
Defines functions can.be.numeric s2c c2s

# CHNOSZ/util.character.R
# Functions to work with character objects

### Unexported functions ###

# Join the elements of a character object into a character object of length 1 (a string)
c2s <- function(x, sep = ' ') {
  # Make a string out of a character vector
  if(length(x) %in% c(0,1)) return(x)
  s <- paste(x, collapse = sep)

# Split a string into elements of a character object of length n+1, where n is the number of separators in the string
# Default sep = NULL indicates a separator at every position of x
# keep.sep is used to keep the separators in the output
s2c <- function(x, sep = NULL, keep.sep = TRUE) {
  # Recursively split 'x' according to separation strings in 'sep'
  do.split <- function(x, sep, keep.sep = TRUE) {
    # Split the elements of x according to sep
    # Output is a list the length of x
    if(is.list(x)) stop("x is a list; it must be a character object (can have length > 1)")
    x <- as.list(x)
    for(i in 1:length(x)) {
      # Do the splitting
      xi <- strsplit(x[[i]], sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      # Paste the separation term term back in
      if(keep.sep & !is.null(sep)) {
        xhead <- character()
        xtail <- xi
        if(length(xi) > 1) {
          xhead <- head(xi, 1)
          xtail <- tail(xi, -1)
          # In-between matches
          xtail <- paste("", xtail, sep = sep)
        # A match at the end ... grep here causes problems
        # when sep contains control characters
        #if(length(grep(paste(sep, "$", sep = ""), x[[i]]) > 0)) xtail <- c(xtail, sep)
        # Use substr instead
        nx <- nchar(x[[i]])
        ns <- nchar(sep)
        if(substr(x[[i]], nx-ns+1, nx) == sep) xtail <- c(xtail, sep)
        xi <- c(xhead, xtail)
      x[[i]] <- xi
  # Now do it!
  for(i in 1:length(sep)) x <- unlist(do.split(x, sep[i], keep.sep = keep.sep))

# Return a value of TRUE or FALSE for each element of x
can.be.numeric <- function(x) {
  # Return FALSE if length of argument is zero
  if(length(x) == 0) FALSE else
  if(length(x) > 1) as.logical(sapply(x, can.be.numeric)) else {
    if(is.numeric(x)) TRUE else
    if(!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)))) TRUE else
    if(x %in% c('.', '+', '-')) TRUE else FALSE

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CHNOSZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.