
# ProbabilityFunctions.R
# 2018-08-10
# Curtis Miller
# Functions for probability distributions and simulating random variables


#' Rényi-Type Statistic Limiting Distribution Density Function
#' Function for computing the value of the density function of the limiting
#' distribution of the Rényi-type statistic.
#' @param x Point at which to evaluate the density function (note that this
#'          parameter is not vectorized)
#' @param summands Number of summands to use in summation (the default should be
#'                 machine accurate)
#' @return Value of the density function at \eqn{x}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::dZn(1)
dZn <- function(x, summands = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(summands)) {
    if (x > 6) {
    } else if (x <= 0) {
    } else {
      # Used some rootfinding procedures to find the proper number of summands
      # to guarantee machine-level accuracy, thus yielding these numbers
      best_summands <- c(5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32)
      summands <- best_summands[ceiling(x)]

  if (x <= 0) return(0)
  2 * pi * sqrt(pZn(x, summands = summands)) * sum((-1)^(0:summands) * 
    (2 * (0:summands) + 1)/x^3 * exp(-pi^2*(2*(0:summands)+1)^2/
dZn <- Vectorize(dZn, "x")

#' Kolmogorov CDF
#' CDF of the Kolmogorov distribution.
#' @param q Quantile input to CDF
#' @param summands Number of summands for infinite sum (the default should have
#'        machine accuracy)
#' @return If \eqn{Z} is the random variable following the Kolmogorov
#'         distribution, the quantity \eqn{P(Z \leq q)}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::pkolmogorov(0.1)
pkolmogorov <- function(q, summands = ceiling(q * sqrt(72) + 3/2)) {
  # Formerly called pKolmogorov
  sqrt(2 * pi) * sapply(q, function(x) { if (x > 0) {
    sum(exp(-(2 * (1:summands) - 1)^2 * pi^2/(8 * x^2)))/x
  } else {
pkolmogorov <- Vectorize(pkolmogorov, "q")

#' Darling-Erdös Statistic CDF
#' CDF for the limiting distribution of the Darling-Erdös statistic.
#' @param q Quantile input to CDF
#' @return If \eqn{Z} is the random variable with this distribution, the
#'         quantity \eqn{P(Z \leq q)}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::pdarling_erdos(0.1)
pdarling_erdos <- function(q) {
  # Formerly called pDarlingErdos
  exp(-2 * exp(-q))
pdarling_erdos <- Vectorize(pdarling_erdos, "q")

#' Rènyi-Type Statistic CDF
#' CDF for the limiting distribution of the Rènyi-type statistic.
#' @param q Quantile input to CDF
#' @param summands Number of summands for infinite sum; if \code{NULL},
#'        automatically determined
#' @return If \eqn{Z} is the random variable following the limiting
#'         distribution, the quantity \eqn{P(Z \leq q)}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::pZn(0.1)
pZn <- function(q, summands = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(summands)) {
    if (q > 6) {
    } else if (q <= 0) {
    } else {
      # Used some rootfinding procedures to find the proper number of summands
      # to guarantee machine-level accuracy, thus yielding these numbers
      best_summands <- c(5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 32)
      summands <- best_summands[ceiling(q)]

  if (q > 100) return(1)
  sapply(q, function(x) {(4/pi * sum((-1)^(0:summands)/(2*(0:summands) + 1) *
        exp(-pi^2 * (2 * (0:summands) + 1)^2/
          (8 * x^2))))^2})
pZn <- Vectorize(pZn, "q")

#' Hidalgo-Seo Statistic CDF
#' CDF of the limiting distribution of the Hidalgo-Seo statistic
#' @param q Quantile input to CDF
#' @return If \eqn{Z} is the random variable following the limiting
#'         distribution, the quantity \eqn{P(Z \leq q)}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::phidalgo_seo(0.1)
phidalgo_seo <- function(q) {
  # Formerly called pHidalgoSeo


#' Darling-Erdös Statistic Limiting Distribution Quantile Function
#' Quantile function for the limiting distribution of the Darling-Erdös
#' statistic.
#' @param p The probability associated with the desired quantile
#' @return The quantile associated with \code{p}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::qdarling_erdos(0.5)
qdarling_erdos <- function(p) {
  # Formerly called qDarlingErdos
qdarling_erdos <- Vectorize(qdarling_erdos, "p")

#' Hidalgo-Seo Statistic Limiting Distribution Quantile Function
#' Quantile function for the limiting distribution of the Hidalgo-Seo statistic
#' @param p The probability associated with the desired quantile
#' @return A The quantile associated with \code{p}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::qhidalgo_seo(0.5)
qhidalgo_seo <- function(p) {
  # Formerly called qHidalgoSeo
  2 * qdarling_erdos(p)

#' Rènyi-Type Statistic Quantile Function
#' Quantile function for the limiting distribution of the Rènyi-type statistic.
#' This function uses \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}} for finding this quantity,
#' and many of the the accepted parameters are arguments for that function; see
#' its documentation for more details.
#' @param p Value of the CDF at the quantile
#' @param summands Number of summands for infinite sum
#' @param interval,tol,... Arguments to be passed to
#'        \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}}
#' @return The quantile associated with \code{p}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::qZn(0.5)
qZn <- function(p, summands = 500, interval = c(0, 100),
                tol = .Machine$double.eps, ...) {
  if (p == 1) return(Inf)
  if (p == 0) return(0)
  if (p < 0 | p > 1) return(NaN)
  objective <- function(q) {pZn(q, summands = summands) - p}
  # Set up arguments for uniroot()
  args <- list(...); args$tol <- tol; args$interval <- interval
  args$f <- objective
  res <- do.call(uniroot, args)

qZn <- Vectorize(qZn, "p")

#' Kolmogorov Distribution Quantile Function
#' Quantile function for the Kolmogorov distribution.
#' This function uses \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}} for finding this quantity,
#' and many of the the accepted parameters are arguments for that function; see
#' its documentation for more details.
#' @param p Value of the CDF at the quantile
#' @param summands Number of summands for infinite sum
#' @param interval,tol,... Arguments to be passed to 
#'        \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}}
#' @return The quantile associated with \code{p}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::qkolmogorov(0.5)
qkolmogorov <- function(p, summands = 500, interval = c(0, 100),
                tol = .Machine$double.eps, ...) {
  if (p == 1) return(Inf)
  if (p == 0) return(0)
  if (p < 0 | p > 1) return(NaN)
  objective <- function(q) {pkolmogorov(q, summands = summands) - p}
  # Set up arguments for uniroot()
  args <- list(...); args$tol <- tol; args$interval <- interval
  args$f <- objective
  res <- do.call(uniroot, args)

qkolmogorov <- Vectorize(qkolmogorov, "p")


#' Rènyi-Type Statistic Simulation (Assuming Variance)
#' Simulates multiple realizations of the Rènyi-type statistic when the long-run
#' variance of the data is known.
#' @param size Number of realizations to simulate
#' @param kn A function returning a positive integer that is used in the
#'           definition of the Rènyi-type statistic effectively setting the
#'           bounds over which the maximum is taken
#' @param n The sample size for each realization
#' @param gen_func The function generating the random sample from which the
#'                 statistic is computed
#' @param args A list of arguments to be passed to \code{gen_func}
#' @param sd The square root of the second moment of the data
#' @return A vector of simulated realizations of the Rènyi-type statistic
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::sim_Zn(100, kn = function(n) {floor(log(n))})
#' CPAT:::sim_Zn(100, kn = function(n) {floor(log(n))},
#'               gen_func = CPAT:::rchangepoint, args = list(changepoint = 250,
#'                                                           mean2 = 1))
sim_Zn <- function(size, kn, n = 500, gen_func = rnorm, args = NULL, sd = 1) {
  # Formerly called simZn
  Zn_realization <- function() {
    # Generate data set
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, list(n = n))
    } else {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, c(list(n = n), args))

    max(sapply(floor(kn(n)):(n - floor(kn(n))), function(k)
          abs(1/k*sum(dataset[1:k]) -

  sqrt(kn(n))/sd * sapply(1:size, function(throwaway) Zn_realization())

#' CUSUM Statistic Simulation (Assuming Variance)
#' Simulates multiple realizations of the CUSUM statistic when the long-run
#' variance of the data is known.
#' @param size Number of realizations to simulate
#' @param n The sample size for each realization
#' @param gen_func The function generating the random sample from which the
#'                 statistic is computed
#' @param sd The square root of the second moment of the data
#' @param args A list of arguments to be passed to \code{gen_func}
#' @return A vector of simulated realizations of the CUSUM statistic
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::sim_Vn(100)
#' CPAT:::sim_Vn(100, gen_func = CPAT:::rchangepoint,
#'               args = list(changepoint = 250, mean2 = 1))
sim_Vn <- function(size, n = 500, gen_func = rnorm, sd = 1, args = NULL) {
  # Formerly called simVn
  Vn_realization <- function() {
    # Generate data set
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, list(n = n))
    } else {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, c(list(n = n),

    dataset_mean <- mean(dataset)
    max(sapply(1:n, function(k) abs(sum(dataset[1:k]) - k * dataset_mean)))

  (1/(sd*sqrt(n))) * sapply(1:size, function(throwaway) Vn_realization())

#' CUSUM Statistic Simulation
#' Simulates multiple realizations of the CUSUM statistic.
#' This differs from \code{sim_Vn()} in that the long-run variance is estimated
#' with this function, while \code{sim_Vn()} assumes the long-run variance is
#' known. Estimation can be done in a variety of ways. If \code{use_kernel_var}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}, long-run variance estimation using kernel-based
#' techniques will be employed; otherwise, a technique resembling standard
#' variance estimation will be employed. Any technique employed, though, will
#' account for the potential break points, as described in
#' \insertCite{horvathricemiller19;textual}{CPAT}. See the documentation for
#' \code{\link{stat_Vn}} for more details.
#' The parameters \code{kernel} and \code{bandwidth} control parameters for
#' long-run variance estimation using kernel methods. These parameters will be
#' passed directly to \code{\link{stat_Vn}}.
#' Versions of the CUSUM statistic, such as the weighted or trimmed statistics,
#' can be simulated with the function by passing values to \code{kn} and
#' \code{tau}; again, see the documentation for \code{\link{stat_Vn}}.
#' @param size Number of realizations to simulate
#' @param kn A function returning a positive integer that is used in the
#'           definition of the trimmed CUSUSM statistic effectively setting the
#'           bounds over which the maximum is taken
#' @param tau The weighting parameter for the weighted CUSUM statistic (defaults
#'            to zero for no weighting)
#' @param use_kernel_var Set to \code{TRUE} to use kernel-based long-run
#'                       variance estimation (\code{FALSE} means this is not
#'                       employed)
#' @param kernel If character, the identifier of the kernel function as used in
#'               the \pkg{cointReg} (see documentation for
#'               \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if function, the kernel
#'               function to be used for long-run variance estimation (default
#'               is the Bartlett kernel in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter
#'               has no effect if \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param bandwidth If character, the identifier of how to compute the bandwidth
#'                  as defined in the \pkg{cointReg} package (see
#'                  documentation for \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if
#'                  function, a function to use for computing the bandwidth; if
#'                  numeric, the bandwidth to use (the default behavior is to
#'                  use the method described in \insertCite{andrews91b}{CPAT},
#'                  as used in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter has no effect if
#'                  \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param n The sample size for each realization
#' @param gen_func The function generating the random sample from which the
#'                 statistic is computed
#' @param args A list of arguments to be passed to \code{gen_func}
#' @param parallel Whether to use the \pkg{foreach} and \pkg{doParallel}
#'                 packages to parallelize simulation (which needs to be
#'                 initialized in the global namespace before use)
#' @return A vector of simulated realizations of the CUSUM statistic
#' @references
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::sim_Vn_stat(100)
#' CPAT:::sim_Vn_stat(100, kn = function(n) {floor(0.1 * n)}, tau = 1/3,
#'                    use_kernel_var = TRUE, gen_func = CPAT:::rchangepoint,
#'                    args = list(changepoint = 250, mean2 = 1))
sim_Vn_stat <- function(size, kn = function(n) {1}, tau = 0,
                        use_kernel_var = FALSE, kernel = "ba",
                        bandwidth = "and", n = 500, gen_func = rnorm,
                        args = NULL, parallel = FALSE) {
  # Formerly called simVnStat
  Vn_realization <- function() {
    # Generate data set
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, list(n = n))
    } else {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, c(list(n = n),

    stat_Vn(dataset, kn = kn, tau = tau, use_kernel_var = use_kernel_var,
      kernel = kernel, bandwidth = bandwidth)
    # The following should be equivalent (yet slow) R code
    #n = length(dataset)
    #dataset_mean = mean(dataset)
    #  1:n, function(k)
    #    abs(sum(dataset[1:k]) -
    #          k*dataset_mean)/sqrt((sum((dataset[1:k] -
    #           mean(dataset[1:k]))^2)+sum((dataset[(k+1):n] -
    #           mean(dataset[(k+1):n]))^2))/n)))/sqrt(n))

  has_parallel <- requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE) &&
                  requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)
  if (parallel & !has_parallel) {
    warning("Either foreach or doParallel is not available; defaulting" %s%
            "to non-parallel implementation")
    parallel <- FALSE
  } else {
    times <- foreach::times
    `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  if (parallel) {
    foreach::foreach(i = 1:size, .combine = 'c') %dopar% Vn_realization()
  } else {
    sapply(1:size, function(throwaway) Vn_realization())

#' Rènyi-Type Statistic Simulation
#' Simulates multiple realizations of the Rènyi-type statistic.
#' This differs from \code{sim_Zn()} in that the long-run variance is estimated
#' with this function, while \code{sim_Zn()} assumes the long-run variance is
#' known. Estimation can be done in a variety of ways. If \code{use_kernel_var}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}, long-run variance estimation using kernel-based
#' techniques will be employed; otherwise, a technique resembling standard
#' variance estimation will be employed. Any technique employed, though, will
#' account for the potential break points, as described in
#' \insertCite{horvathricemiller19;textual}{CPAT}. See the documentation for
#' \code{\link{stat_Zn}} for more details.
#' The parameters \code{kernel} and \code{bandwidth} control parameters for
#' long-run variance estimation using kernel methods. These parameters will be
#' passed directly to \code{\link{stat_Zn}}.
#' @param size Number of realizations to simulate
#' @param kn A function returning a positive integer that is used in the
#'           definition of the Rènyi-type statistic effectively setting the
#'           bounds over which the maximum is taken
#' @param use_kernel_var Set to \code{TRUE} to use kernel-based long-run
#'                       variance estimation (\code{FALSE} means this is not
#'                       employed)
#' @param kernel If character, the identifier of the kernel function as used in
#'               the \pkg{cointReg} (see documentation for
#'               \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if function, the kernel
#'               function to be used for long-run variance estimation (default
#'               is the Bartlett kernel in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter
#'               has no effect if \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param bandwidth If character, the identifier of how to compute the bandwidth
#'                  as defined in the \pkg{cointReg} package (see
#'                  documentation for \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if
#'                  function, a function to use for computing the bandwidth; if
#'                  numeric, the bandwidth to use (the default behavior is to
#'                  use the \insertCite{andrews91b;textual}{CPAT} method, as
#'                  used in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter has no effect if
#'                  \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param n The sample size for each realization
#' @param gen_func The function generating the random sample from which the
#'                 statistic is computed
#' @param args A list of arguments to be passed to \code{gen_func}
#' @param parallel Whether to use the \pkg{foreach} and \pkg{doParallel}
#'                 packages to parallelize simulation (which needs to be
#'                 initialized in the global namespace before use)
#' @return A vector of simulated realizations of the Rènyi-type statistic
#' @references
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::sim_Zn_stat(100)
#' CPAT:::sim_Zn_stat(100, kn = function(n) {floor(log(n))},
#'             use_kernel_var = TRUE, gen_func = CPAT:::rchangepoint,
#'             args = list(changepoint = 250, mean2 = 1))
sim_Zn_stat <- function(size, kn = function(n) {floor(sqrt(n))},
                        use_kernel_var = FALSE, kernel = "ba",
                        bandwidth = "and", n = 500, gen_func = rnorm,
                        args = NULL, parallel = FALSE) {
  # Formerly called simZnStat
  Zn_realization <- function() {
    # Generate data set
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, list(n = n))
    } else {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, c(list(n = n),
    stat_Zn(dataset, kn, use_kernel_var = use_kernel_var,
      kernel = kernel, bandwidth = bandwidth)

  has_parallel <- requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE) &&
                  requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)
  if (parallel & !has_parallel) {
    warning("Either foreach or doParallel is not available; defaulting" %s%
            "to non-parallel implementation")
    parallel <- FALSE
  } else {
    times <- foreach::times
    `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  if (parallel) {
    foreach::foreach(i = 1:size, .combine = 'c') %dopar% Zn_realization()
  } else {
    sapply(1:size, function(throwaway) Zn_realization())

#' Darling-Erdös Statistic Simulation
#' Simulates multiple realizations of the Darling-Erdös statistic.
#' If \code{use_kernel_var} is set to \code{TRUE}, long-run variance estimation
#' using kernel-based techniques will be employed; otherwise, a technique
#' resembling standard variance estimation will be employed. Any technique
#' employed, though, will account for the potential break points, as described
#' in \insertCite{horvathricemiller19;textual}{CPAT}. See the documentation for
#' \code{\link{stat_de}} for more details.
#' The parameters \code{kernel} and \code{bandwidth} control parameters for
#' long-run variance estimation using kernel methods. These parameters will be
#' passed directly to \code{\link{stat_de}}.
#' @param size Number of realizations to simulate
#' @param a The function that will be composed wit
#'          \eqn{l(x) = (2 \log(x))^{1/2}}
#' @param b The function that will be composed with
#'          \eqn{u(x) = 2 \log(x) + \frac{1}{2} \log(\log(x)) -
#'          \frac{1}{2}\log(pi)}
#' @param use_kernel_var Set to \code{TRUE} to use kernel-based long-run
#'                       variance estimation (\code{FALSE} means this is not
#'                       employed)
#' @param kernel If character, the identifier of the kernel function as used in
#'               the \pkg{cointReg} (see documentation for
#'               \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if function, the kernel
#'               function to be used for long-run variance estimation (default
#'               is the Bartlett kernel in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter
#'               has no effect if \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param bandwidth If character, the identifier of how to compute the bandwidth
#'                  as defined in the \pkg{cointReg} package (see
#'                  documentation for \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if
#'                  function, a function to use for computing the bandwidth; if
#'                  numeric, the bandwidth to use (the default behavior is to
#'                  use the \insertCite{andrews91b;textual}{CPAT} method, as
#'                  used in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter has no effect if
#'                  \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param n The sample size for each realization
#' @param gen_func The function generating the random sample from which the
#'                 statistic is computed
#' @param args A list of arguments to be passed to \code{gen_func}
#' @param parallel Whether to use the \pkg{foreach} and \pkg{doParallel}
#'                 packages to parallelize simulation (which needs to be
#'                 initialized in the global namespace before use)
#' @return A vector of simulated realizations of the Darling-Erdös statistic
#' @references
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::sim_de_stat(100)
#' CPAT:::sim_de_stat(100, use_kernel_var = TRUE,
#'                    gen_func = CPAT:::rchangepoint,
#'                    args = list(changepoint = 250, mean2 = 1))
sim_de_stat <- function(size, a = log, b = log, use_kernel_var = FALSE,
                        kernel = "ba", bandwidth = "and", n = 500,
                        gen_func = rnorm, args = NULL, parallel = FALSE) {
  # Formerly called simDEStat
  de_realization <- function() {
    # Generate data set
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, list(n = n))
    } else {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, c(list(n = n), args))

    stat_de(dataset, a = a, b = b, use_kernel_var = use_kernel_var,
      kernel = kernel, bandwidth = bandwidth)

  has_parallel <- requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE) &&
                  requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)
  if (parallel & !has_parallel) {
    warning("Either foreach or doParallel is not available; defaulting" %s%
            "to non-parallel implementation")
    parallel <- FALSE
  } else {
    times <- foreach::times
    `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  if (parallel) {
    foreach::foreach(i = 1:size, .combine = 'c') %dopar% de_realization()
  } else {
    sapply(1:size, function(throwaway) de_realization())

#' Hidalgo-Seo Statistic Simulation
#' Simulates multiple realizations of the Hidalgo-Seo statistic.
#' If \code{corr} is \code{TRUE}, then the residuals of the data-generating
#' process are assumed to be correlated and the test accounts for this in
#' long-run variance estimation; see the documentation for \code{\link{stat_hs}}
#' for more details. Otherwise, the sample variance is the estimate for the
#' long-run variance, as described in \insertCite{hidalgoseo13;textual}{CPAT}.
#' @param size Number of realizations to simulate
#' @param corr Whether long-run variance should be computed under the assumption
#'             of correlated residuals
#' @param use_kernel_var Set to \code{TRUE} to use kernel-based long-run
#'                       variance estimation (\code{FALSE} means this is not
#'                       employed); \emph{TODO: NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED}
#' @param kernel If character, the identifier of the kernel function as used in
#'               the \pkg{cointReg} (see documentation for
#'               \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if function, the kernel
#'               function to be used for long-run variance estimation (default
#'               is the Bartlett kernel in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter
#'               has no effect if \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE};
#'               \emph{TODO: NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED}
#' @param bandwidth If character, the identifier of how to compute the bandwidth
#'                  as defined in the \pkg{cointReg} package (see
#'                  documentation for \code{cointReg::getLongRunVar}); if
#'                  function, a function to use for computing the bandwidth; if
#'                  numeric, the bandwidth to use (the default behavior is to
#'                  use the \insertCite{andrews91b;textual}{CPAT} method, as
#'                  used in \pkg{cointReg}); this parameter has no effect if
#'                  \code{use_kernel_var} is \code{FALSE}; \emph{TODO: NOT
#'                  CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED}
#' @param n The sample size for each realization
#' @param gen_func The function generating the random sample from which the
#'                 statistic is computed
#' @param args A list of arguments to be passed to \code{gen_func}
#' @param parallel Whether to use the \pkg{foreach} and \pkg{doParallel}
#'                 packages to parallelize simulation (which needs to be
#'                 initialized in the global namespace before use)
#' @return A vector of simulated realizations of the Hidalgo-Seo statistic
#' @references
#'  \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::sim_hs_stat(100)
#' CPAT:::sim_hs_stat(100, gen_func = CPAT:::rchangepoint, 
#'                    args = list(changepoint = 250, mean2 = 1))
sim_hs_stat <- function(size, corr = TRUE, gen_func = rnorm, args = NULL,
                        n = 500, parallel = FALSE, use_kernel_var = FALSE,
                        kernel = "ba", bandwidth = "and") {
  # Formerly known as simHSStat
  hs_realization <- function() {
    # Generate data set
    if (!is.list(args)) {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, list(n = n))
    } else {
      dataset <- do.call(gen_func, c(list(n = n),

    stat_hs(dataset, corr = corr)

  has_parallel <- requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE) &&
                  requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)
  if (parallel & !has_parallel) {
    warning("Either foreach or doParallel is not available; defaulting" %s%
            "to non-parallel implementation")
    parallel <- FALSE
  } else {
    times <- foreach::times
    `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  if (parallel) {
    foreach::foreach(i = 1:size, .combine = 'c') %dopar% hs_realization()
  } else {
    sapply(1:size, function(throwaway) hs_realization())

#' Simulate Univariate Data With a Single Change Point
#' This function simulates univariate data with a structural change.
#' This function generates artificial change point data, where up to the
#' specified change point the data has one mean, and after the point it has a
#' different mean. By default, the function simulates standard Normal data with
#' no change. If \code{changepoint} is \code{NULL}, then by default the change
#' point will be at about the middle of the data.
#' @param n An integer for the data set's sample size
#' @param changepoint An integer for where the change point occurs
#' @param mean1 The mean prior to the change point
#' @param mean2 The mean after the change point
#' @param dist The function with which random data will be generated
#' @param meanparam A string for the parameter in \code{dist} representing the
#'                  mean
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to dist
#' @return A vector of the simulated data
#' @examples
#' CPAT:::rchangepoint(500)
#' CPAT:::rchangepoint(500, changepoint = 10, mean2 = 2, sd = 2)
#' CPAT:::rchangepoint(500, changepoint = 250, dist = rexp, meanparam = "rate",
#'                     mean1 = 1, mean2 = 2)
rchangepoint <- function(n, changepoint = NULL, mean1 = 0, mean2 = 0,
                         dist = rnorm, meanparam = "mean", ...) {
  if (is.null(changepoint)) {
    changepoint <- ceiling(n/2)
  } else if (!is.integer(changepoint)) {
    changepoint <- round(changepoint)

  # Arguments to be passed to dist prior to changepoint
  distargs_pre <- list(...)
  distargs_pre$n <- changepoint
  distargs_pre[[meanparam]] <- mean1

  # Arguments to be passed to dist after changepoint
  distargs_post <- list(...)
  distargs_post$n <- n - changepoint
  distargs_post[[meanparam]] <- mean2

  # Get and return data
  datavec1 <- do.call(dist, distargs_pre)
  datavec2 <- do.call(dist, distargs_post)

  c(datavec1, datavec2)

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CPAT documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:51 p.m.