CAM <-
function(X, scoreName = "SEMGAM", 
                          parsScore = list(numBasisFcts=10), 
                          numCores = 1, 
                          maxNumParents = min(dim(X)[2] - 1, round(dim(X)[1]/20)),
                          output = FALSE, 
                          variableSel = FALSE, 
                          variableSelMethod = selGamBoost, 
                          variableSelMethodPars = list(atLeastThatMuchSelected = 0.02, atMostThatManyNeighbors = 10),
                          pruning = FALSE, 
                          pruneMethod = selGam, 
                          pruneMethodPars = list(cutOffPVal = 0.001, numBasisFcts=10),
                          intervData = FALSE, 
                          intervMat = NA) 
        cat("number of cores:", numCores, "\n")
    # We record the time consumption. They are shown if output == TRUE
    timeCycle <- 0
    timeUpdate <- 0
    timeScoreMat <- 0
    timeSel <- 0
    timePrune <- 0
    timeMax <- 0
    # we record how the score develops 
    scoreVec <- integer(0)
    # and which edges are added
    edgeList <- integer(0)
    # this counter is only used if output = TRUE
    counterUpdate <- 0
    p <- dim(X)[2]
    # STEP 1: variable selection
    # A matrix selMat is constructed. Entry (i,j) being one means that i is a possible parent of j.
            ptm <- proc.time()[3]
                X2 <- X[rowSums(intervMat) == 0,]
                    cat("The preliminary neighbourhood selection is done with the observational data only.\n")
            } else
                X2 <- X
            if(numCores == 1)
                selMat <- mapply(variableSelMethod,MoreArgs = list(X = X2, pars = variableSelMethodPars, output = output),1:p)
            } else
                selMat <- mcmapply(variableSelMethod,MoreArgs = list(X = X2, pars = variableSelMethodPars, output = output),1:p, mc.cores = numCores)
            # The next line includes j as a possible parent of i if i is considered a possible parent of j
            # selMat <- selMat | t(selMat)
            cou <- 0
            for(jk in 1:p)
                cou <- cou + 2^{sum(selMat[,jk])}
                cat("Instead of p2^(p-1) -Sillander- ",p*2^(p-1) ," we have ", cou, "\n")
                cat("Greedy, on the other hand, is computing ",sum(selMat) ," entries. \n")
            timeSel <- timeSel + proc.time()[3] - ptm
    } else
        selMat <- matrix(TRUE, p,p)
    if(variableSel & output)
                cat("This is the matrix of possible parents after the first step.\n")
            cat("Object size of selmat: ", object.size(selMat), "\n")
    # STEP 2: Include Edges
    # compute score matrix 
    ptm <- proc.time()[3]
    computeScoreMatTmp <- computeScoreMat(X, scoreName=scoreName, numParents = 1, numCores = numCores, output = output, selMat = selMat, parsScore = parsScore, intervMat = intervMat, intervData = intervData)
    timeScoreMat <- timeScoreMat + proc.time()[3] - ptm
        cat("Object size of computeScoreMatTmp: ", object.size(computeScoreMatTmp), "\n" )
    # We need the pathMatrix (entry (i,j) being one means that there is a directed path from i to j) in order to keep track of possible cycles.
    pathMatrix <- matrix(0,p,p)
    diag(pathMatrix) <- rep(1,p)
    Adj <- as(matrix(0,p,p), "sparseMatrix")
    scoreNodes <- computeScoreMatTmp$scoreEmptyNodes
    # Greedily adding edges
    while(sum(computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat!=-Inf) > 0)
        # Find the best edge
        ptm <- proc.time()[3]
        ix_max <- arrayInd(which.max(computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat), dim(computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat))
        ix_max_backward <- matrix(c(ix_max[2],ix_max[1]),1,2)
        timeMax <- timeMax + proc.time()[3] - ptm
        Adj[ix_max] <- 1
        scoreNodes[ix_max[2]] <- scoreNodes[ix_max[2]] + computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat[ix_max]
            cat("\n Included edge (from, to) ", ix_max, "\n")
        # Do not include the same edge twice.
        computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat[ix_max] <- -Inf
        # Avoid cycles
        ptm <- proc.time()[3]
        pathMatrix[ix_max[1],ix_max[2]] <- 1
        DescOfNewChild <- which(pathMatrix[ix_max[2],]==1)
        AncOfNewParent <- which(pathMatrix[,ix_max[1]]==1)
        pathMatrix[AncOfNewParent,DescOfNewChild] <- 1
        computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat[t(pathMatrix) == 1] <- -Inf 
        computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat[ix_max[2],ix_max[1]] <- -Inf
        timeCycle <- timeCycle + proc.time()[3] - ptm
        # Record the score of the current graph
        scoreVec <- c(scoreVec, sum(scoreNodes))
        # Record which edge has been added
        edgeList <- rbind(edgeList, ix_max, deparse.level=0)
        # Update the score of column j
        ptm <- proc.time()[3]
        computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat <- updateScoreMat(computeScoreMatTmp$scoreMat, X, scoreName = scoreName, ix_max[1], ix_max[2],scoreNodes, Adj, numCores=numCores, output = output, maxNumParents = maxNumParents, parsScore = parsScore, intervMat = intervMat, intervData = intervData)
        timeUpdate <- timeUpdate + proc.time()[3] - ptm
        counterUpdate <- counterUpdate + 1
    # STEP 3: Prune the DAG
            X2 <- X[rowSums(intervMat) == 0,]
            cat("The preliminary neighbourhood selection is done with the observational data only.\n")
        } else
            X2 <- X
            cat("\n Performing pruning ... \n ")
        ptm <- proc.time()[3]
        Adj <- pruning(X=X2,G=Adj,pruneMethod = pruneMethod, pruneMethodPars = pruneMethodPars, output=output)      
        timePrune <- timePrune + proc.time()[3] - ptm          
    # Output and return
    timeTotal <- timeSel + timeScoreMat + timeCycle + timeUpdate + timeMax + timePrune
        cat("amount of time for variable selection:",timeSel,"\n")
        cat("amount of time computing the initial scoreMat:",timeScoreMat,"\n")
        cat("amount of time checking for cycles:",timeCycle,"\n")
        cat("amount of time computing updates for the scoreMat:",timeUpdate,", doing",counterUpdate,"updates.\n")
        cat("amount of time for pruning:",timePrune,"\n")
        cat("amount of time for finding maximum:",timeMax,"\n")
        cat("amount of time in total:",timeTotal,"\n")
    result <- list(Adj = Adj, Score = sum(scoreNodes), timesVec = c(timeSel, timeScoreMat, timeCycle, timeUpdate, timePrune, timeMax, timeTotal), scoreVec = scoreVec, edgeList = edgeList)

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CAM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:24 a.m.