
Defines functions revise.path get.raw.dir get.opt.dir get.dir_gender get.dir_NMR get.dir_IMR get.dir_U5MR find_latest_date get.max.date get.file.name get.ref.date leap_year get.IGMEfig.dir get.IGMEoutput.dir load.IGMEoutput.dir get.IGMEinput.dir load.IGMEinput.dir get.IGME.dir

Documented in find_latest_date get.dir_gender get.dir_IMR get.dir_NMR get.dir_U5MR get.file.name get.IGME.dir get.IGMEfig.dir get.IGMEinput.dir get.IGMEoutput.dir get.max.date get.opt.dir get.raw.dir get.ref.date leap_year load.IGMEinput.dir load.IGMEoutput.dir revise.path

# functions to search and get all major datasets

#'Get IGME "Code" dir for a given year
#'If `year` is 2020, returns the directory to Code folder in the 2020 Round
#'Estimation Dropbox folder
#'@param year YYYY
#'@return directory to input folder
#'@export get.IGME.dir
get.IGME.dir <- function(year){
  file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", year ," Round Estimation/Code/"))

#' Load the IGME "input" directories
#' @return dir_IGMEinput_list: a list of directories of UN IGME Data/YYYY Round
#'   Estimations/Code/input
#' @export load.IGMEinput.dir
load.IGMEinput.dir <- function(){
  # the input folder:
  dir_IGMEinput_list <- list(
    dir_IGME_thisyear = file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y") ," Round Estimation/Code/input/")),
    dir_IGME_21       = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2021 Round Estimation/Code/input/"),
    dir_IGME_20       = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2020 Round Estimation/Code/input/"),
    dir_IGME_19       = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2019 Round Estimation/Code/input/"),
    dir_IGME_NMR      = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/NMR/data")

#'Get "input" dir for a given year
#'If `year` is 2020, returns the directory to input folder in the 2020 Round
#'Estimation Dropbox folder
#'@param year YYYY
#'@return directory to input folder
#'@export get.IGMEinput.dir
get.IGMEinput.dir <- function(year){
  file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", year ," Round Estimation/Code/input/"))

#' load the IGME "output" directories
#' @return dir_IGMEoutput_list: a list of directories to UN IGME Data/YYYY Round
#'   Estimations/Code/output
#' @export load.IGMEoutput.dir
load.IGMEoutput.dir <- function(){
  dir_IGMEoutput_list <- list(
    dir_IGME_thisyear = file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y") ," Round Estimation/Code/output/")),
    dir_IGME_21       = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2021 Round Estimation/Code/output/"),
    dir_IGME_20       = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2020 Round Estimation/Code/output/"),
    dir_IGME_19       = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2019 Round Estimation/Code/output/"),
    dir_IGME_NMR      = file.path(USERPROFILE, "/Dropbox/NMR/output")

#'Get "output" dir for a given year
#'If `year` is 2020, returns the directory to output folder in the 2020 Round
#'Estimation Dropbox folder
#' @param year YYYY
#' @return directory to output folder
#' @export get.IGMEoutput.dir
get.IGMEoutput.dir <- function(year){
  file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", year ," Round Estimation/Code/output/"))

#'Get "fig" dir for a given year
#'If `year` is 2020, returns the directory to fig folder in the 2020 Round
#'Estimation Dropbox folder
#' @param year YYYY
#' @return directory to fig folder
#' @export get.IGMEfig.dir
get.IGMEfig.dir <- function(year){
  file.path(USERPROFILE, paste0("/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/", year ," Round Estimation/Code/fig/"))

#'leap year: if this is a leap year
#' @param date date
leap_year <- function(date){
  if (is.numeric(date)) {
    year <- date
  else {
    year <- year(date)
  (year%%4 == 0) & ((year%%100 != 0) | (year%%400 == 0))

#' Calculate start, end and average date in decimal from starting/end dates
#' @importFrom data.table year
#' @param date0 date for example: 2020-01-01
#' @param date1 date for example: 2020-12-31
#' @return a list of date start, date end, date average. for example: 2020,
#'   2020.997, 2020.497
#' @export get.ref.date
#' @examples get.ref.date("2020-01-01", "2020-12-31")
get.ref.date <- function(date0,
  date0 <- as.Date(date0)
  date1 <- as.Date(date1)
  get.date <- function(date0){
    y1 <- data.table::year(date0)
    n_days1 <- ifelse(leap_year(y1), 366, 365) # e.g. 2020 is a leap year with 366 days
    first_day_of_year <- as.Date(paste(y1, 1, 1, sep = "-")) # use to count diff days
    date_num <- as.double(difftime(date0, first_day_of_year))/n_days1 + y1
  date_start <- get.date(date0)
  date_end <- get.date(date1)
  date_ave <- get.date(date0 + difftime(date1, date0)/2)
  return(list(date_start=date_start, date_end=date_end, date_ave=date_ave))

# Get database path -------------------------------------------------------

#' Show all file directories within the file directory `dir_file` and matched by
#' pattern `pattern0`
#' Search only the files in the folder, match by `pattern0`, the search is not
#' recursive.
#' @param dir_file directory
#' @param pattern0 string to match file names
#' @param full_name list.files(full.names), if TRUE (default) returns full
#'   directories, if FALSE, return only the file names
#' @return vector of matched file directories
#' @export get.file.name
get.file.name <- function(dir_file,
                          full_name = TRUE){

  if(is.null(dir_file))message("dir_file is NULL. Please double check.")
  if(!dir.exists(dir_file))message("Check if dir_file exists: ", dir_file)
  files <- list.files(dir_file)
  files_full <- list.files(dir_file, full.names = TRUE)
  return(if(full_name)files_full[which(grepl(pattern0, files))] else files[which(grepl(pattern0, files))])

#' Internal function to check if the input is date, and figure out which date is
#' the latest
#' @param mydate a vector of dates
#' @return an integer returned by `which.max`
get.max.date <- function(mydate) {
  align.date <- function(mydate){
    if(!is.na(as.Date(mydate, "%Y-%m-%d"))){
      mydate <- as.Date(mydate, "%Y-%m-%d")
    } else if (!is.na(as.Date(mydate, "%Y%m%d"))){
      mydate <- as.Date(mydate, "%Y%m%d")
    } else {
      mydate <- NA
  out <- sapply(mydate, align.date)

#' Find out the latest date of all the master files in the directory using the
#' dates in file names
#' @param files file path
find_latest_date <- function(files){
  remove_string <- c("data_U5MR_|.csv|data_IMR_|data_NMR_|_5year|dataset_formodeling_|dataset_forplotting_")
  dates <- gsub(remove_string, "", files)
  # screen for valid date string:
  # dates <- c("2015", "20200804", "2020-08-01")
  # return which.max e.g. 2L

#' Get the U5MR master dataset directory
#' @param dir_IGME The directory to IGME input folder, e.g. ".../2020 Round
#'   Estimation/Code/input/", could be obtained using
#'   \code{\link{get.IGMEinput.dir}}
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_U5MR
get.dir_U5MR <- function(dir_IGME = get.IGMEinput.dir(2020)){
  files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME, pattern0 = "data_U5MR")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME, pattern0 = "data_U5MR", full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("U5MR master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", dir_IGME)

#' Get the IMR master dataset directory
#' @param dir_IGME The directory to IGME input folder, e.g. ".../2020 Round
#'   Estimation/Code/input/"
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_IMR
get.dir_IMR <- function(dir_IGME = get.IGMEinput.dir(2020)){
  files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME, pattern0 = "data_IMR")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME, pattern0 = "data_IMR", full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("IMR master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", dir_IGME)

#' Get the NMR master dataset directory
#' Compare to \code{\link{get.dir_U5MR}}, there is need to supply dir_IGME since
#' the dataset location is fixed at "/NMR/data"
#' @param y5 to get the 5-year dataset or not
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_NMR
get.dir_NMR <- function(
  y5 = FALSE
  dir_IGME_NMR <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "Dropbox/NMR/data")
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_")
    files_full <- files_full[grepl("5year", files_full)]
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_", full_name = FALSE)
    files <- files[grepl("5year", files)]
  } else {
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_")
    files_full <- files_full[!grepl("5year", files_full)]
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_NMR, pattern0 = "data_NMR_", full_name = FALSE)
    files <- files[!grepl("5year", files)]
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("NMR master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", dir_IGME)

#' Get the sex-specific master dataset directory
#' Compare to \code{\link{get.dir_U5MR}}, there is need to supply dir_IGME since
#' the dataset location is fixed at "/CMEgender2015/Database"
#' @param plotting to get the dataset for plotting (if TRUE) or dataset for
#'    modeling (if FALSE)
#' @param dir_IGME_gender default to "/Dropbox/CMEgender2015/Database"
#' @return file path to the master dataset
#' @export get.dir_gender
get.dir_gender <- function(
  dir_IGME_gender = NULL,
  plotting = TRUE
  if(is.null(dir_IGME_gender)) dir_IGME_gender <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"/Dropbox/CMEgender2015/Database")
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_forplotting")
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_forplotting", full_name = FALSE)
    files_full <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_formodeling")
    files <- get.file.name(dir_file = dir_IGME_gender, pattern0 = "dataset_formodeling", full_name = FALSE)
  file_selected <- files_full[find_latest_date(files)]
    message(paste("Sex-specific master dataset chosen: \n", file_selected))
  } else {
    message("No corresponding dataset found in: \n ", dir_IGME)

# For CMRJack results directories

#' Get optimal file directory from `Output CMRJack` folder
#' @param cname country name
#' @param surveytype folder names like "DHS", "MICS", "NDHS",...
#' @param year year of the survey, e.g. 2015
#' @return xlsx file directory
#' @export get.opt.dir
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get.opt.dir("Zimbabwe", "DHS", 2015)
#' }
get.opt.dir <- function(
  surveytype = "DHS",
  year = NULL){
  cname <- gsub(" ", "", cname)
  dir_opt <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "Dropbox/IGME Data/Output CMRJack/All/BH", surveytype, "Real/Optimal")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file =dir_opt,  pattern0 = cname)
  if(any(grepl(" CY ", files))) files <- grep(" CY ", files, value = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(year))files <- grep(year, files, value = TRUE)

#' get raw file directory from `Output CMRJack` folder
#' @param cname country name
#' @param surveytype folder names like "DHS", "MICS", "NDHS",...
#' @param year year of the survey, e.g. 2015
#' @return xlsx file directory
#' @export get.raw.dir
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get.raw.dir("Zimbabwe", "DHS", 2015)
#' }
get.raw.dir <- function(cname, surveytype = "DHS", year = NULL){
  cname <- gsub(" ", "", cname)
  dir_opt <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "Dropbox/IGME Data/Output CMRJack/All/BH", surveytype, "Real/Raw")
  files <- get.file.name(dir_file =dir_opt,  pattern0 = cname)
  if(any(grepl(" CY ", files))) files <- grep(" CY ", files, value = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(year)) files <- grep(year, files, value = TRUE)

# extra

#' Adjust the file dir if the lash is not right or the dropbox username is not
#' right (YL 2020/2)
#' @param dir0 file directory not output for now
#' @export revise.path
revise.path <- function(dir0){
  # if there is backslack, replace it
  if(grep("\\\\", dir0)) dir <- gsub("\\\\", "\\/", dir0)
  # replace username if it is not right
  if(!grepl(Sys.getenv("USERNAME"), dir)) dir <- file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),"Dropbox", sub("^.*Dropbox", "", dir))
  if(!file.exists(dir)) stop("check if dir exists: ", dir)

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CME.assistant documentation built on March 22, 2021, 5:07 p.m.