
Defines functions check4Gaps

Documented in check4Gaps

#' Check for Discontinuities (Gaps) in a Vector & Optionally Make a Plot
#' The basic procedure is to compare `x[n + 1] - x[n]` for successive values of
#' n.  When this value jumps, there is a gap which is flagged. \code{beg.indx}
#' and \code{end.indx} will always be contiguous as indices must be; it is the
#' \code{x} values that jump or have the gap.  The indices are provided as they
#' are more convenient in some programming contexts.  If not assigned, the
#' result appears at the console.
#' @param x A numeric vector to be checked for gaps.
#' @param y An optional vector of \code{y}-values which correspond to the \code{x}
#' values.  Only used in \code{ChemoSpec}.  If provided, a plot will be made
#' in the style of a \code{\link[ChemoSpec]{Spectra}} object showing the gap(s).
#' @param tol A number indicating the tolerance for checking to see if the step
#' between successive \code{x} values are the same.  Depending upon how the
#' \code{x} values are stored and rounded, you may need to change the value of
#' \code{tol} to avoid flagging trivial "gaps".  If \code{NULL}, a value is
#' chosen which is just above the median difference between \code{x} values.
#' @param silent Logical indicating a "no gap" message
#' should not be reported to the console.  Important because
#' \code{check4Gaps} is called iteratively by other functions.
#' @param \dots Other parameters to be passed to the plot routines if
#' \code{y} is provided, e.g. \code{xlim}.
#' @return A data frame giving the data chunks found, with one chunk per row.
#' Also a plot if \code{y} is provided.  In the event there are no gaps found,
#' a data frame with one row is returned.  The data frame has columns as follows:
#' \item{beg.freq }{The first frequency value in a given data chunk.}
#' \item{end.freq }{The last frequency value in a given data chunk.}
#' \item{size }{The length (in frequency units) of the data chunk.}
#' \item{beg.indx }{The index of the first frequency value in the data chunk.}
#' \item{end.indx }{The index of the last frequency value in the data chunk.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sumSpectra}} which make extensive use of this function.
#' @author `r .writeDoc_Authors("BH")`
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(0, 2 * pi, 0.1)
#' y <- sin(x)
#' remove <- c(8:11, 40:45)
#' x <- x[-remove]
#' y <- y[-remove]
#' gaps <- check4Gaps(x, tol = 0.11) # tol just larger than orig spacing
#' gaps
#' gaps <- check4Gaps(x, y, tol = 0.11) # show a plot if y given
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics lines rect
check4Gaps <- function(x, y = NULL, silent = FALSE, tol = NULL, ...) {

  # Estimate a value for tol if none given
  if (is.null(tol)) tol <- abs(median(diff(x))) * 1.2

  # Prep a data frame listing the data chunks

  len.x <- length(x)
  xdiff <- abs(diff(x))
  d1 <- x[1] # beg of data chunk by value
  d1i <- 1L # beg of data chunk by index
  d2 <- c() # end of data chunk by value
  d2i <- c() # end of data chunk by index

  # Check for gaps and build up values and indices
  # Check globally before going through value-by-value to save time
  if (any(xdiff > tol)) {
    for (i in 1:length(xdiff)) {
      if (xdiff[i] > tol) {
        d1 <- c(d1, x[i + 1])
        d1i <- c(d1i, i + 1)
        d2 <- c(d2, x[i])
        d2i <- c(d2i, i)

  # Add the last entry
  d2 <- c(d2, x[len.x])
  d2i <- c(d2i, len.x)

  DF <- data.frame(beg.freq = d1, end.freq = d2, size = NA, beg.indx = d1i, end.indx = d2i)
  DF$size <- DF$end.freq - DF$beg.freq

  # Now, plot if requested (ChemoSpec only)

  if ((nrow(DF) == 1) && (!silent)) cat("No gaps were found by check4Gaps\nNo plot will be made\n")

  if ((nrow(DF) > 1) && (!is.null(y))) {
    plot(x, y,
      type = "l", col = "black", main = "Gaps in Frequency Data",
      ylab = "", xlab = "marked regions are skipped in data set", ...
    ybottom <- min(y) - 0.1 * diff(range(y))
    ytop <- max(y) + 0.1 * diff(range(y)) # only needs to exceed plotting area to fill it
    for (n in 1:(nrow(DF) - 1)) {
      lines(x = c(DF[n, 2], DF[n + 1, 1]), y = c(y[DF[n, 5]], y[DF[n + 1, 4]]), lty = 2, col = "white")
      rect(xleft = DF[n, 2], ybottom, xright = DF[n + 1, 1], ytop, density = 15, col = "pink")


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ChemoSpecUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.