
Defines functions sapphire_plot

Documented in sapphire_plot

#' @title Sapphire plot - plotting annotation and progrex index
#' @description
#'      \code{sapphire_plot} is able to generate a sapphire plot using the progrex index file (e.g. \code{"REPIX_000000000001.dat"})
#'      generated by \code{\link{gen_annotation}}.
#' @param sap_file Annotated progrex index file. This can be left unused if \code{sap_table} is used instead. 
#' This input must be the file output of \code{gen_annotation}.
#' @param sap_table Annotated progrex index table. As for \code{sap_file} it can be left unused if the other input is used. 
#' Also in this case the format of the table must be the file output of \code{gen_annotation}.
#' @param write A logical indicating whether to write the plot to file.
#' @param folderPlot A character string that defines the folder in which save the plots (\code{write} argument must be \code{TRUE}).
#' @param timeline A logical indicating whether add a timeline annotation (with the original order) on the bottom of the plot.
#' @param local_cut A logical that, if \code{TRUE} plots the local cut annotation function (see \code{gen_annotation}).
#' @param ann_trace This argument can be set to logical, an integer or a matrix of integers. If logical, the annotation will be a horizontal thick line
#' that follows a split in half of the original timeline. If only an integer have been inserted the time line will be split in that number of splits. 
#' Instead if a matrix have been inserted it will be a plotted as it is on the top of the plot mapping the range of numbers in order to 
#' produce a gray scale horizontal annotation.
#' @param ann_trace_ret If \code{TRUE} the annotation vector is returned.
#' @param background_height Defines the height on which to put the annotation (integer between 1 and 14).
#' @param ann_names_L Vector of characther strings indicating, from top on the left, the names of the annotation horizontal bars.
#' @param ann_names_R Vector of characther strings indicating, from top on the right, the names of the annotation horizontal bars.
#' @param title Title of the plot
#' @details For details, please refer to the main documentation of the original campari software \url{http://campari.sourceforge.net/documentation.html}.
#' @return If \code{ann_trace_ret} is active it will return the annotation trace used for the plot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{mst_from_trj}}, \code{\link{gen_progindex}}, \code{\link{gen_annotation}}.
#' @examples 
#' adjl <- mst_from_trj(trj = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10))
#' ret<-gen_progindex(adjl = adjl)
#' gen_annotation(ret_data = ret, local_cut_width = 10)
#' \dontrun{
#' zap_ggplot("REPIX_000000000001.dat")
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off jpeg
#' @importFrom graphics hist plot 
#' @export sapphire_plot
#' @import ggplot2
sapphire_plot<-function(sap_file = NULL, sap_table = NULL, write = F, folderPlot = "plots/", 
                        timeline = T, local_cut = T,
                        ann_trace = F, ann_trace_ret = F, background_height = NULL, 
                        ann_names_L = NULL,ann_names_R = NULL,
                        title = "no title"){
  # check on title
  if(!is.character(title)) stop("title var must be a string")
  # check on output folder
  if(file.exists(folderPlot)&&write) print(paste0(folderPlot," already exixts. Posting plots there."))
  else if(write){
    cat(paste0(folderPlot," created in order to contain my plots."))
  # loading data - sapphire table
  if(is.null(sap_table)&&!is.null(sap_file)) pin <- read.table(sap_file)
  else if(is.null(sap_file)&&!is.null(sap_table)) pin <- sap_table
  else stop("Sapphire table needed in input. Check the documentation")
  dp <- dim(pin)
  ann_tr <- array("NA",dim = dp[1])
    nrow_an_tr <- nrow(ann_trace)
  else if(length(ann_trace)!=dp[1])
    nrow_an_tr <- 1
    nrow_an_tr <- NULL
  #checking the trace input
    stop("The annotation trace must be eighter a number vector (or matrix) with length = input trj eighter
         a single value (1-10,T/F). ") 

  if(!is.null(ann_trace)&&!is.logical(ann_trace)&&(any(!sapply(ann_trace,is.numeric)) ||
     max(ann_trace)>10)) stop("For manual insertion of the trace use numbers 1-10 for each value (also more than one row)")
  if(!is.null(nrow_an_tr)) max_an_tr <- max(ann_trace)
#Main ann_trace constructor
    message("Annotation trace not selected (or 2). It will be considered bepartite along the timeline.")
    cat("Half random mode selected for the trace annotation. First half will be light grey")
    ann_tr[pin[,3]>=dp[1]/2 & ann_tr == "NA"]<-"gray75"
    ann_tr[pin[,3] < dp[1]/2 & ann_tr == "NA"] <- "gray30"
    nrow_an_tr <- 1
  }else if(is.numeric(ann_trace)&&length(ann_trace)==1){ 
    message("Only 10 shades of grey are possible for the 'number' option of ann_trace.
            If you inserted more than 10 it will be truncated. Please consider manual color insertion.")
    if(ann_trace>10) ann_trace = 10
    ann_tr[pin[,3]<dp[1]/ann_trace] <- "gray1"
    for(i in 1:(ann_trace-1)) ann_tr[pin[,3]<dp[1]*(i+1)/ann_trace 
                                 & pin[,3]>=dp[1]*(i)/ann_trace 
                                 & ann_tr == "NA"] <- paste0("gray",floor(100/ann_trace)*i)
    nrow_an_tr <- 1
  }else if(nrow_an_tr==1){
    ann_tr <- sapply(ann_trace,FUN = function(x){
  }else if(nrow_an_tr>1){
    ann_tr <- array("NA", dim = dim(ann_trace))
    for(i in 1:nrow_an_tr){
      ann_tr[i,] <- sapply(ann_trace[i,],FUN = function(x){
  }else if(!ann_trace){
    warning("ann_trace = F silenced the annotation trace.")
      stop("check the input of ann_trace or read the documentation. It is neither a number nor a color array")

  # Set range of x and y values for the plot:
  xx = seq(from=1, by=1, to=Nsnap)
  ymin = 0
  ymax = -log(pin[,4]/Nsnap)
  ymax = ymax[!is.infinite(ymax)&!is.na(ymax)]
  ymax = max(ymax)
  # initial creation of the plot
  gg <- ggplot(data = pin, mapping = aes(x = xx, y = -log((pin[,4]/Nsnap)))) +
    xlab("Progress Index") + ylab("Annotation") 
    # theme_bw() +
    # theme(panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour="gray80"))
  #Trace height from the top. This is the 0-16 parts out of ymax
      warning("Inserted background height too small or too big.")
      background_height <- 12
    tr_init <- background_height
      main_col <- "dodgerblue"  
  }else if(!is.null(background_height)&&is.character(background_height)&&background_height=="full"){
      tr_init <- 4
      tr_init <- 0
    main_col <- "dodgerblue"
    tr_init <- 12
  # plotting the trace and the timeline
    gg <- gg + geom_segment(aes(xx, y = rep(ymax*3/4,length(xx)),
                                xend = xx, yend = rep(ymax*3/4+ymax/8, length(xx))),
                            col = ann_tr)
  } else if(!is.logical(ann_trace)){
    for(i in 0:(nrow_an_tr-1))
      gg <- gg + geom_segment(x=xx, y = rep(ymax*((tr_init+((i*(16-tr_init))/nrow_an_tr))/16),length(xx)),
                                  xend = xx, yend = rep(ymax*((tr_init+(((i+1)*(16-tr_init))/nrow_an_tr))/16), length(xx)), 
                              col = ann_tr[(i+1),])
  # annotation names LEFT
    for(i in 0:(nrow_an_tr-1))
      gg <- gg + annotate("text",x = -(length(xx)/24)*nchar(ann_names_L[i+1])/2, 
                          y = ymax*((tr_init + (((i+0.5)*(16-tr_init))/nrow_an_tr))/16), label = ann_names_L[i+1])
  }else if(!is.null(ann_names_L)){
    stop('The annotation names have not been inserted correctly')
  # annotation names RIGHT
    for(i in 0:(nrow_an_tr-1))
      gg <- gg + annotate("text",x = length(xx)+(length(xx)/24)*nchar(ann_names_R[i+1])/2, 
                          y = ymax*((tr_init + (((i+0.5)*(16-tr_init))/nrow_an_tr))/16), label = ann_names_R[i+1])
  }else if(!is.null(ann_names_R)){
    stop('The annotation names have not been inserted correctly')
  #timeline at the bottom
  if(timeline&&!is.logical(ann_trace)&&nrow_an_tr==1) {
    gg <- gg + geom_point(aes(x=xx,y=(pin[,3]*1.0*ymax*1/5)/dp[1]-1/10),col=ann_tr,size=0.01)
    }else if(timeline&&!is.logical(ann_trace)){
      gg <- gg + geom_point(aes(x=xx,y=(pin[,3]*1.0*ymax*1/5)/dp[1]-1/10),col=rep("black",length(xx)),size=0.01)
  #basic annotation
  gg <- gg + geom_line(color=main_col,size=0.2)
  #local cut
  if(local_cut) gg <- gg + geom_point(mapping = aes(x=xx,y=2.5 - (1./3.)*log((pin[,10] + pin[,12]) / Nsnap)), 
                                      color="red3", size=0.1)
#   #basin call
#   if(basin_call) gg <- gg + 
#     geom_text(data = data.frame(), aes(Nsnap/4, ymax-1*ymax/14, label = "Basin 1")) +
#     geom_text(data = data.frame(), aes(Nsnap*3/4, ymax-1*ymax/14, label = "Basin 2"))
#   # p + annotate("rect", xmin = 3, xmax = 4.2, ymin = 12, ymax = 21,
  #              alpha = .2)
  # if(!is.null(subtitle)&&is.character(subtitle))
  #   gg <- gg + ggtitle(bquote(atop(.(title), atop(italic(.(subtitle)), "")))) 
  # else
  gg <- gg + ggtitle(title)
  if(!write) {
    jpeg_file <- 'rplot.jpg'
    jpeg_file_tm <- 0
        jpeg_file_tm <- jpeg_file_tm + 1
        jpeg_file <- paste0('rplot',jpeg_file_tm,".jpg")
    jpeg(paste0(folderPlot,"/",jpeg_file),width = 1200, height = 900)
  if(ann_trace_ret) invisible(ann_tr)

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CampaR1 documentation built on May 30, 2017, 2:51 a.m.