
Defines functions get.country.info read.region.summary read.country.summary get.CME.UI.data get.match upper.first.letter roundoff check.and.install.pkgs load.final_dir search.for.file

Documented in check.and.install.pkgs get.CME.UI.data get.country.info get.match load.final_dir read.country.summary read.region.summary roundoff search.for.file upper.first.letter

# Data engineering related helper functions
# CME functions package

# Directories related -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Search for file paths matched by part of the file name
#' Search for files containing the `file_name_string` in all sub-folders in
#' `target.dir`, and list files containing the `file_name_string`
#' @param target.dir target directory
#' @param file_name_string e.g. "data_U5MR"
#' @param full_path full path or not
search.for.file <- function(target.dir, file_name_string, full_path = FALSE){
  n <- which(grepl(file_name_string, list.files(target.dir, recursive = TRUE)))
  list.files(target.dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = full_path)[n]

#' Return a saved dir_list for total and sex-specific Rates & Deaths_Country
#' Summary.csv
#' `load.final_dir` returns file paths of Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv
#' from Aggregate results (final) folders
#' @param year default to 2020, can get directory list for 2020 or 2019,
#'   otherwise return both years
#' @return list of results file directories on Dropbox
#' @export load.final_dir
load.final_dir <- function(year = 2020){
  y19 <- list(
    dir_total_2019 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                               "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2019 Round Estimation/Code/Aggregate results (final) 2019-08-15/Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv"),
    dir_female_2019 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                               "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2019 Round Estimation/Code/Aggregate results (final) 2019-08-20 (female)/Rates & Deaths(ADJUSTED)_female_Country Summary (negative replaced).csv"),
    dir_male_2019 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                               "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2019 Round Estimation/Code/Aggregate results (final) 2019-08-20 (male)/Rates & Deaths(ADJUSTED)_male_Country Summary.csv"),
    dir_5_14_2019 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                              "Dropbox/IGME 5-14/2019 Round Estimation/Aggregate results (final) 2019-07-29/Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv")

  y20 <- list(
    dir_total_2020 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                               "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2020 Round Estimation/Code/Aggregate results (final) 2020-08-14/Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv"),
    dir_female_2020 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                                "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2020 Round Estimation/Code/Aggregate results (final) 2020-08-16 (female)/Rates & Deaths(ADJUSTED)_female_Country Summary.csv"),
    dir_male_2020 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                              "/Dropbox/UN IGME Data/2020 Round Estimation/Code/Aggregate results (final) 2020-08-16 (male)/Rates & Deaths(ADJUSTED)_male_Country Summary.csv"),
    dir_5_14_2020 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                         "Dropbox/IGME 5-14/2020 Round Estimation/Aggregate results (final) 2020-08-31/Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv"),
    dir_15_24_2020 = file.path(Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE"),
                              "Dropbox/IGME 5-14/Estimates 10q15/Aggregate results (final) 2020-08-31/Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv")
  year <- as.character(year)
  if (year == "2020") {
    dir_list <- y20
  } else if (year == "2019") {
    dir_list <- y19
  } else {
    dir_list <- c(y19, y20)
  # check if all the files still exist (if file names remain unchanged)
  if(!all(sapply(dir_list, file.exists))) stop("Check files that don't exist:\n ", paste(dir_list[!sapply(dir_list, file.exists)], collapse = ",\n "))
# dir_list <- load.final_dir()

# General helper -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Check and install packages if missing
#' @importFrom utils install.packages
#' @param pkgs vector of packages
#' @return NULL
#' @export check.and.install.pkgs
check.and.install.pkgs <- function(pkgs){
  search_package <- sapply(pkgs, find.package, quiet = TRUE) # return a string or character(0)
  new.packages <- pkgs[sapply(search_package, function(x)length(x)==0)]
  if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, dependencies = TRUE)
  suppressPackageStartupMessages(invisible(lapply(pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)))

#' A rounding function that round off numbers in the conventional way
#' Instead of in R where round(0.5) = 0, roundoff(0.5, 0) = 1
#' @param x the number
#' @param digits digits, default to 2
#' @return rounded numeric vector
#' @export roundoff
roundoff <- function(#
  x, digits = 2
) {
  if(!is.numeric(x)) message("x coerse to numeric. ")
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  z <- trunc(abs(x)*10^digits + 0.5)
  z <- sign(x)*z/10^digits

#' Capitalize first letter of each word in the vector
#' @param y vector of strings
#' @return a vector of strings with first letter capitalized
#' @export upper.first.letter
#' @examples upper.first.letter(c("aa","bb","cc"))
upper.first.letter <- function(y){
  if(!is.character(y)) y <- as.character(y)
  upper.first.letter0 <- function(y) {
  c <- strsplit(y, " ")[[1]]
  paste(toupper(substring(c, 1, 1)), substring(c, 2),
        sep="", collapse=" ")
  return(unname(sapply(y, upper.first.letter0)))

#' A label function to replace values by a given list in a variable
#' You can provide a __new_list__ to define the values you wish to change in
#' this variable. Values not revised in the given list will be kept
#' @param x a element or a vector
#' @param new_list if you supply a new list the function will use instead of the
#'   default_labels
#' @param no_line_break to remove linebreak from the string
#' @export get.match
#' @return an updated vector as character
get.match <- function(x,
                      new_list = NULL,
                      no_line_break = FALSE){
    labs <- default_label
  } else {
      labs <- new_list
    } else {
      message("new_list must be a list. Still use the default list.")
      labs <- default_label
    message("Coerse input into character.")
    x <- as.character(x)
  out <- rep(NA, length(x))
  for (i in 1:length(x)){
    if (is.null(labs[[ x[i] ]])){
      out[i] <- x[i]
      out[i] <- labs[[ x[i] ]]
  return(if(no_line_break)gsub("\n", "", out) else out)

# Get data ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Return different format of the final aggregate results country summary
#' `get.CME.UI.data` can read in "Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv" for any
#' indicators published so far and include Sex, Quantile in the output. A
#' pre-saved list of summary.csv files directories could be obtained by
#' \code{\link{load.final_dir}}. Output dataset in either long, wide year, wide
#' indicator, or wide `get` (one column for rate and one column for death)
#' @param dir_file allow a different dataset to be read: directory to aggregate
#'   final
#' @param c_iso country iso, if NULL, returns all isos, default to NULL
#' @param year_range a vector of years, default to 1990: 2019
#' @param idvars default to "`OfficialName`, `ISO3Code`", what id vars you want
#'   to include
#' @param format Choose format among raw, long, wide_year, wide_ind, and
#'   wide_get, default to "long". All the wide-format just `dcasts` the
#'   long-format data, wide_get means two columns: rate and death
#' @param get  default to "rate". Choose among "rate", "death", or "both"
#' @param round_digit digits to round estimates, default to 1
#' @param use_IGME_year load the saved IGME final aggregated results (final):
#'   2019 or 2020
#' @param quantile TRUE: return upper, median, lower; FALSE: only median
#' @param sex Sex column value: Total, Female or Male, if left as NULL as
#'   default will be determined from directory of `dir_file`
#' @return a data.table
#' @export get.CME.UI.data
#' @examples
#' dt_1 <- get.CME.UI.data(use_IGME_year = 2020, format = "wide_year")
#' dt_2 <- get.CME.UI.data(format = "wide_ind")
get.CME.UI.data <- function(
  dir_file = NULL,
  c_iso = NULL,
  year_range = c(1990:2019),
  get = "both", # "rate" / "death" / "both"
  idvars = c("OfficialName", "ISO3Code"),
  sex = NULL,
  format = "long",  # "raw"/ "long"/ "wide_year"/ "wide_ind"/ "wide_get"
  round_digit = 1L,
  use_IGME_year = 2020,
  quantile = TRUE
  # load file
  if(is.null(dir_file)) {
      dt <- Rates_Deaths_Country_Summary_2020_UI
    } else if (use_IGME_year == 2019){
      dt <- Rates_Deaths_Country_Summary_2019_UI
    } else {
      stop("Supply dir_file or choose use_IGME_year among 2019, 2020")
  } else {
    dir_file <- unlist(dir_file)
      dt <- data.table::fread(dir_file)
      message("Data loaded: ", dir_file)
    } else {
      stop("Check: file doesn't exist: ", dir_file)
  # cleaning up col names
  dt <- dt[ISO3Code!="LIE"]
  setnames(dt, gsub(" ", ".", colnames(dt)))
  setnames(dt, gsub("-", ".", colnames(dt)))
  # find the Quantile column:
  if("X"%in%colnames(dt))setnames(dt, "X", "Quantile")
  if("V99"%in%colnames(dt))setnames(dt, "V99", "Quantile") # in case leave as blank
  if("Quintile"%in%colnames(dt))setnames(dt, "Quintile", "Quantile")

  # Does the quantile column exist?
  row_per_iso <- unique(dt[,.N, by = ISO3Code][,N])
  # row_per_iso should be either 1 or 3
  if(length(row_per_iso)!=1) warning("Check row per iso: ", paste(row_per_iso, collapse = ", "))
      dt[, Quantile:= "Median"]
    } else {
      stop("There should be a `Quantile` column.")

  # find all available indicators
  # get all the variables available in the datasets:
  # e.g. c("X5q15", "X10q15", "X5q20")
  available_inds <- grep(".2018", colnames(dt), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  available_inds <- gsub(".2018", "", available_inds)

  if(get == "rate"){
    inds_wanted <- available_inds[!grepl("death|Death", available_inds)]
  } else if (get == "death"){
    inds_wanted <- available_inds[grepl("death|Death", available_inds)]
  } else {
    inds_wanted <- available_inds # otherwise just take all available inds
  message("Indicators:", paste(inds_wanted, collapse = ", "))

  # find all available years
  # available years
  available_years <- grep(inds_wanted[1], colnames(dt), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  available_years <- as.numeric(gsub(paste0(inds_wanted[1], "."), "", available_years))
    year_range <- available_years
  } else {
    if (!all(year_range%in%available_years)) {
      message("Available years are between: ", paste(range(available_years), collapse = " and "),
              " --- will use all available years")
      year_range <- year_range[year_range%in%available_years]

  # subset isos if what's required is available
  isos <- dt[, unique(ISO3Code)]
  isos <- isos[isos!=""]
  if(!is.null(c_iso)) {
    c_iso <- c_iso[c_iso%in%isos]
  } else {
    c_iso <- isos

  # determine sex from dir
    sex <- "Total"
  } else {
      if(grepl("female", dir_file)){
        sex <- "Female"
      } else if (grepl("male", dir_file)) {
        sex <- "Male"
      } else {
        sex <- "Total"
  dt[, Sex:= sex]

  if(!format%in%c("raw", "long", "wide_year", "wide_ind", "wide_get")){
    message("Choose format among raw, long, wide_get, wide_year and wide_ind, default to long")
    format <-  "long"
  # the value variable
  inds_wanted_year <- sort(do.call(paste, c(expand.grid(inds_wanted, year_range), sep = ".")))
  dt[, (inds_wanted_year):= lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = inds_wanted_year]

  vars_wanted <- c(idvars, "Quantile", "Sex", inds_wanted_year)
  dt1 <- dt[ISO3Code %in% c_iso, ..vars_wanted]
  if(!quantile) dt1 <- dt1[Quantile=="Median"]

  if(format == "raw") {
  } else {
    dt_long <- data.table::melt(dt1, measure.vars = inds_wanted_year, value.name = "Value", variable.factor = FALSE)
    # dt_long[, Indicator:= gsub( "\\..*", "", variable )] # remove anything after .
    dt_long[, Indicator:= substr(variable, 1, nchar(variable)-5)] # remove anything after .
    dt_long[, Year:= gsub( ".*\\.", "", variable )] # remove anything after the last dot
    dt_long[, Year:= as.numeric(Year)]
    vars_kept <- c(idvars, "Indicator", "Year", "Quantile", "Sex", "Value")
    dt_long <- dt_long[, ..vars_kept]
    data.table::setkey(dt_long, ISO3Code)
    # round?
    if(is.numeric(round_digit)) dt_long[, Value:= roundoff(Value, digits = round_digit)]
    # remove NA
    dt_long <- dt_long[!is.na(Value)]

    # pick output format here ----
    # since everything is made from format long
    if(format == "long"){
      # wide all the indicators (incl. rates, deaths, if all selected)
    } else if (format == "wide_ind") {
      # e.g. OfficialName    ISO3Code      X Year      U5MR      NMR       IMR
      formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), "+ Year + Quantile + Sex ~ Indicator" )
      dt_wide_ind <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "Value")
      # wide all the years, all the inds in one column
    } else if (format == "wide_year") {
      formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), " + Indicator  + Quantile + Sex ~ Year" )
      dt_wide_year <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "Value")
    } else {
      # Two value columns : one for rate, one for deaths
      dt_long[, Get:="Rate"]
      dt_long[grepl("Deaths", Indicator), Get:="Deaths"]
        "You only selected Rate or Death, not both so long-format output is returned"
      } else {
        align_ind <- list(
          "U5MR" = "Under.five",
          "Under.five.Deaths"  = "Under.five",
          "IMR"  = "Infant",
          "Infant.Deaths" = "Infant",
          "NMR"  = "Neonatal",
          "Neonatal.Deaths"  = "Neonatal"
        dt_long[, Indicator:= get.match(Indicator, new_list = align_ind)]
        formula0 <- paste(paste(idvars, collapse = " + "), "+ Indicator  + Year + Quantile + Sex ~ Get" )
        dt_wide_get <- data.table::dcast.data.table(dt_long, formula = formula0, value.var = "Value")

#' function to read "Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv" and output long format
#' @param dir_dt_cs directory to Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv
#' @param year_wanted default to null, supply e.g. 1990:2019
#' @param sex default to NULL, will determine from file dir
#' @export
read.country.summary <- function(
  dir_dt_cs,      # fread("Rates & Deaths_Country Summary.csv)
  year_wanted = NULL, # e.g. 1990:2019
  sex = NULL
  if(!file.exists(dir_dt_cs)) stop("File doesn't exist: ", dir_dt_cs)
  dt_cs <- fread(dir_dt_cs)[ISO3Code!="LIE"]
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub(" ", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub("-", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  # find the Quantie column:
  if("X"%in%colnames(dt_cs))setnames(dt_cs, "X", "Quantile")
  if("V99"%in%colnames(dt_cs))setnames(dt_cs, "V99", "Quantile") # in case leave as blank
  if("Quintile"%in%colnames(dt_cs))setnames(dt_cs, "Quintile", "Quantile")
  # get all the variables available in the datasets:
  # e.g. c("X5q15", "X10q15", "X5q20")
  vars <- grep(".2019", colnames(dt_cs), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  vars <- gsub(".2019", "", vars)
  # available years
  year_available <- grep(vars[1], colnames(dt_cs), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
  year_available <- as.numeric(gsub(paste0(vars[1], "."), "", year_available))
    year_wanted <- year_available
  } else {
    year_wanted <- year_wanted[year_wanted%in%year_available]
  vars_wanted <- do.call(paste0, expand.grid(vars, ".", year_wanted))
  dt_cs <- dt_cs[, c("ISO3Code", "Quantile", vars_wanted), with = FALSE]
  dt_cs[, (vars_wanted):=lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = vars_wanted]
  dt_long <- melt.data.table(dt_cs, id.vars = c("ISO3Code", "Quantile"),
                             variable.factor = FALSE)
  dt_long[, year := as.numeric(substr(variable, nchar(variable)-3, nchar(variable)))]
  dt_long[, ind := substr(variable, 1, nchar(variable)-5)]
  dt_long[, variable:= NULL]
  # determine sex from dir
    if(grepl("female", dir_dt_cs)){
      sex <- "Female"
    } else if (grepl("male", dir_dt_cs)) {
      sex <- "Male"
    } else {
      sex <- "Total"
  dt_long[, Sex:= sex]

#' function to read regional summary and output long format

#' @param dir_dt_cs directory to e.g. paste0("Rates & Deaths_UNICEFRegion.csv")
#' @param year_wanted default to null, supply e.g. 1990:2019
#' @param add_regional_grouping if add `Regional_Grouping` column
#' @param sex default to NULL, will determine from file dir
#' @export
read.region.summary <- function(
  dir_dt_cs,      # regional summary in aggregate results
  year_wanted = NULL,# e.g. c(1990, 2019)
  sex = NULL,
  add_regional_grouping = FALSE
  if(!file.exists(dir_dt_cs)) stop("File doesn't exist: ", dir_dt_cs)
  dt_cs <- fread(dir_dt_cs)
  # What region is it?

  if(grepl("SDG", dir_dt_cs)) Regional_Grouping <- "SDG"
  if(grepl("UNICEF", dir_dt_cs)) Regional_Grouping <- "UNICEF"
  if(grepl("WB", dir_dt_cs)) Regional_Grouping <- "World Bank"
  # clean up the col names
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub(" ", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  setnames(dt_cs, gsub("-", ".", colnames(dt_cs)))
  vars0 <- colnames(dt_cs)
  vars0 <- vars0[!grepl("Population", vars0, ignore.case = TRUE)]
  vars_wanted <- vars0[!vars0%in%c("Region", "Year")]
  # available years
  year_available <- sort(unique(dt_cs$Year))
    year_wanted <- year_available
  } else {
    year_wanted <- year_wanted[year_wanted%in%year_available]
  dt_cs <- dt_cs[Year%in%year_available]
  dt_cs[, (vars_wanted):=lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = vars_wanted]
  dt_long <- melt.data.table(dt_cs[,..vars0], id.vars = c("Region", "Year"),
                             variable.factor = FALSE)
  dt_long[grepl("upper", variable, ignore.case = TRUE), Quantile := "Upper"]
  dt_long[grepl("median", variable, ignore.case = TRUE), Quantile := "Median"]
  dt_long[grepl("lower", variable, ignore.case = TRUE), Quantile := "Lower"]
  dt_long[, Shortind:= gsub("X|.lower.bound|.upper.bound|.median", "", variable)]
  dt_long[, variable:= NULL]
  if(add_regional_grouping) dt_long[, Regional_Grouping:= Regional_Grouping]
  dt_long[, Year:= floor(Year) + 0.5]
  # determine sex from dir
    if(grepl("female", dir_dt_cs)){
      sex <- "Female"
    } else if (grepl("male", dir_dt_cs)) {
      sex <- "Male"
    } else {
      sex <- "Total"
  dt_long[, Sex:= sex]

#' Load the country info file, requires dt object `country_info`
#' Creats UNICEFReportRegion from UNICEFReportRegion1 and UNICEFReportRegion2
#' @import data.table
#' @export get.country.info
#' @return dataset of country info
get.country.info <- function(){
  if(!exists("country_info"))stop("Read in country_info first, ")
  dt <- country_info
  # UNICEFReportRegion2 offers subregions for ECA and SSA, combined into UNICEFReportRegion
  dt[, UNICEFReportRegion:=UNICEFReportRegion1]
  dt[UNICEFReportRegion2!="", UNICEFReportRegion:=UNICEFReportRegion2]

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CME.assistant documentation built on March 22, 2021, 5:07 p.m.