
Defines functions AsyVar

Documented in AsyVar

#' @title Asymptotic Variance and Confidence Interval Estimation of the ATE
#' @description
#' \code{AsyVar} estimates the asymptotic variance of the ATE obtained with the CBPS or oCBPS method. It also returns the finite variance estimate, the finite standard error, and a CI for the ATE. 
#' @import stats
#' @param Y The vector of actual outcome values (observations).
#' @param Y_1_hat The vector of estimated outcomes according to the treatment model. (AsyVar automatically sets the treatment model as a linear regression model and it is fitted within the function.) If \code{CBPS_obj} is specified, or if \code{X} \eqn{and} \code{TL} are specified, this is unnecessary.
#' @param Y_0_hat The vector of estimated outcomes according to the control model. (AsyVar automatically sets the control model as a linear regression model and it is fitted within the function.) If \code{CBPS_obj} is specified, or if \code{X} \eqn{and} \code{TL} are specified, this is unnecessary.
#' @param CBPS_obj An object obtained with the CBPS function. If this object is not sepecified, then \code{X}, \code{TL}, \code{pi}, and \code{mu} must \eqn{all} be specified instead. 
#' @param method The specific method to be considered. Either \code{"CBPS"} or \code{"oCBPS"} must be selected.
#' @param X The matrix of covariates with the rows corresponding to the observations and the columns corresponding to the variables. The left most column must be a column of 1's for the intercept. (\code{X} is not necessary if \code{CBPS_obj} is specified.)
#' @param TL The vector of treatment labels. More specifically, the label is 1 if it is in the treatment group and 0 if it is in the control group. (\code{TL} is not necessary if \code{CBPS_obj} is specified.)
#' @param pi The vector of estimated propensity scores. (\code{pi} is not necessary if \code{CBPS_obj} is specified.)
#' @param mu The estimated average treatment effect obtained with either the CBPS or oCBPS method. (\code{mu} is not necessary if \code{CBPS_obj} is specified.)
#' @param CI The specified confidence level (between 0 and 1) for calculating the confidence interval for the average treatment effect. Default value is 0.95.
#' @return 
#' \item{mu.hat}{The estimated average treatment effect, \eqn{hat{\mu}}{hat{\mu}}.} 
#' \item{asy.var}{The estimated asymptotic variance of \eqn{\sqrt{n}*hat{\mu}}{\sqrt{n}*hat{\mu}} obtained with the CBPS or oCBPS method.} 
#' \item{var}{The estimated variance of \eqn{hat{\mu}}{hat{\mu}} obtained with the CBPS or oCBPS method.}
#' \item{std.err}{The standard error of \eqn{hat{\mu}}{hat{\mu}} obtained with the CBPS or oCBPS method.}
#' \item{CI.mu.hat}{The confidence interval of \eqn{hat{\mu}}{hat{\mu}} obtained with the CBPS or oCBPS method with the confidence level specified in the input argument.}
#' @author Inbeom Lee
#' @references Fan, Jianqing and Imai, Kosuke and Lee, Inbeom and Liu, Han and Ning, Yang and Yang, Xiaolin. 2021. 
#' ``Optimal Covariate Balancing Conditions in Propensity Score Estimation.'' Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 
#' \url{https://imai.fas.harvard.edu/research/CBPStheory.html} 
#'#Initialize the X matrix.
#'X_v1 <- rnorm(n,3,sqrt(2))
#'X_v2 <- rnorm(n,0,1)
#'X_v3 <- rnorm(n,0,1)
#'X_v4 <- rnorm(n,0,1)
#'X_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,n), X_v1, X_v2, X_v3, X_v4)) 
#'#Initialize the Y_1 and Y_0 vector using the treatment model and the control model.
#'Y_1 <- X_mat %*% matrix(c(200, 27.4, 13.7, 13.7, 13.7), 5, 1) + rnorm(n)
#'Y_0 <- X_mat %*% matrix(c(200, 0 , 13.7, 13.7, 13.7), 5, 1) + rnorm(n)
#'#True Propensity Score calculation.
#'pre_prop <- X_mat[,2:5] %*% matrix(c(0, 0.5, -0.25, -0.1), 4, 1)
#'propensity_true <- (exp(pre_prop))/(1+(exp(pre_prop)))
#'#Generate T_vec, the treatment vector, with the true propensity scores.
#'T_vec <- rbinom(n, size=1, prob=propensity_true)
#'#Now generate the actual outcome Y_outcome (accounting for treatment/control groups).
#'Y_outcome <- Y_1*T_vec + Y_0*(1-T_vec)
#'#Use oCBPS.
#'ocbps.fit <- CBPS(T_vec ~ X_mat, ATT=0, baseline.formula = ~X_mat[,c(1,3:5)], 
#'                  diff.formula = ~X_mat[,2])
#'#Use the AsyVar function to get the asymptotic variance of the 
#'#estimated average treatment effect and its confidence interval when using oCBPS.
#'AsyVar(Y=Y_outcome, CBPS_obj=ocbps.fit, method="oCBPS", CI=0.95)
#'#Use CBPS.
#'cbps.fit <- CBPS(T_vec ~ X_mat, ATT=0)
#'#Use the AsyVar function to get the asymptotic variance of the
#'#estimated average treatment effect and its confidence interval when using CBPS.
#'AsyVar(Y=Y_outcome, CBPS_obj=cbps.fit, method="CBPS", CI=0.95)
#' @export AsyVar
AsyVar <- function(Y, Y_1_hat=NULL, Y_0_hat=NULL, CBPS_obj, method="CBPS",
                   X=NULL, TL=NULL, pi=NULL, mu=NULL, CI=0.95){
  #Define X in all cases.
  if(is.null(X)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==TRUE){
    stop('Need to specify either a matrix of covariates (X) 
           or an object obtained with the CBPS function.')
  } else {
    if(is.null(X)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==FALSE){
      X <- CBPS_obj$x
  #Define TL in all cases.
  if(is.null(TL)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==TRUE){
    stop('Need to specify either a vector of treatment labels (TL) 
           or an object obtained with the CBPS function.')
  } else {
    if(is.null(TL)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==FALSE){
      TL <- CBPS_obj$y
  #Parameter values
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- length(Y)
  Y_1 <- Y[which(TL==1)]
  Y_0 <- Y[which(TL==0)]
  n_1 <- length(Y_1)
  n_0 <- length(Y_0)
  #Define pi in all cases.
  if(is.null(pi)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==TRUE){
    stop('Need to specify either a vector of estimated propensity scores (pi)
           or an object obtained with the CBPS function.')
  } else {
    if(is.null(pi)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==FALSE){
      pi <- CBPS_obj$fitted.values
  #Define mu in all cases.
  if(is.null(mu)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==TRUE){
    stop('Need to specify either an estimate of the average treatment effect (mu)
           or an object obtained with the CBPS function.')
  } else {
    if(is.null(mu)==TRUE && is.null(CBPS_obj)==FALSE){
      mu <- mean(((TL)*Y/pi) - 
  #Fit the linear regression model for TL=1 and TL=0 separately.
    #Separate the treatment covariates and the control covariates. 
    X_1 <- as.matrix(X[which(TL==1),-1])
    #Perform linear regression separately.
    lin_1 <- lm(Y_1 ~ X_1) 
    #Y_hat(1|X_i) values 
    Y_1_hat <- X%*%as.matrix(lin_1$coefficients,p,1)  
    #Separate the treatment covariates and the control covariates. 
    X_0 <- as.matrix(X[which(TL==0),-1])
    #Perform linear regression separately.
    lin_0 <- lm(Y_0 ~ X_0) 
    #Y_hat(0|X_i) values 
    Y_0_hat <- X%*%as.matrix(lin_0$coefficients,p,1)  
  L_hat <- Y_1_hat - Y_0_hat
  K_hat <- Y_0_hat
    #Calculate the Var(Y_1|X_i) and Var(Y_0|X_i). 
    sigma_hat_1_squared <- sum(((Y - Y_1_hat)*TL)^2)/(n_1-p)
    sigma_hat_0_squared <- sum(((Y - Y_0_hat)*(1-TL))^2)/(n_0-p)
    result <- list()
    result[[1]] <- mu
    result[[2]] <- mean((sigma_hat_1_squared)/pi + (sigma_hat_0_squared)/(1-pi) + (L_hat - mu)^2)
    result[[3]] <- result[[2]]/n
    result[[4]] <- sqrt(result[[3]])
    diff_ocbps <- stats::qnorm(1-(1-CI)/2)*result[[4]]
    lower_ocbps <- mu - diff_ocbps
    upper_ocbps <- mu + diff_ocbps  
    result[[5]] <- c(lower_ocbps, upper_ocbps)
    names(result) <- c("mu.hat", "asy.var", "var",  "std.err", "CI.mu.hat")
  } else {
      new_X_2 <- array(rep(NA,p*p*n),dim=c(p,p,n))
      for(i in 1:n){
        new_X_2[,,i] <- matrix(X[i,],p,1)%*%t(X[i,])/(pi[i]*(1-pi[i]))
      omega_hat <- apply(new_X_2,c(1,2),mean)
      Sigma_mu_hat <- mean(((Y_1_hat)^2/pi) + ((Y_0_hat)^2/(1-pi))) - (mu)^2
      #Cov(mu_beta, g_beta)
      new_X_3 <- matrix(rep(NA,n*p),n,p)
      for(i in 1:n){
        new_X_3[i,] <- X[i,]*(K_hat[i] + (1-pi[i])*L_hat[i])/(pi[i]*(1-pi[i]))
      cov_hat <- apply(new_X_3,2,mean)
      prop_modified <- pi/(1+exp(matrix(CBPS_obj$coefficients,1,p)%*%t(X)))
      der_mat <- matrix(rep(prop_modified,each=p),p,n)
      derivative <- matrix(rep(NA,p*n),p,n)
      for(i in 1:n){
        derivative[,i] <- matrix(der_mat[,i]*X[i,],p,1) 
      temp_sum <- matrix(rep(0,p),p,1)
      for(i in 1:n){
        temp_sum <- temp_sum + derivative[,i]*(K_hat[i] + (1-pi[i])*L_hat[i])/(pi[i]*(1-pi[i]))
      H_0_hat <- -temp_sum/n
      temp_sum_2 <- matrix(rep(0,p*p),p,p)
      for(i in 1:n){
        temp_sum_2 <- temp_sum_2 + ( matrix(X[i,],p,1)%*%matrix(derivative[,i],1,p)/(pi[i]*(1-pi[i]))  )
      H_f_hat <- -temp_sum_2/n
      #Put it all together
      result <- list()
      result[[1]] <- mu
      result[[2]] <- Sigma_mu_hat + t(H_0_hat)%*%solve(t(H_f_hat)%*%solve(omega_hat)%*%H_f_hat)%*%H_0_hat -
      result[[3]] <- result[[2]]/n
      result[[4]] <- sqrt(result[[3]])
      diff_cbps <- stats::qnorm(1-(1-CI)/2)*result[[4]]
      lower_cbps <- mu - diff_cbps
      upper_cbps <- mu + diff_cbps  
      result[[5]] <- c(lower_cbps, upper_cbps)
      names(result) <- c("mu.hat", "asy.var", "var",  "std.err", "CI.mu.hat")

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CBPS documentation built on Jan. 19, 2022, 1:07 a.m.