
Defines functions set_parmap get_parmap data_to_data make_parmap

Documented in data_to_data get_parmap make_parmap set_parmap

#' Make parmap: a matrix mapping from parameters to data types
#' Generates a matrix with a row per parameter and a column per data type.
#'@inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#' @return A matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_parmap(model = make_model('X->Y'))
#' make_parmap(model = make_model('X->Y; X<->Y'))
#' make_parmap(model = make_model('X->Y; X<->Y')) %>% attr("map")
#' make_parmap(model = make_model('X -> M -> Y; X <-> Y'))
#' make_parmap(model = make_model('X -> M -> Y; M <-> Y'))
#' model <- make_model('X -> M -> Y; M <-> Y; X <-> M')
#' make_parmap(model)
#' make_parmap(model) %>% attr("map")
#' # Any ways (without paths splits)
#' make_parmap(model) %*% (make_parmap(model) %>% attr("map"))
#' \dontrun{
#' # X1 and X2 are confounded and jointly determine Y1, Y2.
#' # For instance for models in which X and Y take on four values rather than 2.
#' model <- make_model("Y2 <- X1 -> Y1; Y2 <- X2 ->Y1; X1 <-> X2; Y1 <-> Y2")
#' data <- CausalQueries:::minimal_event_data(model)
#' check <- CausalQueries:::prep_stan_data(model, data, keep_transformed = TRUE)
#' check$n_params
#' a <- update_model(model)
#' make_parmap(model) %>% dim
#' }

make_parmap <- function(model, A = NULL, P = NULL){

    d <- NULL

    if(is.null(A)) A <- get_ambiguities_matrix(model)
    if(is.null(P)) P <- get_parameter_matrix(model)

    if(!grepl("<->", model$statement)){
        type_matrix <- 1*((as.matrix(P)%*%as.matrix(A))>0)
        map <- diag(ncol(type_matrix))
        rownames(map) <- colnames(map) <- colnames(A)
        attr(type_matrix, "map") <- map

    # If confounding parmap has to split according to
    # distinct conditioning paths
    data_names <- colnames(A)[A%*%(1:ncol(A))]
    type <-
        apply(P, 2, function(j)
            paste(model$parameters_df$given[j==1], collapse = " "))

    .type_matrix <- t(P) %>%
        data.frame() %>%
        mutate(type = type, d = data_names) %>%
        group_by(d, type) %>% summarize_all(max) %>%

    type_matrix <- .type_matrix %>% select(-d, -type) %>% t()
    colnames(type_matrix) <- .type_matrix$d

    # type_matrix <- type_matrix[,match(colnames(type_matrix), colnames(A))]

    attr(type_matrix, "map") <- data_to_data(type_matrix, A)


#' helper to generate a matrix mapping from names of M to names of A
#' @param M a matrix
#' @param A a matrix
#' @return a matrix
#' @keywords internal
data_to_data <- function(M, A){
    dnames <- colnames(A)
    out <- sapply(colnames(M), function(j) dnames %in% j )*1
    rownames(out) <- dnames
    out %>% t

#' Get parmap: a matrix mapping from parameters to data types
#' Gets parmap from a model, or generates if not available.
#'@inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#' @return A matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_parmap(model = make_model('X->Y'))
get_parmap <- function(model, A = NULL, P = NULL){
    if(!is.null(model$parmap)) return(model$parmap)
    make_parmap(model, A, P)

#' Set parmap: a matrix mapping from parameters to data types
#' Generates and adds parmap to a model
#'@inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#' @return A matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_parmap(model = make_model('X->Y'))
set_parmap <- function(model) {
    model$parmap <- make_parmap(model)

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CausalQueries documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 1:06 a.m.