$x)))
    penalty <- 2 * log(log(nrow(object$x)))
  ## Performing variable selection
  if(type == "forward"){
    if(bestmodels > 1 || cutoff > 0){
      warning("forward selection only finds 1 final model")
    df <- ForwardCpp(object$x, object$y, object$offset, indices, counts, 
                     interactions, object$method, object$grads, object$link, 
                     object$family, nthreads, object$tol, object$maxit, keep, 
                     maxsize, pen)
  }else if(type == "backward"){
    if(bestmodels > 1 || cutoff > 0){
      warning("backward elimination only finds 1 final model")
    df <- BackwardCpp(object$x, object$y, object$offset, indices, counts, 
                      interactions, object$method, object$grads,
                      object$link, object$family, nthreads, object$tol, object$maxit, 
                      keep, maxsize, pen)
  }else if(type == "branch and bound"){
    df <- BranchAndBoundCpp(object$x, object$y, object$offset, indices, counts, 
                            interactions, object$method, object$grads,
                            object$link, object$family, nthreads,
                            object$tol, object$maxit, keep, maxsize,
                            pen, showprogress, bestmodels, cutoff)
  }else if(type == "backward branch and bound"){
    df <- BackwardBranchAndBoundCpp(object$x, object$y, object$offset, indices, 
                                    counts, interactions, object$method, object$grads,
                                    object$link, object$family, nthreads, object$tol, 
                                    object$maxit, keep, 
                                    pen, showprogress, bestmodels, cutoff)
  }else if(type == "switch branch and bound"){
    df <- SwitchBranchAndBoundCpp(object$x, object$y, object$offset, indices, counts, 
                                  interactions, object$method, object$grads,
                                  object$link, object$family, nthreads, 
                                  object$tol, object$maxit, keep, 
                                  pen, showprogress, bestmodels, cutoff)
    stop("type must be one of 'forward', 'backward', 'branch and bound', 'backward branch and bound', or 'switch branch and bound'")
  # Creating coefficient names
  names <- object$names
    names <- c("(Intercept)", names)
  if(type %in% c("forward", "backward")){
    # Checking for infinite best metric value
      stop("no models were found that had an invertible fisher information")
    # Adding penalty to gaussian and gamma families
    if(object$family %in% c("gaussian", "gamma")){
      df$bestmetric <- df$bestmetric + penalty
    df$order <- df$order[df$order > 0]
      df$order <- df$order + 1
    FinalList <- list("numchecked" = df$numchecked,
                      "order" = object$names[df$order],
                      "type" = type, 
                      "metric" = metric,
                      "bestmodels" = df$bestmodel,
                      "bestmetrics" = df$bestmetric, 
                      "names" = names, 
                      "initmodel" = object, 
                      "keep" = keep1, 
                      "keepintercept" = keepintercept)
    # Adding penalty to gaussian and gamma families
    if(object$family %in% c("gaussian", "gamma")){
      df$bestmetrics <- df$bestmetrics + penalty
    # Checking for infinite best metric values
      stop("no models were found that had an invertible fisher information")
    # Only returning best models that have a finite metric value
    bestInd <- is.finite(df$bestmetrics)
    # Only returning best models that are not the null model
    newInd <- colSums(abs(df$bestmodels)) != 0
    bestInd <- (newInd + bestInd) == 2
    FinalList <- list("numchecked" = df$numchecked,
                      "type" = type, 
                      "metric" = metric,
                      "bestmodels" = df$bestmodels[, bestInd],
                      "bestmetrics" = df$bestmetrics[bestInd], 
                      "names" = names, 
                      "initmodel" = object, 
                      "cutoff" = cutoff, 
                      "keep" = keep1,
                      "keepintercept" = keepintercept)
  structure(FinalList, class = "BranchGLMVS")

#' @rdname fit 
#' @export
fit.BranchGLMVS <- function(object, which = 1, keepData = TRUE, keepY = TRUE, useNA = FALSE, ...){
  fit(summary(object), which = which, keepData = keepData, keepY = keepY, useNA = useNA, ...)

#' @rdname plot.summary.BranchGLMVS 
#' @export
plot.BranchGLMVS <- function(x, ptype = "both", marnames = 7, addLines = TRUE, 
                             type = "b", horiz = FALSE,
                             cex.names = 1, cex.lab = 1, 
                             cex.axis = 1, cex.legend = 1,
  plot(summary(x), ptype = ptype, marnames = marnames, 
       addLines = addLines, type = type, horiz = horiz, 
       cex.names = cex.names, cex.lab = cex.lab, 
       cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.legend = cex.legend,

#' Extract Coefficients
#' @param object a \code{BranchGLMVS} object.
#' @param which which models to get coefficients from, the default is the best model. 
#' Can specify "all" to get coefficients from all of the best models.
#' @param ... further arguments to \link{fit.BranchGLMVS}.
#' @return A numeric matrix with the corresponding coefficient estimates.
#' @export
coef.BranchGLMVS <- function(object, which = 1, ...){
  ## Checking which
  if(!is.numeric(which) && is.character(which) && length(which) == 1){
    if(which == "all"){
      which <- 1:NCOL(object$bestmodels)
      stop("which must be a sequence of positive integers or 'all'.")
  }else if(any(which < 1)){
    stop("integers provided in which must be positive")
  }else if(any(which > NCOL(object$bestmodels))){
    stop("integers provided in which must be less than or equal to the number of best models")
  ## Getting coefficients from all models in which
  allcoefs <- sapply(which, function(i){
    ## Padding coefficients with zeros
      model <- object$bestmodels[, i]
      model <- object$bestmodels
    coefs <- rep(0, ncol(object$initmodel$x))
    names(coefs) <- colnames(object$initmodel$x)
    tempcoefs <- coef(fit(object, which = i, ...))
    coefs[names(tempcoefs)] <- tempcoefs
  ## Adding column names to identify each model
  colnames(allcoefs) <- paste0("Model", which)

#' Predict Method for BranchGLMVS Objects
#' @param object a \code{BranchGLMVS} object.
#' @param newdata a dataframe, if not specified then the data the model was fit on is used.
#' @param type one of "linpreds" or "response", if not specified then "response" is used.
#' @param which which model to get predictions from, the default is the best model.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \link{fit.BranchGLMVS}.
#' @details linpreds corresponds to the linear predictors and response is on the scale of the response variable.
#' Offset variables are ignored for predictions on new data.
#' @description Gets predictions from a \code{BranchGLMVS} object.
#' @return A numeric vector of predictions.
#' @export
predict.BranchGLMVS <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = "response", which = 1, ...){
  ## Checking which
  if(!is.numeric(which) || length(which) > 1){
    stop("which must be a positive integer")
  ### Getting BranchGLM object
  myfit <- fit(object, which = which, ...)
  ### Getting predictions
  predict(myfit, newdata = newdata, type = type)

#' Print Method for BranchGLMVS
#' @param x a \code{BranchGLMVS} object.
#' @param coefdigits number of digits to display for coefficients table.
#' @param digits number of digits to display for information not in the table.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return The supplied \code{BranchGLMVS} object.
#' @export

print.BranchGLMVS <- function(x, coefdigits = 4, digits = 2, ...){
  cat("Variable Selection Info:\n")
  cat(paste0(rep("-", 24), collapse = ""))
  if(x$type != "backward"){
    cat(paste0("Variables were selected using ", x$type, " selection with ", x$metric, "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Variables were selected using ", x$type, " elimination with ", x$metric, "\n"))
  if(length(x$bestmetrics) == 1){
  cat(paste0("The best value of ", x$metric, " obtained was ", 
             round(x$bestmetrics[1], digits = digits), "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Found the top ", length(x$bestmetrics), " models\n"))
    cat(paste0("The range of ", x$metric, " values for the top ", length(x$bestmetrics), 
               " models is (", round(x$bestmetrics[1], digits = digits), 
               ", ", round(x$bestmetrics[length(x$bestmetrics)], digits = digits), ")\n"))
  cat(paste0("Number of models fit: ", x$numchecked))
  if(!is.null(x$keep) || x$keepintercept){
    temp <- x$keep
      temp <- c("(Intercept)", temp)
    cat("Variables that were kept in each model: ", paste0(temp, collapse = ", "))
  if(length(x$order) == 0){
    if(x$type == "forward"){
      cat("No variables were added to the model")
    }else if(x$type == "backward"){
      cat("No variables were removed from the model")
  }else if(x$type == "forward" ){
    cat("Order the variables were added to the model:\n")
  }else if(x$type == "backward" ){
    cat("Order the variables were removed from the model:\n")
  if(length(x$order) > 0){
    for(i in 1:length(x$order)){
      cat(paste0(i, "). ", x$order[i], "\n"))

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BranchGLM documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 5:17 p.m.