
Defines functions tournamentSelection removeDuplicatesOffspring removeDuplicates infillExpectedImprovement

Documented in infillExpectedImprovement removeDuplicates removeDuplicatesOffspring tournamentSelection

#' Negative Logarithm of Expected Improvement
#' This function calculates the Expected Improvement" of candidate solutions,
#' based on predicted means, standard deviations (uncertainty) and
#' the best known objective function value so far.
#' @param mean predicted mean values 
#' @param sd predicted standard deviation
#' @param min minimum of all observations so far
#' @return Returns the negative logarithm of the Expected Improvement.
#' @export
infillExpectedImprovement <- function(mean,sd,min){
	im <- min - mean
	imsd <- im/sd
	termOne <- im*pnorm(imsd)
	termTwo <- sd*dnorm(imsd) # == sd/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*(imsd)^2)
	ei <- -log10(termOne+termTwo+(.Machine$double.xmin)) 
	ei[is.na(ei)] <- Inf

#' Remove Duplicates
#' Remove duplicates in \code{x}, replace with non-duplicated individuals according to \code{cf}.
#' @param x List of individuals
#' @param cf Creation function, creates random new individuals
#' @return Returns \code{x} without duplicates
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
removeDuplicates <- function(x,cf){
		duplicates <- which(duplicated(x))
		for(i in 1:length(duplicates))

#' Remove Duplicates from Offsprings
#' Remove duplicates in \code{c(xhist,off)}, replace with non-duplicated individuals according to \code{cf}.
#' @param xhist List of previous individuals
#' @param off List of offspring individuals
#' @param cf Creation function, creates random new individuals
#' @param df Dupliate Function. This function determines which elements in a list/population are duplicates. By default, this is the duplicated function from R-base.
#' @return Returns \code{off} without duplicates
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
removeDuplicatesOffspring <- function(xhist,off,cf,df=duplicated){
	x <- c(xhist,off)
	while(any(dup <- df(x))){ 
		duplicates <- which(dup)
		x[duplicates] <- replicate(length(duplicates),cf(),simplify=F)

#' Tournament Selection
#' Simple Tournament Selection implementation.
#' @param fitness Fitness values of individuals
#' @param tournamentSize Tournament Size
#' @param tournamentProbability Tournament Probability
#' @param selectFromN Number of tournament winners
#' @return index of tournament winners
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelKriging}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
tournamentSelection <- function(fitness, tournamentSize, tournamentProbability, selectFromN){ 
	N <- length(fitness)
	tournamentSize <- min(tournamentSize, N) #can not select more than in population for each tournament.
	tmp <- seq(0,tournamentSize-1)
	pvec <- tournamentProbability*(1-tournamentProbability)^tmp #probabilities for individual selection
	cump <- cumsum(pvec) #cumulative probability vector
	cump[tournamentSize] <- 1 #make sure that sum is one.
	tf <- function(){
		individuals <- sample(N,tournamentSize,FALSE,NULL)#select TSIZE individuals for a tournament, randomly.		
		rnd <- runif(1)
		i <- which(cump>rnd)[1]
		fitnessorderTmp <- order(fitness[individuals])

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