# CHNOSZ/cgl.R
# Calculate standard thermodynamic properties of non-aqueous species
# 20060729 jmd
cgl <- function(property = NULL, parameters = NULL, T = 298.15, P = 1) {
# Calculate properties of crystalline, liquid (except H2O) and gas species
Tr <- 298.15
Pr <- 1
# The number of T, P conditions
ncond <- max(c(length(T), length(P)))
# Initialize output list
out <- list()
# Loop over each species
for(k in 1:nrow(parameters)) {
# The parameters for *this* species
PAR <- parameters[k, ]
if(PAR$model == "Berman") {
# Use Berman equations (parameters not in thermo()$OBIGT)
properties <- Berman(PAR$name, T = T, P = P)
iprop <- match(property, colnames(properties))
values <- properties[, iprop, drop = FALSE]
} else {
# In CHNOSZ, we have
# 1 cm^3 bar --> convert(1, "calories") == 0.02390057 cal
# but REAC92D.F in SUPCRT92 uses
cm3bar_to_cal <- 0.023901488 # cal
cm3bar_to_J <- convert(cm3bar_to_cal, "J")
# Start with NA values
values <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(property), nrow=ncond))
colnames(values) <- property
# A test for availability of heat capacity coefficients (a, b, c, d, e, f)
# based on the column assignments in thermo()$OBIGT
if(any(![, 15:20]))) {
# We have at least one of the heat capacity coefficients;
# zero out any NA's in the rest (leave lambda and T of transition (columns 19-20) alone)
PAR[, 15:20][,[, 15:20])] <- 0
# calculate the heat capacity and its integrals
Cp <- PAR$a + PAR$b*T + PAR$c*T^-2 + PAR$d*T^-0.5 + PAR$e*T^2 + PAR$f*T^PAR$lambda
intCpdT <- PAR$a*(T - Tr) + PAR$b*(T^2 - Tr^2)/2 + PAR$c*(1/T - 1/Tr)/-1 + PAR$d*(T^0.5 - Tr^0.5)/0.5 + PAR$e*(T^3-Tr^3)/3
intCpdlnT <- PAR$a*log(T / Tr) + PAR$b*(T - Tr) + PAR$c*(T^-2 - Tr^-2)/-2 + PAR$d*(T^-0.5 - Tr^-0.5)/-0.5 + PAR$e*(T^2 - Tr^2)/2
# Do we also have the lambda parameter (Cp term with adjustable exponent on T)?
if(!$lambda) & !identical(PAR$lambda, 0)) {
# Equations for lambda adapted from Helgeson et al., 1998 (doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00219-6)
if(PAR$lambda == -1) intCpdT <- intCpdT + PAR$f*log(T/Tr)
else intCpdT <- intCpdT - PAR$f*( T^(PAR$lambda + 1) - Tr^(PAR$lambda + 1) ) / (PAR$lambda + 1)
intCpdlnT <- intCpdlnT + PAR$f*(T^PAR$lambda - Tr^PAR$lambda) / PAR$lambda
} else {
# Use constant heat capacity if the coefficients are not available
Cp <- PAR$Cp
intCpdT <- PAR$Cp*(T - Tr)
intCpdlnT <- PAR$Cp*log(T / Tr)
# In case Cp is listed as NA, set the integrals to 0 at Tr
intCpdT[T == Tr] <- 0
intCpdlnT[T == Tr] <- 0
# Volume and its integrals
if(PAR$name %in% c("quartz", "coesite")) {
# Volume calculations for quartz and coesite
qtz <- quartz_coesite(PAR, T, P)
V <- qtz$V
intVdP <- qtz$intVdP
intdVdTdP <- qtz$intdVdTdP
} else {
# For other minerals, volume is constant (Helgeson et al., 1978)
V <- rep(PAR$V, ncond)
# If the volume is NA, set its integrals to zero
if($V)) intVdP <- intdVdTdP <- numeric(ncond)
else {
intVdP <- PAR$V*(P - Pr) * cm3bar_to_J
intdVdTdP <- 0
# Get the values of each of the requested thermodynamic properties
for(i in 1:length(property)) {
if(property[i] == "Cp") values[, i] <- Cp
if(property[i] == "V") values[, i] <- V
if(property[i] == "E") values[, i] <- rep(NA, ncond)
if(property[i] == "kT") values[, i] <- rep(NA, ncond)
if(property[i] == "G") {
# Calculate S * (T - Tr), but set it to 0 at Tr (in case S is NA)
Sterm <- PAR$S*(T - Tr)
Sterm[T==Tr] <- 0
values[, i] <- PAR$G - Sterm + intCpdT - T*intCpdlnT + intVdP
if(property[i] == "H") values[, i] <- PAR$H + intCpdT + intVdP - T*intdVdTdP
if(property[i] == "S") values[, i] <- PAR$S + intCpdlnT - intdVdTdP
} # End calculations using parameters from thermo()$OBIGT
out[[k]] <- values
} # End loop over species
### Unexported function ###
# Calculate GHS and V corrections for quartz and coesite 20170929
# (these are the only mineral phases for which SUPCRT92 uses an inconstant volume)
quartz_coesite <- function(PAR, T, P) {
# The corrections are 0 for anything other than quartz and coesite
if(!PAR$name %in% c("quartz", "coesite")) return(list(G = 0, H = 0, S = 0, V = 0))
ncond <- max(c(length(T), length(P)))
# Tr, Pr and TtPr (transition temperature at Pr)
Pr <- 1 # bar
Tr <- 298.15 # K
TtPr <- 848 # K
# Constants from SUP92D.f
aa <- 549.824
ba <- 0.65995
ca <- -0.4973e-4
VPtTta <- 23.348
VPrTtb <- 23.72
Stran <- 0.342
# Constants from REAC92D.f
VPrTra <- 22.688 # VPrTr(a-quartz)
Vdiff <- 2.047 # VPrTr(a-quartz) - VPrTr(coesite)
k <- 38.5 # dPdTtr(a/b-quartz)
#k <- 38.45834 # calculated in CHNOSZ: dPdTtr(info("quartz"))
# Code adapted from REAC92D.f
qphase <- gsub("cr", "", PAR$state)
if(qphase == 2) {
Pstar <- P
Sstar <- rep(0, ncond)
V <- rep(VPrTtb, ncond)
} else {
Pstar <- Pr + k * (T - TtPr)
Sstar <- rep(Stran, ncond)
V <- VPrTra + ca*(P-Pr) + (VPtTta - VPrTra - ca*(P-Pr))*(T-Tr) / (TtPr + (P-Pr)/k - Tr)
Pstar[T < TtPr] <- Pr
Sstar[T < TtPr] <- 0
if(PAR$name == "coesite") {
VPrTra <- VPrTra - Vdiff
VPrTtb <- VPrTtb - Vdiff
V <- V - Vdiff
cm3bar_to_cal <- 0.023901488
GVterm <- cm3bar_to_cal * (VPrTra * (P - Pstar) + VPrTtb * (Pstar - Pr) -
0.5 * ca * (2 * Pr * (P - Pstar) - (P^2 - Pstar^2)) -
ca * k * (T - Tr) * (P - Pstar) +
k * (ba + aa * ca * k) * (T - Tr) * log((aa + P/k) / (aa + Pstar/k)))
SVterm <- cm3bar_to_cal * (-k * (ba + aa * ca * k) *
log((aa + P/k) / (aa + Pstar/k)) + ca * k * (P - Pstar)) - Sstar
# Note the minus sign on "SVterm" in order that intdVdTdP has the correct sign
list(intVdP = convert(GVterm, "J"), intdVdTdP = convert(-SVterm, "J"), V = V)
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