
Defines functions MeanBE MedianBE EkfBE

Documented in EkfBE MeanBE MedianBE

#' Correction vector estimation
#' @description Batch effect estimation using an extended Kalman filter
#' @param refBatch Reference batch.
#' @param queBatch Query batch.
#' @param pairs A numerical matrix containing MNNs pairs cell indexes. First column corresponds to query batch cells.
#' @param sampling Sample MNNs pairs.
#' @param numSamples If sampling, number of MNNs pairs samples to use on the estimation process.
#' @param verbose Print output.
#' @return A list containing the estimated correction vector and the estimation data.
#' The length of the correction vector is equal to the number of genes.
#' @details The input batches must have the same number of genes. The model used on the estimation has the form of g_ref = g_que + be, where
#' the batch effect is represented as a value added to the reference gene expression, causing a linear deviation between the reference and
#' the query batches.
EkfBE <- function(refBatch, queBatch, pairs, sampling = FALSE, numSamples = NULL, verbose = FALSE){

  Epochs <- 1
  Pairs_Dim <- dim(pairs)
  Num_Pairs <- Pairs_Dim[1]
  B2_Dim <- dim(queBatch)
  B2_NumCells <- B2_Dim[2]
  Num_genes <- B2_Dim[1]
  Progress <- Num_genes/10
  Progress <- floor(Progress)
  Min_Samples <- 300

  if(Num_Pairs < 20){
    sampling <- FALSE
    warning('\nWarning: Low number of pairs', call. = TRUE)

  #Set number of samples
  if( is.null(numSamples) ){
      if(Num_Pairs > Min_Samples){
        numSamples <- round(Num_Pairs*0.2)
        numSamples <- Min_Samples
      numSamples <- Num_Pairs

  if(Num_Pairs < numSamples){
    Epochs <- ceiling(numSamples/Num_Pairs)
    sampling <- FALSE
    warning('\nWarning: Number of pairs is lower than number of samples', call. = TRUE)

      cat(paste( "\n\tNumber of epochs: ", Epochs ))

  if (sampling) {
    Samples <- sample(c(1:Num_Pairs),size = numSamples, replace = FALSE)
    Samples <- matrix(c(pairs[Samples,1], pairs[Samples,2] ), nrow = numSamples)
    colnames(Samples) <- colnames(pairs)
  } else {
    numSamples <- Num_Pairs
    Samples <- pairs

    cat(paste( '\n\tNumber of pairs used for the estimation:', numSamples ))

  numSamples_Epoch <- numSamples*Epochs
  Q <- 25
  R <- 100
  # Q <- 2
  # R <- 5
  Correction_Vector <- rep(0,Num_genes)

  S <- rep(0, Num_genes)
  K <- rep(0, Num_genes)
  w <- matrix(0, nrow = Num_genes, ncol = numSamples_Epoch)
  P <- matrix(0, nrow = Num_genes, ncol = numSamples_Epoch)
  x <- matrix(0, nrow = Num_genes, ncol = numSamples_Epoch)
  xs <- matrix(0, nrow = Num_genes, ncol = numSamples_Epoch)

  # P[, 1] <- 10
  P[, 1] <- 100
  Index_Epoch <- 2

  #Estimation using Extendend Kalman Filter over the samples
  for (ep in 1:Epochs){

    if(ep == 1){
      Index_Vector <- c(2:numSamples)
      Index_Vector <- c(1:numSamples)

     for (k in Index_Vector) {

      x[, Index_Epoch] = refBatch[, Samples[k,2]]
      # Prediction
      xs[, Index_Epoch] = queBatch[, Samples[k,1]] + w[, Index_Epoch-1]
      Error <- x[, Index_Epoch] - xs[, Index_Epoch]
      #Kalman Gain
      S <- P[, Index_Epoch-1] + R
      K <- Gain*P[, Index_Epoch-1]*(1/S)
      #Model Update
      w[, Index_Epoch]<- w[, Index_Epoch-1] + K*Error
      P[, Index_Epoch] <- P[, Index_Epoch-1]-K*P[, Index_Epoch-1]+Q

      Index_Epoch <- Index_Epoch + 1



    Correction_Vector = rowMeans(w)

  Estimation_Data <- list("Correction Vector" = Correction_Vector, "Sampled Pairs" = Samples)


#' Correction vector estimation
#' @description Batch effect estimation using the MNNs pairs.
#' @param refBatch Reference batch.
#' @param queBatch Query batch.
#' @param pairs A numerical matrix containing MNNs pairs cell indexes. First column corresponds to query batch cells.
#' @return A list containing the estimated correction vector and the estimation data.
#' The length of the correction vector is equal to the number of genes.
#' @details The input batches must have the same number of genes. The model used on the estimation has the form of g_ref = g_que + be, where
#' the batch effect is represented as a value added to the reference gene expression. The batch effect is estimated as
#' the median of the gene expression difference among the reference and the query batch, e.g. Median(g_ref - g_que).
MedianBE <- function(refBatch, queBatch, pairs) {

  # Model -> g_ref = g_que + be
  # be -> g_ref - g_que

  #Get pairs index
  pQue <- pairs[,1]
  pRef <- pairs[,2]

  pRef <- refBatch[,pRef]
  pQue <- queBatch[,pQue]

  be <- pRef-pQue

  return(list("Correction Vector" = rowMedians(be), "Sampled Pairs" = NULL))

#' MeanBE
#' @description Batch effect estimation using the MNNs pairs.
#' @param refBatch Reference batch.
#' @param queBatch Query batch.
#' @param pairs A numerical matrix containing MNNs pairs cell indexes. First column corresponds to query batch cells.
#' @return A list containing the estimated correction vector and the estimation data.
#' The length of the correction vector is equal to the number of genes.
#' @details The input batches must have the same number of genes. The model used on the estimation has the form of g_ref = g_que + be, where
#' the batch effect is represented as a value added to the reference gene expression. The batch effect is estimated as
#' the median of the gene expression difference among the reference and the query batch, e.g. Median(g_ref - g_que).
MeanBE <- function(refBatch, queBatch, pairs) {
  # Get pairs.
  pQue <- pairs[, 1]
  pRef <- pairs[, 2]

  # Get cells.
  pRef <- refBatch[, pRef]
  pQue <- queBatch[, pQue]

  be <- pRef - pQue

  return(list("Correction Vector" = rowMeans(be), "Sampled Pairs" = NULL))

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Canek documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 1:06 a.m.