
Defines functions Denominate.data.frame Denominate.coin Denominate.purse

Documented in Denominate.coin Denominate.data.frame Denominate.purse


#' Denominate a data set within a purse.
#' This works in almost exactly the same way as [Denominate.coin()]. The only point of care is that the
#' `denoms` argument here cannot take time-indexed data, but only a single value for each unit. It is
#' therefore recommended to pass the time-dependent denominator data as part of `iData` when calling
#' [new_coin()]. In this way, denominators can vary with time. See `vignette("denomination")`.
#' @param x A purse class object
#' @param dset The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in `.$Data`.
#' @param denoms An optional data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding
#' to entries in `denomby`. This must also include an ID column identified by `denoms_ID` to match rows. If `denoms`
#' is not specified, will extract any potential denominator columns that were attached to `iData` when calling [new_coin()].
#' @param denomby Optional data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors
#' to apply. Should have columns `iCode`, `Denominator`, `ScaleFactor`. `iCode` specifies an indicator code found in `dset`,
#' `Denominator` specifies a column name from `denoms` to use to denominate the corresponding column from `x`.
#' `ScaleFactor` allows the possibility to scale
#' denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in
#' dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision. If `denomby`
#' is not specified, specifications will be taken from the "Denominator" column in `iMeta`, if it exists.
#' @param denoms_ID An ID column for matching `denoms` with the data to be denominated. This column should contain
#' uMeta codes to match with the data set extracted from the coin.
#' @param f_denom A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each
#' column. By default, this is division, i.e. `x[[col]]/denoms[[col]]` for given columns, but any function can be passed
#' that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.
#' @param write_to If specified, writes the aggregated data to `.$Data[[write_to]]`. Default `write_to = "Denominated"`.
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An updated purse
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # build example purse
#' purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)
#' # denominate using data/specs already included in coin
#' purse <- Denominate(purse, dset = "Raw")
Denominate.purse <- function(x, dset, denoms = NULL, denomby = NULL, denoms_ID = NULL,
                              f_denom = NULL, write_to = NULL, ...){

  # input check

  # apply denomination to each coin
  x$coin <- lapply(x$coin, function(coin){
    Denominate.coin(coin, dset = dset, denoms = denoms, denomby = denomby,
                     denoms_ID = denoms_ID, f_denom = f_denom, write_to = write_to, out2 = "coin")
  # make sure still purse class
  class(x) <- c("purse", "data.frame")

#' Denominate data set in a coin
#' "Denominates" or "scales" indicators by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as
#' GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).
#' This function denominates a data set `dset` inside the coin. By default, denominating variables are taken from
#' the coin, specifically as variables in `iData` with `Type = "Denominator"` in `iMeta` (input to [new_coin()]).
#' Specifications to map denominators to indicators are also taken by default from `iMeta$Denominator`, if it exists.
#' These specifications can be overridden using the `denoms` and `denomby` arguments. The operator for denomination
#' can also be changed using the `f_denom` argument.
#' See also documentation for [Denominate.data.frame()] which is called by this method.
#' @param x A coin class object
#' @param dset The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in `.$Data`.
#' @param denoms An optional data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding
#' to entries in `denomby`. This must also include an ID column identified by `denoms_ID` to match rows. If `denoms`
#' is not specified, will extract any potential denominator columns that were attached to `iData` when calling [new_coin()].
#' @param denomby Optional data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors
#' to apply. Should have columns `iCode`, `Denominator`, `ScaleFactor`. `iCode` specifies an indicator code found in `dset`,
#' `Denominator` specifies a column name from `denoms` to use to denominate the corresponding column from `x`.
#' `ScaleFactor` allows the possibility to scale
#' denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in
#' dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision. If `denomby`
#' is not specified, specifications will be taken from the "Denominator" column in `iMeta`, if it exists.
#' @param denoms_ID An ID column for matching `denoms` with the data to be denominated. This column should contain
#' `uMeta` codes to match with the data set extracted from the coin.
#' @param f_denom A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each
#' column. By default, this is division, i.e. `x[[col]]/denoms[[col]]` for given columns, but any function can be passed
#' that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.
#' @param write_to If specified, writes the aggregated data to `.$Data[[write_to]]`. Default `write_to = "Denominated"`.
#' @param out2 Either `"coin"` (default) to return updated coin or `"df"` to output the aggregated data set.
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return An updated coin if `out2 = "coin"`, else a data frame of denominated data if `out2 = "df"`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # build example coin
#' coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)
#' # denominate (here, we only need to say which dset to use, takes
#' # specs and denominators from within the coin)
#' coin <- Denominate(coin, dset = "Raw")
Denominate.coin <- function(x, dset, denoms = NULL, denomby = NULL, denoms_ID = NULL,
                           f_denom = NULL, write_to = NULL, out2 = "coin", ...){

  # WRITE LOG ---------------------------------------------------------------

  coin <- write_log(x, dont_write = "x")

  # GET DSET, CHECKS --------------------------------------------------------

  iData <- get_dset(coin, dset)

  # DEFAULTS ----------------------------------------------------------------

    denoms <- coin$Meta$Unit

    if("Denominator" %nin% colnames(coin$Meta$Ind)){
      stop("No Denominator column found in iMeta. Please supply denomby argument.")
    denomby <- coin$Meta$Ind[c("iCode", "Denominator")]
    denomby <- denomby[!is.na(denomby$Denominator), ]

  # DENOMINATE --------------------------------------------------------------

  iData_d <- Denominate(iData, denoms = denoms, denomby = denomby,
                         denoms_ID = denoms_ID, f_denom = f_denom)

  # Output ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # output list
  if(out2 == "df"){
  } else {
      write_to <- "Denominated"
    write_dset(coin, iData_d, dset = write_to)

#' Denominate data sets by other variables
#' "Denominates" or "scales" variables by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as
#' GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).
#' A data frame `x` is denominated by variables found in another data frame `denoms`, according to specifications in
#' `denomby`. `denomby` specifies which columns in `x` are to be denominated, and by which columns in `denoms`, and
#' any scaling factors to apply to each denomination.
#' Both `x` and `denomby` must contain an ID column which matches the rows of `x` to `denomby`. If not specified, this
#' is assumed to be `uCode`,  but can also be specified using the `x_ID` and `denoms_ID` arguments. All entries in
#' `x[[x_ID]]` must be present in `denoms[[denoms_ID]]`, although extra rows are allowed in `denoms`. This is because
#' the rows of `x` are matched to the rows of `denoms` using these ID columns, to ensure that units (rows) are correctly
#' denominated.
#' By default, columns of `x` are divided by columns of `denoms`. This can be generalised by setting `f_denom` to another
#' function which takes two numeric vector arguments. I.e. setting `denoms = ``*`` ` will multiply columns of `x` and
#' denoms together.
#' @param x A data frame of data to be denominated. Columns to be denominated must be numeric, but any columns not
#' specified in `denomby` will be ignored. `x` must also contain an ID column specified by `x_ID` to match rows with
#' `denoms`.
#' @param denoms A data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding
#' to entries in `denomby`. This must also include an ID column identified by `denoms_ID` to match rows.
#' @param denomby A data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors
#' to apply. Should have columns `iCode`, `Denominator`, `ScaleFactor`. `iCode` specifies a column name from `x`,
#' `Denominator` specifies a column name from `denoms` to use to denominate the corresponding column from `x`.
#' `ScaleFactor` allows the possibility to scale
#' denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in
#' dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision.
#' @param x_ID A column name of `x` to use to match rows with `denoms`. Default is `"uCode"`.
#' @param denoms_ID A column name of `denoms` to use to match rows with `x`. Default is `"uCode"`.
#' @param f_denom A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each
#' column. By default, this is division, i.e. `x[[col]]/denoms[[col]]` for given columns, but any function can be passed
#' that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @examples
#' # Get a sample of indicator data (note must be indicators plus a "UnitCode" column)
#' iData <- ASEM_iData[c("uCode", "Goods", "Flights", "LPI")]
#' # Also get some denominator data
#' denoms <- ASEM_iData[c("uCode", "GDP", "Population")]
#' # specify how to denominate
#' denomby <- data.frame(iCode = c("Goods", "Flights"),
#' Denominator = c("GDP", "Population"),
#' ScaleFactor = c(1, 1000))
#' # Denominate one by the other
#' iData_den <- Denominate(iData, denoms, denomby)
#' @return A data frame of the same size as `x`, with any specified columns denominated according to specifications.
#' @seealso
#' * [WorldDenoms] A data set of some common national-level denominators.
#' @export
Denominate.data.frame <- function(x, denoms, denomby, x_ID = NULL, denoms_ID = NULL,
                                   f_denom = NULL, ...){

  # CHECKS ------------------------------------------------------------------

  # denoms

  # denomby
  required_cols <- c("iCode", "Denominator")
  lapply(required_cols, function(col){
      stop("Required column not found in denomby: ", col)

  } else {
    denomby$ScaleFactor <- 1

  # denom_ID
    denoms_ID <- "uCode"
  stopifnot(denoms_ID %in% colnames(denoms))

  # denom_ID
    x_ID <- "uCode"
  stopifnot(x_ID %in% colnames(x))

  # cross checks
  if(any(denomby$iCode %nin% names(x))){
    stop("One or more iCode entries in denomby not found in x.")
  if(any(!sapply(x[denomby$iCode], is.numeric))){
    stop("One or more columns in x referred to by denomby$iCode is not numeric.")
  if(any(denomby$Denominator %nin% names(denoms))){
    stop("One or more Denominator entries in denomby not found in denoms.")
  if(any(!sapply(denoms[denomby$Denominator], is.numeric))){
    stop("One or more columns in denoms referred to by denomby$Denominator is not numeric.")

  # check all uCodes in x are found in denoms
  if(any(x[[x_ID]] %nin% denoms[[denoms_ID]])){
    stop("One or more ID codes in x not found in denoms.")

    f_denom <- `/`

  # DENOMINATE --------------------------------------------------------------

  # first prep denoms to match the rows of x
  denoms_matched <- denoms[match(x[[x_ID]], denoms[[denoms_ID]]) ,]

  denom_col <- function(iCode){
    # col from x
    xcol <- x[[iCode]]
    # scaled denominator column
    denom_code <- denomby$Denominator[denomby$iCode == iCode]
    dcol <- denoms_matched[[denom_code]] / denomby$ScaleFactor[denomby$iCode == iCode]
    # denominate
    do.call(f_denom, list(xcol, dcol))

  # run function (denominate)
  x_denomcols <- as.data.frame(sapply(denomby$iCode, denom_col))

  # subst back in
  x[colnames(x_denomcols)] <- x_denomcols



#' Denominate data
#' "Denominates" or "scales" variables by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as
#' GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).
#' See documentation for individual methods:
#' * [Denominate.data.frame()]
#' * [Denominate.coin()]
#' * [Denominate.purse()].
#' This function replaces the now-defunct `denominate()` from COINr < v1.0.
#' @param x Object to be denominated
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return See individual method documentation
#' @examples
#' # See individual method documentation
#' @export
Denominate <- function (x, ...){

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