
#' @export
cor.JGR = function(my.data, subset1.name, subset1.val, subset2.name, subset2.val,
          my.vars, iMethod="pearson", iCI=FALSE, conf.level=0.95, iScatterplot=FALSE, browserResults=FALSE)
  #computes a correlation matrix and confidence intervals for variables in my.vars
  #my.data    data.frame
  #subset1.name  column name of the first subsetting variable (panel)
  #subset1.val  values of the first subsetting variable
  #subset2.name  column name of the second subsetting variable (group)
  #subset2.val  values of the second subsetting variable
  #my.vars    vector of strings giving the variable names of interest
  #iMethod    indicates the computation method - pearson, kendall, spearman
  #iCI      indicates whether correlation confidence intervals should be computed
  #conf.level    confidence level
  #iScatterplot  indicates whether a scatterplot matrix should be drawn
  #get place to store results
  if (browserResults) resultLocation = genResultSpace()

  n.vars = length(my.vars)

  if (n.vars < 2) {
    print("Please select at least two variables.")
  } else {
    #NA handling
    iNA = is.na(my.data[,my.vars[1]])
    for (i in 2:n.vars) iNA = iNA | is.na(my.data[,my.vars[i]])
    my.subset = my.data[!iNA,]
	# NA handling
	# use options to set na.action to omit NAs which is used by lm
	options(na.action = "na.omit")
	#find proper data subset
	ind = rep(TRUE, nrow(my.data))
	if (length(subset1.val)>0) ind = ind & my.data[,subset1.name]%in%subset1.val
	if (length(subset2.val)>0) ind = ind & my.data[,subset2.name]%in%subset2.val
	my.subset = my.data[ind,]
    #NOTE: the remainder of the code groups subset1.val values together and
    #groups subset2.val values together rather than perform computations for
    #individual subsets
    #output the correlation matrix
    cor.results = as.data.frame(cor(my.subset[,my.vars], method=iMethod,
      use = "pair"))
    print("Correlation Matrix")
    #output coefficient CIs if necessary
    if (iCI) {
      #check iMethod and conf.level
      if (is.na(iMethod)) iMethod = "pearson"
      if (iMethod != "pearson") {
        cat("Confidence intervals can only be computed for Pearson correlations.\n")
      else {
        if (!is.numeric(conf.level) | is.nan(conf.level)) {
          conf.level = 0.95
        } else if (conf.level <= 0 | conf.level >= 1) {
          conf.level = 0.95
                                        #create ci result matrix
        my.results = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=n.vars*(n.vars-1)/2, ncol=4))
        names(my.results) = c(" ","coefficient", "lower bound", "upper bound")
        count = 1
        for (i in 1:(n.vars-1)){
          for (j in (i+1):n.vars){
          #row names
            my.results[count,1] = paste(my.vars[i],my.vars[j],sep="-")
          #confidence interval
            my.ci = cor.test(my.subset[,my.vars[i]], my.subset[,my.vars[j]], method=iMethod, conf.level=conf.level)
            if (!is.null(my.ci)) {
              my.results[count,2] = my.ci$estimate
              my.results[count,3] = my.ci$conf.int[1]
              my.results[count,4] = my.ci$conf.int[2]
            count = count + 1
        print("Confidence Interval Table")
    ##output scatterplot matrix if necessary
    if (iScatterplot) {
      if (browserResults) {
        png(filename=file.path(resultLocation,"Scatterplot matrix.png"),width=600,height=600)
      } else {
      my.formula = paste("~", my.vars[1], sep="")
      for (i in 2:n.vars) my.formula = paste(my.formula, "+", my.vars[i], sep="")
      pairs(as.formula(my.formula), data=my.subset)
      if (browserResults) dev.off()    
	#output to browser if necessary
	#console output has been done previously
    if (browserResults) {
      if (iCI) {
        buildresultsXML(object=list(cor.results,my.results),location=resultLocation, title="Correlation Analysis Summary")
      } else {
        buildresultsXML(object=list(cor.results),location=resultLocation, title="Correlation Analysis Summary")

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CADStat documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:51 p.m.