
Defines functions treesource.clusterforest treesource.default treesource

Documented in treesource treesource.clusterforest treesource.default

#' Mapping the tree clustering solution to a known source of variation underlying the forest
#' A function that can be used to get insight into a clusterforest solution, in the case that there are known
#' sources of variation underlying the forest. These known sources of variation must be included in the clusterforest object
#' (and thus must be defined when running the clusterforest function)
#' In case of a categorical covariate, it visualizes the number of trees from each value of the covariate that belong to each cluster.
#' In case of a continuous covariate, it returns the mean and standard deviation of the covariate in each cluster.
#' @param clusterforest The clusterforest object, indluding the treecov attribute.
#' @param solution The solution
#' @return \item{multiplot}{In case of categorical covariate, for each value of the covariate, a bar plot with the number of trees that belong to each cluster}
#' \item{heatmap}{In case of a categorical covariate, a heatmap with for each value of the covariate, the number of trees that belong to each cluster}
#' \item{clustermeans}{In case of a continuous covariate, the mean of the covariate in each cluster}
#' \item{clusterstds}{In case of a continuous covariate, the standard deviation of the covariate in each cluster}
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' require(rpart)
#' data_Amphet <-drugs[,c ("Amphet","Age", "Gender", "Edu", "Neuro", "Extr", "Open", "Agree",
#' "Consc", "Impul","Sensat")]
#' data_cocaine <-drugs[,c ("Coke","Age", "Gender", "Edu", "Neuro", "Extr", "Open", "Agree",
#'                          "Consc", "Impul","Sensat")]
#'#Function to draw a bootstrap sample from a dataset
#'DrawBoots <- function(dataset, i){
#'set.seed(2394 + i)
#'Boot <- dataset[sample(1:nrow(dataset), size = nrow(dataset), replace = TRUE),]
#'#Function to grow a tree using rpart on a dataset
#'GrowTree <- function(x,y,BootsSample, minsplit = 40, minbucket = 20, maxdepth =3){
#'  controlrpart <- rpart.control(minsplit = minsplit, minbucket = minbucket, maxdepth = maxdepth,
#'  maxsurrogate = 0, maxcompete = 0)
#'  tree <- rpart(as.formula(paste(noquote(paste(y, "~")), noquote(paste(x, collapse="+")))),
#'   data = BootsSample, control = controlrpart)
#'  return(tree)
#' #Draw bootstrap samples and grow trees
#' BootsA<- lapply(1:5, function(k) DrawBoots(data_Amphet,k))
#' BootsC<- lapply(1:5, function(k) DrawBoots(data_cocaine,k))
#' Boots = c(BootsA,BootsC)
#' TreesA <- lapply(1:5, function (i) GrowTree(x=c ("Age", "Gender", "Edu", "Neuro",
#' "Extr", "Open", "Agree","Consc", "Impul","Sensat"), y="Amphet", BootsA[[i]] ))
#' TreesC <- lapply(1:5, function (i) GrowTree(x=c ( "Age", "Gender", "Edu", "Neuro",
#' "Extr", "Open", "Agree", "Consc", "Impul","Sensat"), y="Coke", BootsC[[i]] ))
#' Trees=c(TreesA,TreesC)
#'#Cluster the trees
#'ClusterForest<- clusterforest(observeddata=drugs,treedata=Boots,trees=Trees,m=1,
#'fromclus=2, toclus=2, treecov=rep(c("Amphet","Coke"),each=5), sameobs=FALSE, no_cores=2)
#' #Link cluster result to known source of variation
#' treesource(ClusterForest, 2)
treesource <- function(clusterforest, solution){

#' Mapping the tree clustering solution to a known source of variation underlying the forest
#' A function that can be used to get insight into a clusterforest solution, in the case that there is a known
#' source of variation underlying the forest.
#' It visualizes the number of trees from each source that belong to each cluster.
#' @param clusterforest The clusterforest object
#' @param solution The solution
#' @export

treesource.default <- function(clusterforest, solution)
  print("Make sure that the clustering argument is an object from class clusterforest.")

#' Mapping the tree clustering solution to a known source of variation underlying the forest
#' A function that can be used to get insight into a clusterforest solution, in the case that there is a known
#' source of variation underlying the forest.
#' It visualizes the number of trees from each source that belong to each cluster.
#' @param clusterforest The clusterforest object
#' @param solution The solution
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_tile scale_fill_gradientn geom_bar ggtitle ylim
#' @importFrom stats frequency runif sd
treesource.clusterforest <- function(clusterforest, solution)
    cat('The clusterforest object should contain a treecov attrbiute. Make sure you provide it as an argument when using the clusterforest() function')

  #check if matrix first
   ncov=1} else{
     ncov= ncol(clusterforest$treecov)

  mean_c = list(0)

  for( k in 1: ncov){

      covx<- clusterforest$treecov} else{
        covx<- clusterforest$treecov[,k]

    if(is((covx),"numeric")|is(covx, "integer")){
      clustering <- clusterforest$clusters[[solution]]
      mean_c[[k]]<- sapply(1:length(unique(clustering)), function (i) mean(covx[clustering==clevels[i]]))
      sd_c[[k]]<- sapply(1:length(unique(clustering)), function (i) sd(covx[clustering==clevels[i]])  )

    if(!is(covx, "numeric") & !is(covx, "integer")){
    Clusters <- Sources <- freq <- cluster<- NULL
    source <- covx
    treesource<- as.numeric(mapvalues(source, from=c(unique(source)), to=seq(1,length(unique(source)))))

    clustering <- clusterforest$clusters[[solution]]
    Real <- matrix(c(0), length(unique(source)), length(unique(clustering)))
    for(i in 1:length(unique(clustering))){
      for (j in 1:length(unique(treesource))){
        Real[j,i] <- length(clustering[clustering == i & treesource == j])
    row.names(Real) <- c(paste(unique(source)))
    colnames(Real) <- c(paste(unique(clustering)))

  # heatmap
    df.data <- expand.grid(Sources = c(paste(unique(source)))
                         , Clusters = c(paste(unique(clustering))))
    df.data$freq <- as.vector(Real)
    heatmap <- ggplot(data = df.data, aes(x = Clusters, y = Sources)) +
      geom_tile(aes(fill = freq))
    hm.palette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd'), space = 'Lab')
    heatmaps[[k]] <- heatmap + scale_fill_gradientn(colours = hm.palette(100))

  ## plot per cov level
    p <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(unique(source))){
      R <- data.frame(cluster = seq(1:length(unique(clustering))), frequency = Real[i, ])
      p[[i]]<- ggplot(data = R, aes(x = cluster, y = frequency)) +
        geom_bar(stat ="identity") + ylim(0,sum(as.numeric(source==unique(source[1]))))
      p[[i]] <- p[[i]] + ggtitle(paste(unique(source)[i]))

    multiplots[[k]] <- do.call(grid.arrange, p)

  return(list(clustermeans=mean_c , clusterstds=sd_c, multiplot = multiplots, heatmap = heatmaps))

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