
Defines functions write_dset write2coin write_log


# Write function arguments to log
# This used inside `build_*` functions. It takes the coin object as an input, then writes the arguments of the
# current function into the `.$Log` list of the coin object. This is then used as a record of the operations used
# to build the coin, and can be edited.
# @param coin A coin class object
# @param dont_write Any variables not to write to the coin
# @param write2log If `FALSE`, just passes the coin back without writing anything.
# @examples
# #
# @return Updated coin object with function arguments written to `.$Log`
write_log <- function(coin, dont_write = NULL, write2log = TRUE){


  # get calling function name and its arguments
  func_args <- as.list(sys.frame(-1))
  func_name <- deparse(as.list(sys.call(-1))[[1]])

  # check whether call is of type COINr::func_name, or just func_name
  if(grepl("::", func_name)){
    # split at ::, this returns a list (to deal with character vectors) - we only have one string so take first
    xx <- strsplit(func_name, "::")[[1]]
    if(xx[1] != "COINr"){
      stop("Attempt to write log from non-COINr function!")
    } else {
      # take function name excluding COINr:: bit
      func_name <- xx[2]

  # tweak list first (exclude args we don't want)
  dont_write <- c(dont_write, "coin", "*tmp*")
  func_args <- func_args[!(names(func_args) %in% dont_write)]

  # check that we are getting function arguments and nothing else
  if(!all(names(func_args) %in% names(formals(func_name)))){
    stop(paste0("Mismatch between function arguments of ", func_name, " and attempt to write to .$Log."))

  # remove method .coin or similar from func_name
  func_name2 <- unlist(strsplit(func_name, "\\.")[[1]])[1]

  # make sure this is a builder function calling
  builders <- c("Aggregate", "Denominate", "Impute", "new_coin", "Normalise", "qNormalise", "qTreat", "Screen", "Treat")
  if(func_name2 %nin% builders){
    stop("The calling function ", func_name2, " is not one of the functions allowed to write to log. Authorised functions are ", builders)

  # write to coin
  coin$Log[[func_name2]] <- func_args


# Direct function outputs
# Shortcut to be used at end of functions, either attach to coin or output as list.
# @param coin A coin class object
# @param l The list to direct
# @param out2 Whether list or attach to coin
# @param lev1 Address at first lev of coin
# @param lev2 Address at second lev of coin
# @param lev3 Address at third lev of coin
# @examples
# #
# @return Either a list or an updated coin
write2coin <- function(coin, l, out2, lev1, lev2, lev3 = NULL){


  if(out2 %nin% c("list", "coin")){
    stop("out2 not recognised, should be either 'coin' or 'list'")

  if(out2 == "list"){
  } else if (out2 == "coin"){
      coin[[lev1]][[lev2]] <- l
    } else {
      coin[[lev1]][[lev2]][[lev3]] <- l


# Write a named data set to coin
# Writes a data set to the coin, and performs some checks in the process.
# @param coin A coin class object
# @param x The data to write
# @param dset A character string for naming the data, e.g. `Raw`.
# @param quietly If `TRUE`, suppresses messages.
# @param ignore_class If `TRUE` ignores the class of the input (used for [new_coin()]).
# @examples
# #
# @return Updated coin
write_dset <- function(coin, x, dset, quietly = FALSE, ignore_class = FALSE){

  # checks

  # further checks
    stop("Required col uCode not found in data set to write to coin.")
  icodes <- names(x)[names(x) != "uCode"]
  not_numeric <- !(sapply(x[icodes], is.numeric))
    stop("Non-numeric cols detected in data set to be written to coin (excluding uCode).")
  if(any(icodes %nin% coin$Meta$Ind$iCode[coin$Meta$Ind$Type %in% c("Indicator", "Aggregate")])){
    stop("Names of columns do not correspond to entries in .$Meta$Ind$iCode in data to write to coin.")

  # flag if dset exists
  dset_exists <- !is.null(coin$Data[[dset]])

  # write to coin
  coin$Data[[dset]] <- x

    message("Written data set to .$Data$", dset)
      message("(overwritten existing data set)")



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COINr documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.