#' Identify cell type of each cluster
#' @description This function has three steps to identify cell type of each cluster.
#' (1) Calculate the power of each known marker based on AUC
#' (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of gene expression)
#' which indicates the capability of marker i from cell type m to distinguish
#' cluster j and the other clusters. (2) Calculate the united power (UP)
#' for cell type m across each cluster j. (3) For each cluster j we determine
#' the cell type according to UP. Generally, the cluster beongs to the cell
#' type which have the highest united power or higher than the threshold of
#' the united power (for example > 0.9 power).
#' @param seurat_object seurat object
#' @param Marker_gene_table data.frame, indicating marker gene and its
#' corresponding cell type. Marker_gene_table should contain two columns: 'CellType'
#' represent correseponding cell types of each marker and 'Marker' represent Markers
#' @return Cell type with the highest power in each cluster
#' @export
#' @examples KnownMarker=data.frame(c('AIF1','BID','CCL5','CD79A','CD79B','MS4A6A'),c('a','a','a','b','b','b'))
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' colnames(KnownMarker)=c('Marker','CellType')
#' CT <- Identify_CellType(pbmc_small,KnownMarker)
Identify_CellType <- function(seurat_object, Marker_gene_table) {
if (!'CellType' %in% colnames(Marker_gene_table)) {
stop('Marker_gene_table should contain CellType column ')
if (!'Marker' %in% colnames(Marker_gene_table)) {
stop('Marker_gene_table should contain Marker column ')
if (length(levels(as.factor(as.character(seurat_object@active.ident))))<2) {
stop('number of identities in seurat object should be more than 1')
MarkerRoc1 <- Identify_CellTypes1(seurat_object, Marker_gene_table)
ClusterCellT1 <- Identify_CellTypes2(MarkerRoc1)
Identify_CellTypes1 <- function(object, Marker1) {
## calculate the power of each marker on distinguishing cell types
CelltypeIdx <- grep('CellType',colnames(Marker1))
NumCellType <- apply(Marker1, 1, function(X1) {
Marker2 <- cbind(Marker1, NumCellType)
MarkerRoc1 <- Cal_MarkersRoc(object, Marker1$Marker)
MarkerRoc2 <- cbind(Marker2[order(Marker2$Marker), ], MarkerRoc1[order(rownames(MarkerRoc1)), ])
MarkerRoc2 <- MarkerRoc2[order(MarkerRoc2$CellType), ]
Identify_CellTypes2 <- function(MarkerRoc1) {
## Get the list of cell types
CellType1 <- strsplit(levels(as.factor(MarkerRoc1$CellType)), ",")
CellType2 <- c()
for (i in 1:length(CellType1)) {
CellType2 <- c(CellType2, CellType1[[i]])
uCellType2 <- unique(CellType2)
## Revise the power according to the number of cell types
col_indx = grep('Cluster',colnames(MarkerRoc1))[1]
MarkerRoc2 <- cbind(MarkerRoc1[, 1:(col_indx-1)], t(apply(MarkerRoc1, 1, function(x1) {
x2 <- as.numeric(x1[col_indx:length(x1)])
x2[seq(4, length(x2), 3)] <- x2[seq(4, length(x2), 3)] / x2[1]
colnames(MarkerRoc2) <- colnames(MarkerRoc1)
#write.table(MarkerRoc2, 'MarkerRoc2.txt')
## Calculate the joint power for each cluster
MarkerRoc5 <- c()
cell_type_out <- c()
for (i in 1:length(uCellType2)) {
uCellType3 <- uCellType2[i]
Ind1 <- c()
for (j in 1:length(uCellType3)) {
Ind11 <- grep(paste0("^", uCellType3[j], "$"), MarkerRoc2$CellType)
Ind12 <- grep(paste0(",", uCellType3[j], "$"), MarkerRoc2$CellType)
Ind13 <- grep(paste0("^", uCellType3[j], ","), MarkerRoc2$CellType)
Ind1 <- c(Ind1, Ind11, Ind12, Ind13)
MarkerRoc3 <- MarkerRoc2[unique(Ind1), ]
startidx <- grep('NumCellType',colnames(MarkerRoc3))
### add the power of gene in the same cell types, if gene difference <0 ,
### set power of that gene negative
if (nrow(MarkerRoc3)>0) {
MarkerRoc4 <- Cal_JointPower2(MarkerRoc3[, (startidx+1):ncol(MarkerRoc3)])
MarkerRoc4 <- t(as.matrix(MarkerRoc4))
colnames(MarkerRoc4) <- gsub("_power", "", colnames(MarkerRoc4))
MarkerRoc5 <- rbind(MarkerRoc5, MarkerRoc4)
cell_type_out <- c(cell_type_out,uCellType3)
rownames(MarkerRoc5) <- cell_type_out
exclusive_cell_type <- paste(setdiff(uCellType2,cell_type_out),collapse = ' ,')
if (length(exclusive_cell_type)>1) {
warning(paste0('No genes express in',exclusive_cell_type))
## Sort assigned cell types according to the joint power for each cluster
MarkerRoc8 <- c()
for (i in 1:dim(MarkerRoc5)[2]) {
MarkerRoc6 <- t(as.matrix(MarkerRoc5[, i]))
MarkerRoc7 <- Sort_MarkersPower(MarkerRoc6, 0)
MarkerRoc8 <- rbind(MarkerRoc8, MarkerRoc7)
rownames(MarkerRoc8) <- colnames(MarkerRoc5)
colnames(MarkerRoc8) <- c("Cell.types", "Corresponding.powers", 'Predicted.cell.type')
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